over 700 billion !! thats what the US spends on NATO annually !!

for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
now you deflect to another subject
he violated the cease fire---he was hindering WMO inspectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....no, I was not wearing combat boots on Dec 7 1941--neither were you, so you must be a coward
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
now you deflect to another subject
he violated the cease fire---he was hindering WMO inspectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....no, I was not wearing combat boots on Dec 7 1941--neither were you, so you must be a coward

I was not alive then so it does not apply. You though, the cheerleader for the Iraq war were alive, yet lacked the balls to join in.

As my fellow Marine said at the time “America is not at war. The Marine Corps is at war, America is at the mall”.

Damn chicken hawks are the lowest of the low.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Last edited:
Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
hahahah--you dumbass
Pol Pot had most every one leave the cities!!!!!!! he was just as nutty as hitler--if not more
The Cambodian Genocide - United to End Genocide
just like hitler
You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated
2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
That amount rose to $4.1 trillion during the Second World War. The disparity in spending is partially explained by the fact that US soldiers fought for just a year during World War I, while they were actively engaged in fighting during the final 4 years of WW II. Fifty-five years later, the cost of war has been much less: 1.5 to 1.7 trillion between 2001 and 2014;
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.
so, you say hitler was the most evil person in the world, ever?? answer please??
The US spends a bit more than 110 million per year.

Yid, I hate to tell you
But you are wrong;
Advise you to admit it
And step quickly along.
1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.

My Lai

Jim Jones

1. saddam started TWO wars--hitler started one
2. hitler gassed/murdered his own people--saddam gas/murdered his own people
3. hitler violated the Versailles Treaty terms, saddam violated the cease fire terms
4. saddam harbored the Achille Lauro terrorist !!!!!..very high on the leadership of terrorists
hitler's cost to US alone!!!::
--400,000 dead!!!..not counting wounded
FOUR trillion--double the cost of the Iraq War
The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now
--the entire WORLD in chaos
--civil wars everywhere
tell me ''what'' hitler was doing that justified the cost
you see the similarities between hitler and saddam--so should we not have taken out hitler as well?
you talk about the ''costs''--well there are the facts--WW2 cost MUCH more

..now for a different topic, hitler was no threat to the US compared to saddam
...saddam could've taken over Kuwait and Saudi oil operations--where as in the 1040s, oil was not nearly as important to the US
Oil and world power - Oil
...travel by air [ 1990s ] greatly increased the risk of terror attacks on the US/etc
...terror attacks on the US/etc were not the ''norm''in the 1940s
they captured one of the biggest terrorists in Iraq during the war--the Achille Lauro jackass--who murdered an American in a wheel chair !!!!!!!!
Muhammad Zaidan - Wikipedia

Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.
hahahah--you are trying to measure evil--which you CAN"T
case closed
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.

Another US apologist justification yet your side is the first to asail US for not doing more for the domestic poor and vets. Between the UN and NATO, how much more groveling can we expect from the Left?
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.

Another US apologist justification yet your side is the first to asail US for not doing more for the domestic poor and vets. Between the UN and NATO, how much more groveling can we expect from the Left?

Oh Christ. Your post is just full of the usual.

"US apologist", no, just a realist. Trying to attack people with silly little names for something you don't agree with is for children.

"your side"? My side? What the fuck is my side exactly?

How much more bullshit can we expect from people from "your side"?
Holy fucking shit, you did not just compare Saddam to Hitler! I am truly embarrassed for you.

You fucking chicken hawks are not only cowards, you are morons as well.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.
so, you say hitler was the most evil person in the world, ever?? answer please??

Never said any such thing, I just said there is no valid comparison between him and Hitler.

That is like comparing a kid playing little league with Babe Ruth since they both swung a bat.
....hahahaha --you are the perfect example of most people not thinking--not thinking in realistic terms--you read some books/articles and you think everything is like a movie/tv show/etc!!!
.....there always has been and always will be people like hitler!!!!!!!!!
you think he was one of a kind!!!!!???!!!!!!
Pol Pot
Jim Jones!!!!!!!!
Idi Amin
...Rwanda leaders that murdered [BUTCHERED with medieval weapons !! ] more people faster than the Germans did--they did not even have the organization-trains-industrialization that Germany had
Bosnian genocide
etc etc
---the only reason they don't kill as many or start big wars is because they don't have the opportunity/organization-discipline-INDUSTRIALIZATION-etc that Germany had
hitler gassed murdered his own people--so did saddam
hitler invaded a tiny country--so did saddam
hitler violated the treaty terms --so did saddam
yes--just like hitler
saddam tried to assassinate Iraq's president !!!!!!!
you need to learn history--and not just what you learned in grade school

open your ears and your mind....life is not a movie or like the movies

Fuck you are one dumb sheep.

Hitler took over 11 countries and killed more than 11 million people and in your stupid fucked up chicken hawk mind him and Saddam are the same.
the Hutus killed more faster than hitler
more were directly involved than the Germans per capita

...there are people just as --or more--evil than hitler was....if you don't realize that you are living in a bubble world
Charles Manson
serial killers
The 25 Most Evil People in History
Shaka Zulu
they are just as evil
saddam was more of a threat to the US than hitler was per reasons already stated

Keep talking my little chicken hawk, keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. This is some of the funniest shit I have read on this forum in a while.
so, you say hitler was the most evil person in the world, ever?? answer please??

Never said any such thing, I just said there is no valid comparison between him and Hitler.

That is like comparing a kid playing little league with Babe Ruth since they both swung a bat.
yes---a leader gassing/murdering his own people--just like hitler--is the same
you are saying someone who murders 1 person is not as bad as someone murdering 5
they are both murderers/evil/need to be taken out
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.

Another US apologist justification yet your side is the first to asail US for not doing more for the domestic poor and vets. Between the UN and NATO, how much more groveling can we expect from the Left?

Oh Christ. Your post is just full of the usual.

"US apologist", no, just a realist. Trying to attack people with silly little names for something you don't agree with is for children.

"your side"? My side? What the fuck is my side exactly?

How much more bullshit can we expect from people from "your side"?

Not my side.
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.

Another US apologist justification yet your side is the first to asail US for not doing more for the domestic poor and vets. Between the UN and NATO, how much more groveling can we expect from the Left?

Oh Christ. Your post is just full of the usual.

"US apologist", no, just a realist. Trying to attack people with silly little names for something you don't agree with is for children.

"your side"? My side? What the fuck is my side exactly?

How much more bullshit can we expect from people from "your side"?

Not my side.

But everyone else has a side, right?

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