Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17833351
So thank you for your help on this topic. It is much worse than we thought. It's probably about one-sixth or one-seventh of our population making 50% of those babies.

You don't know how many of the working poor are making babies.

If you don't know the facts and data you can't estimate anything.

Your rant is mostly I guess against able bodied people having babies with no plan to ever work to support them.

You don't even know what you are bitching about.

19% of Medicaid dollars goes to non-elderly and non-disabled adults. 66% of those adults are working poor.

You don't know what number of working poor households are having babies paid for by Medicaid.

You are shooting with a blindfold on and declaring whatever you hit was the intended target.

That's totally irrelevant. If you have kids you can't afford to have, it doesn't mean squat whether you are working or not.
"Now, Nickerson (mid-eighties) said he pays about $1,700 a month from her Social Security, and Medi-Cal picks up the rest of the tab"

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17834813
Ah yes, demanding an answer to your one question and avoiding the rest of the post.

So you avoid providing an answer first and then complain that I did not respond your entire avoidance.

So you only are OK with the Feds and states taking care of the truly disabled.

Are the elderly in nursing homes lowlifes too. You hinted you are of the belief that everybody under nursing home care ($90,000 per year) never worked as hard as overburdened welfare slave you.

First of all you should be ashamed of your clueless ire at the elderly in nursing homes since you are too lazy to know this.

Medicare doesn't cover long-term care (also called custodial care), if that's the only care you need. Most nursing home care is custodial care. ... Skilled nursing care in a skilled nursingfacility. Eligible home health services. Long-term care | Medicare.gov
Medicare.gov › coverage › long-term-care

Second of all, I'm sure most elderly enter nursing homes from their status as a middle class working American.

This is just one story, but you should get the picture (these are working people that own their own home well into their mid-eighties) unless your resentment and hate for anyone not disabled needing public assistance clouds your view.

When Nickerson, 85, realized a nursing home bed was too expensive, he sought guidance from an attorney, who helped him take his wife’s name off their home and take their assets out of her name. Then Nickerson applied for her to receive Medi-Cal, and he helped her move into a Turlock nursing home near the one where she once worked.

Now, Nickerson said he pays about $1,700 a month from her Social Security, and Medi-Cal picks up the rest of the tab, he said. Nickerson said his wife, now 84, is getting the care she needs, and he can’t imagine having her anywhere else.

“It is absolutely the best place for her,” he said. “She needs help 24 hours a day.”

Nursing Home Bills Are Swamping Medicaid

So if people worked their whole lives and end up needing care in a nursing home do you approve of the Feds and States providing assistance through Medicaid? Or do you hate and resent Nickerson for keeping his home as long as he can and getting into your precious little purse too.

I'm not against helping the elderly. In fact, I've been saying all along that they should increase employee deductions for the Medicare program. But what your site fails to show is how many elderly people on Medicaid are actually in nursing homes compared to those who just have it because they never worked (or worked very little) in their lives.

For those who did work their entire lives, they had the option to purchase long-term care insurance policies that kick in after all Medicare benefits are exhausted.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839477,
But what your site fails to show is how many elderly people on Medicaid are actually in nursing homes compared to those who just have it because they never worked (or worked very little) in their lives.

So you've just been guessing when you go on your rants against the non-working poor.

Your OP is a farce.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839232
That's totally irrelevant. If you have kids you can't afford to have, it doesn't mean squat whether you are working or not.

Your bitch started out that they are all lazy low life's who don't want to work and have babies for income. That's gone, so now you attack people who probably work harder than you do and raise a family too.

Maybe if your politics stood for lifting wages for the working poor you will not have to support sterilizing them until they pass the financial hurdle that you seek to impose on them.

Will they have to save up $200,000 and put it in a holding account before producing a child.

What's your law going to be?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839194
The poor? If they want five or six kids, they just have them. Who is going to stop them? Who is going to limit them?

Are you allergic to the words, "working poor"?

It's sounds like you mostly just hate poor people just for being poor. You have a need to scapegoat others, that you just admitted you know damn well you can't do nothing about it.

Find another purpose in life. My wife and I probably pay more in taxes than you make in salary. We got the poor covered for you since we paid off the mortgages on our home and a condo (our daughter lives in it and she is working while planning to go to Grad School) so we don't get the mortgage deduction.

Proud dad, myself of three wonderful daughters, two grand sons, one grandaughter
and one great grand son. One of my daughters probably pays a helluva lot more taxes than my wife and I do.

So you are covered. All your taxes can go to the defense department and perhaps Republicans will start another needless stupid trillion dollar war and you can donate some more tax dollars to that.

Me and my family would rather support poor folks instead of total fuck ups like the war in Iraq.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839194
The poor? If they want five or six kids, they just have them. Who is going to stop them? Who is going to limit them?

Are you allergic to the words, "working poor"?

It's sounds like you mostly just hate poor people just for being poor. You have a need to scapegoat others, that you just admitted you know damn well you can't do nothing about it.

Find another purpose in life. My wife and I probably pay more in taxes than you make in salary. We got the poor covered for you since we paid off the mortgages on our home and a condo (our daughter lives in it and she is working while planning to go to Grad School) so we don't get the mortgage deduction.

Proud dad, myself of three wonderful daughters, two grand sons, one grandaughter
and one great grand son. One of my daughters probably pays a helluva lot more taxes than my wife and I do.

So you are covered. All your taxes can go to the defense department and perhaps Republicans will start another needless stupid trillion dollar war and you can donate some more tax dollars to that.

Me and my family would rather support poor folks instead of total fuck ups like the war in Iraq.

Well.......at least you learn something with every war. You on the left never learn anything about supporting people that take advantage of all taxpayers.

I don't hate the poor for being poor, I hate the poor for being irresponsible and taking advantage of our stupidity. I hate it when I'm behind them at the grocery store when they pay for their food with their Fn food stamps, and then whip out a wad of cash for their cigarettes, beer, wine, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, multiple bags of cat litter. I hate it worse when I see them outside of the store loading their goodies in their late model SUV.

I hate it when those HUD people next door come home at 4:00am on a work night and wake me and my tenants up. I hate them when they open up their windows in the winter time while it's snowing because they are too lazy to turn down the thermostat since they don't pay for their utilities.

Cant do anything about it? Well me and others like me will keep trying. We will keep voting Republican and conservative Republican at that. We will keep writing to our representatives to put a stop to all this nonsense. Because there is something seriously wrong with a liberal system like we have today where the poor are living better than the working in many ways. Per the OP: having more children than the working.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839232
That's totally irrelevant. If you have kids you can't afford to have, it doesn't mean squat whether you are working or not.

Your bitch started out that they are all lazy low life's who don't want to work and have babies for income. That's gone, so now you attack people who probably work harder than you do and raise a family too.

Maybe if your politics stood for lifting wages for the working poor you will not have to support sterilizing them until they pass the financial hurdle that you seek to impose on them.

Will they have to save up $200,000 and put it in a holding account before producing a child.

What's your law going to be?

My law would be getting fixed if you apply for any government assistance; no more having kids while sucking out taxpayer dollars. My law would be if you can't reasonably afford to support your children, they should be taken away for abuse and put in an orphanage. My law would be HUD people restricted to lower income areas and save the taxpayers at least some money. No more housing in the suburbs that they destroy every day.

I would like a lot of things in life I can't afford now. I would love an in-ground swimming pool. I would like a new garage. I would like new car. But much like children, these are things I can't afford right now, and I shouldn't expect taxpayers to provide me with those unnecessary things just because I want them.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17839477,
But what your site fails to show is how many elderly people on Medicaid are actually in nursing homes compared to those who just have it because they never worked (or worked very little) in their lives.

So you've just been guessing when you go on your rants against the non-working poor.

Your OP is a farce.

Such a farce that you continue to contribute.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841379
I don't hate the poor for being poor, I hate the poor for being irresponsible and taking advantage of our stupidity. I hate it when I'm behind them at the grocery store when they pay for their food with their Fn food stamps, and then whip out a wad of cash for their cigarettes, beer, wine, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, multiple bags of cat litter. I hate it worse when I see them outside of the store loading their goodies in their late model SUV.

Late model SUV's? My my? Are they black all the time? Why no pink Cadillac convertibles?

No kids but you can't afford to live where you are not forced to get in line behind lowlife people using food stamps. Oh the horror of your pitiful enslaved life.

I can't say that I have ever been behind anybody using food stamps where I live about 20 miles west of D.C. We have a great multicultural neighborhood.

I'm from Sandusky and my daughter lived in Avon Lake until recently. I know Cleveland quite well. Love the City, the Browns Cavs and Indians.

Why don't you earn enough to live someplace worthy of you high moral stature.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841379
Because there is something seriously wrong with a liberal system like we have today where the poor are living better than the working in many ways.

If you are working why are you so poor?

Do you really think Trump and either kind of Republican politician gives a rats ass about your misery.

They blow the dogwhistle and your ears perk up, you vote and that's all you get. More whistles.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841434
But much like children, these are things I can't afford right now,

You don't have enough things so you conjure up "irresponsibility" in poorer "working" people than you to justify hating an scapegoating.

You ought to take a different tack in life.

It appears hatred is holding you back. You need to get out of your Republic rut.
When you realize that a very large number of those babies will grow up to be dependent on the government for everything, it almost makes a pretty convincing case for Planned Parenthood.

No...Proper use of birth control.. Or more responsible choices.
The system is broken, People are increasing their taxpayer funded "salaries" by pumping out more kids
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841434
But much like children, these are things I can't afford right now,

You don't have enough things so you conjure up "irresponsibility" in poorer "working" people than you to justify hating an scapegoating.

You ought to take a different tack in life.

It appears hatred is holding you back. You need to get out of your Republic rut.
What hatred. This is a simple concept of personal responsibility. Or lack thereof.
We as a society cannot continue to compel the producers to keep supporting the non producers.
You libs who see nothing wrong with the continued growth of social safety nets, as long as it does not come from your pockets.
This has to change. its over. Unsustainable.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841434
But much like children, these are things I can't afford right now,

You don't have enough things so you conjure up "irresponsibility" in poorer "working" people than you to justify hating an scapegoating.

You ought to take a different tack in life.

It appears hatred is holding you back. You need to get out of your Republic rut.
What hatred. This is a simple concept of personal responsibility. Or lack thereof.
We as a society cannot continue to compel the producers to keep supporting the non producers.
You libs who see nothing wrong with the continued growth of social safety nets, as long as it does not come from your pockets.
This has to change. its over. Unsustainable.

Liberals absolutely refuse to wrap their heads around even the simplest concepts of personal accountability and human decency. Excuse making is their M.O. as is championing for our lowest grade. It's what they do.
It's always...but, but, but
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841434
But much like children, these are things I can't afford right now,

You don't have enough things so you conjure up "irresponsibility" in poorer "working" people than you to justify hating an scapegoating.

You ought to take a different tack in life.

It appears hatred is holding you back. You need to get out of your Republic rut.

And if we never fought back against socialism/ liberalism, where would we be today, 25 trillion in debt in a cradle-to-grave society?

In the past, people worked to make it better for the upcoming generations, and liberals are doing everything in their power to stop that trend. They want to create a much more fragile society where nobody is accountable for anything.
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Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841379
Because there is something seriously wrong with a liberal system like we have today where the poor are living better than the working in many ways.

If you are working why are you so poor?

Do you really think Trump and either kind of Republican politician gives a rats ass about your misery.

They blow the dogwhistle and your ears perk up, you vote and that's all you get. More whistles.

I never said I was poor, I said there are things I can't afford. I'm no different than any other responsible American in this country. Very few live their lives being able to afford everything they want. For most Americans, having a child will be their largest expense in their lives---unless you are poor and then you can pass those huge expenses to the working and let them pay for it.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17841379
I don't hate the poor for being poor, I hate the poor for being irresponsible and taking advantage of our stupidity. I hate it when I'm behind them at the grocery store when they pay for their food with their Fn food stamps, and then whip out a wad of cash for their cigarettes, beer, wine, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, multiple bags of cat litter. I hate it worse when I see them outside of the store loading their goodies in their late model SUV.

Late model SUV's? My my? Are they black all the time? Why no pink Cadillac convertibles?

No kids but you can't afford to live where you are not forced to get in line behind lowlife people using food stamps. Oh the horror of your pitiful enslaved life.

I can't say that I have ever been behind anybody using food stamps where I live about 20 miles west of D.C. We have a great multicultural neighborhood.

I'm from Sandusky and my daughter lived in Avon Lake until recently. I know Cleveland quite well. Love the City, the Browns Cavs and Indians.

Why don't you earn enough to live someplace worthy of you high moral stature.

Well that certainly explains a lot. You live in an area where you are never exposed to reality. If you don't see it--it's not happening because your leftist leaders told you an entirely different story. But then you come here telling us (who see this crap all the time) that we are full of it; that you are more of an authority on the subject than people who live it every day.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17842315,
Well that certainly explains a lot. You live in an area where you are never exposed to reality

Don't worry I see plenty of poverty when I go to D.C. I've lived in Detroit and Chicago.

What I don't see is why such a hardworking morally upright person of stature is forced to live in the worst neighborhoods of Cleveland.
My problem is that people are having kids they can't support, and then passing the bill to the taxpayers who could only dream of having as many kids as the poor have. I've known a lot of working people that wished they could have had a larger family, but they couldn't because they were responsible enough to limit their family size according to their income if they had any kids at all.

The poor? If they want five or six kids, they just have them. Who is going to stop them? Who is going to limit them?

Any woman who has 15 kids probably has some issues...

Again, if you think you can raise a child on the pittance the government gives out, you are delusional.

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