Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude.

Let's inquire in regards to your RWNJ "working slave" belief system.

Do you believe the Federal government spends more on low life poor people with children than it does on national defense and homeland security. What do you think is the total state and federal sum as a percentage of GDP being spent on the low life poor with children?

How much of total Medicaid spending goes to lowlifes deliberately getting pregnant in order to have their maternity bills paid by states and the Federal government.

If you do not know these numbers you are basically running this thread blind.

I want to see your numbers. I'm sure you've done the research.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude.

Let's inquire in regards to your RWNJ "working slave" belief system.

Do you believe the Federal government spends more on low life poor people with children than it does on national defense and homeland security. What do you think is the total state and federal sum as a percentage of GDP being spent on the low life poor with children?

How much of total Medicaid spending goes to lowlifes deliberately getting pregnant in order to have their maternity bills paid by states and the Federal government.

If you do not know these numbers you are basically running this thread blind.

I want to see your numbers. I'm sure you've done the research.

The defense of this country is outlined in a document called the US Constitution. Our leaders are charged with the defense of this entire nation. However you will not find Cash for Clunkers, government air conditioners, midnight basketball, healthcare, retirement, or supporting those who do not feel like working as part of our government structure. That's not why our founders created a federal government.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude.

Let's inquire in regards to your RWNJ "working slave" belief system.

Do you believe the Federal government spends more on low life poor people with children than it does on national defense and homeland security. What do you think is the total state and federal sum as a percentage of GDP being spent on the low life poor with children?

How much of total Medicaid spending goes to lowlifes deliberately getting pregnant in order to have their maternity bills paid by states and the Federal government.

If you do not know these numbers you are basically running this thread blind.

I want to see your numbers. I'm sure you've done the research.

The defense of this country is outlined in a document called the US Constitution. Our leaders are charged with the defense of this entire nation. However you will not find Cash for Clunkers, government air conditioners, midnight basketball, healthcare, retirement, or supporting those who do not feel like working as part of our government structure. That's not why our founders created a federal government.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

You don't have any numbers is that it?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
I was a child of the 60's. I remember what a free country was like. You had little choice but to be responsible for yourself. The people back then who were forced to use what social programs we had did so in shame. They felt guilty and worked hard to get off of those programs because they were barely enough to survive on. Liberalism took American integrity away.

Ahhh. Now you the Great 'child of the Sixties' Archie, knew every single American that used social programs felt guilty. I doubt that, know it all.

Did you march for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. I did. Times they were a changin'. You appear to be desirous of keeping 1950's status quo intact.

Anyway 'pay at the pump' began in very few locations in 1966. It took about 20 years to dominate. I remember when pumping gas for a kid was an entry level job where a perk was learning mechanics basic auto repair from a seasoned mechanic that usually owned the station. Within a couple decades those jobs with that perk was gone.

Cultures evolve. Specifically ours in the age of electronic technology advancement.

You are so filled with hate for the disadvantaged in this country that you don't see most of what drastically changed over the past sixty years. You are scapegoating the poor as lazy and immoral. And we all can visualize the dog whistle you are blowing, Archie.

Yeah, the disadvantaged. You mean like the disadvantaged that live next door to me in the HUD house? The people with four kids that don't work? The same people that came home at 4:00 this morning slamming car doors and waking people up like they do almost every morning? The same disadvantaged that I called the cops on two weeks ago because they (once again) had their lowlife friends all come over for a BBQ and had the stereo up so loud you could hear it five houses down? Those disadvantaged?

They are so disadvantaged that they are now producing half of the babies in this country and sending the bills to us working taxpayers. You liberals are all behind that, aint' cha? And when poor people procreate at a higher rate than the working, you leftists scratch your heads unable to figure out why we can't solve poverty in this country.

Do you want to know where my hate came from? It came from you Democrats who mixed in the lazy with the truly disadvantaged. It profits the Democrat party to have as many people on the dole as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. That's the real reason DumBama came out with Commie Care and doubled the food stamp role. Between those two programs alone, he proudly created 40 million more new government dependents. But I bet you think that was some sort of accident. :dev3::dev3::dev3:
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude.

Let's inquire in regards to your RWNJ "working slave" belief system.

Do you believe the Federal government spends more on low life poor people with children than it does on national defense and homeland security. What do you think is the total state and federal sum as a percentage of GDP being spent on the low life poor with children?

How much of total Medicaid spending goes to lowlifes deliberately getting pregnant in order to have their maternity bills paid by states and the Federal government.

If you do not know these numbers you are basically running this thread blind.

I want to see your numbers. I'm sure you've done the research.

The defense of this country is outlined in a document called the US Constitution. Our leaders are charged with the defense of this entire nation. However you will not find Cash for Clunkers, government air conditioners, midnight basketball, healthcare, retirement, or supporting those who do not feel like working as part of our government structure. That's not why our founders created a federal government.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

You don't have any numbers is that it?

You didn't read a word I wrote, did you?
What's the fascination with pointing your weapon at a camera.

07/29/2017 01:32 pm ET
Indiana Officer Fatally Shot By Man In Overturned Car He Was Trying To Save
In 2015, Lt. Aaron Allan was recognized as officer of the year.

By Sebastian Murdock


Jason Brown, 28, is accused of killing Allan.

Indiana Officer Fatally Shot By Man In Overturned Car He Was Trying To Save | HuffPost
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17824588
You didn't read a word I wrote, did you?

Every word. I have no quarrel with that. But you don't have the numbers that I requested, do you?

Off hand, no, but I'm sure they would be easy enough to find. However it's not worth my time unless you have some point to make. Is that point that we spend more on our military than welfare? So what? What does that prove?

Military and defense spending is necessary to maintain a free country; not only our free country, but others as well. Our strength makes us a world power and the leader of all free nations. Our power limits the abilities of our adversaries and constitutional at the same time.

While Medicaid does help some truly disadvantaged, it's also a system that promotes irresponsibility for those who are not disadvantaged as we see in the OP. It's also a major expenditure for states that put many of them in the red:

Total Medicaid Spending

As pointed out in the OP, this irresponsible behavior now gives us 50% of babies created by the so--called poor.
People don't get pregnant by just walking down the street unless they get raped. Condoms cost 35 cents to $1.50 each depending on how fancy you wish to get.

You liberals can look directly into a mirror and deny seeing yourself. Lowlifes have these kids to get more government benefits. One, possibly because of carelessness, but making 50% of all the babies? Sorry, your excuse doesn't fly.

Only lowlife I see here is a dumb racist sumbitch who can't get insurance, and looks down on others.
Yeah, the disadvantaged. You mean like the disadvantaged that live next door to me in the HUD house? The people with four kids that don't work? The same people that came home at 4:00 this morning slamming car doors and waking people up like they do almost every morning? The same disadvantaged that I called the cops on two weeks ago because they (once again) had their lowlife friends all come over for a BBQ and had the stereo up so loud you could hear it five houses down? Those disadvantaged?

Wow, guy, you need to get over your hate for your neighbors before someone gets hurt.

You sound like a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Do you want to know where my hate came from? It came from you Democrats who mixed in the lazy with the truly disadvantaged. It profits the Democrat party to have as many people on the dole as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. That's the real reason DumBama came out with Commie Care and doubled the food stamp role. Between those two programs alone, he proudly created 40 million more new government dependents. But I bet you think that was some sort of accident.

I think you are a little confused there, buddy. If you promised every American who wanted a job to get a job, most of those people would take those jobs. It's the one Percent who consider 5% unemployment to be Normal and 10% a job because they can cut salaries and no one will complain.

the fact that government merely picks up the slack through "welfare" and "Entitlements"" (AKA Welfare for White People) is just how capitalism protects itself.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17804094
When you live in a cradle-to-grave country, it's hardly what I call freedom. People go out and slave for the money to provide these programs because that's the only choice you have if you wish to make your own money. When you tell me that I have to get up for work everyday to support my next door neighbors because they don't feel like working, I'm sorry, but that's servitude.

Let's inquire in regards to your RWNJ "working slave" belief system.

Do you believe the Federal government spends more on low life poor people with children than it does on national defense and homeland security. What do you think is the total state and federal sum as a percentage of GDP being spent on the low life poor with children?

How much of total Medicaid spending goes to lowlifes deliberately getting pregnant in order to have their maternity bills paid by states and the Federal government.

If you do not know these numbers you are basically running this thread blind.

I want to see your numbers. I'm sure you've done the research.

One of the 24 states with a 50% Medicaid birth rate is Alaska. I'm pretty sure that "low life ghetto poor" are NOT responsible for that number.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17824588
You didn't read a word I wrote, did you?

Every word. I have no quarrel with that. But you don't have the numbers that I requested, do you?

Off hand, no, but I'm sure they would be easy enough to find. However it's not worth my time unless you have some point to make. Is that point that we spend more on our military than welfare? So what? What does that prove?

Military and defense spending is necessary to maintain a free country; not only our free country, but others as well. Our strength makes us a world power and the leader of all free nations. Our power limits the abilities of our adversaries and constitutional at the same time.

While Medicaid does help some truly disadvantaged, it's also a system that promotes irresponsibility for those who are not disadvantaged as we see in the OP. It's also a major expenditure for states that put many of them in the red:

Total Medicaid Spending

As pointed out in the OP, this irresponsible behavior now gives us 50% of babies created by the so--called poor.

I have looked at the numbers. It's 1% of the population which hardcore refuses to work.

But you continue to see the working poor as the problem instead of the corporate elite which chooses to underpay their workers, while booking record profits and paying 8 figure executive salaries.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17824588
You didn't read a word I wrote, did you?

Every word. I have no quarrel with that. But you don't have the numbers that I requested, do you?

Off hand, no, but I'm sure they would be easy enough to find. However it's not worth my time unless you have some point to make. Is that point that we spend more on our military than welfare? So what? What does that prove?

Military and defense spending is necessary to maintain a free country; not only our free country, but others as well. Our strength makes us a world power and the leader of all free nations. Our power limits the abilities of our adversaries and constitutional at the same time.

While Medicaid does help some truly disadvantaged, it's also a system that promotes irresponsibility for those who are not disadvantaged as we see in the OP. It's also a major expenditure for states that put many of them in the red:

Total Medicaid Spending

As pointed out in the OP, this irresponsible behavior now gives us 50% of babies created by the so--called poor.

I have looked at the numbers. It's 1% of the population which hardcore refuses to work.

But you continue to see the working poor as the problem instead of the corporate elite which chooses to underpay their workers, while booking record profits and paying 8 figure executive salaries.

How is any worker underpaid? Company X offers a job that pays $9.00 an hour. People knowingly accept the job and the pay. That's not underpaying anybody. That's an agreement made between employer and employee. If the applicant is unhappy with the money offered and thinks their labor is worth more, they simply don't accept the job offer.

Let's say I was selling my car, and you agreed to buy it from me for $15,000. After the exchange, you find out the blue book price of my car is actually $18,000. Did you underpay me for my car? Of course not. That would be silly. I wanted 15K for my car and you agreed to buy it for 15K. It's a mutual agreement. Nobody was underpaid.

Now if somebody is applying for jobs, and they all pay around 10 bucks an hour, what that means is your skill set is only worth that much; not just to a particular company, but to all the companies looking for your labor. The fact that your skill set is not worth more than ten bucks an hour is not the fault of any company--that's your own fault.
The planet is overpopulated, and we need to stop subsidizing irresponsible parents.

Here is my idea:

Keep the child tax credit for the first two kids. The third kid is not tax deductible. Have a fourth and you lose all child tax credits from the first two. In short, if you want a large number of kids, fine.... YOU PAY FOR THEM.

Empowering judges to sterilize is also a must.
Wow, guy, you need to get over your hate for your neighbors before someone gets hurt.

You sound like a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Why should I not have hate towards them? They've been nothing but a disruption since they moved in six months ago. The cops have been here five times already, and they still persist on causing problems.

If I have to get up in the morning and go to work every day to support these lowlifes, the least they could do is allow me to get enough sleep so I can go to work to support them. But this is the problem with government. They insert these lowlifes where they don't belong, and then ruin things for everybody else. They don't belong here. They belong back in the ghetto with all the other people that don't have to get up for work in the morning

I think you are a little confused there, buddy. If you promised every American who wanted a job to get a job, most of those people would take those jobs. It's the one Percent who consider 5% unemployment to be Normal and 10% a job because they can cut salaries and no one will complain.

the fact that government merely picks up the slack through "welfare" and "Entitlements"" (AKA Welfare for White People) is just how capitalism protects itself.

If there were no government to "pick up the slack" people would work more hours. They would try to better themselves by learning a trade or going to college. They would be more responsible by not having children they couldn't afford or spend money carelessly. That's what would happen.
You are not entitled to anticipate that someone else will pay for your babies. Try some personal responsibility just Once , it's actually enriching

But that's the thing you wingnuts don't get. No matter if it's a big insurance company or a big government program, health care IS socialistic.

Either you are paying in more than you get out - WHich is what I would say was the the case every year of my life from 1992 to 2005 and 2008 to the present day - Or you are getting more out than you pay in.

Why should I not have hate towards them? They've been nothing but a disruption since they moved in six months ago. The cops have been here five times already, and they still persist on causing problems.

If I have to get up in the morning and go to work every day to support these lowlifes, the least they could do is allow me to get enough sleep so I can go to work to support them. But this is the problem with government. They insert these lowlifes where they don't belong, and then ruin things for everybody else. They don't belong here. They belong back in the ghetto with all the other people that don't have to get up for work in the morning

I'm wondering how many of those five times the cops came was because you called them?

I'm sure in my neighborhood, your white trash ass wouldn't be welcome, either.
If there were no government to "pick up the slack" people would work more hours. They would try to better themselves by learning a trade or going to college. They would be more responsible by not having children they couldn't afford or spend money carelessly. That's what would happen.

And you based that on what? Because prior to the advent of birth control, the working poor had more babies than they had now, and there was no social net. We all knew that catholic family wiht no Rhythem that had 8 kids.

The problem is, today that family can't get the good union job where you don't require a college degree.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17824707
Is that point that we spend more on our military than welfare? So what? What does that prove?

The point is you are in hysteria over babies born on Medicaid and you call yourself a slave to supporting what you call low-life's, yet you don't know the numbers that have you miserably enslaved.

Half of Medicaid spending goes to the elderly. You should understand numbers like that when you start bitching about lowlifes. Do you think all elderly on Medicaid never worked their entire lives?

I'm in construction my entire adult life and I know laborers and other trades people that wore out their bodies by the time they were fifty. We have always paid for medical care for people that have no means to pay. We pay for it one way or another because no one is refused care.

How much of your slavery goes to things you want?

You don't even know.

My wife and I pay a higher percentage of Federal taxes than both Mitt Romney and Donald Trump. We don't feel we are slaves in this system. We certainly don't waste our time bitching about those far more disadvantaged than we ever were.

I want to know how much of your overal tax payments in a given year went to people that repeatedly have babies expecting taxpayers to pay for them - cradle to grave.

You should have some idea before starting this thread.
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