Our President calls Parkland Deputy a coward

So, Trump told the truth again and you Maoists have shit yourselves? :thup:

The PROBLEM you evil scum have in climbing atop the bodies of dead children to promote your attacks on the Bill of Rights is that your foundation always falls apart in a few days, as it is once again doing.

BTW, School Resource Deputy Scot Peterson was fired for being a coward.
Hey.......If Fat Donnie can struggle with bone spurs

The least this guy can do is charge a crazy guy with an assault rifle an$ hundreds of rounds of ammo
BTW, School Resource Deputy Scot Peterson was fired for being a coward.

BTW moron liar...

the guard got suspended pending an investigation then he chose to resign.

First off shit fer brains, he was a deputy, not a guard. This is a sworn police officer.

So your first lie fails right off the bat.

Oh, and for your other lies;

He said Peterson was armed, and was in uniform, and should have gone into the building during the six-minute event, which left 17 people, most of them teenagers, dead. When asked what the deputy should have done, Israel said: “Went in and addressed the killer. Killed the killer.”

[ What police are trained to do during active shooter incidents: Find the threat ]

Peterson, 54, a resource officer at the school since 2009, resigned after Israel suspended him. Israel said two other officers have been placed on a restricted assignment pending an internal investigation relating the school shooting.

“They could have done more; they should have done more,” Israel said. “It’s a fluid investigation. They are on restrictive duty.”}


You have to remember Rati-sock, while you are dumb as a brick, I'm not. I will expose and humiliate you as the ignorant leftist liar that you are, each and every time. :thup:

you're projecting as usual, asshole. humiliated is you.

no one wants to take away your right to defend yourself so stop peeing your pants and bleating in fear over rational solutions...

Between this and law enforcement not acting on any tips that Cruz was a credible threat, the “ban guns” crowd is going to have a tough time justifying taking guns from lawful gun owners. Any talk of time has come for repeal of the 2nd Amendment will me met with scoff and laughter due to the fact that lives are not being protected by processes currently in place.

You want to talk “ban” and “repeal”, start with banning “gun-free zone” signs.
How dare he call out the lefts new poster boy behind Nicolas Cruz
How dare you attack the police. No one knows how they will react. The old cop was at retirement age and his kids weren’t in that school. What’s he gonna do against an assault rifle? So he realized this and retired.

Trump doesn’t realize how tough that job is. He also said McCain wasn’t a hero because he got captured.
BTW, School Resource Deputy Scot Peterson was fired for being a coward.

BTW moron liar...

the guard got suspended pending an investigation then he chose to resign.

First off shit fer brains, he was a deputy, not a guard. This is a sworn police officer.

So your first lie fails right off the bat.

Oh, and for your other lies;

He said Peterson was armed, and was in uniform, and should have gone into the building during the six-minute event, which left 17 people, most of them teenagers, dead. When asked what the deputy should have done, Israel said: “Went in and addressed the killer. Killed the killer.”

[ What police are trained to do during active shooter incidents: Find the threat ]

Peterson, 54, a resource officer at the school since 2009, resigned after Israel suspended him. Israel said two other officers have been placed on a restricted assignment pending an internal investigation relating the school shooting.

“They could have done more; they should have done more,” Israel said. “It’s a fluid investigation. They are on restrictive duty.”}


You have to remember Rati-sock, while you are dumb as a brick, I'm not. I will expose and humiliate you as the ignorant leftist liar that you are, each and every time. :thup:

you're projecting as usual, asshole. humiliated is you.

no one wants to take away your right to defend yourself so stop peeing your pants and bleating in fear over rational solutions...
Because assault rifles are allowed to be sold I should have one at sporting events and supermarket and anywhere really because a criminal doesn’t follow the rules.

So logically and ideally for the nra every citizen would be armed like robocop
We’ll surely find out more about Peterson soon, but his presence at the school during the shooting as a sanctioned “good guy with a gun” complicates the blissfully uncomplicated version of the “good guy with a gun” narrative on the right.

It also shows the flaw in reflexively strapping holsters onto math teachers or volleyball coaches in America’s schools, in effect deputizing more “good guys.”

How would 20 percent of America’s teachers, surely card-carrying good people by any definition, respond to similar pressures of the unthinkable?

These questions of human frailty and error are nowhere to be found in the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” mythology, where the hypothetical armed hero is always batting a thousand, and for good reason.

Once you allow for good people to be bad superheroes, to not save the day when everything was on the line, you start to look around for other solutions.

There Was a “Good Guy With a Gun” at the Parkland Shooting.
Hey.......If Fat Donnie can struggle with bone spurs

The least this guy can do is charge a crazy guy with an assault rifle an$ hundreds of rounds of ammo

So you Stalinists say that the public should be left defenseless, and it's okay because the police will protect them. Then when the police run instead of protecting people, resulting in 17 dead kids, you say it's okay because HATE HATE HATE HATE.

You evil scum are filled with hatred and rage - right now that hatred is pointed at Trump, whites, men, and Christians - but not long ago your violent hatred and rage was turned toward Bush, whites, men, and Christians

The Constant with you Stalinists is that hate fuels your every move.

you're projecting as usual, asshole. humiliated is you.

no one wants to take away your right to defend yourself so stop peeing your pants and bleating in fear over rational solutions...

Oh we see that rati, you being publicly exposed as a liar and a moron really humiliates me... :rofl:

As for your lie, disarming the public is exactly what your goal is.

We really don't believe you'll hold the football while we kick it, Comrade.
How dare he call out the lefts new poster boy behind Nicolas Cruz
How dare you attack the police. No one knows how they will react. The old cop was at retirement age and his kids weren’t in that school. What’s he gonna do against an assault rifle? So he realized this and retired.

Trump doesn’t realize how tough that job is. He also said McCain wasn’t a hero because he got captured.
Let's be honest this is what pisses you off.
Winner x 5
  • funny-agree.png
    Funny and Agree!! x 2
  • clear.png
    Agree x 1
  • clear.png
    Funny x 1
btw: I was an MP during Vietnam

Between this and law enforcement not acting on any tips that Cruz was a credible threat, the “ban guns” crowd is going to have a tough time justifying taking guns from lawful gun owners. Any talk of time has come for repeal of the 2nd Amendment will me met with scoff and laughter due to the fact that lives are not being protected by processes currently in place.

You want to talk “ban” and “repeal”, start with banning “gun-free zone” signs.

How dare you attack the police. No one knows how they will react. The old cop was at retirement age and his kids weren’t in that school. What’s he gonna do against an assault rifle? So he realized this and retired.

Trump doesn’t realize how tough that job is. He also said McCain wasn’t a hero because he got captured.

You realize stupid, that you just made teh argument why Americans MUST arm themselves and provide their own safety.
i'm sure the guy feels terrible and will feel terrible for the rest of his life, but does the man not deserve the benefit of the doubt?

what kind of leadership jumps to conclusions and disparages the judgement of honorable officers assigned to such a tough job?

"suspended without pay pending an investigation. "

When gunfire broke out, the guard was in a different building, helping resolve an unidentified issue with another student.
He rushed to Building 12, but did not go inside.

"I think he (Peterson) got on his radio at a point and time and he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and never went in," Israel said.

"What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position," Israel said of the video. "And he never went in."

Records show Peterson is a decorated officer who is respected by his peers. In 2014, he was awarded Parkland's school resource officer of the year while still stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"During this time, deputy Peterson has proven to be reliable in handling issues with tact and judgment," the Broward Crime Commission said in the notation for the honor.

Before he was hired as a sheriff's deputy in 1985, he held several jobs, including working as a security guard, and also served in the military, according to his personnel records.

In 2015, Israel applauded Peterson's then-30-year tenure.

"Your dedication and allegiance are the best illustrations of the service [the sheriff's office] provides to the people of Broward County," Israel wrote, according to records.

Peterson also had two officer of the year recommendations.

Florida shooting: Bullets flew for 4 minutes as armed deputy waited outside - CNN

i'm sure the guy feels terrible and will feel terrible for the rest of his life, but does the man not deserve the benefit of the doubt?

what kind of leadership jumps to conclusions and disparages the judgement of honorable officers assigned to such a tough job?

"suspended without pay pending an investigation. "

When gunfire broke out, the guard was in a different building, helping resolve an unidentified issue with another student.
He rushed to Building 12, but did not go inside.

"I think he (Peterson) got on his radio at a point and time and he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and never went in," Israel said.

"What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position," Israel said of the video. "And he never went in."

Records show Peterson is a decorated officer who is respected by his peers. In 2014, he was awarded Parkland's school resource officer of the year while still stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"During this time, deputy Peterson has proven to be reliable in handling issues with tact and judgment," the Broward Crime Commission said in the notation for the honor.

Before he was hired as a sheriff's deputy in 1985, he held several jobs, including working as a security guard, and also served in the military, according to his personnel records.

In 2015, Israel applauded Peterson's then-30-year tenure.

"Your dedication and allegiance are the best illustrations of the service [the sheriff's office] provides to the people of Broward County," Israel wrote, according to records.

Peterson also had two officer of the year recommendations.

Florida shooting: Bullets flew for 4 minutes as armed deputy waited outside - CNN


Suspended without pay for a public union employee is fired - retard rati.

Three other deputies took the cowards way as well.

Bummer that coach didn't have a gun, one brave man would have ended the whole thing.

Ah but you Maoists want everyone disarmed, so that evil is unchecked.

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!
This picture very clearly depicts what an asshole the sheriff is and why he has a force of cowards.

So, all 4 broward Sheriffs Deputies didn’t? Yet Coral Springs and one Broward deputy did?

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!
So, all 4 broward Sheriffs Deputies didn’t? Yet Coral Springs and one Broward deputy did?

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!
I am not saying there are not those who rise up and face impossible odds. I would not bet on it happening a high percent of the time and they will not be successfull a high percent of the time. I am saying that if I were running the show the cop would have had a rifle that would have made hime effective over more than twenty feet. I am also saying that if we could run some sort of simulation where you are coming down a school hall with a 38 and I have a rifle. You will lose that simulation 100% of the time if you actually run into me! I know when we designed opps we took great care in trying to arm our boys with superior tools for the mission and if would create a mismatch like this, we would be very please with our selves.

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