Paging anti death penalty libs

Always fun when small government types advocate for giving the government the power to excute its citizens.:lol:

You seem to think the government is separate from the people.

Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%.
What I don't get is right wing nuts don't think the government is competent enough to decide healthcare, education and any issue except the decision who who gets executed.

And I don't get that progressives cant tell the difference between due process, with a verdict by one's peers under the auspices of the judicial branch, and legislative/executive fiat, that places your healthcare,education,ability to drink soda etc. under the thumb of a non elected burecrat.

Isn't a judge a "non elected bureaucrat?" And who elects juries?
The instant that this kid dies, his suffering is ended. If he lives 70 years in maximum security, he will face years of being raped, living in a cage, with nothing to look forward to but the day that he does die. Every day will be hell, with danger from violent cons all the time. He could only hope that someone will finish him off, like they did Dalmer.

You can't possibly speak for him.
Always fun when small government types advocate for giving the government the power to excute its citizens.:lol:

You seem to think the government is separate from the people.

Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%.

I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

Try a little....

It's relatively-painless....even for you cretins.


"Before the case went to adult court last year, a juvenile court judge ruled that Lane was mentally competent to stand trial despite evidence he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies."

"Fortunately, schizophrenia is rare in children, affecting only about 1 in 40,000, compared to 1 in 100 in adults. The average age of onset is 18 in men and 25 in women. Ranking among the top 10 causes of disability in developed countries worldwide, schizophrenia, at any age, exacts a heavy toll on patients and their families. Children with schizophrenia experience difficulty in managing everyday life. They share with their adult counterparts hallucinations, delusions, social withdrawal, flattened emotions, increased risk of suicide and loss of social and personal care skills. They may also share some symptoms with—and be mistaken for—children who suffer from autism or other pervasive developmental disabilities, which affect about 1 in 500 children. Although they tend to be harder to treat and have a worse prognosis than adult-onset schizophrenia patients, researchers are finding that many children with schizophrenia can be helped by the new generation of anti-psychotic medications."
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Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord.

Besides, killing that person isn't going to bring their loved one back and it won't provide any "closure." There's no such thing as "closure" when you lose a loved one.

I dont believe in that
And I know it wouldnt but my point still stands
I bet they would rather him die, than to pay for him to live
Especially after his courtroom rant

I can't understand completely their anger and their rage. And I can certainly understand their desire to act on that. But we, as a society, cannot base our actions on emotions like those. No matter how much we may empathize.

I would say that anyone who has lost a family member or a friend because of a murderer would understand their anger and rage. My best friend was stabbed to death a few years ago. His killer was given a life sentence. I would not have lost a minute of sleep if this man was put to death. My friend's brother convinced me that the life sentence was for the best. The death sentence is an easy way out. These murderers need to spend the rest of their lives in prison thinking about what they did.

There are many cases where there are no eye witnesses and only forensic and/or circumstantial evidence to convict the accused murderer. There have been many instances where convicted murderers were released from death row because forensic evidence or DNA has proven their innocence.
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.
J. R. R. Tolkien
Always fun when small government types advocate for giving the government the power to excute its citizens.:lol:

You seem to think the government is separate from the people.

Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%.

Government is separate from the people, and just because a majority support something doesn't make it right.

Then you have no idea what a "republic" is.

Who said anything about it being right?
Always fun when small government types advocate for giving the government the power to excute its citizens.:lol:

You seem to think the government is separate from the people.

Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%.

I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.
You seem to think the government is separate from the people.

Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%.

I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.

Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.
What I don't get is right wing nuts don't think the government is competent enough to decide healthcare, education and any issue except the decision who who gets executed.

The government doesn't decide; the judge and jury do.

But many Republicans are anti-death penalty. I am, for example.

The puke in question is unlikely to live 70 years. Any kid with that much hubris won't last long.

The judge is a government employee.

Try again.
I'm actually not completely opposed to the death penalty, as long as there is 100% certainty that the crime was committed. Too many innocent people dying on Death Row for my tastes. I only want to kill the guilty. I know Jesus wouldn't approve and all, he opposed the death penalty...good thing I'm not Christian.

It depends on the sect of christianity. Catholicism is against it, but some of your more conservative baptist groups see it as "rendering unto ceasar what belongs to ceasar"

My concern is always that some sop 50 years from now will get the person released "due to health issues and mercy" If we are to go to life sentances only, we need to work em so they dont live that long....

I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.

Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.

He might feel differently about it if it was a friend, family member, or himself that was sitting on death row for a crime he/they didn't commit.
I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.

Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.

Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.

He might feel differently about it if it was a friend, family member, or himself that was sitting on death row for a crime he/they didn't commit.

Don't assume you know how I may or may not feel.
I don't care about public approval. The fact that I don't agree with the government having the ability to kill its citizens is just one of the many reasons I oppose the death penalty. You don't get more big government than the state issued execution of your fellow citizens.

You act as if innocent people are being executed on a daily basis.

If fellow citizens are committing murderous acts then yes they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't like the law? Seek to change it and stop whining about it.

Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.

And while you're at it. How about a list of those that have been executed and later to be found innocent.
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

I think society is better off without giving the state the power to kill us.
.....Especially when you consider......

"A system in which the sentence of death depends more on the color of the victim or the county that the crime is committed in than on the severity of the offense is also arbitrary."
Would you like a list of all the people on death row who have been found innocent of their crime? If it was as rare as you seem to think there wouldn't be an entire organization dedicated to helping the innocent not die for a crime they didnt commit.

He might feel differently about it if it was a friend, family member, or himself that was sitting on death row for a crime he/they didn't commit.

Don't assume you know how I may or may not feel.

That's why I said "might" feel differently. Maybe you'd be perfectly content to be put to death for a crime you didn't commit. I wouldn't.

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