Oust Speaker McCarthy vs Expel Matt Gaetz or both.

Explain how 9 conservative votes out of 435 get anything meaningful accomplished
It’s very simple… by being that itch you just can’t scratch. Currently, the majority cannot pass legislation without eith those nine individuals OR assistance from the other party. That gives those nine individuals a lot of power over what passes and what doesn’t. Simple as that.
It’s very simple… by being that itch you just can’t scratch. Currently, the majority cannot pass legislation without eith those nine individuals OR assistance from the other party. That gives those nine individuals a lot of power over what passes and what doesn’t. Simple as that.
This is gonna piss a lot of people off. The far right agenda has no mandate from the voters
This is gonna piss a lot of people off. The far right agenda has no mandate from the voters
It has a mandate from ME, and I live in Massachusetts. More importantly it has a mandate from the US Constitution; a document that all 435 of those members swore an oath to uphold. An oath I believe they’ve all broken.
It has a mandate from ME, and I live in Massachusetts. More importantly it has a mandate from the US Constitution; a document that all 435 of those members swore an oath to uphold. An oath I believe they’ve all broken.
Yeah but you're a Crotchety old man. Who gives a shit?
The new speaker has to operate under the same conditions as McCarthy. A Dem Senate and a Dem in the White House.
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Yeah but you're a Crotchety old man. Who gives a shit?
The new speaker has to operate under the same conditions as McCarthy. A Dem Senate and a Dem in the White House
True. My first beef with McShitstain is that he hasn’t lived up to his agreement with his own folks to get him the chair in the first place. None of it has any chance to get passed, but at least you go through the motions to make them happy.

I’m also very unhappy with his cross-aisle chumminess. You ALWAYS treat your enemy as an enemy, lest you forget that they ARE the enemy.

I’d love to see this be a Do-Absolutely-Nothing body under whoever holds the gavel. Just not McCarthy. He’s soiled goods in my mind.
True. My first beef with McShitstain is that he hasn’t lived up to his agreement with his own folks to get him the chair in the first place. None of it has any chance to get passed, but at least you go through the motions to make them happy.

I’m also very unhappy with his cross-aisle chumminess. You ALWAYS treat your enemy as an enemy, lest you forget that they ARE the enemy.

I’d love to see this be a Do-Absolutely-Nothing body under whoever holds the gavel. Just not McCarthy. He’s soiled goods in my mind.
I just love that it's the GOP who is providing the shit show.
Gaetz has put it in motion. Putting the dis in dysfunction.

But there exists a growing move to deal with Gaetz:

I wonder if both things could happen.

link: MSN

What would be the grounds to expel Gaetz?

Gaetz has every right to insist on a vote to remove McCarthy from the Speaker's podium. McCarthy agreed to that as part of becoming Speaker. But the GOP has no grounds to expel McCarthy from the House, nor to expel Gaetz.

I know that sounds like a fair tit for tat to a person with that mentality, but expulsion and removal from Speakership are two different things.
I like gaetz. I thunk he's got good ideas and alot of common sense...but not this time.

And I'm not in love with McCarthy either. It's just bad timing for this kind of crap. They need to be hammering out a budget right now!

They're down to 43 days and the clock is ticking.
That's Democrat talk...

Why do ye want to bow down to the Democrats... Got no spine...
The shit show exists on both sides of the aisle. That’s why I don’t align myself with either one. I’m a Conservative Authoritarian by political ideology.
Come on. The botched opening of the impeachment inquiry. A shit show because the lunatics in the Freedom Caucus demanded it, going off half cocked.
Come on. The botched opening of the impeachment inquiry. A shit show because the lunatics in the Freedom Caucus demanded it, going off half cocked
The shit exists on both sides. The smellier stuff may be coming from one side at the moment, but all it takes is a shift if the winds and the stench is just as bad from the other side. We haven’t had a legitimate, constitutional Federal Government since 1861. Nobody’s hands are clean.
Rinos are in control of the GOP and McCarthy is their leader.
Gaetz public service is to expose them, starting with the Alpha RINO McCarthy.

He was spot on when he said that he expects Democrats to unite to keep McCarthy as Speaker. Then they will fully own him openly instead of having plausible deniability.

Let his Republican voters decide in 2024 if they want to keep giving their seat to a former closeted Democrat, who is no longer bothering to hide it.

Weigh his tough talk about the border with this most recent cave in to the Democrats. Don't take him at his word, now that we know what it is worth.
Gaetz public service is to expose them, starting with the Alpha RINO McCarthy.

He was spot on when he said that he expects Democrats to unite to keep McCarthy as Speaker. Then they will fully own him openly instead of having plausible deniability.

Let his Republican voters decide in 2024 if they want to keep giving their seat to a closet Democrat.

You people -
The shit exists on both sides. The smellier stuff may be coming from one side at the moment, but all it takes is a shift if the winds and the stench is just as bad from the other side. We haven’t had a legitimate, constitutional Federal Government since 1861. Nobody’s hands are clean.
No, both sides are not the same. And the GOP is about to prove it. Stay tuned

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