Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

What, you think that just happens here? When you go to a ball game, you are looking at a field of millionaires. How do you think they earn that kind of money?

Most of it comes from the merchandising and broadcast rights... but never mind.

It happens here and everywhere. Those actors that get paid 10 mil to make one film, where do you think that money comes from? That's right, from working people that pay to go to the movies, pay to have Showtime or some other movie channel.

Here's the thing. If i went to see that movie, I went to see it because I like that actor. Nobody buys a product because they like that CEO.

But oh! CEO's make so much more than the workers that produce the product. Well what do you suppose those hair dressers, makeup people, joke writers, stage hands make compared to the actors who made a million dollars an episode for shows like Seinfeld, Cheers, Friends or Big Bang Theory? What do you think roadies make who set up all that equipment for country or rock concerts?

Here's the thing. All those guys are unionized and have good paychecks and benefits and rights as workers. Now, nobody tunes in the Big Bang Theory to watch what an awesome job they did with Jim Purcell (I htink that's the name of the actor) makeup. They tune in to see him.

Nobody buys a Chevy because so and so is the CEO of GM.

I can't give you one instance where the rich abused me. I can give you several instances where government did.

Again, your boss won't give you health care, but he takes Italian vacations.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17799944
It's not supposed to be in a free country. In a free country, each person creates their own wealth.

Who, What kept you from creating your own wealth? You are free, right?
Only lousy capitalists complain about taxes and regulations and blame the poor for not trying hard enough, instead of coming up with fine capital solutions like Henry Ford who doubled autoworker wages and not minimum wages.
Most of it comes from the merchandising and broadcast rights... but never mind.

Utter bull. Merchandising? Some of it yes, but most comes from advertising and robbing their supporters who attend those games.

Here's the thing. If i went to see that movie, I went to see it because I like that actor. Nobody buys a product because they like that CEO.

You went to see a movie because of the actor? What about the people that invested the millions it took to create that movie? What about the directors, what about stage hands? Many people are responsible for that movie you pay to see--not just the actor. Without the corporate money that gives the actor the ability to work a movie that millions will watch, his or her talent is useless and they don't get paid anything unless they are acting on a street corner for quarters and dollar bills in New York city somewhere.

Without department managers, supervisors, and yes, CEO's, the worker is useless because they can't produce a salable product by themselves. They couldn't afford to lease the building, they couldn't afford to buy the machinery to produce the product, they couldn't afford to pay talented people to sell their product.

Again, your boss won't give you health care, but he takes Italian vacations.

And you won't see a shrink, but you have time to waste on USMB. BTW, my employer is far from wealthy.
You went to see a movie because of the actor? What about the people that invested the millions it took to create that movie? What about the directors, what about stage hands? Many people are responsible for that movie you pay to see--not just the actor. Without the corporate money that gives the actor the ability to work a movie that millions will watch, his or her talent is useless and they don't get paid anything unless they are acting on a street corner for quarters and dollar bills in New York city somewhere.

Except nobody went to a movie because Mary Smith did the makeup.

Incidentally, "Corporate" movie making is what gives us crappy movies about Giant Robots that make not a lick of sense but sells well in China.

Without department managers, supervisors, and yes, CEO's, the worker is useless because they can't produce a salable product by themselves. They couldn't afford to lease the building, they couldn't afford to buy the machinery to produce the product, they couldn't afford to pay talented people to sell their product.

actually, my experience in 30 years in the private sector is that most managers and CEO's are kind of useless and clueless. "My boss is a genius" said no working person in a bar, ever.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

By now you've read your own link and realize you're wrong but the real takeaway is that we cannot take healthcare away from poor women and poor babies.

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When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

By now you've read your own link and realize you're wrong but the real takeaway is that we cannot take healthcare away from poor women and poor babies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Correct, that's why I suggested if a parent(s) can't take care of their children, the government should remove them from the household and send them to an orphanage. Because as long as we keep rewarding them for having kids the taxpayer supports, they will keep having as many as they like which is something working people can't do.
Except nobody went to a movie because Mary Smith did the makeup.

Incidentally, "Corporate" movie making is what gives us crappy movies about Giant Robots that make not a lick of sense but sells well in China

I don't watch movies. Who wants to see a bunch of leftist kooks acting?

Yes, there are winners and losers in the entertainment field just like any other. The point however is that the entertainers get paid regardless of performance just like CEO's. That's because they don't work on commission. They are promised X amount of money win, lose or draw.

actually, my experience in 30 years in the private sector is that most managers and CEO's are kind of useless and clueless. "My boss is a genius" said no working person in a bar, ever.

That's because most workers have no idea what a CEO does. Their knowledge of CEO's extends no further than the movies Hollywood leftists write. They think CEO's have this huge office with a putting green installed, and that that's all they do all day besides flirt with the large breasted secretary. The don't understand that many CEO's don't have a place they or their family can call home. They are moving all the time from city to city, state to state, and sometimes country to country.

For those that complain about what CEO's make, I say if you think they make so much and do so little, become a CEO yourself and give it a whirl.
Correct, that's why I suggested if a parent(s) can't take care of their children, the government should remove them from the household and send them to an orphanage. Because as long as we keep rewarding them for having kids the taxpayer supports, they will keep having as many as they like which is something working people can't do.

So I'm curious, who gets to determine when a parent isn't making a good faith effort.

Again, we've pointed out to you that 40% of households using SNAP and other benefits have at least one working adult.

Yes, there are winners and losers in the entertainment field just like any other. The point however is that the entertainers get paid regardless of performance just like CEO's. That's because they don't work on commission. They are promised X amount of money win, lose or draw.

The thing is, in order to get to the 10 Million dollar payday like "The Mummy", he had to do a lot of roles like "Top Gun" which are cultural masterpieces that he wasn't paid all that much to appear in. And no one would have gone to see The Mummy if Tom Cruise wasn't in it. No one would have greenlit millions of dollars in pointless CGI.

Now, here's the gag. The real problem with movies is kind of like the real problem with American corporations. The people most responsible for the quality of a movie are the writers. If the story isn't there, the movie won't work no matter how many big movie stars or CGI monsters you put into it.

But there's a joke in Hollywood that "Did you hear the one about the Polish Actress? She was so stupid she slept with the writer!"

similiarly, when big industry cheats the people on the line actually designing and making the product for big payouts to CEO's, it's no big surprise the quality sucks and people buy Japanese shit.
That's because most workers have no idea what a CEO does.

Actually, I know exactly what the CEO does.

He's basically clueless. I've worked for four companies of various sizes since leaving the Army in 1992. Never met a CEO who impressed me as a genius or did anything to drive the profits.

These people have spent years reading Fortune and sniffing their own farts, which is why the Chinese, Germans and Japanese are pretty much eating our lunches.
So I'm curious, who gets to determine when a parent isn't making a good faith effort.

Again, we've pointed out to you that 40% of households using SNAP and other benefits have at least one working adult.

That's irrelevant. If you are or are not working, it doesn't matter if you are having kids you can't afford to support. Medicaid people are about one-fifth of our society. So how is it that one-fifth of our society are producing 50% of the babies?

So often we on the right tell our personal stories about fat women in the grocery store with three or four kids using food stamps. You on the left try to discredit us saying that those are anomalies and not the average. Well this OP proves we were right all along--and I don't mean just politically.

It's proof that people on welfare are having more children than the working people, and it's not an accident or an unforeseeable event that took place in their lives. The more babies they pop out, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamp allowance, the larger HUD house in the suburbs.

We must be the only society in the world where the lowlifes have more than the working. Working families that can only afford one or two children are supporting the non-working that have three, four or more. Where is the justice in that?

The thing is, in order to get to the 10 Million dollar payday like "The Mummy", he had to do a lot of roles like "Top Gun" which are cultural masterpieces that he wasn't paid all that much to appear in. And no one would have gone to see The Mummy if Tom Cruise wasn't in it. No one would have greenlit millions of dollars in pointless CGI.

Now, here's the gag. The real problem with movies is kind of like the real problem with American corporations. The people most responsible for the quality of a movie are the writers. If the story isn't there, the movie won't work no matter how many big movie stars or CGI monsters you put into it.

But there's a joke in Hollywood that "Did you hear the one about the Polish Actress? She was so stupid she slept with the writer!"

similiarly, when big industry cheats the people on the line actually designing and making the product for big payouts to CEO's, it's no big surprise the quality sucks and people buy Japanese shit.

That's not why people are buying foreign products.

Americans buy foreign products because they are cheaper. We don't care where it's made, we don't care how many Americans we put out of work, we don't care about the quality. We care about getting the cheapest products we can.

For American companies to survive, they have to make the cheapest product (or as close as they can to the cheapest) and you can't do that by paying superior wages and benefits to your workers. If you could change the attitude of the American consumer where made in USA is paramount, you would be able to solve our low paying jobs problem.

One of our customers makes products for Walmart. Walmart is their largest customer, so when Walmart yells "jump" they ask how high.

Walmart got on their case to make a particular product cheaper. So our customer had to search around for another company that made a part of their product for less money. They found one. It was a plastic company that invested in automation, and they were able to beat the price of the plastic company that did things more manually requiring more physical labor.

Luckily for us, the new plastic company was also a local customer of ours, and we kept the delivery. Not so in another case where our customer was using a local for wrapping material. They found another cheaper company out of town or country, and that was about two to three trailer loads a week we lost on that one.

But this is why Walmart is number one. They are actively seeking the lowest prices for their customers because that's what their customers demand.
Hey Joe, off topic, but here is a story I thought you might be interested in: a Cleveland police officer shot and killed an unarmed black man when he struggled with the officer during a burglary. The officer was found not guilty and within his jurisdiction to use deadly force.

I don't know why this didn't make national news. A filthy cop murdering an 18 year old unarmed black suspect? Those white police officers get away with this all the time because (as you have pointed out) they're white damn it. However in this case, no protests, no riots, no Black Lies Matter, no death threats to the officer or a call for his resignation. Well........I guess the reason you didn't hear about it is because the police officer is also African American.

I'm creating a thread about this. Feel free to join in, won't you?

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect
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That's irrelevant. If you are or are not working, it doesn't matter if you are having kids you can't afford to support. Medicaid people are about one-fifth of our society. So how is it that one-fifth of our society are producing 50% of the babies?

Because again- private insurance does a shitty job of covering people in the age range they have babies in, stupid.

Young people don't really think about insurance and they are less likely to have long term employment.

So often we on the right tell our personal stories about fat women in the grocery store with three or four kids using food stamps. You on the left try to discredit us saying that those are anomalies and not the average. Well this OP proves we were right all along--and I don't mean just politically.

No, actually, it really doesn't prove anything but your bigotry. Again, a slug who can't get health insurance from his employer really doesn't have anything to say on the matter.
Hey Joe, off topic, but here is a story I thought you might be interested in: a Cleveland police officer shot and killed an unarmed black man when he struggled with the officer during a burglary. The officer was found not guilty and within his jurisdiction to use deadly force.

No, not really interested. But I'll take a look to see how badly you are distorting this story
Because again- private insurance does a shitty job of covering people in the age range they have babies in, stupid.

Young people don't really think about insurance and they are less likely to have long term employment.

Well stupid, why didn't they check their coverage before having a baby? If they could not afford to have a baby delivered, then they still shouldn't be having children. Because if you can't afford to have them, you certainly can't afford to raise them.

When you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people.

No, actually, it really doesn't prove anything but your bigotry. Again, a slug who can't get health insurance from his employer really doesn't have anything to say on the matter.

Your conditioning is worsening. Seek help soon.
Well stupid, why didn't they check their coverage before having a baby? If they could not afford to have a baby delivered, then they still shouldn't be having children. Because if you can't afford to have them, you certainly can't afford to raise them.

Most people don't plan pregnancies, and not everyone is cool with abortion.

Your conditioning is worsening. Seek help soon.

Guy, you are the one who has the delusion that his uneducated, white trash ass is any better than the poor people you look down upon.
Most people don't plan pregnancies, and not everyone is cool with abortion.

People don't get pregnant by just walking down the street unless they get raped. Condoms cost 35 cents to $1.50 each depending on how fancy you wish to get.

You liberals can look directly into a mirror and deny seeing yourself. Lowlifes have these kids to get more government benefits. One, possibly because of carelessness, but making 50% of all the babies? Sorry, your excuse doesn't fly.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
I was a child of the 60's. I remember what a free country was like. You had little choice but to be responsible for yourself. The people back then who were forced to use what social programs we had did so in shame. They felt guilty and worked hard to get off of those programs because they were barely enough to survive on. Liberalism took American integrity away.

Ahhh. Now you the Great 'child of the Sixties' Archie, knew every single American that used social programs felt guilty. I doubt that, know it all.

Did you march for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. I did. Times they were a changin'. You appear to be desirous of keeping 1950's status quo intact.

Anyway 'pay at the pump' began in very few locations in 1966. It took about 20 years to dominate. I remember when pumping gas for a kid was an entry level job where a perk was learning mechanics basic auto repair from a seasoned mechanic that usually owned the station. Within a couple decades those jobs with that perk was gone.

Cultures evolve. Specifically ours in the age of electronic technology advancement.

You are so filled with hate for the disadvantaged in this country that you don't see most of what drastically changed over the past sixty years. You are scapegoating the poor as lazy and immoral. And we all can visualize the dog whistle you are blowing, Archie.
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