Over 40 dead illegals in tractor trailer San Antonio

50 people die following yours and you think your politics are succeeding?! :21:

Mine? My position is we start arresting those hiring them. Tell me how exactly my position would have caused this?

We revised national gun policy over a mere 17 kids who only died really because of police inaction, yet your Joe Biden thinks nothing of killing all these people. Obviously, we need to reform our failed election and White House policies.

I never voted for Biden and I said the new gun laws will largely get tossed by the courts. I support the things like better mental health coverage if indeed it's actually in there.

So quit your mindless ranting.
Employers whom hire illegals should be hanged in public but everyone sane and serious about solving problems always look to the point of origin….the root….the crime originates when a Mexican traverses our border and not when employer X passively solicits potential employers. Stop Mexicans at our border and TA-DA….employer X has no choice but to stop soliciting the brown slaves you say we need.

The root is the job. Without the job they do not come.
Business owners shouldn't enforce the laws. They should be held accountable to it. Why are you willing to excuse one side of the equation but not the others?

We have all sorts of laws. Those that the laws apply to are not in charge of enforcing them, only complying with them.
employers pay the corrupt politician not to be touched. How are you going to stop that?
Employers whom hire illegals should be hanged in public but everyone sane and serious about solving problems always look to the point of origin….the root….the crime originates when a Mexican traverses our border and not when employer X passively solicits potential employers. Stop Mexicans at our border and TA-DA….employer X has no choice but to stop soliciting the brown slaves you say we need.
This is what drives me insane... Biden is taking the indentured slaves of the cartels and moving them all over the US at taxpayers' expense. THIS IS THE SLAVE TRADE WITH GOVERNMENT APPROVAL.
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This is what drive me insane... Biden is taking the indentured slaves of the cartels and moving them all over the US at taxpayers' expense. THIS IS THE SLAVE TRADE WITH GOVERNMENT APPROVAL.
cause your successful at that? LOL dude, do you hear yourself? hahahaahahhahahahhaha

Well yes, I'm successful as I am not relegated to lying about the issue on some message board or cheering a politician I know is lying to me.
I've stated how. I will refuse to support them. If everyone did that, problem solved, right?
it isn't stopping the problem. so you're failing. You're sharing useless information for the sake of ...... nothing.
They aren't here and they do not listen.

Trump did absolutely nothing about the problem. Nothing.
Meaning trump didnt do exactly what you wanted him to

Dems cpuld have had a compromise where you got workplace enforcement and we got border security

But you were more interested in stopping trump
it isn't stopping the problem. so you're failing. You're sharing useless information for the sake of ...... nothing.

If the problem isn't being stopped I'll stop seeing it as a problem.
The root is the job. Without the job they do not come.
Like since the “root” is the 14 year old that wants to try fentanyl…..we shouldn’t stop cartels from trafficking fentanyl across our border?
Boy I hope not. Made a bet with my wife after the election that Biden would not be the president in 2023. I am running out of time but still have faith in my prediction.
LOL!! Your betting odds are 36%, I hope you win!!
(your wife is smart, betting with her head and not her heart)
According to political betting sites, Biden is now 7/4 to lose his job before 2024. That suggests a 36% probability – the highest his chances of being ousted as president have been since last autumn.
Meaning trump didnt do exactly what you wanted him to

No, he did nothing about the employment issue. He did nothing.

Dems cpuld have had a compromise where you got workplace enforcement and we got border security

But you were more interested in stopping trump

I was all for that. Not that a wall is even needed if the employment issue is addressed. But to note, it's up to the president to lead that discussion. No way Trump does anything to harm employers. To be fair, none of them will.

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