Outrageous And Uncalled For: Harriet Tubman Wins Vote For Possible Face On $20 Bill

Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your poisoned soul of accepting multiculturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that confirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan deep within your heart, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. With that said, I, patriotic Steve_McGarrett, wish you God speed on your journey.


Yeah, I had to check "Funny" too.

Stevie, you are delusional. I will not have a "racial awakening" because I am not asleep. I see people as individuals, not as skin colors.
You should. Multiculturalism will be the demise of the United States, a country the patriotic wise founders founded for Whites. Your flawed blind politically correct ideology is not aiding in saving our country.
Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your poisoned soul of accepting multiculturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that confirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan deep within your heart, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. With that said, I, patriotic Steve_McGarrett, wish you God speed on your journey.


Yeah, I had to check "Funny" too.

Stevie, you are delusional. I will not have a "racial awakening" because I am not asleep. I see people as individuals, not as skin colors.
You should. Multiculturalism will be the demise of the United States, a country the patriotic wise founders founded for Whites. Your flawed blind politically correct ideology is not aiding in saving our country.

Stevie, you said "You should. Multiculturalism will be the demise of the United States, a country the patriotic wise founders founded for Whites. Your flawed blind politically correct ideology is not aiding in saving our country."

What a load of bullshit. You don't give a damn about the country. You just hate anyone who isn't white, straight and christian. Your separatist bullshit is not good for this country. Your hate-mongering is not good for this country. And your praise of a terrorist organization full of ignorant cowards is certainly not good for this country.

You know what is good for this country? Judging individuals based on what they do. Not what someone who looks like them does, but what THEY do.

You know what else is good for this country? People accomplishing things they can be proud of. Not raving about pride in what someone with the same skin color as you did. You get ZERO credit for that. You have done squat.

You know what else is good for this country? People lending a hand to other people. Not spending their time trying to tear down, hurt, demean, or spread hatred. Being a positive influence on our world.
Tubman would be a decent choice, heh!


Jackson was a Democrat. Tubman; a woman, a Republican, and gun toting!
I don't know if I agree with putting her on the $20 bill, but I will meet the libs halfway on this.

Meh I can't honestly say I care who they put on the bills, I hate paper money.

I do find Tubman's story cool though. She escaped, saved a bunch of peeps, and worked on a lot of stuff important to this country according to Wiki. There's a lot of information here that our modern polarized views tend to overlook...

Like her mother rented her siblings out as slaves, that her father was freed in his owners death but he kept working for his wife's owners, eventually buying her after failing to get her owners to follow the terms of her ownership (she was apparently supposed to be freed at age 45.) Then there's Tubman's story too, we don't even know when she was born (she may not have even known.) She prayed for her master to stop holding them as slaves, then asked God to kill him, he died and she regretted her prayers. Married a free black man. Then she escaped her master, but was hunted. Despite that she went back repeatedly to help her siblings and other slaves escape, apparently even threatened to kill if the slaves tried to return to slavery because it would endanger the party.

There's a lot of stuff in this story that is 'worth' remembering in her history, and I think there's something to be said for her tenacious stubbornness as well. She was beaten but never gave up on what she believe in.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:

Yeah, I agree. This sort of hatred for women is laughable. It shows a complete lack of respect and would explain why he doesn't get laid without putting out cash up front.

Perhaps he is a latent homosexual?
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Lol, says the beta male faggot that wants aunt Jemima on the currency.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Lol, says the beta male faggot that wants aunt Jemima on the currency.

If you have to tell women to get back in the kitchen to make yourself feel like a man, you damn sure aren't an "alpha" anything.

Being a man isn't about being an asshole or about verbally slapping women down.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Lol, says the beta male faggot that wants aunt Jemima on the currency.

If you have to tell women to get back in the kitchen to make yourself feel like a man, you damn sure aren't an "alpha" anything.

Being a man isn't about being an asshole or about verbally slapping women down.

I doubt Stein has ever touched a woman.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Lol, says the beta male faggot that wants aunt Jemima on the currency.
Spoken like true asshole. Is it any wonder that you can't get laid without paying for it?
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:
Lol, says the beta male faggot that wants aunt Jemima on the currency.

If you have to tell women to get back in the kitchen to make yourself feel like a man, you damn sure aren't an "alpha" anything.

Being a man isn't about being an asshole or about verbally slapping women down.

I doubt Stein has ever touched a woman.

At least not without paying first or having charges pressed against him.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:

Yeah, I agree. This sort of hatred for women is laughable. It shows a complete lack of respect and would explain why he doesn't get laid without putting out cash up front.

Perhaps he is a latent homosexual?
Lol at the white knight convention here. Attaching supporting a woman on the currency to getting laid. Supporting putting a woman on the currency won't get you laid. It may get a word of approval from ugly feminists. But normal women would be disgusted by your white knighting and your beta male signaling.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:

Yeah, I agree. This sort of hatred for women is laughable. It shows a complete lack of respect and would explain why he doesn't get laid without putting out cash up front.

Perhaps he is a latent homosexual?
Lol at the white knight convention here. Attaching supporting a woman on the currency to getting laid. Supporting putting a woman on the currency won't get you laid. It may get a word of approval from ugly feminists. But normal women would be disgusted by your white knighting and your beta male signaling.

If you think I choose my political ideals based on what will get me laid, you are as juvenile as you sound.

Regardless of whether you agree with the idea of putting a woman on the $20, your comments betray your own issues more than anything else.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:

Yeah, I agree. This sort of hatred for women is laughable. It shows a complete lack of respect and would explain why he doesn't get laid without putting out cash up front.

Perhaps he is a latent homosexual?
Lol at the white knight convention here. Attaching supporting a woman on the currency to getting laid. Supporting putting a woman on the currency won't get you laid. It may get a word of approval from ugly feminists. But normal women would be disgusted by your white knighting and your beta male signaling.

Well, I am NOT an ugly white feminist, and I completely approve. Your comment was disgusting to ALL women.
Dear Women on 20s Campaign,

Fuck you. Shut up. No one cares what you want. Go back to the kitchen and crawl into the oven where you belong.
You haven't been laid in a while, huh? I wonder why any self-respecting woman wouldn't want you sweating on top of them for an ungratifying 2 minutes :eusa_think:

Yeah, I agree. This sort of hatred for women is laughable. It shows a complete lack of respect and would explain why he doesn't get laid without putting out cash up front.

Perhaps he is a latent homosexual?
Lol at the white knight convention here. Attaching supporting a woman on the currency to getting laid. Supporting putting a woman on the currency won't get you laid. It may get a word of approval from ugly feminists. But normal women would be disgusted by your white knighting and your beta male signaling.

Sonny, you'd have to man up to become a beta male.

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