Our tax dollars at work

Look it up. I did.

I thought the total was like 100 million. Turns out if 300 Billion, with a B.

Blew me away when I read the article.

Penelope, a typical liberal. Wanting someone else to do their work for them.

Like I like to tell people, does your google not work? Because I don't work for you.

He/she is wrong, its 3 billion at the most.

It's werid that you and the article think's
producing jobs takes away money from schools

We all thought you were a progressive ..how's that Henry's hamburger joint doing in your town?

View attachment 232838

Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

It's all a word play to try to convince stupid voters and you know it

Corporations like individuals use the U.S. Tax Code to legally reduce their total income tax burden. All expenses, like taxes are passed onto the CONSUMER. So when corporations can reduce their taxes, they can offer their products at a more competitive price to the CONSUMER.

Libs are clueless about economics, and business.

But according to the left they can't do it..they can't use the tax code, because it's " unfair" or something..they must use god knows what..

Look it up. I did.

I thought the total was like 100 million. Turns out if 300 Billion, with a B.

Blew me away when I read the article.

Penelope, a typical liberal. Wanting someone else to do their work for them.

Like I like to tell people, does your google not work? Because I don't work for you.

He/she is wrong, its 3 billion at the most.

It's werid that you and the article think's
producing jobs takes away money from schools

We all thought you were a progressive ..how's that Henry's hamburger joint doing in your town?

View attachment 232838

Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??
Penelope, a typical liberal. Wanting someone else to do their work for them.

Like I like to tell people, does your google not work? Because I don't work for you.

He/she is wrong, its 3 billion at the most.

It's werid that you and the article think's
producing jobs takes away money from schools

We all thought you were a progressive ..how's that Henry's hamburger joint doing in your town?

View attachment 232838

Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money

He/she is wrong, its 3 billion at the most.

It's werid that you and the article think's
producing jobs takes away money from schools

We all thought you were a progressive ..how's that Henry's hamburger joint doing in your town?

View attachment 232838

Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.
It's werid that you and the article think's
producing jobs takes away money from schools

We all thought you were a progressive ..how's that Henry's hamburger joint doing in your town?

View attachment 232838

Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.

It's called mortgage..

I have to stop picking on you .

Love ya penny..but no more .
Give property tax cuts to corps does, that is what I said.

A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.

It's called mortgage..

I have to stop picking on you .

Love ya penny..but no more .

We don't have a mortgage. Yes please quit.
A tax cut is not giving them money and it's stupid to even post it.

I put a gun at your head , you give me your wallet , I take $5 bucks and give the rest back to you .

Did I take your money ? Did I give back your money .

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.

It's called mortgage..

I have to stop picking on you .

Love ya penny..but no more .

We don't have a mortgage. Yes please quit.

Yes I am..I am not going to pick on you no more because I realize now it's unfair to you

A percentage of property tax goes to schools and most corps and companies get abatements from property tax. I am saying a company should not get abatements from property tax, as it is now they just got a huge tax cut from the FED GOV.

Why don't we all get abatements??

Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.

It's called mortgage..

I have to stop picking on you .

Love ya penny..but no more .

We don't have a mortgage. Yes please quit.

Yes I am..I am not going to pick on you no more because I realize now it's unfair to you


Speak your mind do whatever..

Have a great and wonderful life.
the OP article jist is, trickle down does not trickle down to our kids

imagine that.....and now they've a means of calculation defining it

the 1% of the 1% ,none of which would EVER place their child into the public education system, must be laughing all the way to the Fed

with YOUR tax $$$$'s


Why don't we all get abatements?

Because you don't pay anything?

Once again you have to have money to take..but you have no money


We do believe me. We pay rent on our home, that is what property tax is, because if you do not pay it , they take your property.

It's called mortgage..

I have to stop picking on you .

Love ya penny..but no more .

We don't have a mortgage. Yes please quit.

Yes I am..I am not going to pick on you no more because I realize now it's unfair to you


Speak your mind do whatever..

Have a great and wonderful life.

Are you in the habit of replying to your own threads?? I have noticed that a few times.
In his speech in Arizona, Donald Trump outlined all the ways he plans to address illegal immigration if elected to the White House. The United States has to act, he said Aug. 31, because illegal immigration comes at a steep cost.

"Illegal immigration costs our country more than $113 billion a year. And this is what we get," Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said. "For the money we are going to spend on illegal immigration over the next 10 years, we could provide 1 million at-risk students with a school voucher, which so many people are wanting."

We wondered if illegal immigration costs taxpayers $113 billion a year. We asked Trump’s campaign for the source of his data but did not hear back.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity presented the $113 billion figure a few days earlier in a town hall interview with Trump, citing a 2013 report from Federation for American Immigration Reform, a group seeking reduced immigration.

FAIR’s report says $113 billion represents the total cost at the federal, state and local levels for undocumented immigrants. The vast majority -- $84 billion -- is paid by state and local governments.

The $113 billion is not a net cost. Taking into consideration federal, state and local tax payments made by the undocumented population, the net cost would be about $99 billion, according to the FAIR report.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year
Seems you are correct according to this link.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

This one rates the 300 billion as half true.

How much does immigration cost taxpayers?

Still a hell of a lot of tax payer money for illegals.
That they do. They cost we the tax payer 300 billion a year.

They all need to be booted out of our country.

Do you have a link for that number??

Look it up. I did.

I thought the total was like 100 million. Turns out if 300 Billion, with a B.

Blew me away when I read the article.

In his speech in Arizona, Donald Trump outlined all the ways he plans to address illegal immigration if elected to the White House. The United States has to act, he said Aug. 31, because illegal immigration comes at a steep cost.

"Illegal immigration costs our country more than $113 billion a year. And this is what we get," Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said. "For the money we are going to spend on illegal immigration over the next 10 years, we could provide 1 million at-risk students with a school voucher, which so many people are wanting."

We wondered if illegal immigration costs taxpayers $113 billion a year. We asked Trump’s campaign for the source of his data but did not hear back.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity presented the $113 billion figure a few days earlier in a town hall interview with Trump, citing a 2013 report from Federation for American Immigration Reform, a group seeking reduced immigration.

FAIR’s report says $113 billion represents the total cost at the federal, state and local levels for undocumented immigrants. The vast majority -- $84 billion -- is paid by state and local governments.

The $113 billion is not a net cost. Taking into consideration federal, state and local tax payments made by the undocumented population, the net cost would be about $99 billion, according to the FAIR report.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year

Seems you are correct according to this link.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

This one rates the 300 billion as half true.

How much does immigration cost taxpayers?

Still a hell of a lot of tax payer money for illegals.

Report from Fair:
Estimating the fiscal burden of illegal immigration on the U.S. taxpayer depends on the size and characteristics of the illegal alien population. FAIR defines “illegal alien” as anyone who entered the United States without authorization and anyone who unlawfully remains once his/her authorization has expired. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has no central database containing information on the citizenship status of everyone lawfully present in the United States. The overall problem of estimating the illegal alien population is further complicated by the fact that the majority of available sources on immigration status rely on self-reported data. Given that illegal aliens have a motive to lie about their immigration status, in order to avoid discovery, the accuracy of these statistics is dubious, at best. All of the foregoing issues make it very difficult to assess the current illegal alien population of the United States.

However, FAIR now estimates that there are approximately 12.5 million illegal alien residents.
And this one talks about immigration period.
How much does immigration cost taxpayers?
Only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies. We have a Commerce Clause.
OK we have a problem (how big & how costly is up for debate) with persons from other country's taking our jobs & resources, is that not the complaint ? so why is Trump & other super rich people (probably both sides of the isle) bringing in out side labor to places like his & others big money resorts. cant they afford to pay a good wage & hire Americans? would they still come in great numbers just for the money if the jobs where mostly filled by Americans?
And even less reason to subsidize sloth.
you don't know the meaning of the word.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. It is public policy and Institutional not Individual.

A simplistic summary of the concept is: 'The natural rate of unemployment, when an economy is in a steady state of "full employment", is the proportion of the workforce who are unemployed'.

Since you're not in the workforce, it would be subsidizing sloth.
And even less reason to subsidize sloth.
you don't know the meaning of the word.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. It is public policy and Institutional not Individual.

A simplistic summary of the concept is: 'The natural rate of unemployment, when an economy is in a steady state of "full employment", is the proportion of the workforce who are unemployed'.

Since you're not in the workforce, it would be subsidizing sloth.
i got it right the first time.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. It is public policy and Institutional not Individual.

Simple compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is market recognizable and market friendly.

Capital must circulate to ensure liquidity in our markets.

Landlords get it.

The homeless get it.

Only the right wing refuses to get it.

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