#OWS Signs

Symptoms of the deeper issue: An Immoral generation left to it's own devices, raising it's children to be Amoral, then having the audacity to be confused and upset when they don't act with any.

No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.
Agreed. From the home AND gubmint schrools. Lack of morals and morality.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE................

The school named after Obama has been closed down. :clap2::clap2:

My...my...lookie here?

Barack Obama Elementary School Slated To Close In New Jersey

Karma can be a real bi-itch. :eusa_whistle:
Your general "no, YOU!!!" obviously doesn't cut it, so let's take one:

Please point to Rightwingers bringing legislation in the House - which they completely control - that protects citizens from having their phones searched by police, without a warrant.

It's been going on for quite a while, so they have no excuse for not addressing it in some way, with some bill.

Let's pretend that you have the first fucking clue about whatever the fuck it is you are babbling about.

No. Let's not.

Take it a step back, stupid.

Try to FIRST establish that your "claim" has even the first blush of truth to it.

What basis do you actually HAVE to contend that there is any legislation required to stop police from searching phones (whatever the fuck that phrase might mean to you)? How exactly do "police" presently engage in searches of your "phone" without a "warrant?"

Who is getting targeted for these alleged "searches?'

I bet I know what kind of tripe you're gonna come back with. And I take this opportunity to laugh at you in advance. :lol:

But I will refrain from attempting to speak FOR you. Carry your burden, child.

Provide some hint of a factually verifiable contention, first, so we can all know whatever it is you imagine you are talking about.
You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.
For the police to "search" a cell phone's storage, an arrest must be made FIRST.
You are deliberately taking this out of context.
I had earlier read this extreme "hair on fire" alert that cops in Michigan were searching phones on routine traffic stops. It's not true.
If one is stupid enough to consent to that, fuck 'em for being stupid.
Here's another angle...Don't store anything on your phone you want to keep private.
Another thing one can do is simply refuse to acknowledge the presence of a phone in their vehicle. Or , they can whip it into the woods and report it stolen.
If it were me, I'd tell the cop "hey if this phone is that important you, go and find it"....
It's my fucking phone. There is no law against destroying it or disposing of it. Let the prick give me a citation for littering. I won't pay it anyway. It's a civil penalty. Not a criminal penalty.
The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:



They may not be all that terribly secure.

Like the website. I would advise you run a scan and clean those cookies.

Or in your case, eat those cookies.

And I advise you to stop tossing your boyfriend's salad.

When I want your advice, little schmuck, I'll give it to you first.

Now, go buy that penis enlargement product you keep worrying about. Sure, it's probably a scam, but in your case, what could it hurt?

By the way, the Michigan police capability does seem somewhat alarming.

If Michigan Courts cannot deter that alleged practice, then maybe the Federal Courts can. It might require no Federal legislation.

But if it does, where are the liberal Democratics in Congress?

Where's the outrage from the House Minority?

For that matter, what has the Dim Controlled Senate done in proposing legislation about this Michigan police capability?
It's the wingnuts who currently hold power in the House who all of a sudden have a hard-on for the Constitution. Why aren't they addressing these issues instead of passing laws that ban Sharia, which has as much chance of taking hold in this country as you do of walking 30 feet without becoming winded?
Oh fuck you.
You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.

The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:


You should use the WOT (Web Of Trust) addon for Firefox, and other browsers, so that you do not go to dangerous websites, and send other people there:

WHo is the douche bag with a rump wrangler like pee wee herman as his avatar?
By the way, the Michigan police capability does seem somewhat alarming.

If Michigan Courts cannot deter that alleged practice, then maybe the Federal Courts can. It might require no Federal legislation.

But if it does, where are the liberal Democratics in Congress?

Where's the outrage from the House Minority?

For that matter, what has the Dim Controlled Senate done in proposing legislation about this Michigan police capability?
It's the wingnuts who currently hold power in the House who all of a sudden have a hard-on for the Constitution. Why aren't they addressing these issues instead of passing laws that ban Sharia, which has as much chance of taking hold in this country as you do of walking 30 feet without becoming winded?

Your deflection effort is noted.

But, as always, you are fully transparent and a huge fail, SimplyAssholic.

You have no chance of finding any logic in your attempt at making an argument; which is the same chance of you finding your dick without a hugely powerful microscope.
Gotta love all these conservatives espousing personal responsibility, while completely ignoring the equal, if not greater, importance of corporate responsibility. Yes, irresponsible people did take loans they couldn't afford, and they should have been smarter and wised up to these predatory lending practices.

No fucking shit...

Many of them ended up going bankrupt, and received zero assistance from the government,

So you admit they were fools for taking out larger mortgages than they could afford - but were STILL entitled to MY fucking money (i.e., tax dollars) to bail them out? Are you mentally fucked?

What exactly was the result of the poor decisions made by the financial institutions that resulted in their bankruptcies?

The banks lost HUGE amounts on unpaid mortgages. Duh....

Were they held accountable for their actions? No, they were given a giant fucking bail out of tax payer money and basically slapped on the wrist and told not to do it again.

If these large banks were not provided liquidity, they would have gone under. Try running a capitalist system without banks. And BTW, it was not only for the mortgage loan defaults that banks were provided with TARP $$... :eusa_whistle:

Do you see the difference? One reaped all the negative consequences of their actions, the other reaped none of the negative consequences.

This is an outrageously moronic statement, as expected from idiot liberals pursuing an agenda totally devoid of facts.

In most cases the banks were fucking FORCED by the fat pig barney frank and congress to make these loans, the banks often were against them but they had to make them. Further, if the banks did not make them - asshole liberals like you would have screeched: "RACISM!" or "CLASS WARFARE!" since many of those recipients of these mortgages were either minorities or working class.

Lastly, the sign in the OP is even more fucking hilarious. WTF buys derivatives/credit-default swaps? LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Why should anyone give a shit if they did not do their due diligence in buying products that were garbage? If they exclusively relied upon the ratings agencies' ratings of these products, then they have no one to blame but themselves. If anyone should be in jail, it should be the scumbags at Fitch, S&P, etc - along with the filthy pig barney frank...
Everyone recognizes that you offer nothing. Your only purpose in coming here is to take out the frustrations of your failed personal life, ranting anonymously on the internet to strangers to make yourself feel like somebody. And you can't even do that effectively. Yup - what a loser. :lol:

You come in with a sign in the OP that is laughable nonsense, and you attack other posters? Can you be more of an idiot?
We understand pussies like you.You insist on the right to assembly while bitching about the right to assembly.

Like when public union employees demand the right to be able to unionize and retain the ability to collectively bargain, we are "taking away their right to assemble" if we do not agree. Liberal mongoloidal chimps.
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Huh... so the window licker express reject is trying to push this bullshit into every thread? Fine, time to restate my rebuttal to this bullshit.

Original thread post here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/4305874-post20.html

After reading this "News" article... the Huffpoo is not news, it's activism... I have peer reviewed it to be full of shit and nothing more than spin and propaganda to hide what I see every day in Minneapolis.

The only points I cannot verify at this time he claims are:

Myth #1. The Movement Is Violent.

I can't verify this in MPLS, but there have been reports of it happening elsewhere.

Myth #2. It's Just A Bunch Of Pampered Kids.

He pulls a nice stunt by spinning it to seem as if it's only rich spoiled kids, which is true. But the entire contents of the group are nothing but pampered spoiled kids in their behavior.

Myth #3. There Are No Black People Involved.

That's being accused of the Tea Party. I've seen nobody claim this bullshit. It's just 92% white. Rdean would be proud.

Myth #4. They're Anti-American.

Well they're preaching death to western culture and the American way. Their signs do this constantly. Their chants and protests in front of banks stopping working people getting to and from work ruining their daily quality of life. So, claim it all you want. You're actions prove otherwise.

Myth #5. They're Just Modern-Day Hippies.

Have you SEEN them lately? I have. Just because you get one picture of a useful idiot libertarian or anti-establishmentarian in a suit, doesn't equate to the whole place looking like a bunch of mormon missionaries in their suits and ties.

Myth #6. They Don't Know What They Want.

As a whole, they don't. Individuals do... and they all want something different. Therefore, as a movement, they don't know what they want. Those organizing this know what they want and it's the same as what they have wanted since 1890: rich people's money without merit of work.

Myth #7. The Labor Unions Are Behind This.

They are. their public sector union support is universal.

Myth #8. They're Pro-Obama. They're Anti-Obama.

All depends on who you talk to in the group. Many think he's not liberal enough, so of course they don't like him.

Myth #9. They're In The Wrong Place.

In Minneapolis, they are at government plaza, blocks away from banks protesting 'wall street' corruption. Not only are the in the wrong city, but protesting in front of all the wrong people.

Myth #10. They're Taking Over Wall Street.

That's like saying squeegie men were taking over the street. They are an irritant and road hazard making people's lives, who they claim to want to help, worse. They're fools accomplishing nothing beyond making sure nobody ignores how dumb and ungrateful they really are.
The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:


You should use the WOT (Web Of Trust) addon for Firefox, and other browsers, so that you do not go to dangerous websites, and send other people there:

Who decides what's trustworthy and why should I trust them?
Probably evil Liberals. I suggest that you click all over that site. Exercise your freeeeeedom. That'll show them.
You should use the WOT (Web Of Trust) addon for Firefox, and other browsers, so that you do not go to dangerous websites, and send other people there:

Who decides what's trustworthy and why should I trust them?
Probably evil Liberals. I suggest that you click all over that site. Exercise your freeeeeedom. That'll show them.
Looked like a bullshit website to me.
Never click on a European website unless it has a security certificate.
Who decides what's trustworthy and why should I trust them?
Probably evil Liberals. I suggest that you click all over that site. Exercise your freeeeeedom. That'll show them.
Looked like a bullshit website to me.
Never click on a European website unless it has a security certificate.
You can't convince a wingnut like Big Shitz of anything. Everything is a government plot. That's how he explains away his shitty life.
Let's pretend that you have the first fucking clue about whatever the fuck it is you are babbling about.

No. Let's not.

Take it a step back, stupid.

Try to FIRST establish that your "claim" has even the first blush of truth to it.

What basis do you actually HAVE to contend that there is any legislation required to stop police from searching phones (whatever the fuck that phrase might mean to you)? How exactly do "police" presently engage in searches of your "phone" without a "warrant?"

Who is getting targeted for these alleged "searches?'

I bet I know what kind of tripe you're gonna come back with. And I take this opportunity to laugh at you in advance. :lol:

But I will refrain from attempting to speak FOR you. Carry your burden, child.

Provide some hint of a factually verifiable contention, first, so we can all know whatever it is you imagine you are talking about.
You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.
For the police to "search" a cell phone's storage, an arrest must be made FIRST.
You are deliberately taking this out of context.
I had earlier read this extreme "hair on fire" alert that cops in Michigan were searching phones on routine traffic stops. It's not true.
If one is stupid enough to consent to that, fuck 'em for being stupid.
Here's another angle...Don't store anything on your phone you want to keep private.
Another thing one can do is simply refuse to acknowledge the presence of a phone in their vehicle. Or , they can whip it into the woods and report it stolen.
If it were me, I'd tell the cop "hey if this phone is that important you, go and find it"....
It's my fucking phone. There is no law against destroying it or disposing of it. Let the prick give me a citation for littering. I won't pay it anyway. It's a civil penalty. Not a criminal penalty.

Back that claim up. There is nothing in the linked Michigan story that confirms this, or even mentions arrest.
With OWS- Obama Makes "2 Minute Hate" into 24 Hour Hate


Forget "Hope *& Change"! What we need now is "Hate & Change"


Papa Obama has taken the socialist tool of "2 Minute Hate" and
turned it into a 24/7 cycle of Hate by having only the most faithful progressive advocates occupy Wall-street (OWS).
Papa Obama has taken this to a level that even George Orwell could never have imagined.

Never let the evil racist, xenophobic, misogynist, right wingers ever doubt the most great
genius of Papa Obama !

Now we know that the proletariat, has been, nervous of late due to high unemployment and all economic indicators
going in the wrong direction. Sadly, the polls show wavering support for Papa Obama.

The fault of this falls upon the MSM and their inability to convince people of the real truth-
that Republicans are stopping the continuing success of Papa Obama's programs. No doubt,
once our Progressive Utopia is reached, there will have to be a purge of the MSM; but the time is not now, we still need them.

So what is any good "old fashioned " megal...er selfless leader like Papa Obama to do?
Create hate in the right spots- distra..er guide people to the true enemies of the state !


Needless to say, it does not hurt to combine this with our most progressive foreign policy and blame the "Jews" at the same time


Just imagine, 24/7 all this hate directed at the true enemies of the state until the next election

It is the "Hate & Change" we have been waiting for.....
Fret not, if the masses get tired of this-

We can always find more enemies
Last edited:
I never quite understood what is anti-semetic about saying "Jewish Bankers" and the like? I have a black mailman but saying it doesnt make me hate blacks...
Probably evil Liberals. I suggest that you click all over that site. Exercise your freeeeeedom. That'll show them.
Looked like a bullshit website to me.
Never click on a European website unless it has a security certificate.
You can't convince a wingnut like Big Shitz of anything. Everything is a government plot. That's how he explains away his shitty life.
Synthia, I never listened to Pee Wee Herman. Those over the age of 4 who did, were morons.
With OWS- Obama Makes "2 Minute Hate" into 24 Hour Hate


Forget "Hope *& Change"! What we need now is "Hate & Change"


Papa Obama has taken the socialist tool of "2 Minute Hate" and
turned it into a 24/7 cycle of Hate by having only the most faithful progressive advocates occupy Wall-street (OWS).
Papa Obama has taken this to a level that even George Orwell could never have imagined.

Never let the evil racist, xenophobic, misogynist, right wingers ever doubt the most great
genius of Papa Obama !

Now we know that the proletariat, has been, nervous of late due to high unemployment and all economic indicators
going in the wrong direction. Sadly, the polls show wavering support for Papa Obama.

The fault of this falls upon the MSM and their inability to convince people of the real truth-
that Republicans are stopping the continuing success of Papa Obama's programs. No doubt,
once our Progressive Utopia is reached, there will have to be a purge of the MSM; but the time is not now, we still need them.

So what is any good "old fashioned " megal...er selfless leader like Papa Obama to do?
Create hate in the right spots- distra..er guide people to the true enemies of the state !


Needless to say, it does not hurt to combine this with our most progressive foreign policy and blame the "Jews" at the same time


Just imagine, 24/7 all this hate directed at the true enemies of the state until the next election

It is the "Hate & Change" we have been waiting for.....
Fret not, if the masses get tired of this-

We can always find more enemies

Buffoon. :lol:

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