Paglia nails it, again


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Camille Paglia regularly pisses off both silly ends of the spectrum, and she's done it again:

Camille Paglia: Women Aren’t Free Until Speech Is

History moves in cycles. The plague of political correctness and assaults on free speech that erupted in the 1980s and were beaten back in the 1990s have returned with a vengeance. In the United States, the universities as well as the mainstream media are currently patrolled by well-meaning but ruthless thought police, as dogmatic in their views as agents of the Spanish Inquisition. We are plunged once again into an ethical chaos where intolerance masquerades as tolerance and where individual liberty is crushed by the tyranny of the group.

The premier principles of my new book, Free Women, Free Men, are free thought and free speech—open, mobile, and unconstrained by either liberal or conservative ideology. The liberal versus conservative dichotomy, dating from the split between Left and Right following the French Revolution, is hopelessly outmoded for our far more complex era of expansive technology and global politics. A bitter polarization of liberal and conservative has become so extreme and strident in both the Americas and Europe that it sometimes resembles mental illness, severed from the common sense realities of everyday life

One of my favorites! (And here come the personal insults directed at her)
Naw, nobody gives a shit about Paglia...

and frankly, I'm happy Nazis on campuses are getting punched out.
And by Nazi I suppose you mean any one that doesn't toe the snowflake line. Time for a new game "punch a snowflake".
Naw, nobody gives a shit about Paglia...

and frankly, I'm happy Nazis on campuses are getting punched out.

The problem is you consider anyone to the right of (and including) Mitt Romney a Nazi.
And by Nazi I suppose you mean any one that doesn't toe the snowflake line. Time for a new game "punch a snowflake".

Hey, no problem.. We can follow that with "Imprison a Nazi"...

So, you advocate violence and jailing people with whom you diagree?

How deliciously Nazi-like.
I'm not the one that started a "punch an anyone" campaign. That would be the left. I'm just pointing out that when you condone or commit violence don't be surprised when it comes back your way. Besides it would be a different story if we were talking about real nazis. Most of the snowflakes talking about punching a nazi wouldn't know a nazi nor a fascist if one bit them on the ass. Hell from the signs I've seen half of them can't spell fascist.

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