Our President calls Parkland Deputy a coward

i'm sure the guy feels terrible and will feel terrible for the rest of his life, but does the man not deserve the benefit of the doubt?

what kind of leadership jumps to conclusions and disparages the judgement of honorable officers assigned to such a tough job?

"suspended without pay pending an investigation. "

When gunfire broke out, the guard was in a different building, helping resolve an unidentified issue with another student.
He rushed to Building 12, but did not go inside.

"I think he (Peterson) got on his radio at a point and time and he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and never went in," Israel said.

"What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position," Israel said of the video. "And he never went in."

Records show Peterson is a decorated officer who is respected by his peers. In 2014, he was awarded Parkland's school resource officer of the year while still stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"During this time, deputy Peterson has proven to be reliable in handling issues with tact and judgment," the Broward Crime Commission said in the notation for the honor.

Before he was hired as a sheriff's deputy in 1985, he held several jobs, including working as a security guard, and also served in the military, according to his personnel records.

In 2015, Israel applauded Peterson's then-30-year tenure.

"Your dedication and allegiance are the best illustrations of the service [the sheriff's office] provides to the people of Broward County," Israel wrote, according to records.

Peterson also had two officer of the year recommendations.

Florida shooting: Bullets flew for 4 minutes as armed deputy waited outside - CNN

I find the rush to judgement despicable

Without knowing the details of what the officer saw and knew about the situation, it is difficult to pass judgement.
The man was under incredible stress and will live with it the rest of his life

Cut him some slack until the details are known

What was there to know about the situation?

There were students in there being shot. He is the armed Deputy.
It is his job to engage the shooter. He's called a First Responder
for a reason.

He kills the shooter or gets killed by the shooter. He's not expected
to identify himself. He's expected to protect those students. He didn't
do it. There are no other meaningful circumstances.

All the needed facts are known.

What was there to know? (Students were being shot)

How many shooters are there? (Irrelevent...you go for the one you see)
What weapons do they have? (irrelevant. The students have no weapons
you use what you have)
Do they have body armor? (The officer does)
Are there other officers on site and what doors/entry will they be taking? (He's got a radio...ask!)
Will I be able to coordinate my actions with other officers or must I act alone?
(If nobody answers your radio call...you must assume you are alone)

A Lot to decide in four minutes

Reply within quote

He is a coward, he should be arrested for failing to prevent a mass murder, WTF does he have a gun for did he think his gun was just issued to him to sit there and do nothing, he should have gone into that school building and taken down Cruz, there is nothing suggesting Cruz was wearing any type of body armour so he should have gone straight for a Center Mass shot, he could have shot him five or six times in succession ALL Center Mass shots and that would have soon prevented Cruz from the ability to continue his shooting spree.

Yep, people just want to blame the guns. Guns, guns, guns. Just take away millions of guns from the millions of people who legally and safety own and use them, and all will be just fine. Then comes this Deputy, and now I find THIS story:

Florida school shooting: Sheriff got 18 calls about Nikolas Cruz's violence, threats, guns

The problem isn't the guns, the problem is the PEOPLE: both the nutcases who commit these acts and the people in places of responsibility (schools, parents, guardians and police alike) who do not take reasonable steps to prevent it.
A coward knows he is a coward. Why would someone who knows he's a coward seek a job in which you're expected to put your life on the line to save others? I hope he doesn't get his pension because he sure as shit doesn't deserve one.
or his pension is forfeit to the victims families? Not much of a condolence but the coward sure doesn't deserve the pay.
people know that Leftists hate the Military and the Police

FAKE NEWS ^ :uhoh3:
Valarie is a flaming liberal..

again--humans have murdered/raped/robbed/etc since they were human
there will always be multiple forms of mental illness
people murder for many reasons:
you can NEVER stop humans from being humans--undeniable
much MUCH easier to control guns than to control humans--this is just common sense
More ludicrous Democrat Fake News. But that being said, he was there to stop tragedies like this from happening. He clearly failed to meet his job responsibilities. When they needed him most, he proved to be useless.
"Whatever happened to Due Process?" - donny
-------------------------------------- the careful cop resigned and this incident hasn't gone to court Valery .

the spelling of my name is right there in the quote box you are replying to, trumptard.

the incident is pending investigation which would be the due process this man is due before being publicly flogged by the mob.
--------------------------------------- thankyou 'val' !!
A coward knows he is a coward. Why would someone who knows he's a coward seek a job in which you're expected to put your life on the line to save others? I hope he doesn't get his pension because he sure as shit doesn't deserve one.

Maybe he is not a coward

Circumstances did not warrant rushing in without support armed just with a handgun
yep , the 'careful cop' probably spent most of his time checking out the cute widdle high school chicks and eating FREE Lunches .
'careful cop' also made 75 thousand dollars a year of taxpayer money Val .

Trump and others don't realize it but they are trashing their own brilliant idea that guards will solve the problem.

Guards will solve the problem, as long as they are not Beta Cuck Faggots who just stand there and crap themselves while a maniac kills peoples.

Well be prepared for the cost. I'm guessing, conservatively, that a full time well trained armed guard would cost a school district about 80,000 a year, in pay and benefits.
A good sized high school would need, I'm going to guess, at least 5 to make this effective.

Do the math.

Student fees
If parents want their kids protected, they'll pay it.

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