Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

The bottom line if any negligence is uncovered it will come down to multiple juries
Insurance companies will settle out of court before it goes to any jury and families will be required not to discuss the case with media as part of settlement. Families lawyers will advise this because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$...families will do it because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$ when company declares bankruptcy after large settlement verdict by a jury...corporate(insurance companies) wants to settle out of court because if they lose a jury might give out a massive settlement. All sides will take the $$$ and walk away.
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead

Charges? You can't even come up with a crime! Why don't you let it play out and see how ridiculous you are?
Why would I have to find a crime?

Dude your inner schizzo is leaking

You have to have a fucking crime to file charges!

Are you even to middle school yet in your educational process?
Again I am not in charge of filing those charges.

Again your inner schizzo is leaking captain kirk
I was on the America once during fleet week in NY harbor. However unlike you I was not the acting captain of a carrier...…………..

Now does Oxygen burn?

Oxygen does not burn. It is not flammable, but it is an oxidizer. Oxygen feeds a fire, so it's dangerous to use around something that is burning because it will help the fire burn much more quickly. Patients on oxygen therapy who are smokers are not going to burst into flame or explode if they smoke.

Everyone is now waiting for your quote of me stating that. Why don't you admit that you are lying? Save some face!
No Mr. Acting Captain Sir Rubber Ducky, everyone is not waiting for anything concerning you...………………

But the acting captain will never understand because in his rubber ducky life it's all about you, right.

It's not

Stolen valor: Why do so many people pretend to be Navy SEALS?
The act of stolen valor — committed when someone poses as a service member or military veteran or falsely claims to have received awards or badges — happens more often than one might think, according to a man who spends his time exposing people he says are military fakes.

Don Shipley, a retired Navy SEAL who has become a go-to source for SEAL verification, said in a 2016 interview with reporter Matt Nanci of the Kenne Sentinel in New Hampsire that he processes between 12 and 20 queries a day from people asking if their neighbor, boyfriend, co-worker or acquaintance is indeed a member or veteran of the elite force.

This week, he focused on Crofton and a man named Bob Pollock. Pollock had told people for years he was a Navy SEAL and former POW.

When his story made The Capital, Shipley saw it from his home in Cambridge.

Here’s what he had to say to the Sentinel about why people do it:

Each impostor has his or her own reasons for posing as a SEAL, but Shipley said it mostly has to do with recognition and the reputation that comes with being a member of the elite force.

"Today we lavish our veterans; we're proud of their service and everything else they've done for us ... and there's no shortage of jerkoffs willing to stand in line and steal that from them and take bows for stuff they never did," he said.

Being part of the SEALs — a special operations force currently numbering roughly 2,700, active duty, according to a Navy spokeswoman -- can carry particular cachet thanks to rigorous requirements and grueling training. Their prestige was pushed still higher in 2009, when SEALs rescued a ship captain being held hostage off the shores of Somalia, and in 2011 through the same unit’s successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Stolen valor is widespread enough that President George W. Bush signed the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 into law; it made it a crime to lie about receiving any military medals.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck it down in 2012, ruling that it infringed on the First Amendment's right to freedom of speech.

Congress drafted a new version of the law, called the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which made it illegal to profit or benefit from false claims. President Barack Obama signed that into law that year.

A May 2013 U.S. House of Representatives report on the bill doesn't indicate the scope of stolen valor, but offers examples of the problem.

In 2006, the Justice Department and Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of the Inspector General launched a year-long effort called Operation Stolen Valor, which resulted in numerous arrests and convictions, according to the report. In the Northwest, a dozen cases involved fraud totaling more than $1.4 million, the report says.

The most extreme case in the report describes a 10-year Marine sergeant who procured $66 million in security contracts from the military based on fraudulent claims of combat experience in Panama and Somalia, as well as various fabricated medals.

'Shipley said in his interview with The Sentinel that he can verify if someone was a Navy SEAL quickly through the Naval Special Warfare Archives, which is a database of everyone who ever completed SEAL training.

A common misconception that fake SEALs tell people is that their military status is classified, according to Shipley. But like voting records and other public documents, SEAL status is a public record, he said.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

Now Captain tell us more, and include how a navy Captain is so dumb that they believe that O2 burns

My guess is that you pressed the Captains uniform once, but burned it and became a potato peeler

So you still have nothing?
Hell at least you learned that O2 does not burn, I ought to get an instructor's badgy 4 that

We are still waiting on that quote. I guess it is like your IQ - nonexistent.
The only we you have is you and your other personalities.

Forgive me Kirk but it's time for me to pretend I am not staring at the babes stretching in front of me, so catch you after my workout
Everyone is now waiting for your quote of me stating that. Why don't you admit that you are lying? Save some face!
No Mr. Acting Captain Sir Rubber Ducky, everyone is not waiting for anything concerning you...………………

But the acting captain will never understand because in his rubber ducky life it's all about you, right.

It's not

Stolen valor: Why do so many people pretend to be Navy SEALS?
The act of stolen valor — committed when someone poses as a service member or military veteran or falsely claims to have received awards or badges — happens more often than one might think, according to a man who spends his time exposing people he says are military fakes.

Don Shipley, a retired Navy SEAL who has become a go-to source for SEAL verification, said in a 2016 interview with reporter Matt Nanci of the Kenne Sentinel in New Hampsire that he processes between 12 and 20 queries a day from people asking if their neighbor, boyfriend, co-worker or acquaintance is indeed a member or veteran of the elite force.

This week, he focused on Crofton and a man named Bob Pollock. Pollock had told people for years he was a Navy SEAL and former POW.

When his story made The Capital, Shipley saw it from his home in Cambridge.

Here’s what he had to say to the Sentinel about why people do it:

Each impostor has his or her own reasons for posing as a SEAL, but Shipley said it mostly has to do with recognition and the reputation that comes with being a member of the elite force.

"Today we lavish our veterans; we're proud of their service and everything else they've done for us ... and there's no shortage of jerkoffs willing to stand in line and steal that from them and take bows for stuff they never did," he said.

Being part of the SEALs — a special operations force currently numbering roughly 2,700, active duty, according to a Navy spokeswoman -- can carry particular cachet thanks to rigorous requirements and grueling training. Their prestige was pushed still higher in 2009, when SEALs rescued a ship captain being held hostage off the shores of Somalia, and in 2011 through the same unit’s successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Stolen valor is widespread enough that President George W. Bush signed the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 into law; it made it a crime to lie about receiving any military medals.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck it down in 2012, ruling that it infringed on the First Amendment's right to freedom of speech.

Congress drafted a new version of the law, called the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which made it illegal to profit or benefit from false claims. President Barack Obama signed that into law that year.

A May 2013 U.S. House of Representatives report on the bill doesn't indicate the scope of stolen valor, but offers examples of the problem.

In 2006, the Justice Department and Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of the Inspector General launched a year-long effort called Operation Stolen Valor, which resulted in numerous arrests and convictions, according to the report. In the Northwest, a dozen cases involved fraud totaling more than $1.4 million, the report says.

The most extreme case in the report describes a 10-year Marine sergeant who procured $66 million in security contracts from the military based on fraudulent claims of combat experience in Panama and Somalia, as well as various fabricated medals.

'Shipley said in his interview with The Sentinel that he can verify if someone was a Navy SEAL quickly through the Naval Special Warfare Archives, which is a database of everyone who ever completed SEAL training.

A common misconception that fake SEALs tell people is that their military status is classified, according to Shipley. But like voting records and other public documents, SEAL status is a public record, he said.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

Now Captain tell us more, and include how a navy Captain is so dumb that they believe that O2 burns

My guess is that you pressed the Captains uniform once, but burned it and became a potato peeler

So you still have nothing?
Hell at least you learned that O2 does not burn, I ought to get an instructor's badgy 4 that

We are still waiting on that quote. I guess it is like your IQ - nonexistent.
The only we you have is you and your other personalities.

Forgive me Kirk but it's time for me to pretend I am not staring at the babes stretching in front of me, so catch you after my workout

Drinking at a stripper bar this early on Sunday morning is your idea of a workout? This thread might be here when you get back. Don't count on it!
Insurance companies will settle out of court before it goes to any jury and families will be required not to discuss the case with media as part of settlement. Families lawyers will advise this because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$...families will do it because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$ when company declares bankruptcy after large settlement verdict by a jury...corporate(insurance companies) wants to settle out of court because if they lose a jury might give out a massive settlement. All sides will take the $$$ and walk away.
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead

Charges? You can't even come up with a crime! Why don't you let it play out and see how ridiculous you are?
Why would I have to find a crime?

Dude your inner schizzo is leaking

You have to have a fucking crime to file charges!

Are you even to middle school yet in your educational process?
Again I am not in charge of filing those charges.

Again your inner schizzo is leaking captain kirk

You have the reading comprehension of a stump.
Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

Ah, actually this is going to be determined in court, furthermore if you read on you will see that the Titanic is being referenced

The owners of the commercial diving boat that erupted into flames during a Labor Day weekend accident off the coast of Southern California are now seeking to avoid payouts to the families of the 34 people who died onboard.

On Thursday, Glen and Dana Fritzler of Truth Aquatics, which owned the now-destroyed Conception, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, arguing they shouldn’t owe a single cent for the tragedy, the Associated Press reported.

The Fritzlers are attempting to make their case by using the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a statute frequently used in waterway accidents. The couple has requested that the judge either waive their financial liability or adjust it to the boat’s post-fire value ― in this case, $0.

The law was most famously used by the shipping company White Star Lines after the 1912 Titanic disaster during which more than 1,500 passengers were killed on the ship’s maiden voyage. In that instance, the company’s liability was evaluated at $92,000, which equaled the worth of the surviving lifeboats.
That sounds like something Republicans would do. Remember, it’s Republicans that wanna stop people from suing doctors for malpractice.
No Mr. Acting Captain Sir Rubber Ducky, everyone is not waiting for anything concerning you...………………

But the acting captain will never understand because in his rubber ducky life it's all about you, right.

It's not

Stolen valor: Why do so many people pretend to be Navy SEALS?
The act of stolen valor — committed when someone poses as a service member or military veteran or falsely claims to have received awards or badges — happens more often than one might think, according to a man who spends his time exposing people he says are military fakes.

Don Shipley, a retired Navy SEAL who has become a go-to source for SEAL verification, said in a 2016 interview with reporter Matt Nanci of the Kenne Sentinel in New Hampsire that he processes between 12 and 20 queries a day from people asking if their neighbor, boyfriend, co-worker or acquaintance is indeed a member or veteran of the elite force.

This week, he focused on Crofton and a man named Bob Pollock. Pollock had told people for years he was a Navy SEAL and former POW.

When his story made The Capital, Shipley saw it from his home in Cambridge.

Here’s what he had to say to the Sentinel about why people do it:

Each impostor has his or her own reasons for posing as a SEAL, but Shipley said it mostly has to do with recognition and the reputation that comes with being a member of the elite force.

"Today we lavish our veterans; we're proud of their service and everything else they've done for us ... and there's no shortage of jerkoffs willing to stand in line and steal that from them and take bows for stuff they never did," he said.

Being part of the SEALs — a special operations force currently numbering roughly 2,700, active duty, according to a Navy spokeswoman -- can carry particular cachet thanks to rigorous requirements and grueling training. Their prestige was pushed still higher in 2009, when SEALs rescued a ship captain being held hostage off the shores of Somalia, and in 2011 through the same unit’s successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Stolen valor is widespread enough that President George W. Bush signed the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 into law; it made it a crime to lie about receiving any military medals.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck it down in 2012, ruling that it infringed on the First Amendment's right to freedom of speech.

Congress drafted a new version of the law, called the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which made it illegal to profit or benefit from false claims. President Barack Obama signed that into law that year.

A May 2013 U.S. House of Representatives report on the bill doesn't indicate the scope of stolen valor, but offers examples of the problem.

In 2006, the Justice Department and Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of the Inspector General launched a year-long effort called Operation Stolen Valor, which resulted in numerous arrests and convictions, according to the report. In the Northwest, a dozen cases involved fraud totaling more than $1.4 million, the report says.

The most extreme case in the report describes a 10-year Marine sergeant who procured $66 million in security contracts from the military based on fraudulent claims of combat experience in Panama and Somalia, as well as various fabricated medals.

'Shipley said in his interview with The Sentinel that he can verify if someone was a Navy SEAL quickly through the Naval Special Warfare Archives, which is a database of everyone who ever completed SEAL training.

A common misconception that fake SEALs tell people is that their military status is classified, according to Shipley. But like voting records and other public documents, SEAL status is a public record, he said.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

Now Captain tell us more, and include how a navy Captain is so dumb that they believe that O2 burns

My guess is that you pressed the Captains uniform once, but burned it and became a potato peeler

So you still have nothing?
Hell at least you learned that O2 does not burn, I ought to get an instructor's badgy 4 that

We are still waiting on that quote. I guess it is like your IQ - nonexistent.
The only we you have is you and your other personalities.

Forgive me Kirk but it's time for me to pretend I am not staring at the babes stretching in front of me, so catch you after my workout

Drinking at a stripper bar this early on Sunday morning is your idea of a workout? This thread might be here when you get back. Don't count on it!
Actually I rack pulled 495lbs yesterday, I could say 500lbs but that would not be true, saw one girl counting plates
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead

Charges? You can't even come up with a crime! Why don't you let it play out and see how ridiculous you are?
Why would I have to find a crime?

Dude your inner schizzo is leaking

You have to have a fucking crime to file charges!

Are you even to middle school yet in your educational process?
Again I am not in charge of filing those charges.

Again your inner schizzo is leaking captain kirk

You have the reading comprehension of a stump.
Says the acting captain who I taught chemistry
So you still have nothing?
Hell at least you learned that O2 does not burn, I ought to get an instructor's badgy 4 that

We are still waiting on that quote. I guess it is like your IQ - nonexistent.
The only we you have is you and your other personalities.

Forgive me Kirk but it's time for me to pretend I am not staring at the babes stretching in front of me, so catch you after my workout

Drinking at a stripper bar this early on Sunday morning is your idea of a workout? This thread might be here when you get back. Don't count on it!
Actually I rack pulled 495lbs yesterday, I could say 500lbs but that would not be true, saw one girl counting plates

Yeah, I believe it. You can't even quote a post properly. I guess being a dumbell helps!
Charges? You can't even come up with a crime! Why don't you let it play out and see how ridiculous you are?
Why would I have to find a crime?

Dude your inner schizzo is leaking

You have to have a fucking crime to file charges!

Are you even to middle school yet in your educational process?
Again I am not in charge of filing those charges.

Again your inner schizzo is leaking captain kirk

You have the reading comprehension of a stump.
Says the acting captain who I taught chemistry

I taught math and social studies, just FYI, but I had a minor in chemistry. Still haven't found the quote yet, so you must be a liar!
Hell at least you learned that O2 does not burn, I ought to get an instructor's badgy 4 that

We are still waiting on that quote. I guess it is like your IQ - nonexistent.
The only we you have is you and your other personalities.

Forgive me Kirk but it's time for me to pretend I am not staring at the babes stretching in front of me, so catch you after my workout

Drinking at a stripper bar this early on Sunday morning is your idea of a workout? This thread might be here when you get back. Don't count on it!
Actually I rack pulled 495lbs yesterday, I could say 500lbs but that would not be true, saw one girl counting plates

Yeah, I believe it. You can't even quote a post properly. I guess being a dumbell helps!
A typical couch potato in denial remark.

Remember pop the weights do not matter as much as arterial flow, which 4 u is like a drip from a leaky faucet

Lol heading in now
Why would I have to find a crime?

Dude your inner schizzo is leaking

You have to have a fucking crime to file charges!

Are you even to middle school yet in your educational process?
Again I am not in charge of filing those charges.

Again your inner schizzo is leaking captain kirk

You have the reading comprehension of a stump.
Says the acting captain who I taught chemistry

I taught math and social studies, just FYI, but I had a minor in chemistry. Still haven't found the quote yet, so you must be a liar!
Jesus fucking christ, you went from acting captain to 2nd grade homeroom teacher....

Thanks gonna laugh 4 2 hours
Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

Ah, actually this is going to be determined in court, furthermore if you read on you will see that the Titanic is being referenced

The owners of the commercial diving boat that erupted into flames during a Labor Day weekend accident off the coast of Southern California are now seeking to avoid payouts to the families of the 34 people who died onboard.

On Thursday, Glen and Dana Fritzler of Truth Aquatics, which owned the now-destroyed Conception, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, arguing they shouldn’t owe a single cent for the tragedy, the Associated Press reported.

The Fritzlers are attempting to make their case by using the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a statute frequently used in waterway accidents. The couple has requested that the judge either waive their financial liability or adjust it to the boat’s post-fire value ― in this case, $0.

The law was most famously used by the shipping company White Star Lines after the 1912 Titanic disaster during which more than 1,500 passengers were killed on the ship’s maiden voyage. In that instance, the company’s liability was evaluated at $92,000, which equaled the worth of the surviving lifeboats.
That sounds like something Republicans would do. Remember, it’s Republicans that wanna stop people from suing doctors for malpractice.
Doctors make me sick, gotta go miley is doing curls
Bottom line is that it will come down to lawyers and insurance companies. Weasels all.
The bottom line if any negligence is uncovered it will come down to multiple juries
Insurance companies will settle out of court before it goes to any jury and families will be required not to discuss the case with media as part of settlement. Families lawyers will advise this because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$...families will do it because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$ when company declares bankruptcy after large settlement verdict by a jury...corporate(insurance companies) wants to settle out of court because if they lose a jury might give out a massive settlement. All sides will take the $$$ and walk away.
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead there are both civil and legal matters here and this is being handled as a murder as of now
They will settle out of court. Murder charges will not be drawn up. Private business and they as customers made a conscious choice to go on the cruise. We will have to see what legal documents were signed as part of the contractual agreement. The company lawyers and owners are being bold with public statements and they must know something we do not. If this company was licensed by California and followed all safety codes and statutes, and if they were subject to frequent inspections by the State of California and were granted license; then the company is good on criminal charges. Civil charges may be forthcoming and again, I reiterate, all sides will settle out of court.
Bottom line is that it will come down to lawyers and insurance companies. Weasels all.
The bottom line if any negligence is uncovered it will come down to multiple juries
Insurance companies will settle out of court before it goes to any jury and families will be required not to discuss the case with media as part of settlement. Families lawyers will advise this because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$...families will do it because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$ when company declares bankruptcy after large settlement verdict by a jury...corporate(insurance companies) wants to settle out of court because if they lose a jury might give out a massive settlement. All sides will take the $$$ and walk away.
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead there are both civil and legal matters here and this is being handled as a murder as of now
They will settle out of court. Murder charges will not be drawn up. Private business and they as customers made a conscious choice to go on the cruise. We will have to see what legal documents were signed as part of the contractual agreement. The company lawyers and owners are being bold with public statements and they must know something we do not. If this company was licensed by California and followed all safety codes and statutes, and if they were subject to frequent inspections by the State of California and were granted license; then the company is good on criminal charges. Civil charges may be forthcoming and again, I reiterate, all sides will settle out of court.
The dopey crew already said the smoke detector never went off, that's criminal negligence. Furthermore we have not seen the drug test results yet, and one body is missing, did she vanish on purpose? They are looking
That sounds like something Republicans would do. Remember, it’s Republicans that wanna stop people from suing doctors for malpractice.

Not true. But you knew that already. You just relish in throwing out lies for the purpose of causing confusion. Some fools actually believe your...stories.

What we (Republicans and Conservatives) want is a similar system used in Great Britain. Loser pays. In other words, if you file a lawsuit, and you lose, you pay all attorney's fees and court costs. Yes, an attorney may still take a case on a contingency basis, no pay unless they win but, if they lose, or it is thrown out, not only do they get nothing but their client will owe all the costs of the defendant.

Tort reform is a beautiful thing!
That sounds like something Republicans would do. Remember, it’s Republicans that wanna stop people from suing doctors for malpractice.

Not true. But you knew that already. You just relish in throwing out lies for the purpose of causing confusion. Some fools actually believe your...stories.

What we (Republicans and Conservatives) want is a similar system used in Great Britain. Loser pays. In other words, if you file a lawsuit, and you lose, you pay all attorney's fees and court costs. Yes, an attorney may still take a case on a contingency basis, no pay unless they win but, if they lose, or it is thrown out, not only do they get nothing but their client will owe all the costs of the defendant.

Tort reform is a beautiful thing!
34 people are dead and you sickos are talking politics.

Wake up
Search warrants served in California boat fire investigation

Search warrants served in California boat fire investigation

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Authorities are serving search warrants at the California company that owned the scuba diving boat that caught fire and killed 34 people last week.

Santa Barbara County sheriff’s Lt. Erik Raney says the warrants served Sunday are part of the ongoing investigation by local and federal officials into the tragedy. He says authorities are searching Truth Aquatics’ offices in Santa Barbara and the company’s two remaining boats.

Thirty-four people died when the Conception burned and sank before dawn on Sept. 2. They were sleeping in a cramped bunkroom below the main deck and their escape routes were blocked by fire.

The bodies of all but one victim have been recovered. The search for the final victim was suspended until later week because of strong winds and rough seas.

The Associated Press

So much for the judge has to vindicate the boat owners before an investigation even happens.
Bottom line is that it will come down to lawyers and insurance companies. Weasels all.
The bottom line if any negligence is uncovered it will come down to multiple juries
Insurance companies will settle out of court before it goes to any jury and families will be required not to discuss the case with media as part of settlement. Families lawyers will advise this because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$...families will do it because they don’t want to take a chance on losing $$$ when company declares bankruptcy after large settlement verdict by a jury...corporate(insurance companies) wants to settle out of court because if they lose a jury might give out a massive settlement. All sides will take the $$$ and walk away.
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead there are both civil and legal matters here and this is being handled as a murder as of now
They will settle out of court. Murder charges will not be drawn up. Private business and they as customers made a conscious choice to go on the cruise. We will have to see what legal documents were signed as part of the contractual agreement. The company lawyers and owners are being bold with public statements and they must know something we do not. If this company was licensed by California and followed all safety codes and statutes, and if they were subject to frequent inspections by the State of California and were granted license; then the company is good on criminal charges. Civil charges may be forthcoming and again, I reiterate, all sides will settle out of court.
Search warrants served...……………….

Search warrants served in California boat fire investigation

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Authorities are serving search warrants at the California company that owned the scuba diving boat that caught fire and killed 34 people last week.

Santa Barbara County sheriff’s Lt. Erik Raney says the warrants served Sunday are part of the ongoing investigation by local and federal officials into the tragedy. He says authorities are searching Truth Aquatics’ offices in Santa Barbara and the company’s two remaining boats.

Thirty-four people died when the Conception burned and sank before dawn on Sept. 2. They were sleeping in a cramped bunkroom below the main deck and their escape routes were blocked by fire.

The bodies of all but one victim have been recovered. The search for the final victim was suspended until later week because of strong winds and rough seas.

The Associated Press
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead there are both civil and legal matters here and this is being handled as a murder as of now

Please show us where this tragedy is being handled as murder or, admit you are lying. Why?

Not relevant but I'm still curious why you have a hair up your behind about this dive boat since you have proven you know squat about one and have no one close to you involved. You've started three threads making wild, unproven allegations. Why? Don't say it's because of the death of 34 divers, that many innocent folks are shot and killed every night in urban locations. Do you not give a rat's behind about them?
Not if charges are filed 34 people are dead there are both civil and legal matters here and this is being handled as a murder as of now

Please show us where this tragedy is being handled as murder or, admit you are lying. Why?

Not relevant but I'm still curious why you have a hair up your behind about this dive boat since you have proven you know squat about one and have no one close to you involved. You've started three threads making wild, unproven allegations. Why? Don't say it's because of the death of 34 divers, that many innocent folks are shot and killed every night in urban locations. Do you not give a rat's behind about them?
All investigations where fatalities are involved are treated as murder investigations because there is no way to go back in time nd reinvestigate the incident. I am involved in police investigations concerning death by vehicle all the time, when someone dies or is expected to die everything is photographed and measured before the road is reopened...………… it's not any easier when the NTSB and ATF are involved as they are here

Common knowledge if you had any

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