Outraged White Guy Gets A Beating By A Black Woman....

and eventually arrested. This inbred evidently bit off more than he could chew. My only regret is that they didnt beat him senseless before calling the cops. No telling if the cops would have actually done anything.

A man attacked a McDonald's employee over a straw - CNN
If you have ever been in a fight, the winner gets boo boos too. Calling cops has the added benefit of creating a record of the incident.
and eventually arrested. This inbred evidently bit off more than he could chew. My only regret is that they didnt beat him senseless before calling the cops. No telling if the cops would have actually done anything.

A man attacked a McDonald's employee over a straw - CNN
If you have ever been in a fight, the winner gets boo boos too. Calling cops has the added benefit of creating a record of the incident.

"the winner gets boo boos too."

Thats not always true unless you have no clue how to fight.

That wont help much if they decide not to do anything other than take a report.
"After his attack on James, a Pinellas County police report shows that Taylor assaulted another Black female employee as he was being thrown out of the McDonald’s. "

Hmmm...how many, if any, non-black American or foreign born people are employed at this McDonalds, on this shift?

You didnt watch the video did you? :rolleyes:

Yup, I did. I noticed one non-black employee among about eight or so black or brown complected co-workers.

So chances of the knucklehead assaulting additional brown or black complected workers as he exited the store were pretty high, would you agree?

I also noticed the female employee put a whuppin on the dude.

Frankly, in today's climate of the BAW hating on the BAM, I believe if the knucklehead customer was a black guy, the McDonalds girl would have pounded him much harder and possible attempted to gouge out his eyes.

Risking hostile public condemnation, threats of violence and illogical HATEFUL name-calling, this apparent caring, strong, RESPONSIBLE American woman shares with our world her thoughts, concerns and opinions about a significant population of American citizens she believes is doing great emotional harm to our Nation's most precious assets, as well as impugning the image of black or American citizens of African descent.

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

"After his attack on James, a Pinellas County police report shows that Taylor assaulted another Black female employee as he was being thrown out of the McDonald’s. "

Hmmm...how many, if any, non-black American or foreign born people are employed at this McDonalds, on this shift?

You didnt watch the video did you? :rolleyes:

Yup, I did. I noticed one non-black employee among about eight or so black or brown complected co-workers.

So chances of the knucklehead assaulting additional workers as he exited the store were pretty high, would you agree?

I also noticed the female employee put a whuppin on the dude.

I agree but not sure what that has to do with the point that he specifically targeted another Black woman to assault again? Can you elaborate?
Because it's not race related. Moved
Thanks. If you want to give it more exposure thats always a good thing but I disagree. It definitely is race related.

I agree, we don't KNOW it's race-related simply based on an observation of two people we've never met.

I would guess race was a factor as you would, but we don't KNOW that. So it becomes an ass-sumption. Ass-sumptions get us nowhere.
I know its race related. I see the body language of the white guy. He wouldnt have had the same body language if that was a white woman. He wouldnt have even grabbed her if she was white. You would have to be Black to understand I guess.

So you have seen this guys body language before when he's giving white women a hard time?
But yes I agree with you the guy should have been put down.
Never saw the guy before in my life so I have no experience with his body language with a white woman However, that deflection has nothing to do with the body language I have seen numerous racist white males exhibit towards Black women.

No deflection. When a black person assaults a white person, it can be assumed theres a good chance its racial and when a white person is assaulting a black person, you can assume its racial as well. But it takes a little more evidence to determine motive 100 %
"After his attack on James, a Pinellas County police report shows that Taylor assaulted another Black female employee as he was being thrown out of the McDonald’s. "

Hmmm...how many, if any, non-black American or foreign born people are employed at this McDonalds, on this shift?

You didnt watch the video did you? :rolleyes:

Yup, I did. I noticed one non-black employee among about eight or so black or brown complected co-workers.

So chances of the knucklehead assaulting additional workers as he exited the store were pretty high, would you agree?

I also noticed the female employee put a whuppin on the dude.

I agree but not sure what that has to do with the point that he specifically targeted another Black woman to assault again? Can you elaborate?

Hello, A. I have amended my previous poorly written comment. I meant to write:

So chances of the knucklehead assaulting additional black or brown complected workers as he exited the store were pretty high, would you agree?


The moron got what he deserved. He attacked that woman. I would had knocked his ass out.
Wow, is there anything that people will not get worked up over anymore?

God bless you and the workers always!!!

She got the best of him and i laughed my ass off.
Why is this in the race forum?
He is white and she is Black. Why wouldnt it be in the race forum?

Because it's not race related. Moved
Thanks. If you want to give it more exposure thats always a good thing but I disagree. It definitely is race related.
Just because a white and a black are involved in whatever, does not mean the whatever is a racial issue. He most likely would have treated any employee that way.
I agree, we don't KNOW it's race-related simply based on an observation of two people we've never met.

I would guess race was a factor as you would, but we don't KNOW that. So it becomes an ass-sumption. Ass-sumptions get us nowhere.
I know its race related......

No, you don't. I know this might be hard for you to imagine, but just because an altercation occurs between a white person and a black person doesn't mean it's race related. Sometimes people are just assholes.
This guy was more than an asshole he was a racist asshole and like I also said, if this woman had been white it would have been handled way differently.

You can say it as much as you want, but that doesn't make it true.
You can deny it as much as you want but it doesnt change the facts.
There are NO facts relating to race.
and eventually arrested. This inbred evidently bit off more than he could chew. My only regret is that they didnt beat him senseless before calling the cops. No telling if the cops would have actually done anything.

A man attacked a McDonald's employee over a straw - CNN
Good thing Africans never behave like this in restaurants.
Interesting that that is your takeaway.[/QUOTE
Even though I agree the man was a total asshole, why call him an inbred? Another white stereotype?
Yes the customer should have had his ass handed to him. No it is not a racial issue, unless he spewed racial trash toward the employee. If a black man had said degrading things to a white employee, the blacks on this forum would say the white person deserved it, that is pitiful
That POS set off a five foot nothing stick of dynamite.
Because it's not race related. Moved
Thanks. If you want to give it more exposure thats always a good thing but I disagree. It definitely is race related.

I agree, we don't KNOW it's race-related simply based on an observation of two people we've never met.

I would guess race was a factor as you would, but we don't KNOW that. So it becomes an ass-sumption. Ass-sumptions get us nowhere.
I know its race related. I see the body language of the white guy. He wouldnt have had the same body language if that was a white woman. He wouldnt have even grabbed her if she was white. You would have to be Black to understand I guess.

I agree with all that, but the fact remains we don't *KNOW* that. We FEEL it. But for all we know this guy may wander the streets assaulting anybody and everybody just because he's fucked up.
Thats not the only reason I say its race related. If that was a white woman he would have been kicked out immediately. Even after this asshole grabs her the manager is still helping him like he is still a customer. The police were not immediately called and she has to ask why not.

This must be Racist in the opposite direction, no?
AKA Black on White racism, picking on a little White girl, and the punk got what he deserved.

Let's seee.... I'll have a large fry, a big mac, a coffee.

Would you like anything else with that order?

Sure, I'll have a small can of whoop ass.

Watch the video frame by frame for best effect. Her punches are so quick that they are just blurs.
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Thats not the only reason I say its race related. If that was a white woman he would have been kicked out immediately. Even after this asshole grabs her the manager is still helping him like he is still a customer. The police were not immediately called and she has to ask why not.

OK, fair point. I hadn't read that far.
The manager also tells her to go home without asking if she is ok. Thats when the guy gets even braver and says he wants her fired.

That ain't right. If she's my employee I'm taking her off to a quiet corner and giving her all the break and venting she might need and assuring her that I'll have her back.
Through it all I am more upset at the Black males that were there. They should have attacked him the moment he grabbed her instead of trying to pull her back.
Probably worried about cops coming in and shooting them first then asking what happened.

That ^^. Astute point. I'm conscious of that myself -- given a situation I'd rather not have the cops there. And I've never even been black. Cop culture, in this country at least, likes to shoot first and ask questions later.

It's amusing how so many Goody Twoshoeses on this site like to go "did they call the cops" when any kind of underclass is involved --- as if we were all walking around on the set of frickin' Dragnet instead of the real world.
Let's seee.... I'll have a large fry, a big mac, a coffee.

Would you like anything else with that order?

Sure, I'll have a small can of whoop ass.

Watch the video frame by frame for best effect. Her punches are so quick that they are just blurs.

Wait, he said he wanted a refund? He should be trespassed from the store, hell from ALL of the McDonald's in the area for that matter for having grabbed her.

And in my "professional" opinion I'd lay odds that there is a racial component if for no other reason than him falsely stating "I just ____ asked you a question" as if her refusing an answer that was to his liking gives him license to put his hands on her.

You'd almost have to be a black woman to understand what I'm talking about.

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