Over 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open since $15 Minimum Wage!

Historically restaurants have proven to be poor start ups. Let's see how many are in business six months from now
Guess Steve_McGarrett 's "sky is falling" thread was incorrect :redface:

Yup! - Steve_McGarrett 's story is 100% pure bullshit. 100% percent of the restaurant owners who formed the basis of the minimum wage doom and gloom story crying that minimum wage was destroying the Seattle restaurant scene, called out the narrative as pure and utter nonsense.

Renee Erickson who is closing down her Boat Street Café is one of the owners referenced. She currently operates three other restaurants in Seattle and is in the process of opening two more. Erickson’s response to the proposition that the coming rise in minimum wage had done in her restaurant? “That’s weird, ha. No, that’s not why I’m closing Boat Street.” Erickson said, “I’m totally on board with the $15 min. It’s the right thing to do … Opening more businesses would not be smart if I felt it was going to hinder my success.” Now there is an understatement. After all, a restaurant operator who was closing up shop as a result of her fear of the coming rise in employee costs would hardly want to open up two new restaurants.
So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.
You're an idiot. No Republican said that and it says nothing. Many restaurants can afford it because their customers can afford it. The point was that not all will be able to afford the increase. Why is that so hard?

It's a simple math. All they have to do is increase their prices. In general all prices will go up so if I'm a customer why bother to go somewhere else. The notion of restaurants closing due to $15. min wage is irrelevant.
So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.

Well, first it was........Seattle restaurants are closing since the minimum wage went up

now that they are not, it's.....We hope they fail
It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.
Historically restaurants have proven to be poor start ups. Let's see how many are in business six months from now

Traditionally French Fries is the most cost affective fare, lets see how this works.

Oh wait, are we not just saying random things about Resturants?
This is a good time in Seattle to open a new restaurant. With the upcoming increase in minimum wage, there's gonna be a whole lotta niggerrich folks out there wanting to go out to dinner.
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.
You're an idiot. No Republican said that and it says nothing. Many restaurants can afford it because their customers can afford it. The point was that not all will be able to afford the increase. Why is that so hard?
It's a simple math. All they have to do is increase their prices. In general all prices will go up so if I'm a customer why bother to go somewhere else. The notion of restaurants closing due to $15. min wage is irrelevant.
You should be the CEO of a multinational corporation. You broke it down in such simple terms. The analysis so lucid. Simply raise the prices and all will pay!

Oh wait, people don't NEED to eat out. Never mind.
This is a good time in Seattle to open a new restaurant. With the upcoming increase in minimum wage, there's gonna be a whole lotta niggerrich folks out there wanting to go out to dinner.
Because we all know how much liberals LOVE spending their own money.
So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.

Well, first it was........Seattle restaurants are closing since the minimum wage went up

now that they are not, it's.....We hope they fail
It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.

So what is your point?

The conservative claim was that the $15 wage was causing restaurants to close down. But not only are they not closing down, we have restaurants willing to risk a start up in a city with $15 wages
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.

So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.

Well, first it was........Seattle restaurants are closing since the minimum wage went up

now that they are not, it's.....We hope they fail
It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.

So you admit that all that RWnut blather about the Seattle restaurant closing BECAUSE of the minimum wage increase was largely baseless...

good for you.
This is a good time in Seattle to open a new restaurant. With the upcoming increase in minimum wage, there's gonna be a whole lotta niggerrich folks out there wanting to go out to dinner.
Because we all know how much liberals LOVE spending their own money.

Liberals don't spend money

We just flash our Liberal Card and get everything for free
So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.

Well, first it was........Seattle restaurants are closing since the minimum wage went up

now that they are not, it's.....We hope they fail
It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.

So what is your point?

The conservative claim was that the $15 wage was causing restaurants to close down. But not only are they not closing down, we have restaurants willing to risk a start up in a city with $15 wages

The 15 an hour wage is a few years away.

Once again I thought you were all about the facts.

I guess you're just as bad as those conservatives huh?
So typical of liberals declaring success before actually achieving success, we'll see how many of these new businesses actually survive.

Well, first it was........Seattle restaurants are closing since the minimum wage went up

now that they are not, it's.....We hope they fail
It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.

So what is your point?

The conservative claim was that the $15 wage was causing restaurants to close down. But not only are they not closing down, we have restaurants willing to risk a start up in a city with $15 wages

Just a reminder, to be clear, the 15 dollar wage isn't reached for several years.

It's sad to see the RWnuts have to root for business failures just because the employees of those businesses might be a little better off.

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