Our first admendment rights are all but gone

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.

Link to him paying money to give up the team?
Well I do know free market and this is that...tough shit...
This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.

It's not the government doing it so what else can it be but the free market doing it?

How about a government sanctioned monopoly, which is what the NBA is?
Economics is cool. You should study it sometime.
This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.
In whatever is left of your mind, does the Free Market have any rules? No government regulations, but rules none the less? If you embezzle funds, does your company thrive or fold? If you insult your customers, does your business thrive or fold? If you over expand and lack the capital to sustain your expansion, does your business thrive or fold?

What Sterling did was insult his workers, his customers and his sponsors. The state did not impose a punishment, the market in which Sterling operates did.

And that little rant is relevant to this, how?
This is the game of the internet...Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want.society has always been this way with cultural approval.

But mom!

No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.

Link to him paying money to give up the team?
Well I do know free market and this is that...tough shit...

You can't even get that right. He was fined 2.5M and has been banned from the NBA.
Donald Sterling banned for life by the NBA - Associated Press - POLITICO.com
No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.
In whatever is left of your mind, does the Free Market have any rules? No government regulations, but rules none the less? If you embezzle funds, does your company thrive or fold? If you insult your customers, does your business thrive or fold? If you over expand and lack the capital to sustain your expansion, does your business thrive or fold?

What Sterling did was insult his workers, his customers and his sponsors. The state did not impose a punishment, the market in which Sterling operates did.

And that little rant is relevant to this, how?
An attempt to show you some simple truth. The Free Market punishes as well as rewards. No government acted to ban Sterling. The market he is involved in did it.
In whatever is left of your mind, does the Free Market have any rules? No government regulations, but rules none the less? If you embezzle funds, does your company thrive or fold? If you insult your customers, does your business thrive or fold? If you over expand and lack the capital to sustain your expansion, does your business thrive or fold?

What Sterling did was insult his workers, his customers and his sponsors. The state did not impose a punishment, the market in which Sterling operates did.

And that little rant is relevant to this, how?
An attempt to show you some simple truth. The Free Market punishes as well as rewards. No government acted to ban Sterling. The market he is involved in did it.
This wasnt the free market, ace. The NBA is not the free market. No surprise since like your butt buddy you wouldn't know the free market from a cheese stick.
No, the owner is being forced to pay money and give up ownership of his team. There is nothing free market about that.
Of course since you don't know the free market from a prune danish you wouldn't recognize this.

It's not the government doing it so what else can it be but the free market doing it?

How about a government sanctioned monopoly, which is what the NBA is?
Economics is cool. You should study it sometime.

Ah...okay, sure...I can go there. Let's break up monopolies! Cool!
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

It's the cons in the SCOTUS that declared that it's "money" that is free speech. If the Clippers owner has enough "money" he can fight for his bigotry, and probably win.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

What involvement did the government have in this affair? Were Sterling's phones tapped? Did the government show up with a warrant to obtain his conversations? Did the court system indict Sterling?

What on earth are you bitching about? Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans played NO HAND in this affair. Your bleating about Liberals makes no sense, but that is nothing new from the brain dead, ideologically driven mouth breathers of contemporary America.
And that little rant is relevant to this, how?
An attempt to show you some simple truth. The Free Market punishes as well as rewards. No government acted to ban Sterling. The market he is involved in did it.
This wasnt the free market, ace. The NBA is not the free market. No surprise since like your butt buddy you wouldn't know the free market from a cheese stick.
The NBA is part of the Free Market of professional sports the same way Monsanto is part of the Free Market of agricultural supplements or Exxon is part of the Free Market of energy producers.

I think it galls you that the market made the decision that blunted a bigots attitude.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

What involvement did the government have in this affair? Were Sterling's phones tapped? Did the government show up with a warrant to obtain his conversations? Did the court system indict Sterling?

What on earth are you bitching about? Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans played NO HAND in this affair. Your bleating about Liberals makes no sense, but that is nothing new from the brain dead, ideologically driven mouth breathers of contemporary America.

Straw man argument. The government didnt need to be involved for Sterling to lose 1A rights.
An attempt to show you some simple truth. The Free Market punishes as well as rewards. No government acted to ban Sterling. The market he is involved in did it.
This wasnt the free market, ace. The NBA is not the free market. No surprise since like your butt buddy you wouldn't know the free market from a cheese stick.
The NBA is part of the Free Market of professional sports the same way Monsanto is part of the Free Market of agricultural supplements or Exxon is part of the Free Market of energy producers.

I think it galls you that the market made the decision that blunted a bigots attitude.

No they arent remotely comparable. The NBA is a cartel that sets prices and terms. Exxon is a company that competes in the marketplace. If you want to start an oil company and compete with Exxon you are free to do so. If you want to start a professional ball team to compete with the NBA you will be barred from doing so.
The market made no such decision. The NBA commissioner made the decision. It is no surprise you can't tell the difference between a monopoly and the free market.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

What involvement did the government have in this affair? Were Sterling's phones tapped? Did the government show up with a warrant to obtain his conversations? Did the court system indict Sterling?

What on earth are you bitching about? Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans played NO HAND in this affair. Your bleating about Liberals makes no sense, but that is nothing new from the brain dead, ideologically driven mouth breathers of contemporary America.

Straw man argument. The government didnt need to be involved for Sterling to lose 1A rights.
Sterling did not lose first amendment rights! "Congress shall make no law" is how the amendment begins. Congress made no law that harmed Sterling's rights. What harmed Sterling was Sterling! The marketplace decided that insulting workers, customers and sponsors is unacceptable IN THAT MARKETPLACE!
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

there was no violation of his first amendment right.

he has every right to spew whatever racist garbage he wants.

that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and there won't be any repercussions.

70% of the NBA are people of color. advertisers dissociated themselves from the team in droves. the players didn't want to play for the doddering racist fool.

this isn't a first amendment issue.

jeeze louise....

So ... white isn't a color?
What involvement did the government have in this affair? Were Sterling's phones tapped? Did the government show up with a warrant to obtain his conversations? Did the court system indict Sterling?

What on earth are you bitching about? Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans played NO HAND in this affair. Your bleating about Liberals makes no sense, but that is nothing new from the brain dead, ideologically driven mouth breathers of contemporary America.

Straw man argument. The government didnt need to be involved for Sterling to lose 1A rights.
Sterling did not lose first amendment rights! "Congress shall make no law" is how the amendment begins. Congress made no law that harmed Sterling's rights. What harmed Sterling was Sterling! The marketplace decided that insulting workers, customers and sponsors is unacceptable IN THAT MARKETPLACE!

The NBA commissioner is not a marketplace, dufus. If someone suffers severe loss for his statements then he effectively does not have 1A rights. The old liberals in the 1950s suffering under the black list understood this. But they were smart people, unlike you.
Another retard who doesn't know what the First Amendment says.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no law prohibiting Sterling from saying what he said. Sterling was not punished in a court under law. Sterling's punishment was meted out by the NBA, not the state. Sterling has every right to be an asshole. If being an asshole is injurious to his business, that must be understood and accepted from a business standpoint. There is NO CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION at paly here. It was Sterling harming his business and others involved in that business and that BUSINESS made the call.
Another retard who doesn't know what the First Amendment says.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no law prohibiting Sterling from saying what he said. Sterling was not punished in a court under law. Sterling's punishment was meted out by the NBA, not the state. Sterling has every right to be an asshole. If being an asshole is injurious to his business, that must be understood and accepted from a business standpoint. There is NO CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION at paly here. It was Sterling harming his business and others involved in that business and that BUSINESS made the call.

The NBA commissioner is not a business, champ.
Another retard who doesn't know what the First Amendment says.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no law prohibiting Sterling from saying what he said. Sterling was not punished in a court under law. Sterling's punishment was meted out by the NBA, not the state. Sterling has every right to be an asshole. If being an asshole is injurious to his business, that must be understood and accepted from a business standpoint. There is NO CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION at paly here. It was Sterling harming his business and others involved in that business and that BUSINESS made the call.

I'm aware of that. My post was referring to the OP and anyone else arguing his point.

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