Over 40 dead illegals in tractor trailer San Antonio

If you wish. Does that make the mayor a worse kind of politician than the ones that had the power to do something but did not do it?
which politician had the power to do it and actually did it?
so vote for no one? Is that what you do?

As long as you refuse to hold those you vote for accountable nothing will ever change as they know you aren't about to hold them accountable.
so what is your fking point?

Seriously? One side wants to blame the other when it's the fault of both sides.

I fully acknowledge Biden isn't going to go after the businesses breaking our laws. Trump didn't either but that isn't going to stop you from TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!

I voted for neither.
As long as you refuse to hold those you vote for accountable nothing will ever change as they know you aren't about to hold them accountable.
again, what is it I can do to hold everyone accountable for not doing their job? Dude, you are such a useless fking troll.
Seriously? One side wants to blame the other when it's the fault of both sides.

I fully acknowledge Biden isn't going to go after the businesses breaking our laws. Trump didn't either but that isn't going to stop you from TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!

I voted for neither.
so if no one will, what's your fking point?
If you wish. Does that make the mayor a worse kind of politician than the ones that had the power to do something but did not do it?
Why are you pissing on me instead of the quislings in washington?

I voted for immigration enforcement but libs were freaked out by orange hair and let the swamp rats in DC off the hook
again, what is it I can do to hold everyone accountable for not doing their job? Dude, you are such a useless fking troll.

Don't vote for them. More specifically, don't re-elect those who failed you.
so if no one will, what's your fking point?

Then if you wish to go there, just accept it as it is what it is. Stop your bitching about illegals taking jobs as you have resigned yourself to that being the norm.
They don't come if the jobs are not being offered and the plain simple fact is neither party has any desire to actually address that. Too much campaign money from those benefitting from the cheap labor.

Is RWer offering jobs? If not, why would anyone want to break in?
You sound awfully matter of fact, post the data for us, show us why you’re so sure.
What percentage of Mexico’s finest come for the free shit?
Free education
Free healthcare
Subsidized housing for their anchor babies

Why do you believe employers / business owners should enforce our immigration laws?
You sound awfully matter of fact, post the data for us, show us why you’re so sure.
What percentage of Mexico’s finest come for the free shit?
Free education
Free healthcare
Subsidized housing for their anchor babies

Why do you believe employers / business owners should enforce our immigration laws?

Business owners shouldn't enforce the laws. They should be held accountable to it. Why are you willing to excuse one side of the equation but not the others?

We have all sorts of laws. Those that the laws apply to are not in charge of enforcing them, only complying with them.
46 people are dead and the first thing you run to is your failing politics?

50 people die following yours and you think your politics are succeeding?! :21:

We revised national gun policy over a mere 17 kids who only died really because of police inaction, yet your Joe Biden thinks nothing of killing all these people. Obviously, we need to reform our failed election and White House policies.
Business owners shouldn't enforce the laws. They should be held accountable to it. Why are you willing to excuse one side of the equation but not the others?

We have all sorts of laws. Those that the laws apply to are not in charge of enforcing them, only complying with them.
Employers whom hire illegals should be hanged in public but everyone sane and serious about solving problems always look to the point of origin….the root….the crime originates when a Mexican traverses our border and not when employer X passively solicits potential employers. Stop Mexicans at our border and TA-DA….employer X has no choice but to stop soliciting the brown slaves you say we need.

When will the left stop encouraging these illegals?

The Biden death count is near or past 200,000 from the crossers who die, the 190,000+ dead Americans form the fentanyl overdoses and other drugs. The deaths from MS13 gang wars and other items his lawless administration are doing. Biden and democrats are traitors assisting in our over run/invasion.
Employers whom hire illegals should be hanged in public but everyone sane and serious about solving problems always look to the point of origin….the root….the crime originates when a Mexican traverses our border and not when employer X passively solicits potential employers. Stop Mexicans at our border and TA-DA….employer X has no choice but to stop soliciting the brown slaves you say we need.
those employers pay for favors that the corrupt politician looks the other way.

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