Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Well if we are going to go that route, why not have government regulate everybody's wages? Complaining about CEO's...........

1% control 43% of the wealth in htis country. This is simply not a healthy state of affairs for any economy. Regulating CEO Pay would be a good place to start.

Unlike Actors or Lottery winners, CEO's have a major impact on that wealth distribution. Regulate how much they can make, make them pay their fair share in taxes, they'll find greed isn't as lucrative as it used to be.
Well if we are going to go that route, why not have government regulate everybody's wages? Complaining about CEO's...........

1% control 43% of the wealth in htis country. This is simply not a healthy state of affairs for any economy. Regulating CEO Pay would be a good place to start.

Unlike Actors or Lottery winners, CEO's have a major impact on that wealth distribution. Regulate how much they can make, make them pay their fair share in taxes, they'll find greed isn't as lucrative as it used to be.

Those entertainers I mentioned are all in the 1%, yet you don't seem to have a problem with that. Bill and Hillary, yep, one-percenters too.

The money to pay these entertainers come from somewhere. They get that money by selling advertising. The companies selling that advertising increase the price of products we buy to pay for it, so yes, they are involved with money distribution themselves.
Well if we are going to go that route, why not have government regulate everybody's wages? Complaining about CEO's...........

1% control 43% of the wealth in htis country. This is simply not a healthy state of affairs for any economy. Regulating CEO Pay would be a good place to start.

Unlike Actors or Lottery winners, CEO's have a major impact on that wealth distribution. Regulate how much they can make, make them pay their fair share in taxes, they'll find greed isn't as lucrative as it used to be.

"Fair share" according to who, some marxist parasite ???
Lets cap personal incomes at 250k, all higher earnings can go into the proletariat pot........

For the people !!!!!! Lmfao
Well if we are going to go that route, why not have government regulate everybody's wages? Complaining about CEO's...........

1% control 43% of the wealth in htis country. This is simply not a healthy state of affairs for any economy. Regulating CEO Pay would be a good place to start.

Unlike Actors or Lottery winners, CEO's have a major impact on that wealth distribution. Regulate how much they can make, make them pay their fair share in taxes, they'll find greed isn't as lucrative as it used to be.

"Fair share" according to who, some marxist parasite ???

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
I know of no country other than the US which subsidizes large corporations by providing welfare to full time workers.

And yet the idiot American right wing continues to vilify the workers, and praise the profitability of the corporations screwing them over. It's total insanity.

American conservative right wing voters have to be the most gullible fools on the planet.

You think that government giving workers welfare is a company subsidy, and then call us gullible fools?

Of course it's a subsidy. Especially when you're talking about some of the most profitable companies in the US.

Walmart had staff helping employees apply for every government program they qualified for. They carefully controlled employee hours so as to maximize their government benefits. And they encouraged suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower prices.

I had one potential employer actually say to me "I can pay you less because you're receiving CPP" (Canadian SS). My reply was that if I went to work for him I expected to be paid the going rate, regardless of any other income I had.

McDonald's put out a budget program for its employees which included their full time wages, food stamps, and Section 8.

Workers would organize and strike for higher wages if they couldn't live on what they earn. Certainly Republucans view it that way. Don't increase the MW, increase the subsidy.

The effect of EIC's is to transfer wealth from the working class and middle class to the wealthiest 5%. Follow the money. It's not trickling down, it's trickling up.
I know of no country other than the US which subsidizes large corporations by providing welfare to full time workers.

And yet the idiot American right wing continues to vilify the workers, and praise the profitability of the corporations screwing them over. It's total insanity.

American conservative right wing voters have to be the most gullible fools on the planet.

You think that government giving workers welfare is a company subsidy, and then call us gullible fools?

Of course it's a subsidy. Especially when you're talking about some of the most profitable companies in the US.

Walmart had staff helping employees apply for every government program they qualified for. They carefully controlled employee hours so as to maximize their government benefits. And they encouraged suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower prices.

I had one potential employer actually say to me "I can pay you less because you're receiving CPP" (Canadian SS). My reply was that if I went to work for him I expected to be paid the going rate, regardless of any other income I had.

McDonald's put out a budget program for its employees which included their full time wages, food stamps, and Section 8.

Workers would organize and strike for higher wages if they couldn't live on what they earn. Certainly Republucans view it that way. Don't increase the MW, increase the subsidy.

The effect of EIC's is to transfer wealth from the working class and middle class to the wealthiest 5%. Follow the money. It's not trickling down, it's trickling up.

I don't know what goes on where you live, but the idea that Walmart trains their workers how to get on social programs is an urban legend here. I couldn't find anything on it when liberals have made that claim.

What the government gives citizens doesn't benefit Walmart. Walmart benefits no more if the government gives them $300.000 a month in food stamps or nothing. It doesn't matter either way to them because they're not getting anything from the government.

However what is similar between Canada and US apparently is that people want to produce less to get social benefits. That means they will work less hours per month. It's another reason why social benefits don't benefit Walmart. Even lowlifes would rather work less hours and more per hour to reach their income limit than work more hours for lower hourly wage.

Now, as for this wealth transfer myth. Wealth gets transferred to the top by choice--not force or politics. Sometime this week, you are going to transfer your wealth to the top. You are going to stop at McDonald's or some other similar place, you are going to buy gasoline, you are going to pay your internet bill, your cable television bill, your cell phone bill. You may need a new set of tires or perhaps have a satellite radio. You may buy a new program for your computer if not another computer entirely.

We all transfer our wealth to the top, we are more than happy to do it, and nobody is forcing us to buy all these products that we couldn't buy in the 70's and 80's. That's why as time goes on, more wealth gets transferred to the top. It's completely natural.
Those entertainers I mentioned are all in the 1%, yet you don't seem to have a problem with that. Bill and Hillary, yep, one-percenters too.

Those 1%ers aren't the ones going out and screwing working people.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

Oh, good, please quote Uncle Tom...

Reality- the wealth isn't fairly distributed and you know it.
I don't eat at McDonald's - ever. Their food makes me literally ill, and always has. My ex said a "Big Mac Attack" was the cramps, diarrhea, and nausea for three days after eating there. I don't drive a car and I don't shop at Walmart. I buy my groceries at the farmers' market and I make my own meals from scratch and from fresh.

If you can't find evidence that Walmart pads its profits from federal welfare programs, you haven't looked. I googled and found dozens of articles, the first one being from Forbes. Hardly a left wing publication.

Americans transfer their wealth to the top. I'm a Canadian. We have the fastest growing middle class in the world. We use have higher minimum wages, government funded health care, one of the best education systems in the world (top 5).

We spend our tax dollars on our people and on infrastructure, not on wage subsidies for large corporations and foreign wars to protect the interests of large corporations.
I don't eat at McDonald's - ever. Their food makes me literally ill, and always has. My ex said a "Big Mac Attack" was the cramps, diarrhea, and nausea for three days after eating there. I don't drive a car and I don't shop at Walmart. I buy my groceries at the farmers' market and I make my own meals from scratch and from fresh.

If you can't find evidence that Walmart pads its profits from federal welfare programs, you haven't looked. I googled and found dozens of articles, the first one being from Forbes. Hardly a left wing publication.

Americans transfer their wealth to the top. I'm a Canadian. We have the fastest growing middle class in the world. We use have higher minimum wages, government funded health care, one of the best education systems in the world (top 5).

We spend our tax dollars on our people and on infrastructure, not on wage subsidies for large corporations and foreign wars to protect the interests of large corporations.

What could you start a war with? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now how does Walmart pad it's profits from welfare programs they are not receiving anything from?
Those 1%ers aren't the ones going out and screwing working people.

They aren't? You mean working people that pay an arm and a leg to take their family to a ball game that ends up being a $200.00 visit? Five dollar bags of popcorn, eight dollar beers that cost them fifty cents, Four dollar cups of pop that's so watered down you can barely tell what it is? That's not screwing working people?

Oh, good, please quote Uncle Tom...

Reality- the wealth isn't fairly distributed and you know it.

It's not supposed to be in a free country. In a free country, each person creates their own wealth. In a Socialist country, that's where the wealth is distributed equally.
I know of no country other than the US which subsidizes large corporations by providing welfare to full time workers.

And yet the idiot American right wing continues to vilify the workers, and praise the profitability of the corporations screwing them over. It's total insanity.

American conservative right wing voters have to be the most gullible fools on the planet.

You think that government giving workers welfare is a company subsidy, and then call us gullible fools?
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Because contract people are paid differently than hourly wage people. They have talents most of us do not.

If your baseball team signs a star pitcher for 4 million a year, and he doesn't perform very well, he still gets that 4 million a year. If a rock band signs a 10 million dollar recording contract, but they don't sell as many recordings as expected, the band still gets that 10 million dollars.

Industry seeks to find (and are willing to pay) talented people for those jobs. Hourly workers seek the business for work. If you don't want to pay that CEO five million a year, your competitor will, and likely take much of your business away because they hired that CEO.

Those people get paid by past performances, but that doesn't guarantee they will perform excellent all the time. It's a gamble businesses take.

Uh, guy, just because we are dumb enough to put the foxes in charge of the hen house, doesn't mean the foxes are smart.

We need to regulate CEO compensation.

"Look, I just increased profits slightly by firing thousands of people".

That guy doesn't deserve a bonus, he belongs in prison with an oversexed cellmate.

Well if we are going to go that route, why not have government regulate everybody's wages? Complaining about CEO's...........

A few years ago I bought a new big screen. I'm not usually a television watcher, but of course, I started to be.

So I started to watch older episodes of Big Bang Theory, and after a while, really began to enjoy it. I wanted to learn more about the cast and looked them up.

Those actors made over 1 million dollars for each episode they produced. Plus they got residuals on reruns for the life of the show. Take out the commercials, that's about 20 minutes of work. It doesn't take a college degree, being an actor doesn't involve much financial risk, and these people are making a killing and will for the rest of their lives.

If we are going to cap CEO pay, then let's cap actors pay too. While we're at it, many athletes are multi-millionaires, so are musicians. They make their living doing something they would do as a hobby if they were not making a living at it. Let's cap them all, and the price of the goods I buy will go down in price since advertising would be much cheaper. And what do we have mega lottery games for? No more of this 250 million jackpot garbage. The federal overnment should cap lottery winnings at a million dollars.
Because, dear; the right wing is all political talk and no political action:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
They aren't? You mean working people that pay an arm and a leg to take their family to a ball game that ends up being a $200.00 visit? Five dollar bags of popcorn, eight dollar beers that cost them fifty cents, Four dollar cups of pop that's so watered down you can barely tell what it is? That's not screwing working people?

Actually, it sounds like the Indians screw you guys over, not the players.

Hey, how'd that world series thing work out for you again?

It's not supposed to be in a free country. In a free country, each person creates their own wealth. In a Socialist country, that's where the wealth is distributed equally.

Who says that Capitalism and Freedom are the same thing. It strikes me that a world where you can be abused by the rich is worse than one where you can be abused by the government. YOu can at least vote the government out.
Actually, it sounds like the Indians screw you guys over, not the players.

Hey, how'd that world series thing work out for you again?

What, you think that just happens here? When you go to a ball game, you are looking at a field of millionaires. How do you think they earn that kind of money?

It happens here and everywhere. Those actors that get paid 10 mil to make one film, where do you think that money comes from? That's right, from working people that pay to go to the movies, pay to have Showtime or some other movie channel.

But oh! CEO's make so much more than the workers that produce the product. Well what do you suppose those hair dressers, makeup people, joke writers, stage hands make compared to the actors who made a million dollars an episode for shows like Seinfeld, Cheers, Friends or Big Bang Theory? What do you think roadies make who set up all that equipment for country or rock concerts?

Who says that Capitalism and Freedom are the same thing. It strikes me that a world where you can be abused by the rich is worse than one where you can be abused by the government. YOu can at least vote the government out.

I can't give you one instance where the rich abused me. I can give you several instances where government did.

The rich provide me with work so I can make a living--government doesn't. Capitalism and freedom are directly related. The more money you have, the more freedom you have because you can invest your money to make your own instead of depending on those rich people. If you are smart with your money, you may be able to (someday) depend on your own hard work and wealth. In order to start your own business or depend on your own risk in investments, you are a capitalist at that point.
Those 1%ers aren't the ones going out and screwing working people.

They aren't? You mean working people that pay an arm and a leg to take their family to a ball game that ends up being a $200.00 visit? Five dollar bags of popcorn, eight dollar beers that cost them fifty cents, Four dollar cups of pop that's so watered down you can barely tell what it is? That's not screwing working people?

Oh, good, please quote Uncle Tom...

Reality- the wealth isn't fairly distributed and you know it.

It's not supposed to be in a free country. In a free country, each person creates their own wealth. In a Socialist country, that's where the wealth is distributed equally.

Here's a clue Ray: Freedom isn't just about creating wealth. Freedom is about being able to choose your own path. Doing work that is meaningful to you. Living in an environment that is politically stable, safe and offers a quality education for your children. Where the air is fit to breathe, and the water safe to drink. Roads are well maintained and bridges are in no danger of collapsing.

A "free country" doesn't force you to pursue wealth, but allows you to do so if that is your choice. If you choose to do your job and go home to your family, you make enough in a 40 hours to keep a roof over your head and feed your family. It doesn't give subsidize wages for corporations. It makes corporations pay their own workers.

A free country offers universal government funded health care. A quality education for all children regardless of your economic background or where you live. Equality for all - men, women, minorities. Freedom of to worship as you choose. Affordable post secondary education. A good infrastructure for both citizens and businesses.

Americans ranked 23rd on the international freedom index. The "home of the brave, land of the free", is neither. The quality of your education depends on your neighbourhood.

I live in a country where I can have a good life without worry of being bankrupted by illness. Where my concern is not how to pay my copays, but what do I have to do to get healthy.

A free country takes care of its people, first.
Those 1%ers aren't the ones going out and screwing working people.

They aren't? You mean working people that pay an arm and a leg to take their family to a ball game that ends up being a $200.00 visit? Five dollar bags of popcorn, eight dollar beers that cost them fifty cents, Four dollar cups of pop that's so watered down you can barely tell what it is? That's not screwing working people?

Oh, good, please quote Uncle Tom...

Reality- the wealth isn't fairly distributed and you know it.

It's not supposed to be in a free country. In a free country, each person creates their own wealth. In a Socialist country, that's where the wealth is distributed equally.

Here's a clue Ray: Freedom isn't just about creating wealth. Freedom is about being able to choose your own path. Doing work that is meaningful to you. Living in an environment that is politically stable, safe and offers a quality education for your children. Where the air is fit to breathe, and the water safe to drink. Roads are well maintained and bridges are in no danger of collapsing.

A "free country" doesn't force you to pursue wealth, but allows you to do so if that is your choice. If you choose to do your job and go home to your family, you make enough in a 40 hours to keep a roof over your head and feed your family. It doesn't give subsidize wages for corporations. It makes corporations pay their own workers.

A free country offers universal government funded health care. A quality education for all children regardless of your economic background or where you live. Equality for all - men, women, minorities. Freedom of to worship as you choose. Affordable post secondary education. A good infrastructure for both citizens and businesses.

Americans ranked 23rd on the international freedom index. The "home of the brave, land of the free", is neither. The quality of your education depends on your neighbourhood.

I live in a country where I can have a good life without worry of being bankrupted by illness. Where my concern is not how to pay my copays, but what do I have to do to get healthy.

A free country takes care of its people, first.

When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude. I don't call a country free where the government tells employers how much they have to pay their workers.

It doesn't surprise me how we rank when it comes to freedom. You couldn't say that before liberalism came along. I was a child of the 60's. I remember what a free country was like. You had little choice but to be responsible for yourself. The people back then who were forced to use what social programs we had did so in shame. They felt guilty and worked hard to get off of those programs because they were barely enough to survive on. Liberalism took American integrity away.

And don't tell me about how great your healthcare is in Canada. I speak with many elderly Canadians who wish your system was like ours. You have your problems just like we do, only different problems. I"m a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. When you walk into that building, you're the one that feels like a foreigner. People come here from all over the world (including Canada) to get our top rated health care.

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