Over 40 dead illegals in tractor trailer San Antonio

I didn’t say it’s worthy of death. But they are knowingly deciding to break our laws, largely to smuggle in drugs, and are taking the risk. That’s their choice.

Where’s your compassion for the American lives they’re destroying?
Actually they are coming to make our beds and mow our lawns

But keep up the hate
Like since the “root” is the 14 year old that wants to try fentanyl…..we shouldn’t stop cartels from trafficking fentanyl across our border?

Most comes through the ports. If the only ones crossing the borders were those illegally carrying drugs it would be far easier to police. All the same, tunnels, boats, drones, planes etc all defeat a wall.
LOL!! Your betting odds are 36%, I hope you win!!
(your wife is smart, betting with her head and not her heart)

Just the opposite. She wants him to do his whole time

I said from the beginning he was only a place holder and would not do his full 4 years. that is the head talking, the heart does not give a fuck
They aren't here and they do not listen.

Trump did absolutely nothing about the problem. Nothing.
Trump did try to address the employment issue

You conveniently forget about democrat mayors declaring their cities “sanctuary zones”
Trump did try to address the employment issue

No he didn't.
You conveniently forget about democrat mayors declaring their cities “sanctuary zones”

You bought the B.S. First they were empty threats and secondly no can stop federal law enforcement from raiding a business they suspect of hiring illegals. No one. Trump lies to you, you buy it and repeat it.

Remember this was after Trump proclaimed the raids would begin that weekend. What did he actually do? Nothing. He knew a show was all that was needed to keep the faithful in line.
Most comes through the ports. If the only ones crossing the borders were those illegally carrying drugs it would be far easier to police. All the same, tunnels, boats, drones, planes etc all defeat a wall.
Your spinning bud….you’re saying the 14 year old fentanyl user is the problem and that those trafficking fentanyl are not.
You don’t even realize what you’re saying do you?
Your spinning bud….you’re saying the 14 year old fentanyl user is the problem and that those trafficking fentanyl are not.
You don’t even realize what you’re saying do you?

I said nothing of the sort but you know that.
No he didn't.

You bought the B.S. First they were empty threats and secondly no can stop federal law enforcement from raiding a business they suspect of hiring illegals. No one. Trump lies to you, you buy it and repeat it.

Remember this was after Trump proclaimed the raids would begin that weekend. What did he actually do? Nothing. He knew a show was all that was needed to keep the faithful in line.

When local authorities assist the illegals instead of ICE its far from an empty threat
Mine? My position is we start arresting those hiring them. Tell me how exactly my position would have caused this?

I never voted for Biden and I said the new gun laws will largely get tossed by the courts. I support the things like better mental health coverage if indeed it's actually in there.

So quit your mindless ranting.

Shut up and see post #122
No he didn't.

You bought the B.S. First they were empty threats and secondly no can stop federal law enforcement from raiding a business they suspect of hiring illegals. No one. Trump lies to you, you buy it and repeat it.

Remember this was after Trump proclaimed the raids would begin that weekend. What did he actually do? Nothing. He knew a show was all that was needed to keep the faithful in line.
Here’s more of that pesky truth getting in the way of your lies and bullshit.
Question…how many Republican run cities offer sanctuary for illiterate, degenerate thirdworlders?

When local authorities assist the illegals instead of ICE its far from an empty threat

You can avoid what I said if you wish. Even if it was made hard in San Fran there are employees hiring illegals all over the country . Trump was blowing smoke up your ass.
Here’s more of that pesky truth getting in the way of your lies and bullshit.
Question…how many Republican run cities offer sanctuary for illiterate, degenerate thirdworlders?

All of them. Not a one is actually insisting those hiring illegals in their city get arrested.
What kind of heartless animal could just walk away from 60 human beings that they KNOW will die in extreme misery? He couldn't just unlock the damned door? Dear God.
That would have exposed the smuggler. The cartels would have killed him if he did. That is how ruthless this practice is.. they want their money..

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