Over 60,000 Americans have died from Covid on Joe Biden's watch

He's doing NOTHING about it, and he's on pace to kill nearly a MILLION Americans in 2021 alone.
You run with that.It will take him a while to reverse the inertia of the covid denying fuckwit who will be on trial tomorrow.
There isn't gonna be any trial, dumb ass.
He campaigned on the promise that had a plan. He wins and then says there's nothing more he can do. You stupid cockroaches.

Obammy also said he would close Gitmo and stop the rise of the oceans and the suckers gulped it up.
If Obungo shit on a piece of bread they'd make a sandwich out of it and lap it up. I'm serious.
Well, we should at least give the poor beaten Trumpsters an "A" for effort.

Every time a Democrat steps in to solve the crises left them by the previous Republican administration, the right-wing nuts start this same bullsh!t. Like all it should take is a wave of the hand by the new President and every fvck up by the Republican will disappear.

The trump Nazis have fought every effort by medical and scientific experts to slow the spread of COVID-19, so, any criticism of the Democrats just proves the trump Nazis' pure stupidity

They're gripped by fear and paranoia. They're in pain, even if they pretend they're not.

I guess I should feel bad for them, but the hardcore Trumpsters? The more feral dupes? Not so much.
For the length of time the GOP has employed their Southern Strategy rhetoric, everyone should be familiar with its terminology and content. While certain updates and events require adjustments, after fifty plus years, at the end of the day, it's still the same old Republican bullsh!t.

If the right-wingers haven't seen through the scam by now, they deserve all the misery they've brought upon themselves. They can lash out, accusing all the usual scapegoats the GOP has provided for them, but in the end, they have only themselves to blame.

Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.
And he's been in office less than a month. God help us.

Indeed. Right now, we're looking at Biden killing over a MILLION of us by the end of the year if he continues on his current path of doing nothing and influencing the media to ignore the crisis.
Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.
And he's been in office less than a month. God help us.

Indeed. Right now, we're looking at Biden killing over a MILLION of us by the end of the year if he continues on his current path of doing nothing and influencing the media to ignore the crisis.
Yep. The Democrats have created a major distraction with another impeachment circus that accomplishes absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, they're implementing all kinds of crap to further their agenda while their media lapdogs bark up the impeachment tree.
Well, we should at least give the poor beaten Trumpsters an "A" for effort.

Every time a Democrat steps in to solve the crises left them by the previous Republican administration, the right-wing nuts start this same bullsh!t. Like all it should take is a wave of the hand by the new President and every fvck up by the Republican will disappear.

The trump Nazis have fought every effort by medical and scientific experts to slow the spread of COVID-19, so, any criticism of the Democrats just proves the trump Nazis' pure stupidity

They're gripped by fear and paranoia. They're in pain, even if they pretend they're not.

I guess I should feel bad for them, but the hardcore Trumpsters? The more feral dupes? Not so much.
For the length of time the GOP has employed their Southern Strategy rhetoric, everyone should be familiar with its terminology and content. While certain updates and events require adjustments, after fifty plus years, at the end of the day, it's still the same old Republican bullsh!t.

If the right-wingers haven't seen through the scam by now, they deserve all the misery they've brought upon themselves. They can lash out, accusing all the usual scapegoats the GOP has provided for them, but in the end, they have only themselves to blame.

That's what happens when a person sells their soul.

He's doing NOTHING about it, and he's on pace to kill nearly a MILLION Americans in 2021 alone.
I can’t blame China Joe !!
I have to be fair
You can blame Joe Stalin Biden for obliterating hundreds of thousands of jobs , destroying the borders and ice

He's doing NOTHING about it, and he's on pace to kill nearly a MILLION Americans in 2021 alone.
You run with that.It will take him a while to reverse the inertia of the covid denying fuckwit who will be on trial tomorrow.
Have you received the Trump vaccine yet?
Well, we should at least give the poor beaten Trumpsters an "A" for effort.

Every time a Democrat steps in to solve the crises left them by the previous Republican administration, the right-wing nuts start this same bullsh!t. Like all it should take is a wave of the hand by the new President and every fvck up by the Republican will disappear.

The trump Nazis have fought every effort by medical and scientific experts to slow the spread of COVID-19, so, any criticism of the Democrats just proves the trump Nazis' pure stupidity


Face it Buttram...your sickening masters used the deaths of American citizens to get the Dementia Riddled Quid Pro Pedo Joe elected. They played politics with American lives and now want to change the rules as usual. Quid Pro Pedo Finger Raping Joe owns these deaths and admitted he lied and there's nothing he can do about it.
He campaigned on the promise that had a plan. He wins and then says there's nothing more he can do. You stupid cockroaches.

Obammy also said he would close Gitmo and stop the rise of the oceans and the suckers gulped it up.
Not only that he promised Obammy Care would save so much money it would pay down the national debt and these leftist morons sucked it down like Kammala after a few drinks.
Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.
And he's been in office less than a month. God help us.

Indeed. Right now, we're looking at Biden killing over a MILLION of us by the end of the year if he continues on his current path of doing nothing and influencing the media to ignore the crisis.
Obviously this whole post is a clever troll attack preying on the stupidity of the resident trumpers. But on the off chance that it is a genuine comment then surely it should be in conspiracy theories.
I cant believe that any of the mods actually think this is a topic that belongs in politics.
Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.
And he's been in office less than a month. God help us.

Indeed. Right now, we're looking at Biden killing over a MILLION of us by the end of the year if he continues on his current path of doing nothing and influencing the media to ignore the crisis.
Obviously this whole post is a clever troll attack preying on the stupidity of the resident trumpers. But on the off chance that it is a genuine comment then surely it should be in conspiracy theories.
I cant believe that any of the mods actually think this is a topic that belongs in politics.
A politician's handling of the China Virus is not a political topic???
When did this rule start?
January 20th?
Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.

Because having a daily dog and pony show doesn't cure the virus...

Biden is trying to get the relief package past and get money for the vaccine roll out....

GOP want to stall it... Biden was considerate but he is being firm, it is going through... GOP got payments for rich taken out, good call, now lets get it signed...
Biden should be locked up for incompetence. He's killing thousands of people every day. So WTF is his plan, to replace American COVID victims with illegal aliens? The guy is not only illegitimate. He's a menace.
Why isn't he having daily briefings on this crisis???
He has been responsible for more American deaths than were killed in Vietnam.

Because having a daily dog and pony show doesn't cure the virus...

Biden is trying to get the relief package past and get money for the vaccine roll out....

GOP want to stall it... Biden was considerate but he is being firm, it is going through... GOP got payments for rich taken out, good call, now lets get it signed...
Trump had a plan working in conjunction with the military to administer the Trump Shot.
It was banging out 1 million vaccines a day until inauguration day.
Biden , stubbornly halted it just to make a childish political point.
He has been terrible regarding the China virus.
Biden should be locked up for incompetence. He's killing thousands of people every day. So WTF is his plan, to replace American COVID victims with illegal aliens? The guy is not only illegitimate. He's a menace.
His plan is to change the definition of Covid death.
They will now only put Covid on the death cert of there are no other serious illnesses.
In other words if you have Covid and pneumonia, they will put pneumonia on the death cert.
This will reduce Covid deaths by 96%, and the media will hail Biden as the hero.
Well, we should at least give the poor beaten Trumpsters an "A" for effort.


Reality sucks for pinheads who voted for Biden/Harris. They will exhaust every ounce of their little intellect over the next x number of years trying to defend the failures of these incompetent puppets of our enemies.

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