Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

how much force should have been used. how would you have done it?
Drag the desk into the hallway.

Still counts as laying hands on someone.

The new solution is for school cops to do nothing and let the teachers figure it out. It's the only solution that will guarantee their jobs.

Or better yet, no school cops. What cop wants to go through that shit?
Cops that enjoy working with children.

Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
The charges are in the pending lawsuits against him, and the potential Federal Civil Rights violations currently under investigation.

A civil action is not referred to as a "charge" -- that word generally refers to a criminal code violation.
Semantics. The "charges" against are mostly that he's a racist bastard with a bad tempter who knocks kids and others around. Imagine that...

My understanding is that he has a black girlfriend and is liked and respected by black school staff and students.

His temper definitely got the better of him.

I wish we had a transcript of what the girl said to the teach, the school staff, and the officer himself.

Not that it justifies being thrown, but it would give the story some context.
The police chief said in a press interview today that he would probably have all the evidence by tomorrow afternoon, and would render a decision then.

However................he did state a couple of times that he was disturbed and dismayed by this officers actions and the video.
what else is he going to say on the news?
If he starts talking like you all people will think he is nuts. That is what I think of all you all who are defending the juiced on steroid beat down he gave the student...that you all are a giant sized bag of Filberts ...
good for you. I think your nuts. So what does that achieve. Still haven't stated how you would have gotten her out of the desk.
You still havent stated what specific danger the other kids were in because she didnt get out of her seat when the teacher asked.
I would have brought in a female teacher or administrator. I would have called the parents also ..... I would not have done what this crazy cop did ... He not only deserves being fired he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law..
and when you become prosecutor go for it.
You dont need guts. All you need is a glock.
no gun in that video. So you're talking smack.
Who said there was a gun in the video?. He was talking about me. I'm not in that video either.
Tell us more about how you want to kill cops...

What would you like to know?
I wouldn't have asked otherwise.
What would you like to know?
I feel sorry for him...he made a move in anger....and the little brat makes out like a bandit.
yep. I think the little shit was playing on their phone (like most kids these days), which was aginst school policy right? They should be required to lock their phones in a locker until lunch time.
She was sitting at a desk, all 100 pounds of her. He-Man the Enforcer could have carried her out of the room, desk and all, and he'd still have his damn job today. Instead he lost it, which means he should never be serving the public anything beyond hamburgers.
we don't know the entire story. There could be 10 mins worth of footage preceding that where the officer was asking nicely.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
The charges are in the pending lawsuits against him, and the potential Federal Civil Rights violations currently under investigation.

A civil action is not referred to as a "charge" -- that word generally refers to a criminal code violation.
Semantics. The "charges" against are mostly that he's a racist bastard with a bad tempter who knocks kids and others around. Imagine that...

My understanding is that he has a black girlfriend and is liked and respected by black school staff and students.

His temper definitely got the better of him.

I wish we had a transcript of what the girl said to the teach, the school staff, and the officer himself.

Not that it justifies being thrown, but it would give the story some context.
yep. OP is basing his fauxrage on insufficient info.
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
The police chief said in a press interview today that he would probably have all the evidence by tomorrow afternoon, and would render a decision then.

However................he did state a couple of times that he was disturbed and dismayed by this officers actions and the video.
what else is he going to say on the news?
If he starts talking like you all people will think he is nuts. That is what I think of all you all who are defending the juiced on steroid beat down he gave the student...that you all are a giant sized bag of Filberts ...
good for you. I think your nuts. So what does that achieve. Still haven't stated how you would have gotten her out of the desk.
You still havent stated what specific danger the other kids were in because she didnt get out of her seat when the teacher asked.
I would have brought in a female teacher or administrator. I would have called the parents also ..... I would not have done what this crazy cop did ... He not only deserves being fired he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law..
so you would have interrupted the other students learning for the day to wait? Wow, I guess education isn't important to you.
Shaun King Retweeted
Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 6h6 hours ago

There is no excuse for violence inside a school. The #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh is unacceptable—schools should be safe places. -H
Now that I agree with. The student should never be allowed back in.
too bad what you say does not count in what is going to happen to the victim of an assault under color of law
I don't really care one way or another. To date, no one has stated how they would have resolved getting her out of her desk. The physical nature of the desk made it difficult to extract the young person. So please let's hear how you'd have done it.

You don't. You pull her desk to the office or an empty room and talk to her. If she won't listen or cooperate then leave her there and contact her parents.
You must have had years of extensive training to come up with that solution right?
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.

I'm not sure that he was a good cop with his previous charges, including one couple who say he confiscated their telephone so there would be no video/evidence against him.
Drag the desk into the hallway.

Still counts as laying hands on someone.

The new solution is for school cops to do nothing and let the teachers figure it out. It's the only solution that will guarantee their jobs.

Or better yet, no school cops. What cop wants to go through that shit?
Cops that enjoy working with children.

Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.

My children are very well behaved, respectful, and obedient as their mother and I raise them to be. They also don't go to school at the Zoo with the monkeys and apes in public schools.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
He has previous charges against him

This was his third, over an 8 year period.

and some accolades.

Lawsuits, accolades paint portrait of school resource officer Ben Fields
Drag the desk into the hallway.

Still counts as laying hands on someone.

The new solution is for school cops to do nothing and let the teachers figure it out. It's the only solution that will guarantee their jobs.

Or better yet, no school cops. What cop wants to go through that shit?
Cops that enjoy working with children.

Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.
why does it bother you? So we're not allowed to use our freedom of speech because you don't like our speech? Funny stuff these liberals, another non freedom subject.
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
But depending on the circumstance it IS okay.
Still counts as laying hands on someone.

The new solution is for school cops to do nothing and let the teachers figure it out. It's the only solution that will guarantee their jobs.

Or better yet, no school cops. What cop wants to go through that shit?
Cops that enjoy working with children.

Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.

My children are very well behaved, respectful, and obedient as their mother and I raise them to be. They also don't go to school at the Zoo with the monkeys and apes in public schools.
I dont believe you. If that was true you wouldnt call children thugs.
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
But depending on the circumstance it IS okay.
He put her to the floor swiftly and cuffed her because she was resisting and committing felony assault. Nobody was thrown.
Watch the video. He wasn't fired for doing that, which he didn't do in any acceptable way regardless.
I watched it... What I saw was the kid kicking the police officer who then pushed her and the weapon she was using; her desk, away... .

He then walked over to where she and her weapon landed, where he cuffed her ass and arrested her.[/QUOTE]
You saw nothing like that. You saw a black child and a white officer and that meant whatever he did was fucking fine to you.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
He already had at least three other bad days that we know about. His nickname in the school was deputy or officer slam.

The "slam" thing was not known to anyone outside of the girl who went on TV last night. No other students or staff have confirmed that. In fact, just the opposite.

His conduct had been reviewed and he was awarded-- so what other 3 days are you talking about.

And please don't post links to the girls' lawyer's stories, he comes off as a shiester -- independent source only.

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