#OWS Signs

You really are a fucking imbecile who fills the screen with deflective insulting (and your monitor with spittle) to hide the fact that you are clueless as to recent news.

If you don't have an answer, just say so.

If you are too lazy to look up anything to see what another poster is talking about, just say so.

No one will think anything worse about you than they already do.

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Ruling lets California police search your phone without a warrant - CNN

The first is Michigan. The second is California.

And you claim to be a lawyer.
For the police to "search" a cell phone's storage, an arrest must be made FIRST.
You are deliberately taking this out of context.
I had earlier read this extreme "hair on fire" alert that cops in Michigan were searching phones on routine traffic stops. It's not true.
If one is stupid enough to consent to that, fuck 'em for being stupid.
Here's another angle...Don't store anything on your phone you want to keep private.
Another thing one can do is simply refuse to acknowledge the presence of a phone in their vehicle. Or , they can whip it into the woods and report it stolen.
If it were me, I'd tell the cop "hey if this phone is that important you, go and find it"....
It's my fucking phone. There is no law against destroying it or disposing of it. Let the prick give me a citation for littering. I won't pay it anyway. It's a civil penalty. Not a criminal penalty.

Back that claim up. There is nothing in the linked Michigan story that confirms this, or even mentions arrest.
Watch it Pee Wee.
Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops | The Truth About Cars

You were fucking saying?
Look newb, don't ever challenge me on facts. If I post something, you'd better believe there's something to back it up.
I never quite understood what is anti-semetic about saying "Jewish Bankers" and the like? I have a black mailman but saying it doesnt make me hate blacks...
The reason why it's ok to pick on Jews is because Jews are not on the list of Liberal Politically correct protected classes.
With OWS- Obama Makes "2 Minute Hate" into 24 Hour Hate


Forget "Hope *& Change"! What we need now is "Hate & Change"


Papa Obama has taken the socialist tool of "2 Minute Hate" and
turned it into a 24/7 cycle of Hate by having only the most faithful progressive advocates occupy Wall-street (OWS).
Papa Obama has taken this to a level that even George Orwell could never have imagined.

Never let the evil racist, xenophobic, misogynist, right wingers ever doubt the most great
genius of Papa Obama !

Now we know that the proletariat, has been, nervous of late due to high unemployment and all economic indicators
going in the wrong direction. Sadly, the polls show wavering support for Papa Obama.

The fault of this falls upon the MSM and their inability to convince people of the real truth-
that Republicans are stopping the continuing success of Papa Obama's programs. No doubt,
once our Progressive Utopia is reached, there will have to be a purge of the MSM; but the time is not now, we still need them.

So what is any good "old fashioned " megal...er selfless leader like Papa Obama to do?
Create hate in the right spots- distra..er guide people to the true enemies of the state !


Needless to say, it does not hurt to combine this with our most progressive foreign policy and blame the "Jews" at the same time


Just imagine, 24/7 all this hate directed at the true enemies of the state until the next election

It is the "Hate & Change" we have been waiting for.....
Fret not, if the masses get tired of this-

We can always find more enemies

Buffoon. :

Yes the OWS or Obama Wallstreet Stooges

really are

Oh speaking of buffoons

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I never quite understood what is anti-semetic about saying "Jewish Bankers" and the like? I have a black mailman but saying it doesnt make me hate blacks...
The reason why it's ok to pick on Jews is because Jews are not on the list of Liberal Politically correct protected classes.

What is anti semetic about saying someone is a Jewish banker? And why is saying someone is a Jewish banker qualifies as being "picked on" by you?

"The loan officer should have done his homework and checked my situation more carefully and found that I really couldn't afford the property based on my income and other obligations and turned me down."

It's not up to the loan officer to make sure you can pay for your house, you assume that responsibility when you sign the contract, the loan officer is only there to make money, not to hold your hand and tell you everything is going to be alright.
Who's fault is it those people are STUPID.

Here's a clue, you can't afford something, DON'T GO OUT AND BUY IT.

what a concept eh?

It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.

So you're saying that it's not the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that they can afford the payments? The loan officer can qualify a person for the loan, but it's the buyer who has to make sure they can afford the payments when it's all said and done. When assholes like Frank and Dodd forced lenders to lower standards on loans that is what created this problem, but that still does not take away from the fact that people should be responsible for themselves and not take on a loan they cannot afford then expect big brother to step in a alleviate there piss poor decision to take one.
(Sigh.) Help for the reading-comprehension challenged.

"It's wrong to create a mortgage-backed security filled with loans you know are going to fail so that you can sell it to a client who isn't aware that you sabotaged it by intentionally picking the misleadingly rated loans most likely to be defaulted upon."

Note the words in bold. THAT is what the sign is about, what it's saying is wrong. To create a mortgage-backed SECURITY.

NOT to create a MORTGAGE.

Whose fault the failure of a MORTGAGE may be, has NOTHING to do with that sign.
It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine what you are capable of purchasing. Stop passing responsibility for your decisions off on other people.

If a person lacks enough common sense to know what he can or cannot afford, it's up to the lender to set him straight.

Afterall, it's the lender who is ultimately on the hook for the money.

Wrong again. What part of reality are you from? I will send you a post card.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine what you are capable of purchasing. Stop passing responsibility for your decisions off on other people.

If a person lacks enough common sense to know what he can or cannot afford, it's up to the lender to set him straight.

Afterall, it's the lender who is ultimately on the hook for the money.
Why, When is it the person own respondsability to take ownership of their own finances. Why does people have to be held by the hand by everything. Its called being an adult

You used the "Be an adult" line on them, that scares the shit out of them.
It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine what you are capable of purchasing. Stop passing responsibility for your decisions off on other people.
So if a doctor tells you you are fine, then you find out that he should have seen your cancer, it's your fault?

That depends, did the doctor sign a contract saying that you do not have cancer? If not, then he is not liable for that mistake. However, if you sign a contract agreeing to make all payments towards a house you are then liable to make those payments.
Then why dont you hate all the people who gave these loans to the "stupid regular guys"?

shouldnt they have known it would tank their industry?

Loan officers were getting commisions on the number and size of the loans they wrote.

So they didn't give two shits if the loan was going to end up in default.

And why would they? It's not the job to make people responsible, it's the buyers responsibility to make sure they can afford the loan, the loan officers only job is to sell the loan. Noone stood there with a gun to anyones head forcing them to sign that loan paperwork.
What has happened to persona responsibility. Just like congress and Barry, blame it on someone else.

Yep, the progressive/socialist machine has done very well at creating a whole generation of lazy good for nothing irresponsible individuals that only know one way of earning a living and that's sitting on their asses holding there hands out. Makes ya sick dont it? I'll be damned if I let my kids grow up to be like this, I'll kick there asses first.
Who's fault is it those people are STUPID.

Here's a clue, you can't afford something, DON'T GO OUT AND BUY IT.

what a concept eh?

Here's another concept:

If someone can't afford something, DON'T GIVE THEM A LOAN TO BUY IT!

But do you know why they did it anyway? Because they didn't keep and service those loans. They sold those bad loans to unsuspecting financial institutions. It wasn't really hard at all...seeing as how ratings agencies like S&P gave those derivatives the highest ratings. That's what the ratings agencies got paid to do. Ain't unfettered capitalism grand?

Unfettered capitalism is grand, it's what made this country the power house that it was and helped many a hard worker earn a living for there families. It's the cronie capitalism that we have seen in the last 40 + years that gives it a bad name, much like we are seeing coming out of washington right now.
Capitalism works, if it is left alone and businesses are allowed to fail, of course you know this already, but you hate the individual liberties it helps foster so you "Like Obama" will do and say whatever it takes to convince people otherwise.
Then why dont you hate all the people who gave these loans to the "stupid regular guys"?

shouldnt they have known it would tank their industry?

Loan officers were getting commisions on the number and size of the loans they wrote.

So they didn't give two shits if the loan was going to end up in default.

And why would they? It's not the job to make people responsible, it's the buyers responsibility to make sure they can afford the loan, the loan officers only job is to sell the loan. Noone stood there with a gun to anyones head forcing them to sign that loan paperwork.

That's all well and good, but at the end of the day, it's still the bank that's on the hook for the money and it's incumbent upon them to make sure the borrower can repay in a timely fashion.

"The loan officer should have done his homework and checked my situation more carefully and found that I really couldn't afford the property based on my income and other obligations and turned me down."

Nothing like a good excuse to dodge any personal responsibility, there, eh libbies?

I tell you what:

There is blame enough on both sides to go around.

But the bottom line doesn't get erased.

If the borrowers were NOT actually qualified for the loans they were getting, then the fact that ultimately they could not afford the houses they were "buying" is a problem ONLY to the extent that they were denied the ability to retain that which they would never have otherwise had in the first place.

Ownership would be highly desirable if the borrowers could finagle it. But if not, renting is not the most horrible outcome in the known universe.

Yep, very true. Also, these same people who are bitching about this would also be bitching if the loans where not issued to begin with. Either way they would be bitching something, becausae that is what they do, they bitch and stir shit up.....who does this remind me of?.....oh yeah, Obama.
Just because you can afford the house on paper doesnt mean you should get it . Only you know what your true bills are and what your spending habits are

That's true.

But it makes no sense at all for a lender to compound a buyer's stupidity by approving a loan that he knows full well is going to be trouble.

Maybe he doesn't know full well, as stated before. Maybe on paper it looks good, but the person is really a crack addict with no intention of honoring the loan to begin with?
Predfan said:
Looks like she is calling out Barney Frank. He is the guy who allowed Fanny and Freddy to do that shit.

Fanny and Freddie have never once issued any mortgage-backed securities.

Another reading-comprehension-challenged poster, it would seem, who can't understand the difference between a mortgage-backed SECURITY and a MORTGAGE.

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