Outrageous And Uncalled For: Harriet Tubman Wins Vote For Possible Face On $20 Bill

sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia upon watching the racist flick "Birth of a Nation" in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?

Everything you have pictured above is the Simmons Klan. As was all that cross-burning shit, as well as its persecution of Jews, communists, liberals, Catholics, loose women and people who "didn't go to church". The Klan Grant extinguished was the first one, insurgents only concerned with continuing the Civil War.
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sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.
Well I am all in favor of Jackson being replaced. He was a piece of shit. I would characterize him as a flat out murderer of Native Americans and he completely ignored the constitution as president and did whatever he wanted. All you need to know about Jackson was his response to the John Marshall SCOTUS when he said "John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it." Basically, it was 'I'm the president and the rest of the government can go fuck themselves'. Basically Obama with a bigger ego. He was as close to a dictatorship as the nation had been since good old King George and as close as we would ever be again until FDR. So I am all in favor of booting his ass off the $20.

Now who to replace him with? I think Tubman is a great choice. Not so much in favor of Rosa Parks, E. Roosevelt, or Mankiller. If I was going to go with a president I would suggest Theodore Roosevelt, John Adams (who I don't think gets nearly enough credit), or William McKinley (whose greatness I think gets forgotten as well). Too early for Reagan. Someone mentioned Polk earlier...fantastic president but the Hispanics would go bat-shit crazy. If we wish to honor a women, personally, I would prefer a close up of Kate Upton's rack ;) but Tubman is, I think, an excellent choice.
sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

That's true, and it's why I know way the fuck more about it than you do.
Andrew Jackson will be glad to know that his face will no longer adorn the twenty dollar bill.

Jackson’s portrait appears on the $20 bill although he detested paper money.

Chastened by a financial hit he once took from devalued paper notes, Jackson was opposed to the issuance of paper money by state and national banks. He only trusted gold and silver as currency and shut down the Second Bank of the United States in part because of its ability to manipulate paper money. It’s ironic that Jackson not only appears on the $20 bill, but his portrait in the past has also appeared on $5, $10, $50 and $10,000 denominations in addition to the Confederate $1,000 bill.

10 Things You May Not Know About Andrew Jackson History in the Headlines

Steve, do you also realize that Jackson adopted two native american children?

The predictable leftist Amerca's / Founders/ Europeans were evil meme..... Upsetting. Lmfao

How in the hell was that a leftist statement? I expressed that Jackson hated paper money -- fact.
McFucknutz may be a complete racist stooge dimwit piece of shit motherfucker, but

there is no but.

That's all he is.
sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Seriously dude, you need to get off whatever it is you're on. You are fast running out of brain cells.
sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
I say we should put Abbie Hoffman on the $2 bill...think about it. Abbie had a blast being a radical hippie (yippie), often wore an American Flag shirt, and once threw money at brokers from the balcony on the NY Stock Exchange. His partner Jerry Rubin later became a stock broker....Abbie never sold out.


He took many a beating from cops because he wouldn't back down. Always laughed and cracked jokes with the cops who arrested him. And in the end, after being raped by feral negroes in a prison cell despite his years in the civil rights movement, he killed himself. Abbie believed America could be more free and fun-loving like he was. I say that's $2 bill worthy.
sooner or later Moochelle will demand that she goes on the 50.00 bill cause she feels she deserves it for all of her 42 accomplishments, and she doesn't care for that slave owner who's on it now.

The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your poisoned soul of accepting multiculturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that confirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan deep within your heart, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. With that said, I, patriotic Steve_McGarrett, wish you God speed on your journey.

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The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.
Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.

You will find that if you put more effort into being correct on various issues, you will also conveniently find yourself agreeing with me more often
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.

You will find that if you put more effort into being correct on various issues, you will also conveniently find yourself agreeing with me more often

Sorry, I had to check "Funny" on this post as the site does not offer "abjectly hilarious".
Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.

You will find that if you put more effort into being correct on various issues, you will also conveniently find yourself agreeing with me more often

Sorry, I had to check "Funny" on this post as the site does not offer "abjectly hilarious".

Conversely , if one disagrees with Pogo on a given issue they are almost assuredly correct on that issue.
The 50 has Grant on it. Grant owned a total of one slave, which he got from his father-in-law, and set him free rather than sell him, at a time when he needed the money badly. He also destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh did he?

1925 Klan March 'A Sea of Patriotic White Beauty'



Yes, he did. The Klan was dead by 1880, and would have been an obscure historical footnote along with the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia and such vigilante groups, had it not been for a Georgia salesman named William Simmons restarting it under a fiery cross on Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915, exactly one hundred years ago --


The memory is the second thing to go, innit?
You must understand, the Klan is alive in all White peoples hearts. It only takes a matter of time to become awakened to it.

Horseshit!! The klan is alive only in the fantasies of a handful of racist pricks with delusions of grandeur.

The only way the klan survived and did what it did was that most people were scared of them. They were a terrorist organization, nothing more. And people are not scared of them any more. White people everywhere will stand up to those ignorant cowards and shut them down.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your poisoned soul of accepting multiculturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that confirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan deep within your heart, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. With that said, I, patriotic Steve_McGarrett, wish you God speed on your journey.


Yeah, I had to check "Funny" too.

Stevie, you are delusional. I will not have a "racial awakening" because I am not asleep. I see people as individuals, not as skin colors. And I do not lump every person into categories based on ignorance and stereo-typing.

The klan is nothing but a terrorist organization that is all but gone. They hold no real power. They no longer terrorize anyone. And their ranks are filed with ignorant cowards.
No no no my unawakened uninformed friend. You see, you too have a patriotic part of the Klan in you. When you finally become racially aware you will see this. It's only a matter of precious time until you see the light. Once you've become awakened and purified after purging your soul of accepting multicilturalism, diversity and interracial marriage, you will become one with White nationalism. You will then understand history why the founders created the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the 1st Congress, that cinfirmed this country was created for free White people. You see, you must become free. You must become free of the decades of indocrination of political correctness you've become infected with perpetrated by the Jew. Once you've become awakened and found your inner Klan, your mind and soul will be then purified. But first, as a true American patriot, let me help you speed up that process to help you become racially aware and awakened. Please order and read this best seller. I wish you God speed on your journey.


Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.

You will find that if you put more effort into being correct on various issues, you will also conveniently find yourself agreeing with me more often

Sorry, I had to check "Funny" on this post as the site does not offer "abjectly hilarious".

Conversely , if one disagrees with Pogo on a given issue they are almost assuredly correct on that issue.

So you're in McRacist's camp then?

Good to know.
Man, you are just out to sway anyone who doubted you're a moron, aren't you?

Wow. It took Steve McGarrett to get STTAB and I to agree. Holy shit almighty.

You will find that if you put more effort into being correct on various issues, you will also conveniently find yourself agreeing with me more often

Sorry, I had to check "Funny" on this post as the site does not offer "abjectly hilarious".

Conversely , if one disagrees with Pogo on a given issue they are almost assuredly correct on that issue.

So you're in McRacist's camp then?

Good to know.

I said ALMOST always Pogo. Words have meanings you know. You're like broken clock. You get it right twice a day.
lets do this. Jermaine Jackson on the 1.00 bill. Latoya on the 2.00 bill. Micheal on the 3.00 bill. Tito on the 4.00 bill and the one that should her right boob on live TV on the 5.00 bill. sounds good?

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