#OWS Signs

[completely pointless, irrelevant, and utterly idiotic personal invective without any cognitive content whatsoever snipped, thus reducing the entire post to nothingness]

Look, jackass. I have better things to do than waste my time with anyone who is as irretrievably and pointlessly rude as yourself. I have found that there are a few -- a distinct minority -- of intelligent conservatives on this forum. For those like you, who fall into the other category, I have only one thing to say.

Go fuck yourself.
There are 2 issues involved in the mortgage crisis:


The banks pushed these mortgages on people as much as they possibly could, knowing that a very large percentage would default. The fact is that for as long as the real estate market was booming, the banks profitted more on defaulting mortgages than on good ones. Since they could not determine exactly which mortgage would default, they divided the mortagaes up & repackaged them as derivative packages - then they could price the packages based on statistical probabilities.

There was no crisis, despite that hundreds of thousands of people were defaulting, until the real estate market collapsed. Then the banks started losing money and we suddenly had a crisis.

We live in a complex society. We all specialize and we depend on everyone's adherence to legal and ethical practices. No one can know everything about everything.

People are required to fully disclose all their financial assets to mortgage brokers who evaluate whether they can afford the mortgage. People are told what they can or can not afford. It's the brokers fault when a mortgage defaults.

Is it ethical for a doctor to knowingly tell us that we need a operation when we don't? Do we all have to become medical experts so we can evaluate for ourselves? I don't think so.

The same principal applies to mortgage brokers and bankers.
[completely pointless, irrelevant, and utterly idiotic personal invective without any cognitive content whatsoever snipped, thus reducing the entire post to nothingness]

Look, jackass. I have better things to do than waste my time with anyone who is as irretrievably and pointlessly rude as yourself. I have found that there are a few -- a distinct minority -- of intelligent conservatives on this forum. For those like you, who fall into the other category, I have only one thing to say.

Go fuck yourself.

No, little boy. You must first go fuck yourself.

Then, when you've finally had your first sexual experience, you can discuss the topic from a slightly more knowledgeable vantage point.

You are ignorant and dishonest. Let me help you out a lot.

Those are not signs of intelligence.

Tsk tsk.

Now, toddle off.

Come back if you ever grow up, grow a pair and can sustain an intelligent discussion based on actual facts, logic and honesty.

We won't keep the light on for you.

Let's see: there is you, a fringe wingnut, linking to George Will, Republican opinion-giver, who doesn't back up his assertions, who cites Arthur C. Brooks, who he deceptively only refers to as "a professor at Syracuse University" without telling his readers that Brooks is the rightwing PRESIDENT of the American Enterprise Institute, a wingnut think tank.


Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

Wow, that was a masterful refutation.

Oh, wait, no, it wasn't. It was a sissy bedwetter saying "I don't LIKE it, so it must be wrong!!"

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling? Ooops, sorry -- you don't think at all.

It actually was. That's why you are putting your fingers in your ears and calling me a bedwetter instead of admitting that you've been punked once again by Rightwing media.

Because I presented facts while you presented your ass.

You really do suck at politics. :lol:

"...but mostly, legalize weed!"

What a loser. :lol:
Everyone recognizes that you offer nothing. Your only purpose in coming here is to take out the frustrations of your failed personal life, ranting anonymously on the internet to strangers to make yourself feel like somebody.

And you can't even do that effectively. Yup - what a loser. :lol:
Gotta love all these conservatives espousing personal responsibility, while completely ignoring the equal, if not greater, importance of corporate responsibility. Yes, irresponsible people did take loans they couldn't afford, and they should have been smarter and wised up to these predatory lending practices. Many of them ended up going bankrupt, and received zero assistance from the government, and that is a fitting result of their poor decisions. What exactly was the result of the poor decisions made by the financial institutions that resulted in their bankruptcies? Were they held accountable for their actions? No, they were given a giant fucking bail out of tax payer money and basically slapped on the wrist and told not to do it again. Do you see the difference? One reaped all the negative consequences of their actions, the other reaped none of the negative consequences.

You are making the assumption that all us conservatives agreed with bailing out the financial institutions.
I didn't.
It's not the governments responsibility to choose winners and losers. I would have let them fail.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle used bipartisanship to accomplish the crap of bailing them out.
I am glad to read this. Does this mean that you support #OWS? This is exactly what they are protesting about.
Let's see: there is you, a fringe wingnut, linking to George Will, Republican opinion-giver, who doesn't back up his assertions, who cites Arthur C. Brooks, who he deceptively only refers to as "a professor at Syracuse University" without telling his readers that Brooks is the rightwing PRESIDENT of the American Enterprise Institute, a wingnut think tank.


Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

Wow, that was a masterful refutation.

Oh, wait, no, it wasn't. It was a sissy bedwetter saying "I don't LIKE it, so it must be wrong!!"

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling? Ooops, sorry -- you don't think at all.

It actually was. That's why you are putting your fingers in your ears and calling me a bedwetter instead of admitting that you've been punked once again by Rightwing media.

Because I presented facts while you presented your ass.

You really do suck at politics. :lol:
"It actually was"? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And you wonder why people laugh in your face.

"...but mostly, legalize weed!"

What a loser. :lol:
Everyone recognizes that you offer nothing. Your only purpose in coming here is to take out the frustrations of your failed personal life, ranting anonymously on the internet to strangers to make yourself feel like somebody.

And you can't even do that effectively. Yup - what a loser. :lol:
Silly leftist, appointing himself spokesman for all of USMB. :lol: Shall we compare rep points?

Oh, and nice projection, too. :lol:
It's incumbent upon the lender to determine if an applicant is qualified for a loan.

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine what you are capable of purchasing. Stop passing responsibility for your decisions off on other people.
So if a doctor tells you you are fine, then you find out that he should have seen your cancer, it's your fault?

This has to be the stupidest analogy I have ever read. You must have all the resources, equipment and a degree in medicine to make that statement.
Lucky you !!!
Me...all I have are bank statements,monthly income and a calculator to determine if I can afford something.

Think before you type .....otherwise you come off looking like a moron.
Wow, that was a masterful refutation.

Oh, wait, no, it wasn't. It was a sissy bedwetter saying "I don't LIKE it, so it must be wrong!!"

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling? Ooops, sorry -- you don't think at all.

It actually was. That's why you are putting your fingers in your ears and calling me a bedwetter instead of admitting that you've been punked once again by Rightwing media.

Because I presented facts while you presented your ass.

You really do suck at politics. :lol:
"It actually was"? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And you wonder why people laugh in your face.
I don't wonder why wingnuts and radical extremists laugh in my face, no.
Nice. You're comparing our military to arsonists.

No, I'm comparing our military to firefighters. I'm comparing our government to arsonists.

Did you know the military doesn't decide where and when it invades?

Yes. See above.
I compared the military to firefighters. You then brought up arsonists without mentioning the government. Weasel.
It actually was. That's why you are putting your fingers in your ears and calling me a bedwetter instead of admitting that you've been punked once again by Rightwing media.

Because I presented facts while you presented your ass.

You really do suck at politics. :lol:
"It actually was"? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And you wonder why people laugh in your face.
I don't wonder why wingnuts and radical extremists laugh in my face, no.
Me? A radical extremist? You've been programmed well by the Obama Administration. Stupid sheep. Perhaps you should denounce me to ATTACKWATCH!!

If you haven't already, that is. :lol:
"It actually was"? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And you wonder why people laugh in your face.
I don't wonder why wingnuts and radical extremists laugh in my face, no.
Me? A radical extremist? You've been programmed well by the Obama Administration. Stupid sheep. Perhaps you should denounce me to ATTACKWATCH!!

If you haven't already, that is. :lol:
And besides? If Following the Constitution is being extremist? Report me too!:lol:
I don't wonder why wingnuts and radical extremists laugh in my face, no.
Me? A radical extremist? You've been programmed well by the Obama Administration. Stupid sheep. Perhaps you should denounce me to ATTACKWATCH!!

If you haven't already, that is. :lol:
And besides? If Following the Constitution is being extremist? Report me too!:lol:

Only, you don't.

You hate the 14th amendment.
You support violating the 4th amendment.
You want to curtail voting rights.
You want to spy on Americans.
You think the 16th amendment is a fraud.

For starters.


trying suspected terrorists in military tribunals rather than in civilian courts
racial profiling

Wingnuts hate the Constitution.
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