Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

Who cares? Seriously. How does the age of the earth factor into his Speaker of the House job?
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

Biden believes spending more money is the way to cure inflation.
School shootings, mass shootings, so sad. Thought and prayers. The rights of Americans to own weapons of mass death, trumps everyone's right to safety and personal security. 48,000 gun deaths in 2022, and over 6000 children injured by gunfire.

You openly, unabashedly support the murders of thousands of innocent children every day. More than a million every year.

You have no credibility whatsoever in claiming any sincere concern over the deaths of human beings, or to use your bullshit accusations related thereto as an excuse to strip law-abiding human beings of one of our most essential Constitutional rights.
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You openly, unabashedly support the murders of thousands of innocent children every day. More than a millio0n every year.

You have no credibility whatsoever in claiming any sincere concern over the deaths of human beings, or to use your bullshit accusations related thereto as an excuse to strip law-abiding human beings of one of our most essential Constitutional rights.
Dragonbreath lives in a fascist shithole. It has no clue how a Constitutional Republic operates.
Dragonbreath lives in a fascist shithole. It has no clue how a Constitutional Republic operates.

Canada has a much higher personal freedom ratings in the United States does. Before you start calling another country are “fascists shit hole” you’d better look at why the USA cannot attract white Eurooean immigrants.

The only people who call Canada a “fascist shit hole” are unemployed MAGA Cult FuckBois like you.

All of you have demonstrated in spades that you don’t have the first clue or understanding of the term “fascist”. That is, of course, in addition to being dumb enough to believe the lies of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
There are billions of dollars to be made in emerging green technologies. Why are capitalists so opposed to a money making opportunity?

Because all you loons do is lie? Gore predicted this would be under water 20 years ago. Why lie?
Wait...........did you just compare the wackadoodle belief the Earth is 6K years old with those who accept the overwhelming scientific evidence of man made climate change?
He did indeed
There are billions of dollars to be made in emerging green technologies. Why are capitalists so opposed to a money making opportunity?
If that were the case they wouldn’t need billions in government handouts, you raving idiot.
Canada has a much higher personal freedom ratings in the United States does. Before you start calling another country are “fascists shit hole” you’d better look at why the USA cannot attract white Eurooean immigrants.

The only people who call Canada a “fascist shit hole” are unemployed MAGA Cult FuckBois like you.

All of you have demonstrated in spades that you don’t have the first clue or understanding of the term “fascist”. That is, of course, in addition to being dumb enough to believe the lies of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
Your shithole Fascist country locked people up and confiscated their property for simply disagreeing with your cuck PM, Moron.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

No one knows exactly how old the earth is as we know it. Zircon the oldest known material is estimated to be about 4 billion years old and is used to judge the ages of all other materials. But that doesn't tell us exactly how or when all the materials that make up the earth were incorporated or when. Anyone who claims to know the absolute age of the earth is full of it. The fact is creationism or intelligent design are as good of theories as any.

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Democrats are unhinged after being THE REASON we have a new speaker in the first place.

Comedy gold!!!!
It was republicans who called for the removal of the speaker and made the motion. There's no evidence that democrats were even considering it. But they're not going to keep a speaker But they didn't like even if they weren't originally planning to call for his removal. You can blame Molester Matt for it since he was the one who made the motion.
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Because all you loons do is lie? Gore predicted this would be under water 20 years ago. Why lie?

Al Gore did not predict Ellis Island would be under water by 2003.

The USA is losing $200 billion per year in wildfires, flooding and massive numbers of severe weather events. There’s a “storm of the century” ever 5 years.

Insurance company are leaving Florida. And if you can’t get insurance, you can’t get a mortgage.

If that were the case they wouldn’t need billions in government handouts, you raving idiot.

You truly are an economic moron. Investment in infrastructure is not a “government handout”.

Green manufacturing and investment has grown throughout the United States over the past 40 years, even though the government has refused to acknowledge its necessity and refused to contribute.

Americans would rather blow things up in overseas wars than invest in the American people at home.

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