Outrageous! Pottsboro Police Department in Texas Come to Man’s House to Take Down “F*ck Joe Biden” Flag (VIDEO)

Again...we have laws in place to protect judges. The REASON those laws are in place is that the judicial system can't operate if judges can be intimidated by mobs! What part of that can't you grasp?

The part where you just make excuses. I can't grasp why you want to do that.
Protecting one of the vital three legs of our government is making excuses? What don't you "grasp"?

If you wish to address my full points to you, great. If not I am certainly under no obligation to repeat the ones already addressed.
He’s a crybaby
He doesn’t have that right
Nobody does.

But kavanaugh is an elitist crybaby prick.
He's a Supreme Court Justice. He deserves the same protection as any other Justice. If you allow judges and their families to be targeted by mobs who don't like their rulings then the whole legal system falls apart. Why is it so hard for the left to grasp that concept?
Free speech comes with consequences

You can’t just say or do anything you want without suffering the consequences

So, people harassing kavanagh in a restaurant have a right to do so because of free speech?

This is someone's home, their private property. Get a clue!
We are talking about a full sized outdoor flag that can be seen for many hundreds of feet. And I haven't seen the decal you are claiming and I doubt if you have either. Standard MAGA Rumpster domestic terrorist and traitor lie.

And she pretty well kissed off her career.

And when they either lock up Rump or fix it where he has to sell pencils on 5th Ave then you will be correct.
So, how visible it is, defines how okay you are with it.
On my way to the farm I drive through a small city...population about 11,000. I drive on a state highway. And less than two blocks from the city's biggest elementary school some jackass flies a F*ck Biden flag. A fairly large one. say 4ft x 6ft. I suspect that from the second floor classrooms of the school it is visible. It most certainly is visible to school buses driving by and to the kids walking to and from school.

I ain't a citizen of that city. But if I was I'd make the call to the mayor, the council, and the sheriff....and tell 'em if it is against the city's profanity laws...then do your job.
If they currently do not have such a law....I'd say, do your job, and pass one.

And if I was a committed Republican I'd write the Dick and tell him he makes all Republicans, all Trump supporters (he's got a 'Trump 2020' flag too)......but he makes MAGA look like undereducated badly socialized Dicks.

On my way to the farm I drive through a small city...population about 11,000. I drive on a state highway. And less than two blocks from the city's biggest elementary school some jackass flies a F*ck Biden flag. A fairly large one. say 4ft x 6ft. I suspect that from the second floor classrooms of the school it is visible. It most certainly is visible to school buses driving by and to the kids walking to and from school.

I ain't a citizen of that city. But if I was I'd make the call to the mayor, the council, and the sheriff....and tell 'em if it is against the city's profanity laws...then do your job.
If they currently do not have such a law....I'd say, do your job, and pass one.

And if I was a committed Republican I'd write the Dick and tell him he makes all Republicans, all Trump supporters (he's got a 'Trump 2020' flag too)......but he makes MAGA look like undereducated badly socialized Dicks.


I believe those who fly things like that, out themselves as ignorant. I don't believe we should make being ignorant illegal. I've seen people do the same or similar.

If I was a business owner and someone applied to a job that had a bumper sticker or flag on their car stating something like that (no matter who it was addressing) their application would get tossed as I would understand that I was dealing with a very immature person.

Unfortunately the country seems to be full of them.
Profanity is another trait of the cultist....not the only one, mind you. But you can see it here in this cultist's post too.

Profanity is a method of control, nothing more. Somewhere someone decides a word is profane and then BOOM that is now a bad word. The words on the list change from generation to generation showing it is naught but a made up thing.
The words on the list change from generation to generation showing it is naught but a made up thing.

I think there is an element in truth for Gator's observation.

However, socially aware people who have had decent parents and who live in their moment will pay to attention to the zeitgeist of their times.....and the circumstance. The 'f-bomb' has certainly become more common and doesn't carry the freight it used to. However, it is a word that, while often useful as an emphasizer, there is a time and place for it. With that said it still signals a vocabulary that is deficient in some respect.

I use the f-bomb, most predictably when I drop or spill something. But, the 'strong-language' users I do admire are those who can creatively describe a person, event, situation, in colorful....albeit profane.....language. Creative 'swearers' can be entertaining. But using the f-bomb in that 'creativity'.....always, always, detracts from its originality and novelty.

" socially aware people who have had decent parents ..... a word that, while often useful as an emphasizer........With that said it still signals a vocabulary that is deficient in some respect."

"Eat a fat dick, whore. Profanity provides the perfect emphasis. Now, go fuck yourself."

Point made.
Sometimes this is too easy.
Many communities have anti profanity laws. I see that flag flying around here on vehicles and I don't think that a 4th grader should be subjected to that.
It makes you wonder if MAGAs raise children to be ignoramuses like themselves.

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