Our first admendment rights are all but gone

he was banned because he said racist comments and the players threatened a boycott.

is this story too complicated for you?

Should we move onto something like " bunnies like to hop" ?

Everyone is right, you really are stupid.

Now the free market reaction is players threat to boycott? Idiot

boycott, sponsors pull support, People stop attending games...Yes thats free market dipshit.

You people love to advocate for free market till it actually happens. Then you cry like a baby when it does.

A bunch of sponsors have pulled out.

That's the marketplace talking. Capitalism at work.

And the racists just have to deal with it.
Yeah, the witch hunts and thought police are getting a little old. There isn't a person among you reading who hasn't made a racist or sexist comment in your life. Would you want a video record of all your comments and transgressions over the years? No? Then why do you want to crucify other people for the same crimes you've committed?

How did the old saying go? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

Yeah, the witch-hunts, the inquisition and the thought police all need to be blackmailed instead, sent home packing with their tails between their legs.
Yeah, the witch hunts and thought police are getting a little old. There isn't a person among you reading who hasn't made a racist or sexist comment in your life. Would you want a video record of all your comments and transgressions over the years? No? Then why do you want to crucify other people for the same crimes you've committed?

How did the old saying go? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

Yeah, the witch-hunts, the inquisition and the thought police all need to be blackmailed instead, sent home packing with their tails between their legs.

Welcome to Obamerica where your tax dollars pay for government monitoring of your every move.

Folks, you bought it; you own it.

Yeah, the witch hunts and thought police are getting a little old. There isn't a person among you reading who hasn't made a racist or sexist comment in your life. Would you want a video record of all your comments and transgressions over the years? No? Then why do you want to crucify other people for the same crimes you've committed?

How did the old saying go? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

Yeah, the witch-hunts, the inquisition and the thought police all need to be blackmailed instead, sent home packing with their tails between their legs.

Oh, I agree completely with you. All these liberal Nazis who are always "holier than thou" are usually the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They call folks constantly. Except the big three: Sharpton, Farakhan and Wright. They are mysteriously "immune" from scrutiny. Hmmm..Must be because they are liberal nazis?

Hell, I have called white guys "Honky: and "Cracka" and many other invectives too numerous to mention. I try not to - but I'm only human. I have been called "******" and "spearchucker" and "porch monkey" and "Uncle Tom" by the left more times than I can remember.

Again. This is right up the liberal nazi's alley. They have NOTHING to run on in November but the usual bullshit - RACIST RACIST RACIST. That's all they have and they are going to take an ass whooping as a result. They have EARNED this ass whooping. :lol:
We have a number of people who believe that others should be punished for what they say and the opinions they hold. With a better people the right to exclude those you don't agree with would be universal. It is not. No one would want to punish the man who said whites should be excluded from basketball for instance. We aren't a better people. We are just a people on the skids down.
We have a number of people who believe that others should be punished for what they say and the opinions they hold. With a better people the right to exclude those you don't agree with would be universal. It is not. No one would want to punish the man who said whites should be excluded from basketball for instance. We aren't a better people. We are just a people on the skids down.

Indeed. Here's my concern. This man made these comments in his own home (forget what he said, he could have said fuck Obama) and he was taped. The worthless bitch that he was boinking then released the tape to the media.

This man has been crucified in the court of public opinion - and I have no problem with that.

Here's the rub. Make damned sure HOW you say things in YOUR home from now on. A pissed off Wife, or girlfriend just MIGHT be taping your every word, then give it to your boss and you lose YOUR job, your home and everything you have ever worked for.

I agree with Kareem Abdul Jabar - this whole thing is sleazy and I hope that bitch goes to jail for eavesdropping - but she won't.

This is just another example of how we are losing ourselves and our country. When a man can potentially lose a multi-million dollar investment from comments he made in private - we are all in serious, serious trouble. Forget about whether or not you agree with what he said. It was PRIVATE.

The USSR would be so proud of us........:mad:
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Yeah, the witch hunts and thought police are getting a little old. There isn't a person among you reading who hasn't made a racist or sexist comment in your life. Would you want a video record of all your comments and transgressions over the years? No? Then why do you want to crucify other people for the same crimes you've committed?

How did the old saying go? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

Yeah, the witch-hunts, the inquisition and the thought police all need to be blackmailed instead, sent home packing with their tails between their legs.

Welcome to Obamerica where your tax dollars pay for government monitoring of your every move.

Folks, you bought it; you own it.


so Sterlings Gf-Exgf or whatever she is works for Obama.......OOOOOk

Anyone tell you lately how fucking stupid you are?
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

I don't believe anyone has stated that he cannot say what he wants. The issue is that he is a "franchise" owner who most likely has a contract with the NBA that does not allow for taking any actions or saying things that are detrimental to the NBA. If I was a McDonald's franchise owner, and I did or said something about McDonald's that was detrimental to the company as a whole, then they would take back my franchise.

Remember this; while some government officials have made known their displeasure with what Sterling said, no government agency is going after Mr. Sterling. The NBA is, and they are doing so because he disgraced the NBA. This is strictly a business matter and has nothing at all to do with anyone's first amendment rights.
Send her to jail for eavesdropping? Seriously why?

Because Kalifornia is a two-party consent state for recording. She did not have his consent to record him apparently. Will she be prosecuted? Of course not.

The bitch that recorded Mel Gibson didn't get his consent and nothing happened to her. Same with Alec Baldwin and his daughter.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

I don't believe anyone has stated that he cannot say what he wants. The issue is that he is a "franchise" owner who most likely has a contract with the NBA that does not allow for taking any actions or saying things that are detrimental to the NBA. If I was a McDonald's franchise owner, and I did or said something about McDonald's that was detrimental to the company as a whole, then they would take back my franchise.

Remember this; while some government officials have made known their displeasure with what Sterling said, no government agency is going after Mr. Sterling. The NBA is, and they are doing so because he disgraced the NBA. This is strictly a business matter and has nothing at all to do with anyone's first amendment rights.

Apparently the NBA says he doesn't have a right to speak his mind in his own home. Detrimental to the NBA? Had he not been recorded without his consent, no one would have even known what the idiot said. I can't help but wonder how many OTHER sports franchise owners have gotten away with the very same thing when dealing with pirah agents but "got away with it" because their ugly ass mistress wasn't recording them? Please - don't be naive.

He "disgraced" the NBA? Jesus - he has been doing that for 35 years. Lawsuit after lawsuit for discrimination and that didn't bother the NBA. He was told that he couldn't move the Kansas City Kings (later to become the Clippers) to LA. He laughed at them and did it anyway.

Yes, this is a business matter. Hypocrite versus Hypocrite.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

On USMB anyway, ignorance is indeed a prerequisite for being a conservative.

One of your fellow rightwing nitwits also has a thread about this, and you’re just as wrong as he, where you succeed in only exhibiting your ignorance of a fundamental Constitutional principle: First Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government entities and other public sector law or policy making bodies, not private individuals, companies, or organizations, such as the NBA and its owners.

Consequently, our First Amendment rights are nowhere near ‘gone.’
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

I don't believe anyone has stated that he cannot say what he wants. The issue is that he is a "franchise" owner who most likely has a contract with the NBA that does not allow for taking any actions or saying things that are detrimental to the NBA. If I was a McDonald's franchise owner, and I did or said something about McDonald's that was detrimental to the company as a whole, then they would take back my franchise.

Remember this; while some government officials have made known their displeasure with what Sterling said, no government agency is going after Mr. Sterling. The NBA is, and they are doing so because he disgraced the NBA. This is strictly a business matter and has nothing at all to do with anyone's first amendment rights.

Apparently the NBA says he doesn't have a right to speak his mind in his own home.


The NBA is saying no such thing, nor does it have the authority to do so.

There is no First Amendment ‘issue’ here, no rights ‘violated.’

This is merely another example of the ignorant partisan right – willful ignorance in some cases – trying to contrive a controversy where none exists, by engaging in demagoguery and promoting the conservative lie that the First Amendment is ‘in jeopardy.’
I don't believe anyone has stated that he cannot say what he wants. The issue is that he is a "franchise" owner who most likely has a contract with the NBA that does not allow for taking any actions or saying things that are detrimental to the NBA. If I was a McDonald's franchise owner, and I did or said something about McDonald's that was detrimental to the company as a whole, then they would take back my franchise.

Remember this; while some government officials have made known their displeasure with what Sterling said, no government agency is going after Mr. Sterling. The NBA is, and they are doing so because he disgraced the NBA. This is strictly a business matter and has nothing at all to do with anyone's first amendment rights.

Apparently the NBA says he doesn't have a right to speak his mind in his own home.


The NBA is saying no such thing, nor does it have the authority to do so.

There is no First Amendment ‘issue’ here, no rights ‘violated.’

This is merely another example of the ignorant partisan right – willful ignorance in some cases – trying to contrive a controversy where none exists, by engaging in demagoguery and promoting the conservative lie that the First Amendment is ‘in jeopardy.’

Hey Nazi...I'm still waiting for your sharp "legal mind" to answer the question from a posting last week. You just went "poof". Poseur.

This isn't a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

A bunch of narcissists taking it on themselves to play judge and jury.

They're not forced to try to punish people for what they say, and to intimidate people.

They choose to.


No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!
No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.
And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.

It's not the government doing it so what else can it be but the free market doing it?
And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.
In whatever is left of your mind, does the Free Market have any rules? No government regulations, but rules none the less? If you embezzle funds, does your company thrive or fold? If you insult your customers, does your business thrive or fold? If you over expand and lack the capital to sustain your expansion, does your business thrive or fold?

What Sterling did was insult his workers, his customers and his sponsors. The state did not impose a punishment, the market in which Sterling operates did.

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