Trump Our New Monarch


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.
What's wrong with Trump telling McConnell to "Get back to work"? It's a political thing, not a constitutional thing since the president does not have the authority to make the leader of the senate "get back to work". However, it may sway a few votes come election time.
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McConnell is a Starkey Republican, meaning that he's rooting for Obama and the Dems
How much longer do you think it will be before Trump throws McConnell under the bus?

When asked at his presser today if he thought McConnell should retire as speaker, he said let's see if he can get rid of the ACA, get tax reform done and pass a bill on infrastructure. If not, ask him that same question again later.

Apparently Trump still fails to understand that Congress and the Senate work for the constituents of their states who elected them. Not emperor Trump. Matter of fact, I even heard some conservatives on FOX news who said that because Trump was a CEO for so long and had absolute rule over his companies and real estate, he doesn't understand how to form a consensus because he's never had to.
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.

Yep! Get rid of one narcissistic monarch and along comes another. Moron.

obama tells congress to get to work - Google Search
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.
Thank you Obama for weaponizing the Federal government.
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.
so when Obama talked down to the scotus, for not passing his pet laws, you were upset?
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.

So you are good with the Senate taking as long as it wants to fix healthcare because you don't care how much millions of working families suffer trying to pay the monthly costs THEN the deductible to where they would practically need a brain transplant before the insurance actually kicks in? And you see Trump as a "monarch" for actually expecting government to work and for these highly paid politicians to actually keep their promises and be accountable, just a little, like if they had to work in the real world rather than the bums they are?

You BLEED too much, star, you are obviously a hack for the DNC, a liberal plant come here to stomp for your party or another account who has come back under an alias to continue to try to promote your sick, twisted agenda. Go get stuffed. Better yet, go out and get a fucking job and try doing some real work instead of typing away your bullcrap in your mommy's basement.
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.

So you are good with the Senate taking as long as it wants to fix healthcare because you don't care how much millions of working families suffer trying to pay the monthly costs THEN the deductible to where they would practically need a brain transplant before the insurance actually kicks in? And you see Trump as a "monarch" for actually expecting government to work and for these highly paid politicians to actually keep their promises and be accountable, just a little, like if they had to work in the real world rather than the bums they are?

You BLEED too much, star, you are obviously a hack for the DNC, a liberal plant come here to stomp for your party or another account who has come back under an alias to continue to try to promote your sick, twisted agenda. Go get stuffed. Better yet, go out and get a fucking job and try doing some real work instead of typing away your bullcrap in your mommy's basement.

What would really be appropriate for His Majesty would be to look in a mirror and tell himself to get back to work, get rid of the remote, or better yet, turn off the tv. Vacation? From what? What has he accomplished, except failed promises, including his promise that he would take no vacations. Blame himself? Never. His failures are always President Obama's or Secretary Clinton's fault. The clown takes personal responsibility for none of his failures. Bigly!
"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.

So you are good with the Senate taking as long as it wants to fix healthcare because you don't care how much millions of working families suffer trying to pay the monthly costs THEN the deductible to where they would practically need a brain transplant before the insurance actually kicks in? And you see Trump as a "monarch" for actually expecting government to work and for these highly paid politicians to actually keep their promises and be accountable, just a little, like if they had to work in the real world rather than the bums they are?

You BLEED too much, star, you are obviously a hack for the DNC, a liberal plant come here to stomp for your party or another account who has come back under an alias to continue to try to promote your sick, twisted agenda. Go get stuffed. Better yet, go out and get a fucking job and try doing some real work instead of typing away your bullcrap in your mommy's basement. DO realize that your insurance deductible and rates are controlled by what YOU buy and can afford, not by the procedure you need to have done. If you knew that, you wouldn't have made the stupid statement that they need an extreme procedure in order for their insurance to kick in.
I, for one, would support becoming a Monarchy if it means Trump gets to do whatever the fuck he wants with our nations wealth and resources. We have military bases all over the planet, it's time to put them to work.
I, for one, would support becoming a Monarchy if it means Trump gets to do whatever the fuck he wants with our nations wealth and resources. We have military bases all over the planet, it's time to put them to work.

Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"? Most of those bases are already doing their job by stationing personnel and material in the places where they already are. Exactly how are they not working?

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.
What would really be appropriate for His Majesty


would be to look in a mirror and tell himself to get back to work, get rid of the remote, or better yet, turn off the tv.

Screen shot 2015-02-15 at 4.05.55 PM.png

Vacation? From what? What has he accomplished, except failed promises, including his promise that he would take no vacations.


Blame himself? Never. His failures are always President Obama's or Secretary Clinton's fault.
The clown takes personal responsibility for none of his failures.


"Get back to work" So says King Trump to Mitch McConnell. Well, it's now official folks. We are no longer functioning under a democracy but rather a monarchy. Trump has decided that the executive branch trumps the legislative branch. Well, with the SCOTUS firmly in his pocket, all he needs is a constitutional amendment or two, and then order a crown. Of course, it would have to be much nicer than Britain's. So hail to the king! Bigly, covfefe.

So you are good with the Senate taking as long as it wants to fix healthcare because you don't care how much millions of working families suffer trying to pay the monthly costs THEN the deductible to where they would practically need a brain transplant before the insurance actually kicks in? And you see Trump as a "monarch" for actually expecting government to work and for these highly paid politicians to actually keep their promises and be accountable, just a little, like if they had to work in the real world rather than the bums they are?

You BLEED too much, star, you are obviously a hack for the DNC, a liberal plant come here to stomp for your party or another account who has come back under an alias to continue to try to promote your sick, twisted agenda. Go get stuffed. Better yet, go out and get a fucking job and try doing some real work instead of typing away your bullcrap in your mommy's basement. DO realize that your insurance deductible and rates are controlled by what YOU buy and can afford, not by the procedure you need to have done. If you knew that, you wouldn't have made the stupid statement that they need an extreme procedure in order for their insurance to kick in.

Ummm................, hey, catchy tune! Can you sing a few bars for us? Congratulations! Now I know why everyone is just SO HAPPY with Obamacare and it isn't the #1 issue on the minds of 30 million people, Jackass.
Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"?

By letting them do what they do best. Look, the world has treated us very unfairly. We're owed a debt. It's time to make them pay, instead of surrendering to Islam like Obambam did.

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.

We never ran. We've just been waiting. And now we have a savior. Soon, I'm going to be back in a coal mine again. My kids' schools will stop teaching science. And I'll get to move into a mansion like Trump, who is JUST like me. And you libtards, with your high melanin counts, will have been shipped on out of here.
Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"?

By letting them do what they do best. Look, the world has treated us very unfairly. We're owed a debt. It's time to make them pay, instead of surrendering to Islam like Obambam did.

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.

We never ran. We've just been waiting. And now we have a savior. Soon, I'm going to be back in a coal mine again. My kids' schools will stop teaching science. And I'll get to move into a mansion like Trump, who is JUST like me. And you libtards, with your high melanin counts, will have been shipped on out of here.

Okay, so exactly what is it that military bases do best? Can you tell me about Rota, Spain? How about the base in Naples? The one in Souda Bay Crete perhaps? Go ahead, tell me what you think they do, I've been to all three and more.
Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"?

By letting them do what they do best. Look, the world has treated us very unfairly. We're owed a debt. It's time to make them pay, instead of surrendering to Islam like Obambam did.

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.

We never ran. We've just been waiting. And now we have a savior. Soon, I'm going to be back in a coal mine again. My kids' schools will stop teaching science. And I'll get to move into a mansion like Trump, who is JUST like me. And you libtards, with your high melanin counts, will have been shipped on out of here.

Okay, so exactly what is it that military bases do best? Can you tell me about Rota, Spain? How about the base in Naples? The one in Souda Bay Crete perhaps? Go ahead, tell me what you think they do, I've been to all three and more.
Obliterate our enemies
Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"?

By letting them do what they do best. Look, the world has treated us very unfairly. We're owed a debt. It's time to make them pay, instead of surrendering to Islam like Obambam did.

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.

We never ran. We've just been waiting. And now we have a savior. Soon, I'm going to be back in a coal mine again. My kids' schools will stop teaching science. And I'll get to move into a mansion like Trump, who is JUST like me. And you libtards, with your high melanin counts, will have been shipped on out of here.

Okay, so exactly what is it that military bases do best? Can you tell me about Rota, Spain? How about the base in Naples? The one in Souda Bay Crete perhaps? Go ahead, tell me what you think they do, I've been to all three and more.
Obliterate our enemies

Obliterate our enemies? Hate to tell you dude, but they are called "bases" for a reason. It's the place where we store personnel and material until they are needed in a place that is within range of them. It's not the base that does the work, it's the personnel and equipment that pass through and are stored there. Never spent much time around military people, have you?
Exactly how do you propose "putting the military bases to work"?

By letting them do what they do best. Look, the world has treated us very unfairly. We're owed a debt. It's time to make them pay, instead of surrendering to Islam like Obambam did.

By the way.................the colors in your sig line not only ran, but they lost and Lee himself even said that flag should no longer be used.

We never ran. We've just been waiting. And now we have a savior. Soon, I'm going to be back in a coal mine again. My kids' schools will stop teaching science. And I'll get to move into a mansion like Trump, who is JUST like me. And you libtards, with your high melanin counts, will have been shipped on out of here.

Okay, so exactly what is it that military bases do best? Can you tell me about Rota, Spain? How about the base in Naples? The one in Souda Bay Crete perhaps? Go ahead, tell me what you think they do, I've been to all three and more.
Obliterate our enemies

Obliterate our enemies? Hate to tell you dude, but they are called "bases" for a reason. It's the place where we store personnel and material until they are needed in a place that is within range of them. It's not the base that does the work, it's the personnel and equipment that pass through and are stored there. Never spent much time around military people, have you?
And now those bases will be the capitals of new American territories. #MAGA

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