Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Because they insert a layer of non-professionals between the patient and her physician. That’s a recipe for disaster, when you have untrained people making vital decisions for someone else.
Sorry, but How?
There goes the unmarried drunken party girl vote
They still think all women are for abortion. It remains hilarious. Then they tell those women with them they now need dicks to matter

BIBLICAL: What do Noah, T-Rex, and Mike Johnson have in common?

Creationism is just one of the out-of-the-mainstream beliefs held by new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.
Progs are arresting Christians now. They are accused of being terrorists for their beliefs. Things like this are foretold.

My party was for personal responsibility until you low-IQ rubes decided you wanted to whore for a WWE liar and grifter because of your precious fucking snowflake feelingz!
fuck off numb nuts. democrats have NEVER been for personal responsibility. Only govt handouts, control, and blaming others for their problems. So eat a dick.

My party was for personal responsibility until you low-IQ rubes decided you wanted to whore for a WWE liar and grifter because of your precious fucking snowflake feelingz!
How did they advertise this?
What ban?

Again, it doesn't exist, and wouldn't exist unless a shit ton of people voted for it.

It’s his proposal.

I became concerned about this guy when he said “God had chosen him to lead at this important time”.

How come God only chooses Republicans? God apparently chose Trump, but neither Obama nor Biden
The death rate for abortion is the same as it has always been. 100%. Every successful abortion results in the death of an innocent human being. Even the most unsafe pregnancies are safer than any abortion.

There is no "death rate from abortion". There are pregnancies which are terminated. The problem with a national abortion ban is that it also bans necessary medical treatment for the complications of pregnancy and miscarriage.

They're also seeking to ban non-surgical abortions, which increases both the cost and the risk to women's health. In this regard, the USA is the ONLY country in the first world seeking to restrict women's health care rights and options.

You claim to have the "best health care system in the world", but pregnant women are dying at a rate that was at least 3 times greater than any other first world country BEFORE Roe was overturned, and it's gone up by 50% nationwide, since Roe was overturned.

Republicans don't care about American lives, if their deaths will serve the Republican agenda. Women are dying, but they're under control. They must have babies whether they can afford them or not. Abortion is murder. So is denying life saving health care to pregnant women. Let us know when the orphanages start opening.

School shootings, mass shootings, so sad. Thought and prayers. The rights of Americans to own weapons of mass death, trumps everyone's right to safety and personal security. 48,000 gun deaths in 2022, and over 6000 children injured by gunfire.

What are Republicans concerned about? Banning books, drag shows and trans children receiving medical treatment. Oh yes, and the 100 American trans athletes competing as women.

It's not Democrats who are pushing identity politics. It's Republicans trying to portray Democrats as "deviates". 20% of all convicted child sexual abusers, are members of the clergy or church group leaders, and yet all of these "Christians leaders" claiming schools and libraries are "grooming" children for pedophiles. No Drag Queen has been convicted of molesting children.

The Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts of America, the Southern Baptist Convention - all have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in child sexual abuse settlements. Le Cage Aux Faux? Not one thin dime.
What ban?

Again, it doesn't exist, and wouldn't exist unless a shit ton of people voted for it.

It’s his proposal.

I became concerned about this guy when he said “God had chosen him to lead at this important time”.

How come God only chooses Republicans? God apparently chose Trump, but neither Obama nor Biden
At least he doesn't believe woman can have penises, and men can menstruate.

also, get back to me when he forces his belief of creationism on anyone.

Such beliefs aren't dangerous to women. No one is going to die on account of this belief. But women are already dying because they cannot access timely reproductive health care in many parts of the USA.
Because they insert a layer of non-professionals between the patient and her physician. That’s a recipe for disaster, when you have untrained people making vital decisions for someone else.
Which states banned abortion?
It’s his proposal.

I became concerned about this guy when he said “God had chosen him to lead at this important time”.

How come God only chooses Republicans? God apparently chose Trump, but neither Obama nor Biden

Such beliefs aren't dangerous to women. No one is going to die on account of this belief. But women are already dying because they cannot access timely reproductive health care in many parts of the USA.
Link us up to all these dead women. Give us some names, Simp.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

And this would be relevant to how effective he would be as a Speaker how?
Abortion bans jeopardize the health and lives of women; abortions have actually increased since Roe was recklessly overturned.

Republicans have succeeded in harming women while failing to decrease the abortion rate – not that Republicans care about either, of course.

The job of the SCOTUS does not entail worrying about health statistics.

For someone who appeals to a thesaurus to look smarter.

You're pretty stupid.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

well you think a man can magically turn into a women,,

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