Paid Maternity Leave - Good for Women?

I believe the Government should foot the bill for Maternity Leave.

That's the way we do it in Canada. maternity leave is one of the classifications falling under Employment Insurance. The employer must keep the job open for the returning employee but the gov't pays the benefits, which is the lesser of 55% of salary or $485/week.
Paid maternity leave is nothing short of an entitlement.

We are constantly hearing whining from the right to the effect that white women need to have more babies. Right wingers complain that abortion rates are too high. Both issues can be addressed with paid maternity leave.

“Financial concerns” are the deciding factor in 75% of all abortions. Since more than half of the women who seek abortions are married or in committed relationships maybe it’s time you looked at cause and effect.

"Constantly" hear whining from "the right" that white women need to have more babies? I am going to guess that a more accurate description would be sometimes hear whining from a minority who tend toward the conservative side of politics that whites need to increase their population.
Paid maternity leave is nothing short of an entitlement.

We are constantly hearing whining from the right to the effect that white women need to have more babies. Right wingers complain that abortion rates are too high. Both issues can be addressed with paid maternity leave.

Do you think that the right is, well, "right"? Should government be involved in our personal decisions regarding reproduction?
I believe the Government should foot the bill for Maternity Leave.

That's the way we do it in Canada. maternity leave is one of the classifications falling under Employment Insurance. The employer must keep the job open for the returning employee but the gov't pays the benefits, which is the lesser of 55% of salary or $485/week.
I think in the US we'd have a problem with that if there was a perception that one family, that already had family leave paid for by the employer offering vacation time, was being taxed to provide it for a family that didn't earn that benefit.
It's wonderful to be able to have a child without concerns about finances looming over your head. Women especially, but men too, have a lot to deal with at this time, and paid maternity leave can be a comfort.

It's a great kindness when offered willingly by company owners who value families, and I believe that a righteous society would gladly do this at every opportunity, assuming its within their means. But what about mandatory paid maternity leave, legislated by the state? What effect does this have, particularly on women's rights issues?

If, as a company owner, I must pay you, even though you're contributing nothing to the business, I am in a very difficult position. If I have numerous women working at my company, I can't help but see them as red flags of potential hardship. My male employees aren't going to ask for a month's pay without working, but my female employees may.

Larken Rose gave an apt analogy: Imagine walking into a grocery store, filling your cart, and when you go to check out, the manager comes over and says, "Our cashier is out on maternity leave. To cover this cost, you will have to pay for all these items in your cart, but you can't take them, you have to leave them here". You have to pay the same amount you usually would, but you get absolutely nothing for it. Wouldn't you be less likely to go to a store with this policy?

Doesn't this have the necessary result of dissuading owners from hiring women in the first place, especially in important positions where they can't afford to lose them for a month, no less to pay them the high salary those positions command during that lost time? Isn't it natural and rational for an owner to devise ways to hedge against this hazard, like maybe paying women less to begin with, so if they take leave it doesn't hit their bottom line quite as hard? Is this sort of legislation really good for women?

The Family Medical Leave Act secures unpaid maternity leave for women so they cannot be fired for taking advantage of maternity leave.

Corporations may handle things differently in regards to pay.
I allow men or women who want use any, or all, of their acquired sick days (up to 90 workdays) specifically in conjunction with maternity leave.

I am not sure that is realistic for every business though.
In any case ... They have earned sick days, and I allow maternity concerns to be applicable.

Pay is a business issue ... Not a legislative issue.

What a load of crap, my company offers paid maternity leave for BOTH parents and considers it a benefit and cost of doing business. Those who would only hire men and older women to avoid paying their fair share of maternity leave you cheap bastards are just shoving your costs off onto other businesses. You employ the husband while someone else picks up the tab for their wife's maternity leave.
This display of entitlement is shocking coming from you.

No man or woman is entitled to my money but my family.

I have no problem with freely offered benefits but forcing someone to further pay for your sexual escapades is complete bullshit. First your birth control, now your bills...what's next your kids first car?


LOL do you have any idea who you are talking to? My pinky is more conservative than you.
I'm talking to someone acting entitled and who apparently thinks conservatism is a game to be won in a competition

I'm not acting entitled. By your logic people should pay for their own vacation time off, no company should have to pay people to take a vacation day, or a sick day. :eusa_hand:
Yup, entitled lol

There is no other description that better describes YOU wanting OTHERS to pay for YOUR CHOICES

You are a gift to Democrats.
Paid maternity leave is nothing short of an entitlement.

And paid vacation time is that an entitlement? Sick leave? What if you get hurt on the job due to your own stupidity, the business owner shouldn't have to pay for that right? Handicap ramps, that's not the business owners responsibility its not their fault someone is handicapped. All I'm saying is this issue isn't as black and white as some of my fellow conservatives make it out to be.

If we really wanted to get into the analytics of this I'd start questioning the return on investment of allowing people some time to deal with having a baby and whether that improves their performance vs being a cheap bastard and offering nothing, are the employees really going to be giving their best? On the other hand I'm not advocating a government mandated entitlement across the board, this is a complex issue the solution is likely to be complex and some happy middle ground.
This display of entitlement is shocking coming from you.

No man or woman is entitled to my money but my family.

I have no problem with freely offered benefits but forcing someone to further pay for your sexual escapades is complete bullshit. First your birth control, now your bills...what's next your kids first car?


LOL do you have any idea who you are talking to? My pinky is more conservative than you.
I'm talking to someone acting entitled and who apparently thinks conservatism is a game to be won in a competition

I'm not acting entitled. By your logic people should pay for their own vacation time off, no company should have to pay people to take a vacation day, or a sick day. :eusa_hand:
Yup, entitled lol

There is no other description that better describes YOU wanting OTHERS to pay for YOUR CHOICES

You are a gift to Democrats.
I am a gift to everyone! 20180310_121944.jpg
I believe the Government should foot the bill for Maternity Leave.

That's the way we do it in Canada. maternity leave is one of the classifications falling under Employment Insurance. The employer must keep the job open for the returning employee but the gov't pays the benefits, which is the lesser of 55% of salary or $485/week.

Is Canada 20 trillion in debt?
Paid maternity leave is nothing short of an entitlement.

We are constantly hearing whining from the right to the effect that white women need to have more babies. Right wingers complain that abortion rates are too high. Both issues can be addressed with paid maternity leave.

“Financial concerns” are the deciding factor in 75% of all abortions. Since more than half of the women who seek abortions are married or in committed relationships maybe it’s time you looked at cause and effect.

If finances are a problem, then maybe the best idea is not to get pregnant in the first place.

I've been on message boards for a long time now, and not once have I ever heard or read a right-winger say white people need to have more babies.
The law here is one month off/paid ahead of the docs guesstimated due date and a full three months after birth. Paid, Accrued Vacation. Everything
Yup. Lotsa these bimbos do it 3-4 times in a row before they no longer can get hired.
Only an idiot would hire a 25 to thirty five year old with 3-4 kids.Another one or more is SURELY in her mind as soon as she's hired
What a load of crap, my company offers paid maternity leave for BOTH parents and considers it a benefit and cost of doing business. Those who would only hire men and older women to avoid paying their fair share of maternity leave you cheap bastards are just shoving your costs off onto other businesses. You employ the husband while someone else picks up the tab for their wife's maternity leave.
This display of entitlement is shocking coming from you.

No man or woman is entitled to my money but my family.

I have no problem with freely offered benefits but forcing someone to further pay for your sexual escapades is complete bullshit. First your birth control, now your bills...what's next your kids first car?


LOL do you have any idea who you are talking to? My pinky is more conservative than you.
I'm talking to someone acting entitled and who apparently thinks conservatism is a game to be won in a competition

I'm not acting entitled. By your logic people should pay for their own vacation time off, no company should have to pay people to take a vacation day, or a sick day. :eusa_hand:

There is no law that anyplace has to provide paid vacation or sick time.
It's wonderful to be able to have a child without concerns about finances looming over your head. Women especially, but men too, have a lot to deal with at this time, and paid maternity leave can be a comfort.

It's a great kindness when offered willingly by company owners who value families, and I believe that a righteous society would gladly do this at every opportunity, assuming its within their means. But what about mandatory paid maternity leave, legislated by the state? What effect does this have, particularly on women's rights issues?

If, as a company owner, I must pay you, even though you're contributing nothing to the business, I am in a very difficult position. If I have numerous women working at my company, I can't help but see them as red flags of potential hardship. My male employees aren't going to ask for a month's pay without working, but my female employees may.

Larken Rose gave an apt analogy: Imagine walking into a grocery store, filling your cart, and when you go to check out, the manager comes over and says, "Our cashier is out on maternity leave. To cover this cost, you will have to pay for all these items in your cart, but you can't take them, you have to leave them here". You have to pay the same amount you usually would, but you get absolutely nothing for it. Wouldn't you be less likely to go to a store with this policy?

Doesn't this have the necessary result of dissuading owners from hiring women in the first place, especially in important positions where they can't afford to lose them for a month, no less to pay them the high salary those positions command during that lost time? Isn't it natural and rational for an owner to devise ways to hedge against this hazard, like maybe paying women less to begin with, so if they take leave it doesn't hit their bottom line quite as hard? Is this sort of legislation really good for women?

Employers don’t pay workers on maternity leave in countries with mandated maternity leave. Nor should they.

In Canada, they’re paid by the unemployment insurance program for 52 weeks. 55% of wages to a maximum of $550.

In Norway the Welfare Office pays 80% of salary but most employers top up the benefit paid to 100%. The Scandinavian countries have the most generous maternity benefits in the world.

Japan gives 100% of salary from the Social Services Ministry.

In Britain, it’s a government paid benefit.

I have some bad news for you, and that is unemployment insurance rates to the employer are set by how much payout there is.

So if we put people on unemployment for maternity leave, the insurance company would only jack up the prices for premiums on the employer, and the employer still ends up paying for it.
It's wonderful to be able to have a child without concerns about finances looming over your head. Women especially, but men too, have a lot to deal with at this time, and paid maternity leave can be a comfort.

It's a great kindness when offered willingly by company owners who value families, and I believe that a righteous society would gladly do this at every opportunity, assuming its within their means. But what about mandatory paid maternity leave, legislated by the state? What effect does this have, particularly on women's rights issues?

If, as a company owner, I must pay you, even though you're contributing nothing to the business, I am in a very difficult position. If I have numerous women working at my company, I can't help but see them as red flags of potential hardship. My male employees aren't going to ask for a month's pay without working, but my female employees may.

Larken Rose gave an apt analogy: Imagine walking into a grocery store, filling your cart, and when you go to check out, the manager comes over and says, "Our cashier is out on maternity leave. To cover this cost, you will have to pay for all these items in your cart, but you can't take them, you have to leave them here". You have to pay the same amount you usually would, but you get absolutely nothing for it. Wouldn't you be less likely to go to a store with this policy?

Doesn't this have the necessary result of dissuading owners from hiring women in the first place, especially in important positions where they can't afford to lose them for a month, no less to pay them the high salary those positions command during that lost time? Isn't it natural and rational for an owner to devise ways to hedge against this hazard, like maybe paying women less to begin with, so if they take leave it doesn't hit their bottom line quite as hard? Is this sort of legislation really good for women?

Sounds great in theory, but most businesses don’t have extra loot laying around to pay someone. I feel for the new mother, because we had to go through it 4x, but as Democrats always get hit on the face with. You eventually run out of other people’s money

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This is one of the few leftwing ideas I support; however, it would have to be paid for the federal government itself.

Anything that promotes white women to have child instead of working hard and fearing pregnancy is a good policy. This is the main reason why white families do not often have more than 1 or 2 children, hence diminishing numbers by percentage amongst the total population.
This is one of the few leftwing ideas I support; however, it would have to be paid for the federal government itself.

Anything that promotes white women to have child instead of working hard and fearing pregnancy is a good policy. This is the main reason why white families do not often have more than 1 or 2 children, hence diminishing numbers by percentage amongst the total population.

White power!
Time off for a new child is a great benefit the company I retired from recently started providing men and women. Not thrilled with government mandating anything. Not every company is in financial situation to offer such benefits.
Y’all just seemed to ignore my analogy with national guard service.

The motive is the same . It benefits society to encourage military service , as well as healthy child rearing .

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