Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Do the bakers charge a fee? Are they paid for services provided? Are those bakers free to come and go? Do they own property? This seems pretty damn far from 'enslavment'!

Are these bakers forced to work in chains? Are they beaten?

They bake parties and cakes. They chose that trade.

You get the point, don't you?

You are leaning on silly, nonsensical hyperbole. The crutch of a feeble mind, a weak argument and an untenable position.
Lol do you even knowledge bro?
Do I knowledge?
It's brohem for you are an idiot
Well said. You must be a towering intellect with a vocabulary like that.

Why on earth do I read? Why on earth did I earn a degree? I could have been as articulate as you had I just stopped paying attention.
lol dumbass
Witty. Effective. Articulate. Brilliant.
Perhaps if you bigots believe that our homosexual brothers and sisters don't deserve the same rights as other Americans, they should not have the same responsibilities as other Americans.

Perhaps they should get a reduced tax rate comennsurate with their reduced access to rights. Maybe they should be excused from jury duty, the draft and other civic responsibilities.

Because if they cannot be treated with equality, they should coast on their civic responsibilities.
Certainly they should not be able to serve on juries and be expelled from the military. They have a mental illness. Their judgment is not to be trusted.
I didn't say anything about going anywhere. However they're Christians, and part of Christian belief is not to turn away from those you don't like. ISN'T IT?
No part of Christian belief requires Christians to commit sin.

What sin would be committed by making a cake for gay people exactly?
Direct participation in the wedding which is a sinful act. Now we know that the government will force Christians to sin and punish them when they refuse. That part is over. The complaint the lesbians have now is a general disapproval of their perversion.

If gays and lesbians could make their unhappiness known, which they did. Sweet Cakes was happily put out of business. Then anyone else could also make their unhappiness known. This couple is getting exactly what they deserve.
Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
I don't have homosexual brothers and sisters. I don't buy into the brotherhood of mankind bullshit either. If I did have a family member afflicted with this disease I would certainly try to help them live with and adjust to the chronic condition not pretend they were normal.
No part of Christian belief requires Christians to commit sin.

What sin would be committed by making a cake for gay people exactly?
Direct participation in the wedding which is a sinful act. Now we know that the government will force Christians to sin and punish them when they refuse. That part is over. The complaint the lesbians have now is a general disapproval of their perversion.

If gays and lesbians could make their unhappiness known, which they did. Sweet Cakes was happily put out of business. Then anyone else could also make their unhappiness known. This couple is getting exactly what they deserve.
Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?

About the same amount of times the phrase "lesbian wedding" does.
Certainly they should not be able to serve on juries and be expelled from the military. They have a mental illness. Their judgment is not to be trusted.
I suppose you think our right to vote and run for office should be taken away too?
Vote but holding office is really questionable. The judge who voided the vote on prop 8 is gay. Harvey Milk was gay, Barney Frank is gay. So we know that gays have a poor decision making ability.
No part of Christian belief requires Christians to commit sin.

What sin would be committed by making a cake for gay people exactly?
Direct participation in the wedding which is a sinful act. Now we know that the government will force Christians to sin and punish them when they refuse. That part is over. The complaint the lesbians have now is a general disapproval of their perversion.

If gays and lesbians could make their unhappiness known, which they did. Sweet Cakes was happily put out of business. Then anyone else could also make their unhappiness known. This couple is getting exactly what they deserve.
Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.
They are mentally ill, entitlement dependent losers who were used by progressive money grubbing attorneys. Now that they are no longer in the spotlight, they revert back to kind..that is, blaming others for their own failures. They can't keep jobs, they're losers, and they always have been. I bet money they lost their jobs (if they ever had jobs) because they quit or because they wanted to come in when they wanted, not when they were scheduled (which is the same as quitting).
They probably lost their jobs because this case consumed them. From reading their account they were on obsessed with getting an apology from, and further punishing the Kleins. That the Christian couple was able to rise above adversity really hurt the pervs.
I think we can see how far society still has to travel.

If you are in the cake business then you sell cakes to the public. Not just to those whose sex lives pass your bigoted standards.

B'loney. That is not the point of the Tolerance. In a DIVERSE society, people are free to have beliefs which may offend others. The most basic right is the right to be left alone. To be forced into service of another, even if it's for money, is a violation of that right.

What people who promote PC Tolerance and Diversity always forget is that, in their pursuit of their Social Justice Cause, they trample on the rights of others.

The bakers weren't preventing the couple from getting married or buying a cake from someone else. They just did not want to be forced to provide Their Labor in the service of something that violated their beliefs.

Tolerance is Not Acceptance and Not Forced Participation.
So bring back Jim Crow laws ?
Fucking idiot.
I think we can see how far society still has to travel.

If you are in the cake business then you sell cakes to the public. Not just to those whose sex lives pass your bigoted standards.

B'loney. That is not the point of the Tolerance. In a DIVERSE society, people are free to have beliefs which may offend others. The most basic right is the right to be left alone. To be forced into service of another, even if it's for money, is a violation of that right.

What people who promote PC Tolerance and Diversity always forget is that, in their pursuit of their Social Justice Cause, they trample of the rights of others.

The bakers weren't preventing the couple from getting married or buying a cake from someone else. They just did not want to be forced to provide Their Labor in the service of something that violated their beliefs.

Tolerance is Not Acceptance and Not Forced Participation.

Tolerance is a two way street, the lesbians should have tolerated the baker's beliefs

Should they? Shouldn't the bakers have tolerated that society is a place where people should feel they aren't being persecuted?

Would you tolerate a person who hates Americans living and working in America?

It's not persecution to refuse the business of someone. That is just plain nonsense.

I see signs in restaurants that say "No shoes, no shirts, no service". That's discrimination against Nudists, but such discrimination is allowed.
An infant could craft a better argument. Are you seriously putting that forward ?
OK. Infant. Craft the better argument.
Now when it comes to businesses, they've signed up to an agreement which means they need to act better than an individual needs to do. Businesses are not FREE to do as they wish, they're businesses. Individuals can make choices. If you don't want to serve gay people then you are FREE not to work in the line of business. It's their choice.
It's not the same thing. There is no gay version of Jim Crow when all businesses and services were denied to blacks. Forcing a business to go out of business because of deeply held religious beliefs is an unreasonable demand when they can go next door and get the same service they seek. Such a social upheaval demanded by libturd wing nuts to conform without debate is unreasonable. You're going to get blowback.

Public accommodation laws are antiquated and rightly should be removed from the law books. Everybody is equal; nobody is really discriminated against anymore.

It's not unreasonable to expect people who sign up to be a business which has to serve all people, to serve all people, is it? I mean, they signed up for this. Then claim they don't have to follow the rules because somehow they're special. But everyone knows about the good Samaritan story. Everyone knows there's nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not helpeth gay people get marriedeth", so basically everyone knows that this "religious views" this is crap, and it's just plain prejudice that is driving them and they're hiding behind their religion as justification.
What sin would be committed by making a cake for gay people exactly?
Direct participation in the wedding which is a sinful act. Now we know that the government will force Christians to sin and punish them when they refuse. That part is over. The complaint the lesbians have now is a general disapproval of their perversion.

If gays and lesbians could make their unhappiness known, which they did. Sweet Cakes was happily put out of business. Then anyone else could also make their unhappiness known. This couple is getting exactly what they deserve.
Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
The amount of ignorant bile spouted on this thread shows how important their fight was.How many bigot bakers need crushing before they become decent people ?

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