Our President calls Parkland Deputy a coward

Which is why teachers need fire arms.

You know, the teachers that were flinging their bodies in front of the shooters to save them, the only ones that gave a damn about them.

Certainly the FBI, police, and government officials don't.

no... which is why you shouldn't be able to buy military weapons.


You can't numbnutz.
Trump and others don't realize it but they are trashing their own brilliant idea that guards will solve the problem.

Guards will solve the problem, as long as they are not Beta Cuck Faggots who just stand there and crap themselves while a maniac kills peoples.

Well be prepared for the cost. I'm guessing, conservatively, that a full time well trained armed guard would cost a school district about 80,000 a year, in pay and benefits.
A good sized high school would need, I'm going to guess, at least 5 to make this effective.

Do the math.

I bet that Veterans of the Military and there are millions of them, I bet they would guard those schools for next to nothing and they are already fully trained and a lot of them are retired already.

probably, but we don't have militarized polices forces, so don't get too nostalgic for the gestapo
---------------------------- don't want militarized police but as time goes by thats what you are going to get . And hey , this 'careful' cop didn't do his job so its got nothing to do with militarized police Jillian .

the person to whom I was responding said, and I quote.
"I bet that Veterans of the Military and there are millions of them, I bet they would guard those schools for next to nothing and they are already fully trained and a lot of them are retired already."

that doesn't sound like a militarized police force to you.

the answer to gun violence is not more guns. there is no reason for individuals to have military weapons.

I'm fine with muskets, though, in the service of a well-regulated militia ... as the founders intended.

Which is why teachers need fire arms.

You know, the teachers that were flinging their bodies in front of the shooters to save them, the only ones that gave a damn about them.

Certainly the FBI, police, and government officials don't.

no... which is why you shouldn't be able to buy military weapons.


You can't numbnutz.

AR-15's are just recreational, right, hack?

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
He was armed, the kids weren’t. He let them die.

Even the Police Chief said it made him feel sick that that coward was armed and did nothing to intervene. Of course going on Leftist Logic where guns kill people and people do not kill people, that cowards gun should have just by itself shot Cruz I mean as guns kill going on Leftist Logic that coward standing there doing nothing should not matter because the gun should have done the job all by itself.

Which is why teachers need fire arms.

You know, the teachers that were flinging their bodies in front of the shooters to save them, the only ones that gave a damn about them.

Certainly the FBI, police, and government officials don't.

no... which is why you shouldn't be able to buy military weapons.


You can't numbnutz.

AR-15's are just recreational, right, hack?

Evidently being stupid is recreational for you.

Our President is an asshole for turning on an officer without knowing the facts
Why are you such a liar?

President Trump said Friday the Florida sheriff's deputy who failed to stop last week's mass shooting at a high school was a either a "coward" or froze under extreme pressure.

How does he know what the officer saw or heard?
President Bone Spurs was not there. Can he tell the single officer how many shooters were in there? What weapons they had? Was there someone guarding the door? There were 170 shots fired in 6 minutes. An awful lot for a single officer with six shots to engage single handedly

Is an officer waiting for additional support or information a coward?
In only 4 minutes?

Which is why teachers need fire arms.

You know, the teachers that were flinging their bodies in front of the shooters to save them, the only ones that gave a damn about them.

Certainly the FBI, police, and government officials don't.

no... which is why you shouldn't be able to buy military weapons.


You can't numbnutz.

AR-15's are just recreational, right, hack?

Evidently being stupid is recreational for you.

so states the professionally stupid...

the irony of your nic always makes me laugh.

Which is why teachers need fire arms.

You know, the teachers that were flinging their bodies in front of the shooters to save them, the only ones that gave a damn about them.

Certainly the FBI, police, and government officials don't.

no... which is why you shouldn't be able to buy military weapons.


You can't numbnutz.

AR-15's are just recreational, right, hack?
---------------------------- generally speaking , yes they are Jillian !!
i'm sure the guy feels terrible and will feel terrible for the rest of his life, but does the man not deserve the benefit of the doubt?

what kind of leadership jumps to conclusions and disparages the judgement of honorable officers assigned to such a tough job?

"suspended without pay pending an investigation. "

When gunfire broke out, the guard was in a different building, helping resolve an unidentified issue with another student.
He rushed to Building 12, but did not go inside.

"I think he (Peterson) got on his radio at a point and time and he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and never went in," Israel said.

"What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position," Israel said of the video. "And he never went in."

Records show Peterson is a decorated officer who is respected by his peers. In 2014, he was awarded Parkland's school resource officer of the year while still stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"During this time, deputy Peterson has proven to be reliable in handling issues with tact and judgment," the Broward Crime Commission said in the notation for the honor.

Before he was hired as a sheriff's deputy in 1985, he held several jobs, including working as a security guard, and also served in the military, according to his personnel records.

In 2015, Israel applauded Peterson's then-30-year tenure.

"Your dedication and allegiance are the best illustrations of the service [the sheriff's office] provides to the people of Broward County," Israel wrote, according to records.

Peterson also had two officer of the year recommendations.

Florida shooting: Bullets flew for 4 minutes as armed deputy waited outside - CNN

Our President is an asshole for turning on an officer without knowing the facts
Why are you such a liar?

President Trump said Friday the Florida sheriff's deputy who failed to stop last week's mass shooting at a high school was a either a "coward" or froze under extreme pressure.

How does he know what the officer saw or heard?
President Bone Spurs was not there. Can he tell the single officer how many shooters were in there? What weapons they had? Was there someone guarding the door? There were 170 shots fired in 6 minutes. An awful lot for a single officer with six shots to engage single handedly

Is an officer waiting for additional support or information a coward?
In only 4 minutes?
The unarmed coaches didn’t have this info either, yet they had the courage to act. You have to accept the fact that the ARMED security guard who’s job is to PROTECT the kids and is ARMED in order to do that, was too cowardly to even try.
A trained officer armed with a sidearm decided it was not prudent to engage a shooter or shooters armed with assault rifles

Why would we expect a teacher to do it?

Our President is an asshole for turning on an officer without knowing the facts
Why are you such a liar?

President Trump said Friday the Florida sheriff's deputy who failed to stop last week's mass shooting at a high school was a either a "coward" or froze under extreme pressure.

How does he know what the officer saw or heard?
President Bone Spurs was not there. Can he tell the single officer how many shooters were in there? What weapons they had? Was there someone guarding the door? There were 170 shots fired in 6 minutes. An awful lot for a single officer with six shots to engage single handedly

Is an officer waiting for additional support or information a coward?
In only 4 minutes?
--------------------------------------------------- yeah , 'careful' cop was waiting for backup RWinger [chuckle]

Our President is an asshole for turning on an officer without knowing the facts
Why are you such a liar?

President Trump said Friday the Florida sheriff's deputy who failed to stop last week's mass shooting at a high school was a either a "coward" or froze under extreme pressure.

How does he know what the officer saw or heard?
President Bone Spurs was not there. Can he tell the single officer how many shooters were in there? What weapons they had? Was there someone guarding the door? There were 170 shots fired in 6 minutes. An awful lot for a single officer with six shots to engage single handedly

Is an officer waiting for additional support or information a coward?
In only 4 minutes?
The unarmed coaches didn’t have this info either, yet they had the courage to act. You have to accept the fact that the ARMED security guard who’s job is to PROTECT the kids and is ARMED in order to do that, was too cowardly to even try.

He had little choice

Police officers are trained to assess the situation before they blindly charge in. This situation was not warranted for a single officer to charge in without support

Four minutes waiting for support or instructions is not a long time
i'm sure the guy feels terrible and will feel terrible for the rest of his life, but does the man not deserve the benefit of the doubt?

what kind of leadership jumps to conclusions and disparages the judgement of honorable officers assigned to such a tough job?

"suspended without pay pending an investigation. "

When gunfire broke out, the guard was in a different building, helping resolve an unidentified issue with another student.
He rushed to Building 12, but did not go inside.

"I think he (Peterson) got on his radio at a point and time and he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and never went in," Israel said.

"What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position," Israel said of the video. "And he never went in."

Records show Peterson is a decorated officer who is respected by his peers. In 2014, he was awarded Parkland's school resource officer of the year while still stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"During this time, deputy Peterson has proven to be reliable in handling issues with tact and judgment," the Broward Crime Commission said in the notation for the honor.

Before he was hired as a sheriff's deputy in 1985, he held several jobs, including working as a security guard, and also served in the military, according to his personnel records.

In 2015, Israel applauded Peterson's then-30-year tenure.

"Your dedication and allegiance are the best illustrations of the service [the sheriff's office] provides to the people of Broward County," Israel wrote, according to records.

Peterson also had two officer of the year recommendations.

Florida shooting: Bullets flew for 4 minutes as armed deputy waited outside - CNN
-----------------------------------------------'careful' cop didn't do his job Valerie .

Anyone who calls the man a coward is nothing but a fucking blow hard. That go’s for all you republicans to. No one, not even the Drumphf has any business saying who is and is not a coward. To y’all on this board, that school shootings along with every other mass shooting is nothing but a topic to be outraged about on a message board. None of you have faced what that guard did, a cop by the way who had a great 30 year career, and was even awarded school resource officer of the year. Until you bitches show us where y’all had your gun fight, fuck off and go back to call of duity.

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