Outrageous! Pottsboro Police Department in Texas Come to Man’s House to Take Down “F*ck Joe Biden” Flag (VIDEO)

That's a clear case of violating Federal law, Pk! You can't have a Judicial Branch if mobs are allowed to intimidate them at their homes. The whole system would collapse. There is a reason why that isn't allowed.

We have covered this before........I'll not do it again. It was not. But right, rights for you but not for others. Pretty typical today and quite sad.

(You also didn't comment on the Supreme Court giving the police a free pass to violate our rights)
Does he live in a community with an HOA?

I suppose you’re gonna react with…… big fucking deal it’s his property.
We have covered this before........I'll not do it again. It was not. But right, rights for you but not for others. Pretty typical today and quite sad.

(You also didn't comment on the Supreme Court giving the police a free pass to violate our rights)
We give protections to the Judicial Branch because without them we wouldn't HAVE a judicial system!
We give protections to the Judicial Branch because without them we wouldn't HAVE a judicial system!

Nowhere in the Constitution is anyone above anyone else......................and again, you refuse to comment on the Supreme Court giving the police a free pass to violate our rights.
Many communities have anti profanity laws. I see that flag flying around here on vehicles and I don't think that a 4th grader should be subjected to that.
Yeah...probably the F word did it. They fly those flags on trucks around here and I guess there's no anti-profanity laws in Nevada.
Did you say the same thing when they [lefists] were proudly displaying decals that said, "Fuck Trump"? How about the decal that said, "Fuck Trump and fuck you for voting for him"?

How about holding up the severed head of a President?

What you sow, so shall you reap.
Got examples of those kinds of flags and bumper stickers?
Nowhere in the Constitution is anyone above anyone else......................and again, you refuse to comment on the Supreme Court giving the police a free pass to violate our rights.
Again...we have laws in place to protect judges. The REASON those laws are in place is that the judicial system can't operate if judges can be intimidated by mobs! What part of that can't you grasp?
Free speech comes with consequences

You can’t just say or do anything you want without suffering the consequences

So, people harassing kavanagh in a restaurant have a right to do so because of free speech?
And Kavanaugh has the right to pull out a gun and shoot some people.

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