#OWS Signs

Who's fault is it those people are STUPID.

Here's a clue, you can't afford something, DON'T GO OUT AND BUY IT.

what a concept eh?

It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.
It is every bit as incumbent upon the borrower to know his or her financial limitations.
Were you listening to these people who were foreclosed on these properties.
"I wanted to GET me a house".....They invariably avoid use of the word "buy"...
Sure there were unscrupulous lenders. Many of those were large production subdivision builders. One such company is "Beazer Homes"....This company had several of it's officers charged with mortgage fraud and other federal crimes.
For the most part though, the existence of Fannie/Freddie and sub prime loans made for cheap money. The Community Reinvestment Act was perhaps the worst piece of legislation to affect the real estate/housing lending market in this nation's history.
Once again, the government's good intentions paved the way to the hell of unintended consequences.
It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine what you are capable of purchasing. Stop passing responsibility for your decisions off on other people.

If a person lacks enough common sense to know what he can or cannot afford, it's up to the lender to set him straight.

Afterall, it's the lender who is ultimately on the hook for the money.
If one lacks common sense, they should never have entertained the thought of purchasing a home.
The problem is your side turned the idea of home ownership into an entitlement.
With this last post you imply that the rest of us should be held responsible for the stupidity and greed, yes greed of others.
Besides the mortgages, i wonder how much debt these people actually have....
The banks usually deny a loan based on your debt to income ratio. So, MAYBE when these people (or alot of them) got their mortgages they WERE able to pay them. But then, the banks give you Home Equity lines of credit to go with it, which they most likely used. Charge card company's will usually just give you a card as long as your credit is good at the time. They could have gone overboard after they'd gotten the mortgage, and with all that debt just couldn't keep up. That's NOT the banks fault!

Some most likely lost their jobs, then couldn't afford the homes any longer. So you SELL and GET OUT! We've made mistakes with our money too, and gone farther into debt then we could really handle. We've worked at trying to take care of that...I don't blame the bank, credit card company, or anyone else. We did it, we had to take care of it. Most places will work with you if you just talk to them!
Several years ago, our local paper did a story on credit card debt. The article described the relative ease with which people could obtain credit, especially store credit cards which as most people know carry very high rates of interest.
One couple who through soem investigation by the reporter, had an income of under $40k per year. They owned the trailer which was their residence but not the property on which is stood. These people had more than 10 credit cards and a whopping $175k in credit card debt. They were typical of moderate income people who wanted things they actually could not afford so they kept applying for credit cards.
There was no way these people could make the nearly $5k per month in minimum payments. So they applied for cards and used credit cards to pay off other credit cards.
Legislation came out of Washington to put a stop to this. One of the consequences was the dramatic tightening of personal bankruptcy laws which were being abused by credit card users. These people ran up huge amounts of debt then declared the Chapter of bankruptcy that excused them of all debt. Fortunately that is no longer available.
Then why dont you hate all the people who gave these loans to the "stupid regular guys"?

shouldnt they have known it would tank their industry?

Loan officers were getting commisions on the number and size of the loans they wrote.

So they didn't give two shits if the loan was going to end up in default.
One could say that about a very small percentage of all home loans.
The operative being SMALL percentage.
Just because you can afford the house on paper doesnt mean you should get it . Only you know what your true bills are and what your spending habits are

That's true.

But it makes no sense at all for a lender to compound a buyer's stupidity by approving a loan that he knows full well is going to be trouble.
In a perfect world that would be true.
Unfortunately the federal government essentially mandated that banks make these loans to people who in the past were unqualified.
In return, the federal government created avenues where lenders could reduce their exposure. Many loans, even conventional loans were sold several times over. There were no "unsuspecting buyers" of these loans. In fact the purchasers were eager to snap up loans.
Tell that to the CRA and Janet Reno Justice Department under Clinton, plus Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and Bawny Fwank when W tried to fix Freddie and Fannie before they failed and they helped kill the bills in committee before they fixed something where "nothing was wrong".

File this under "Best to remain silent and be thought an idiot instead of holding up a sign and removing all doubt of being one."

with apologies to Mark Twain for appropriately mangling his magnificent quote.
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Tell that to the CRA and Janet Reno Justice Department under Clinton, plus Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and Bawny Fwank when W tried to fix Freddie and Fannie before they failed and they helped kill the bills in committee before they fixed something where "nothing was wrong".

File this under "Best to remain silent and be thought an idiot instead of holding up a sign and removing all doubt of being one."

with apologies to Mark Twain for appropriately mangling his magnificent quote.
Those assholes.
All they cared about and still do is votes from those to which they provide free taxpayer funded goodies......At OUR expense!
What a system! Find an elected official that is sympathetic to those without any federal tax liability and provide them with free shit so that the recipients keep them in office. Great!
And the Lefties on here have the gall to insist it is wealthy corps that control the US Capitol....Bullshit!
Tell that to the CRA and Janet Reno Justice Department under Clinton, plus Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and Bawny Fwank when W tried to fix Freddie and Fannie before they failed and they helped kill the bills in committee before they fixed something where "nothing was wrong".

File this under "Best to remain silent and be thought an idiot instead of holding up a sign and removing all doubt of being one."

with apologies to Mark Twain for appropriately mangling his magnificent quote.
Those assholes.
All they cared about and still do is votes from those to which they provide free taxpayer funded goodies......At OUR expense!
What a system! Find an elected official that is sympathetic to those without any federal tax liability and provide them with free shit so that the recipients keep them in office. Great!
And the Lefties on here have the gall to insist it is wealthy corps that control the US Capitol....Bullshit!

You've discovered the truth that a republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund.

The fact it's been known for 200 plus years and shown throughout history for thousands of years and a dozen odd empires seems to have escaped your keen sense of sarcasm.

or is my sarcas-o-meter getting a false positive?
Tell that to the CRA and Janet Reno Justice Department under Clinton, plus Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and Bawny Fwank when W tried to fix Freddie and Fannie before they failed and they helped kill the bills in committee before they fixed something where "nothing was wrong".

File this under "Best to remain silent and be thought an idiot instead of holding up a sign and removing all doubt of being one."

with apologies to Mark Twain for appropriately mangling his magnificent quote.
Those assholes.
All they cared about and still do is votes from those to which they provide free taxpayer funded goodies......At OUR expense!
What a system! Find an elected official that is sympathetic to those without any federal tax liability and provide them with free shit so that the recipients keep them in office. Great!
And the Lefties on here have the gall to insist it is wealthy corps that control the US Capitol....Bullshit!

You've discovered the truth that a republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund.

The fact it's been known for 200 plus years and shown throughout history for thousands of years and a dozen odd empires seems to have escaped your keen sense of sarcasm.

or is my sarcas-o-meter getting a false positive?

Worth a repeat and a little emphasis: ". . . [A] republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund."

This is precisely why the Constitution was crafted with such a determined intent to make the rule of a mere majority so difficult. It was why the Constitution set up a LIMITED Government of very carefully ENUMERATED powers.

This is why it is so fully urgent that we REJECT the absurd claim that the Constitution is a "living and breathing" thing, because that bogus claim is merely an effort to make inroads into (i.e., under) the restrictions on the power of the federal government.

And this is why the rabid lefties are so flummoxed by the Tea Party. Imagine the noive of doze guys interfering with the liberal plan to reshape the form of American Government? Itsa outwage!

But their reaction? Tellingly pathetic. It's the Shitters in the Park. You can almost hear it in their pathetic chants:

Whatta do we want? "MORE!"

When do we want it? "Now!"

How are we gonna go about it? "uhhhh...."
Tell that to the CRA and Janet Reno Justice Department under Clinton, plus Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and Bawny Fwank when W tried to fix Freddie and Fannie before they failed and they helped kill the bills in committee before they fixed something where "nothing was wrong".

File this under "Best to remain silent and be thought an idiot instead of holding up a sign and removing all doubt of being one."

with apologies to Mark Twain for appropriately mangling his magnificent quote.
Those assholes.
All they cared about and still do is votes from those to which they provide free taxpayer funded goodies......At OUR expense!
What a system! Find an elected official that is sympathetic to those without any federal tax liability and provide them with free shit so that the recipients keep them in office. Great!
And the Lefties on here have the gall to insist it is wealthy corps that control the US Capitol....Bullshit!

You've discovered the truth that a republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund.

The fact it's been known for 200 plus years and shown throughout history for thousands of years and a dozen odd empires seems to have escaped your keen sense of sarcasm.

or is my sarcas-o-meter getting a false positive?

Alexander Tytler:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.

"It is not, perhaps, unreasonable to conclude, that a pure and perfect democracy is a thing not attainable by man, constituted as he is of contending elements of vice and virtue, and ever mainly influenced by the predominant principle of self-interest. It may, indeed, be confidently asserted, that there never was that government called a republic, which was not ultimately ruled by a single will, and, therefore, (however bold may seem the paradox,) virtually and substantially a monarchy."
Those assholes.
All they cared about and still do is votes from those to which they provide free taxpayer funded goodies......At OUR expense!
What a system! Find an elected official that is sympathetic to those without any federal tax liability and provide them with free shit so that the recipients keep them in office. Great!
And the Lefties on here have the gall to insist it is wealthy corps that control the US Capitol....Bullshit!

You've discovered the truth that a republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund.

The fact it's been known for 200 plus years and shown throughout history for thousands of years and a dozen odd empires seems to have escaped your keen sense of sarcasm.

or is my sarcas-o-meter getting a false positive?

Alexander Tytler:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.

"It is not, perhaps, unreasonable to conclude, that a pure and perfect democracy is a thing not attainable by man, constituted as he is of contending elements of vice and virtue, and ever mainly influenced by the predominant principle of self-interest. It may, indeed, be confidently asserted, that there never was that government called a republic, which was not ultimately ruled by a single will, and, therefore, (however bold may seem the paradox,) virtually and substantially a monarchy."
and what is required to keep the populace from being careless with their neighbor's forcibly extracted wealth for the benefit of everyone?

Self Worth
Self Reliance
An sense of absolute right and wrong

You know... Stuff we don't teach our kids anymore, and the boomers rebelled against.

You've discovered the truth that a republic is over the instant the populace realizes it can vote itself goodies from the public fund.

The fact it's been known for 200 plus years and shown throughout history for thousands of years and a dozen odd empires seems to have escaped your keen sense of sarcasm.

or is my sarcas-o-meter getting a false positive?

Alexander Tytler:

"It is not, perhaps, unreasonable to conclude, that a pure and perfect democracy is a thing not attainable by man, constituted as he is of contending elements of vice and virtue, and ever mainly influenced by the predominant principle of self-interest. It may, indeed, be confidently asserted, that there never was that government called a republic, which was not ultimately ruled by a single will, and, therefore, (however bold may seem the paradox,) virtually and substantially a monarchy."
and what is required to keep the populace from being careless with their neighbor's forcibly extracted wealth for the benefit of everyone?

Self Worth
Self Reliance
An sense of absolute right and wrong

You know... Stuff we don't teach our kids anymore, and the boomers rebelled against.
Indeed. And we are seeing a replay of it now with OWS...
Alexander Tytler:
and what is required to keep the populace from being careless with their neighbor's forcibly extracted wealth for the benefit of everyone?

Self Worth
Self Reliance
An sense of absolute right and wrong

You know... Stuff we don't teach our kids anymore, and the boomers rebelled against.
Indeed. And we are seeing a replay of it now with OWS...
Symptoms of the deeper issue: An Immoral generation left to it's own devices, raising it's children to be Amoral, then having the audacity to be confused and upset when they don't act with any.

No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.
By the way, the Michigan police capability does seem somewhat alarming.

If Michigan Courts cannot deter that alleged practice, then maybe the Federal Courts can. It might require no Federal legislation.

But if it does, where are the liberal Democratics in Congress?

Where's the outrage from the House Minority?

For that matter, what has the Dim Controlled Senate done in proposing legislation about this Michigan police capability?
It's the wingnuts who currently hold power in the House who all of a sudden have a hard-on for the Constitution. Why aren't they addressing these issues instead of passing laws that ban Sharia, which has as much chance of taking hold in this country as you do of walking 30 feet without becoming winded?
Let's pretend that you have the first fucking clue about whatever the fuck it is you are babbling about.

No. Let's not.

Take it a step back, stupid.

Try to FIRST establish that your "claim" has even the first blush of truth to it.

What basis do you actually HAVE to contend that there is any legislation required to stop police from searching phones (whatever the fuck that phrase might mean to you)? How exactly do "police" presently engage in searches of your "phone" without a "warrant?"

Who is getting targeted for these alleged "searches?'

I bet I know what kind of tripe you're gonna come back with. And I take this opportunity to laugh at you in advance. :lol:

But I will refrain from attempting to speak FOR you. Carry your burden, child.

Provide some hint of a factually verifiable contention, first, so we can all know whatever it is you imagine you are talking about.
You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.

The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:


You should use the WOT (Web Of Trust) addon for Firefox, and other browsers, so that you do not go to dangerous websites, and send other people there:

You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.

The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:



They may not be all that terribly secure.

Like the website. I would advise you run a scan and clean those cookies.

Or in your case, eat those cookies.
You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.

The morale of the story is that we are being governed by criminal scumbags.

But the stupid fucks will soon find out what the KGB found out . Human ingenuity will outsmart the motherfuckers:


You should use the WOT (Web Of Trust) addon for Firefox, and other browsers, so that you do not go to dangerous websites, and send other people there:

Who decides what's trustworthy and why should I trust them?
and what is required to keep the populace from being careless with their neighbor's forcibly extracted wealth for the benefit of everyone?

Self Worth
Self Reliance
An sense of absolute right and wrong

You know... Stuff we don't teach our kids anymore, and the boomers rebelled against.
Indeed. And we are seeing a replay of it now with OWS...
Symptoms of the deeper issue: An Immoral generation left to it's own devices, raising it's children to be Amoral, then having the audacity to be confused and upset when they don't act with any.

No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.
Agreed. From the home AND gubmint schrools. Lack of morals and morality.
Indeed. And we are seeing a replay of it now with OWS...
Symptoms of the deeper issue: An Immoral generation left to it's own devices, raising it's children to be Amoral, then having the audacity to be confused and upset when they don't act with any.

No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.
Agreed. From the home AND gubmint schrools. Lack of morals and morality.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE................

The school named after Obama has been closed down. :clap2::clap2:

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