Our first admendment rights are all but gone

Well Adidas has already returned. It's all about color. GREEN. The rest will soon follow.

NBA Bans Donald Sterling for Life, Fines Him $2.5M - ABC News

Naturally they would return since he has been banned, and looks like his team will be sold off. im not sure i agree with the force of sale part, but then how do you ban someone from the NBA?

The NBA can NOT force this guy to sell anything. Again - one more time - Sterling bought the team for a measly 12 million dollars when it was the shithole of the NBA. It has been the shithole of the NBA from that point until about 15 or so years ago. It is now worth (estimated) 500 million. STERLING did this. The ENTIRE time that Sterling has owned the team, the NBA has known what Sterling is - didn't bother them then.

Sterling OWNS the team. It is PRIVATE PROPERTY. The NBA can NOT force him to do anything other than what they have done. He is STILL the majority stockholder and will STILL make (whatever there is) profit from the team. If HE decides to sell, that is HIS business. The NBA, though, has nothing to do with it.
The free market has spoken

they just loved the free market when it affected the Dixie chicks... they hate it when it affects racists and gun wielding thugs

They, jillian?

Typically, it's us who have to explain the obvious to leftists, not that they ever acknowledge the truth of it . . . until instances like this when it suits them!

Then somehow they rediscover the essence of unabridgible civil liberties!


It's a boy! Have a cigar! :lol:

It's leftists who are predominantly hostile to the realities of free expression. Just ask anyone who goes to college nowadays. Well, don't ask leftists. They think political correctness is normal. Hell, just look at any public institution of education from the ground up. Leftist PC claptrap . . . or else . . . is the bane of free speech in this country virtually anywhere you go.

And why do leftists incessantly impose their "morality" in violation of the prerogatives of free-association and property in the private sector?

Homosexuals have the right to make Christians participate in their weddings, for example, and make expressions contrary to their beliefs? Isn't that right, jillian?

Yeah! It's okay to make them Christians second-class citizens. Right, jillian?

Gonna put crosses on their sleeves next, jillian?

You are Jewish, aren't you. Don't you know better, what happens when the government condones one group violating the civil liberties of another?

The monstrous hypocrisy and depraved tyranny of the left knows no bounds.

Don't give me that they crap. Suppression-Oppression is lefty's middle name.
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Yes, AFTER the racist is jettisoned
THAT is the point.
He HAD to go

Money isn't evil.

Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

OK...WHO is going to force the sale?
they came back, assuming they actually did, because he was banned for life.

So the free market dd what here?!?

Well had you googled you could have followed this really simple story.
Sterling says comments.
Sponsors pull out
NBA bans him and now is going to peruse having him sell the team, Since they have certain clauses in the contract Sterling had to adhere too.
Sponsors comeback because Sterling is not there....Im going to assume the ban means he gets zero cash.
Psst...nobody made it illegal to use the term "french fries". Certain entrepreneurs just opted to use the term "freedom fries" as a sales gimmick.

And it worked, lol.

Not just "certain entrepreneurs...

On March 11, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively.
Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

OK...WHO is going to force the sale?

Two thirds of the owners
Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

OK...WHO is going to force the sale?

They don't force him to sell.
They tell him his team cannot play in the NBA.

So exactly what is the going rate for a really good recreational league team?

He sells rather than kissing about $500 million down the drain.
Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

OK...WHO is going to force the sale?

Silver also said he would immediately recommend to the NBA Board of Governors that they force a sale of the Clippers and that he would do "everything in [his] power to ensure that happens."

NBA Players Association Vice President Roger Mason said that players across the league had made it clear they were willing to boycott the playoffs if the NBA didn't take swift, decisive action against Sterling.

"As part of the lifetime ban, Mr. Sterling may not attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. He will also be barred from attending NBA Board of Governors meetings and participating in any other league activity," said Silver.

NBA Bans Donald Sterling for Life, Fines Him $2.5M - ABC News

And rumor is there was a few clauses in the owner contract to where he had to uphold a personal Image in a sense, or something to that affect.
Again, when did Putin become the darling of the right?

Oh yeah, never. The left doesn't like him because he's not leftist enough. So they pretend the right loves him. What a joke.

Was he arrested and jailed like several rwer's hero does, Mr. Pootin, the autocrat despot?

Notice I did not say all...??

So name them, quote them, and link where they stated he's their hero.
Psst...nobody made it illegal to use the term "french fries". Certain entrepreneurs just opted to use the term "freedom fries" as a sales gimmick.

And it worked, lol.

Not just "certain entrepreneurs...

On March 11, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively.

Yeah, good catch there
The free market has spoken

they just loved the free market when it affected the Dixie chicks... they hate it when it affects racists and gun wielding thugs

They, jillian?

Typically, it's us who have to explain the obvious to leftists, not that they ever acknowledge the truth of it . . . until instances like this when it suits them!

Then somehow they rediscover the essence of unabridgible civil liberties!


It's a boy! Have a cigar! :lol:

It's leftists who are predominantly hostile to the realities of free expression. Just ask anyone who goes to college nowadays. Well, don't ask leftists. They think political correctness is normal. Hell, just look at any public institution of education from the ground up. Leftist PC claptrap . . . or else . . . is the bane of free speech in this country virtually anywhere you go.

And why do leftists incessantly impose their "morality" in violation of the prerogatives of free-association and property in the private sector?

Homosexuals have the right to make Christians participate in their weddings, for example, and make expressions contrary to their beliefs? Isn't that right, jillian?

Yeah! It's okay to make them Christians second-class citizens. Right, jillian?

Gonna put crosses on their sleeves next, jillian?

You are Jewish, aren't you. Don't you know better, what happens when the government condones one group violating the civil liberties of another?

The monstrous hypocrisy and depraved tyranny of the left knows no bounds.

Don't give me that they crap. Suppression-Oppression is lefty's middle name.
im sure you said something in this rant, but who gives a shit.
they came back, assuming they actually did, because he was banned for life.


Not in the NBA he won't.

OK...lets use your "logic" or the lack of....if the NBA doesn't allow the Clippers to play - their division is immediately skewed. The NBA must then re-align the divisions which ultimately cost those teams millions of dollars; OR they would have to add another team to replace the Clippers. Know anyone who happens to have an NBA caliber team lying around at the moment? Didn't think so.

No, the Clippers will return to the bottom of the barrel - where they started before Sterling bought the team. No NBA players will willingly pl;ay for the team - just low round draft picks and the arena will go back having an annual attendance of 300,000.

In the meantime = Sterling will STILL be a billionaire with a net worth of (estimated) 2.5 Billion and EVENTUALLY, he will dump this team for 20-30 million.
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Our first amendment rights have indeed taken some hits over the years, though in fact this wasn't one of them.

But just imagine for a moment, what would have to be done to our 1st amendment rights, to bring them anywhere near the destruction that has happened to other rights protected by the Constitution... such as our right to keep and bear arms.

To put restrictions on the 1st amendment that are the equivalent of those commonly put illegally on the 2nd:

1.) Government would have to restrict the ownership of pens, paper, computers, printers, and printing presses to people it has examined and found they have not said anything it considers unacceptable, at any time in their past lives.

2.) People who want to publish a political tract, would have to wait a week, ten days, or possibly a month after the last time they published one.

3.) Posting a message on the Internet, which can cause the message to be reproduced dozens of times (or more) simultaneously on many people's systems, would be prohibited by the government, except for people who have submitted multiple copies of their fingerprints to law enforcement, gotten vouchers of their character from local law enforcement agencies, and have paid the government $200 for every such message they post.

....and a lot more.
None of the rights protected in the constitution are absolutes. You cannot print slanderous or libelous items about individuals. You cannot shout "FIRE" in a theater. You cannot employ so called 'fighting words' and expect no repercussions.
And none of those things even come close to the kinds of restrictions we find on our 2nd amendment rights.

Which was my entire point... and which the liberals carefully ignore.


TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything you said. But I hate it anyway, so I'll just call it a name and hope someone believes me instead of you.

This isn't a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

A bunch of narcissists taking it on themselves to play judge and jury.

They're not forced to try to punish people for what they say, and to intimidate people.

They choose to.


No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.
not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

OK...WHO is going to force the sale?

NBA Players Association Vice President Roger Mason said that players across the league had made it clear they were willing to boycott the playoffs if the NBA didn't take swift, decisive action against Sterling.

"As part of the lifetime ban, Mr. Sterling may not attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. He will also be barred from attending NBA Board of Governors meetings and participating in any other league activity," said Silver.

NBA Bans Donald Sterling for Life, Fines Him $2.5M - ABC News

And rumor is there was a few clauses in the owner contract to where he had to uphold a personal Image in a sense, or something to that affect.

It's a crock. NO ONE can FORCE the sale of legally owned private property. They CAN yank his license. Big deal.

If there were "clauses" in his ownership contract - they would have done something about it when he was sued countless times for discriminatory renting practices in Kalifornia over the past 25 years.
So the free market dd what here?!?

Well had you googled you could have followed this really simple story.
Sterling says comments.
Sponsors pull out
NBA bans him and now is going to peruse having him sell the team, Since they have certain clauses in the contract Sterling had to adhere too.
Sponsors comeback because Sterling is not there....Im going to assume the ban means he gets zero cash.

Good grief. You posted the words but you miss the point.
Yes, AFTER the racist is jettisoned
THAT is the point.
He HAD to go

Money isn't evil.

Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

The NBA has no authority to force the sale, Sterling only needs to hire someone to manage the team for him.
So the free market dd what here?!?

Well had you googled you could have followed this really simple story.
Sterling says comments.
Sponsors pull out
NBA bans him and now is going to peruse having him sell the team, Since they have certain clauses in the contract Sterling had to adhere too.
Sponsors comeback because Sterling is not there....Im going to assume the ban means he gets zero cash.

Good grief. You posted the words but you miss the point.

no i got the point. This is pure free market reaction to something negative.
You have nothing

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