over 700 billion !! thats what the US spends on NATO annually !!

A war monger country?
You stupid ass.

Ever heard of Iraq.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

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But Saddam did execute over 100,000 of his own people. I suppose human rights are inconsequential to you leftist traitors. Unless, of course, it concerns men in women's bathrooms.

We kill more close to that number of our own people on a monthly basis...but who cares about them

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Aborted babies does bring up the body count considerably.
US Taxpayers rebuilt Europe after the War. Europeans owe everything to them. The wonderful prosperity they're experiencing today, wouldn't have been possible without US Taxpayers.

But, it seems most Europeans have forgotten history. They've been very stingy when it comes to NATO. We rebuilt Europe, that mission has been accomplished. So now it's time to disband NATO and move on. US Taxpayers deserve a break.

Why did we have to "rebuild Europe"?

You obviously don't know history. I'll chalk that up to your awful Government Schooling. US Taxpayers gave Europe everything it has today. Its wonderful prosperity is all due to US Taxpayers. They've done enough over there. Europe can defend itself properly now. Time to give US Taxpayers a much-earned break. End NATO.

You're the one that obviously doesn't know history, do you know what happened the last time the United States withdrew from European military affairs?

It was a little tiff commonly known as World War II, perhaps you've heard of it? As much as I'd like for the United States to leave the Europeans to their own devices with respect to managing their own national defense, they've proven that they can't be trusted to do so.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

Europe now consists of very wealthy Nuclear Power Nations. And that's all due to US Taxpayers' rebuilding of Europe after the War. They can defend themselves just fine over there. Time to end NATO and move on. Give US Taxpayers the break they deserve.

Yep, it does, fortunately the last time we left them to mind their own affairs they didn't possess that power, otherwise it's a safe bet we wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

You ready to roll the dice that something like for example, a regional conflict in the Balkans doesn't provide the spark that ignites the powder keg of a global war? I mean it's not like anything like that has happened before, right?

"It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia." -- Slobadan Milosevic

Russia poses no real threat to Europe. Great Britain, France, and Germany are very wealthy nations. And all three are Nuclear Powers as well. They can defend themselves fine. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. Time to give them a much-earned break. Time to scrap NATO and move on.
US Taxpayers rebuilt Europe after the War. Europeans owe everything to them. The wonderful prosperity they're experiencing today, wouldn't have been possible without US Taxpayers.

But, it seems most Europeans have forgotten history. They've been very stingy when it comes to NATO. We rebuilt Europe, that mission has been accomplished. So now it's time to disband NATO and move on. US Taxpayers deserve a break.

Why did we have to "rebuild Europe"?

You obviously don't know history. I'll chalk that up to your awful Government Schooling. US Taxpayers gave Europe everything it has today. Its wonderful prosperity is all due to US Taxpayers. They've done enough over there. Europe can defend itself properly now. Time to give US Taxpayers a much-earned break. End NATO.

Let’s cut down our military budget and leave Europe to defend itself

It's time. Russia is no real threat to Europe. Great Britain, France, and Germany are incredibly wealthy nations. And they're Nuclear Powers as well. Russia wouldn't stand a chance if it challenged them. So, NATO has become obsolete.

Instead of discussing money over there, they should be discussing a plan to phase NATO out. We rebuilt Europe after the War. We've done enough over there. Europe is very strong and prosperous. Mission Accomplished. End NATO.
Why did we have to "rebuild Europe"?

You obviously don't know history. I'll chalk that up to your awful Government Schooling. US Taxpayers gave Europe everything it has today. Its wonderful prosperity is all due to US Taxpayers. They've done enough over there. Europe can defend itself properly now. Time to give US Taxpayers a much-earned break. End NATO.

You're the one that obviously doesn't know history, do you know what happened the last time the United States withdrew from European military affairs?

It was a little tiff commonly known as World War II, perhaps you've heard of it? As much as I'd like for the United States to leave the Europeans to their own devices with respect to managing their own national defense, they've proven that they can't be trusted to do so.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

Europe now consists of very wealthy Nuclear Power Nations. And that's all due to US Taxpayers' rebuilding of Europe after the War. They can defend themselves just fine over there. Time to end NATO and move on. Give US Taxpayers the break they deserve.

Yep, it does, fortunately the last time we left them to mind their own affairs they didn't possess that power, otherwise it's a safe bet we wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

You ready to roll the dice that something like for example, a regional conflict in the Balkans doesn't provide the spark that ignites the powder keg of a global war? I mean it's not like anything like that has happened before, right?

"It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia." -- Slobadan Milosevic

Russia poses no real threat to Europe.
Yeah because the United States has facilities and personal all over it not to mention a mutual defense treaty in place, you remove that and the "dreaming of reconstituting the Soviet Empire" miscreants in Moscow won't hesitate toward re-establishing their dominance in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States and move on from there.

...and for the record Russia is part of Europe

Great Britain, France, and Germany are very wealthy nations. And all three are Nuclear Powers as well. They can defend themselves fine. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. Time to give them a much-earned break. Time to scrap NATO and move on.
The problem isn't that they can't defend themselves, the problem is that the Europeans need protection from THEMSELVES, haven't you been paying attention to the history of Europe over the last 1,500 years? Their favorite past time is shedding each other's blood in contests to dominate one another, those dreams didn't die in WW II they just went to sleep and the U.S. presence is the only thing keeping them from waking back up.

The German economic and financial dominance of the EU is already offending the delicate sensibilities of the French, the Italians are once again beating the drums of nationalism and the Brits have had enough and are packing their lunches and going home. The delicate balance that's been in place since WW II is starting to crack and you want to remove the only backstop?
You obviously don't know history. I'll chalk that up to your awful Government Schooling. US Taxpayers gave Europe everything it has today. Its wonderful prosperity is all due to US Taxpayers. They've done enough over there. Europe can defend itself properly now. Time to give US Taxpayers a much-earned break. End NATO.

You're the one that obviously doesn't know history, do you know what happened the last time the United States withdrew from European military affairs?

It was a little tiff commonly known as World War II, perhaps you've heard of it? As much as I'd like for the United States to leave the Europeans to their own devices with respect to managing their own national defense, they've proven that they can't be trusted to do so.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

Europe now consists of very wealthy Nuclear Power Nations. And that's all due to US Taxpayers' rebuilding of Europe after the War. They can defend themselves just fine over there. Time to end NATO and move on. Give US Taxpayers the break they deserve.

Yep, it does, fortunately the last time we left them to mind their own affairs they didn't possess that power, otherwise it's a safe bet we wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

You ready to roll the dice that something like for example, a regional conflict in the Balkans doesn't provide the spark that ignites the powder keg of a global war? I mean it's not like anything like that has happened before, right?

"It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia." -- Slobadan Milosevic

Russia poses no real threat to Europe.
Yeah because the United States has facilities and personal all over it not to mention a mutual defense treaty in place, you remove that and the "dreaming of reconstituting the Soviet Empire" miscreants in Moscow won't hesitate toward re-establishing their dominance in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States and move on from there.

...and for the record Russia is part of Europe

Great Britain, France, and Germany are very wealthy nations. And all three are Nuclear Powers as well. They can defend themselves fine. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. Time to give them a much-earned break. Time to scrap NATO and move on.
The problem isn't that they can't defend themselves, the problem is that the Europeans need protection from THEMSELVES, haven't you been paying attention to the history of Europe over the last 1,500 years? Their favorite past time is shedding each other's blood in contests to dominate one another, those dreams didn't die in WW II they just went to sleep and the U.S. presence is the only thing keeping them from waking back up.

The German economic and financial dominance of the EU is already offending the delicate sensibilities of the French, the Italians are once again beating the drums of nationalism and the Brits have had enough and are packing their lunches and going home. The delicate balance that's been in place since WW II is starting to crack and you want to remove the only backstop?

Three very wealthy Nuclear Power nations can defend themselves against Russia just fine. Russia poses no threat. It can't win in a conflict with those nations. It knows that.

Instead of discussing funding of NATO, they should be discussing a plan to phase NATO out. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. I mean, rebuilding Europe is definitely enough. Time to move on.
You're the one that obviously doesn't know history, do you know what happened the last time the United States withdrew from European military affairs?

It was a little tiff commonly known as World War II, perhaps you've heard of it? As much as I'd like for the United States to leave the Europeans to their own devices with respect to managing their own national defense, they've proven that they can't be trusted to do so.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

Europe now consists of very wealthy Nuclear Power Nations. And that's all due to US Taxpayers' rebuilding of Europe after the War. They can defend themselves just fine over there. Time to end NATO and move on. Give US Taxpayers the break they deserve.

Yep, it does, fortunately the last time we left them to mind their own affairs they didn't possess that power, otherwise it's a safe bet we wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

You ready to roll the dice that something like for example, a regional conflict in the Balkans doesn't provide the spark that ignites the powder keg of a global war? I mean it's not like anything like that has happened before, right?

"It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia." -- Slobadan Milosevic

Russia poses no real threat to Europe.
Yeah because the United States has facilities and personal all over it not to mention a mutual defense treaty in place, you remove that and the "dreaming of reconstituting the Soviet Empire" miscreants in Moscow won't hesitate toward re-establishing their dominance in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States and move on from there.

...and for the record Russia is part of Europe

Great Britain, France, and Germany are very wealthy nations. And all three are Nuclear Powers as well. They can defend themselves fine. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. Time to give them a much-earned break. Time to scrap NATO and move on.
The problem isn't that they can't defend themselves, the problem is that the Europeans need protection from THEMSELVES, haven't you been paying attention to the history of Europe over the last 1,500 years? Their favorite past time is shedding each other's blood in contests to dominate one another, those dreams didn't die in WW II they just went to sleep and the U.S. presence is the only thing keeping them from waking back up.

The German economic and financial dominance of the EU is already offending the delicate sensibilities of the French, the Italians are once again beating the drums of nationalism and the Brits have had enough and are packing their lunches and going home. The delicate balance that's been in place since WW II is starting to crack and you want to remove the only backstop?

Three very wealthy Nuclear Power nations can defend themselves against Russia just fine. Russia poses no threat. It can't win in a conflict with those nations. It knows that.
Alright Mr. Chamberlain, you obviously lack the sense of both history and nuance to understand the answer and have apparently decided that repeating the same empty mantra over and over will somehow make it so.

It's fortunate that those making the decisions don't share your handicap, otherwise we'd likely be clearing the path toward WW III about now.

Trump: US commitment to NATO is very strong

Instead of discussing funding of NATO, they should be discussing a plan to phase NATO out. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. I mean, rebuilding Europe is definitely enough. Time to move on.
Discuss away but don't delude yourself into thinking that it's actually going to happen.
Europe now consists of very wealthy Nuclear Power Nations. And that's all due to US Taxpayers' rebuilding of Europe after the War. They can defend themselves just fine over there. Time to end NATO and move on. Give US Taxpayers the break they deserve.

Yep, it does, fortunately the last time we left them to mind their own affairs they didn't possess that power, otherwise it's a safe bet we wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

You ready to roll the dice that something like for example, a regional conflict in the Balkans doesn't provide the spark that ignites the powder keg of a global war? I mean it's not like anything like that has happened before, right?

"It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia." -- Slobadan Milosevic

Russia poses no real threat to Europe.
Yeah because the United States has facilities and personal all over it not to mention a mutual defense treaty in place, you remove that and the "dreaming of reconstituting the Soviet Empire" miscreants in Moscow won't hesitate toward re-establishing their dominance in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States and move on from there.

...and for the record Russia is part of Europe

Great Britain, France, and Germany are very wealthy nations. And all three are Nuclear Powers as well. They can defend themselves fine. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. Time to give them a much-earned break. Time to scrap NATO and move on.
The problem isn't that they can't defend themselves, the problem is that the Europeans need protection from THEMSELVES, haven't you been paying attention to the history of Europe over the last 1,500 years? Their favorite past time is shedding each other's blood in contests to dominate one another, those dreams didn't die in WW II they just went to sleep and the U.S. presence is the only thing keeping them from waking back up.

The German economic and financial dominance of the EU is already offending the delicate sensibilities of the French, the Italians are once again beating the drums of nationalism and the Brits have had enough and are packing their lunches and going home. The delicate balance that's been in place since WW II is starting to crack and you want to remove the only backstop?

Three very wealthy Nuclear Power nations can defend themselves against Russia just fine. Russia poses no threat. It can't win in a conflict with those nations. It knows that.
Alright Mr. Chamberlain, you obviously lack the sense of both history and nuance to understand the answer and have apparently decided that repeating the same empty mantra over and over will somehow make it so.

It's fortunate that those making the decisions don't share your handicap, otherwise we'd likely be clearing the path toward WW III about now.

Trump: US commitment to NATO is very strong

Instead of discussing funding of NATO, they should be discussing a plan to phase NATO out. US Taxpayers have done enough over there. I mean, rebuilding Europe is definitely enough. Time to move on.
Discuss away but don't delude yourself into thinking that it's actually going to happen.

Trump should be calling for the disbanding of NATO. But i realize the spot he's in. The MIC Elites aren't gonna allow it to happen. They're pushing extremely hard for that new Cold War. It's obviously in their best interest to keep the US in a permanent state of war.

So, Trump's doing the next best thing. He's trying to force Europe to contribute more. He's lookin out for US Taxpayers. I give him big props for that. But i still support ending NATO. It's obsolete, a Globalist relic.
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.
Nato only exists to veil puppet state involvement in US imperial acts

So, Trump's doing the next best thing. He's trying to force Europe to contribute more. He's lookin out for US Taxpayers. I give him big props for that. But i still support ending NATO. It's obsolete, a Globalist relic.
FYI: Trumps efforts to pressure NATO member countries into meeting their defense spending obligations under NATO won't make a dimes worth of difference to U.S. Taxpayers, it won't lower our defense spending and it won't change what we contribute to NATO's common budget.

So, Trump's doing the next best thing. He's trying to force Europe to contribute more. He's lookin out for US Taxpayers. I give him big props for that. But i still support ending NATO. It's obsolete, a Globalist relic.
FYI: Trumps efforts to pressure NATO member countries into meeting their defense spending obligations under NATO won't make a dimes worth of difference to U.S. Taxpayers, it won't lower our defense spending and it won't change what we contribute to NATO's common budget.

That's why i say it's time to disband NATO. Europe can defend itself just fine at this point. Save the $Trillions, and come home. But we know the MIC Elites won't allow that to happen. More War = Good for Business. There's a reason why NATO is desperately trying to resurrect the Cold War with Russia.

The MIC is running out of Boogeymen. A new Cold War will guarantee big bucks funding indefinitely. Folks just need to look into NATO a bit more, and better-understand what it's about these days. Once they do that, they'll likely agree with me on scrapping it.

So, Trump's doing the next best thing. He's trying to force Europe to contribute more. He's lookin out for US Taxpayers. I give him big props for that. But i still support ending NATO. It's obsolete, a Globalist relic.
FYI: Trumps efforts to pressure NATO member countries into meeting their defense spending obligations under NATO won't make a dimes worth of difference to U.S. Taxpayers, it won't lower our defense spending and it won't change what we contribute to NATO's common budget.

That's why i say it's time to disband NATO.

Good luck with that.

I've already given you the reasons why it's a horrible idea fraught with unacceptable risks but don't let that dampen your enthusiasm.

Um..... I'm talking about people who actually know anything. Any brainless idiot, can sit around screaming, while having absolutely no knowledge about anything. Just look at BLM or OWS people.

Eh, I thought you were saying EVERYONE believed Saddam's evil WMD were going to destroy the homeland in 45 minutes...

Are you saying all the antiwar protestors were just brainless idiots who didn't know anything so it was ok to ignore them?


Yes. I am saying that if you were a mindless screaming anti-war protestor, you were... and if you haven't matured since then, still are a complete and total idiot worthy only to be ignored.

I'm sorry, but being able to hold a sign, and scream, does not make you knowledgeable about anything, nor worthy of our consideration.

If you can come on here and cite facts, we can talk. For example, I can cite the Rockefeller report, which was an investigation of the information given to the public by Bush and his administration, that was used to justify the Iraq war.... they investigated all the claims made to the public, and found that nearly every single claim was justified and supported by the intelligence information we had at the time.

This is what is known as a "fact". You can look up the report yourself. It's public domain.

Statements the administration made about Saddam’s nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, according to the report, were all “substantiated” by prewar intelligence estimates.​

Rewriting History About the Iraq War

Now, if you want to prove yourself to be more than the mindless screaming idiots.... post your evidence. Hopefully something on the same level as a congressional investigation headed by an opposing faction within government that would lend credibility to the conclusion.... oh wait..... I just posted that.

Good luck.
A war monger country?
You stupid ass.

Ever heard of Iraq.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.
A war monger country?
You stupid ass.

Ever heard of Iraq.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
Seeing HOW MUCH the USA has been spending on NATO puts into perspective WHY President Trump was a big drama queen at the Nato gathering and even called Germany's leader by her first name(ouch!). Yo you Angela!
A war monger country?
You stupid ass.

Ever heard of Iraq.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Base and Buffers.

Something Trump has no concept of.

The ignorant fool should do some reading.
Ever heard of Iraq.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
for your information, Iraq attacked Iran, then attacked Kuwait
the US was defending Kuwait
PG2 was a continuation of PG1 when Iraq did not abide by the PG1 ceasefire
anyway you look at it, it was INITIATED by Saddam

Iraq attacked Iran at our urging with some of our equipment!

Saddam was our buddy when he was messing with Iran.

Anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an act of aggression again a nation that was not a threat to us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
..anyway you look at it our invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a continuation of PG1 which Saddam STARTED
and before that, he started a war with Iran
you don't understand what a CEASE fire means
there are rules/obligations
---if you don't abide by them --guess what?????!!!!--the ''winner''' has every right to continue the war
noun: cease-fire
  1. a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
    • an order or signal to stop fighting.

You did not just drink the kool-aide, you jumped in the vat and swam around
it comply with all previous resolutions. Iraq appeared to comply with the resolution, but in early 2003 President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that Iraq was actually continuing to hinder UN inspections
Iraq War | 2003–2011
as usual, you provide NO proof for your claims

2.4 trillion dollars (and counting)
more than 4000 dead Americans
more than 32,000 wounded.
an entire region in chaos

All those things are a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq...tell me Saddam was doing that justified such a cost?

He was contained and he was weekend, he was no threat to anyone but his own people.

I am betting you were not wearing a pair of combat boots during that time.
although other stats say the US spends only 400 billion a yr !!! even if that is true thats nearly half a trillion bucks a yr !!! so if thats true why the hell is it wrong do demand better trade agreements and lower tariffs on our goods sold in the same countries we spend 100s of billions to protect ?? shouldnt we at least get a fair deal ??

Funding NATO

The US pays 22% of the costs of NATO, more than any other country, but possibly because it's 3 times larger than any other country.

Germany pays 14%, but has 80 million people compared to 325 million.

France and the UK pay half what the US pays, but have populations about 1/5th the size of the US.

So, it's bullshit that the US pays more than other countries.

The US pays a lot of money towards its own military. But that's because the US is a warmonger country. NATO is defensive, most of the US military is offensive.
Nato only exists to veil puppet state involvement in US imperial acts

Well, it is more than that, but yes, it's part of that too.

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