Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Because Christianity does not require believers to commit sins as the price of admission and helping someone is not the same as joining them in sinful conduct. Getting into a less theological discussion, no one should have the right to compel another to do anything. These pervs were never denied service. They were regular customers at this bakery. That wasn't good enough
Get your ass out of the bakery and go to my wedding. That's not helping anyone its kowtowing.

Except - again- Mrs. Klein INVITED this couple to use their services for a wedding cake. Mr. Klein was the asshole who started screaming Bible Verses at the lady's mom. And then told all his Christian buddies where they lived.

(I kind of feel bad for Mrs. Klein. She spends years building this business, and her no-account White Trash husband brings it all crashing down in an afternoon. But then again, she married a Christian Asshole.)
Oh no. Of course I would no more have to comply today than I did then. The mistake they made was not making sure I was in the business of painting portraits. Since I wasn't in business their case was thrown out. As the judge explained what they really wanted was a favor. They were willing to pay for the favor but had no cause to complain when they didn't get it.

You should have seen their faces when I told them to get a dog or get the fuck out of my shop. Priceless.

I'd wonder how they knew you painted portraits for money if they weren't friends of yours.

So let me get this straight. Someone asked you to do something, and you were fucking rude to them, they complained about you, and you spent thousands of dollars fighting for your right to be a hateful shit in court.
They didn't know jack shit. They went to an exhibition at City Hall. They saw my work and got my number from that.

It didn't cost me a cent. I was a lawyer for 35 years. It was fun playing with them and their little gay counsel. I had a ball.

They didn't ask, they demanded. As lesbians they were entitled. They were trespassers.
why should the government get to punish people for being rude?

Why not?

again, the minute they opened a business, they gave up their "right" to be rude.

But you've had the concept of "Public Accommodation" explained to you hundreds of times and you are still in denial.

Me. I'd go further. Your church preaches homophobia? Okay. You no longer get a tax exemption. the IRS will be by in the morning.

Betcha they'll start taking a Sharpie to the Bible when that happens. Or at least pretend that those homophobic verses are up there with the ones about witches and adulterers and slaves they pretend aren't relevent anymore.
Because Christianity does not require believers to commit sins as the price of admission and helping someone is not the same as joining them in sinful conduct. Getting into a less theological discussion, no one should have the right to compel another to do anything. These pervs were never denied service. They were regular customers at this bakery. That wasn't good enough
Get your ass out of the bakery and go to my wedding. That's not helping anyone its kowtowing.

Except - again- Mrs. Klein INVITED this couple to use their services for a wedding cake. Mr. Klein was the asshole who started screaming Bible Verses at the lady's mom. And then told all his Christian buddies where they lived.

(I kind of feel bad for Mrs. Klein. She spends years building this business, and her no-account White Trash husband brings it all crashing down in an afternoon. But then again, she married a Christian Asshole.)
They are doing better than ever.
They didn't know jack shit. They went to an exhibition at City Hall. They saw my work and got my number from that.

It didn't cost me a cent. I was a lawyer for 35 years. It was fun playing with them and their little gay counsel. I had a ball.

They didn't ask, they demanded. As lesbians they were entitled. They were trespassers.

Oh, so you put your number out there hoping people would contact you so you could be rude to them?


That sounds... well, kind of pathological.
why should the government get to punish people for being rude?

Why not?

again, the minute they opened a business, they gave up their "right" to be rude.

But you've had the concept of "Public Accommodation" explained to you hundreds of times and you are still in denial.

Me. I'd go further. Your church preaches homophobia? Okay. You no longer get a tax exemption. the IRS will be by in the morning.

Betcha they'll start taking a Sharpie to the Bible when that happens. Or at least pretend that those homophobic verses are up there with the ones about witches and adulterers and slaves they pretend aren't relevent anymore.

No, they did not. and PA laws were never meant for contracted services. Plus the founders of the concept could never have assumed they would be used to ruin people over religious convictions.

Like any good idea that has been abused by asshats such as yourself, they have to be modified to allow concepts of religious freedom to at least be considered in the equation, not ignored.

And as for going after Churches, I expect nothing less from a pathetic, hateful asshole such as yourself.
why should the government get to punish people for being rude?

Why not?

again, the minute they opened a business, they gave up their "right" to be rude.

But you've had the concept of "Public Accommodation" explained to you hundreds of times and you are still in denial.

Me. I'd go further. Your church preaches homophobia? Okay. You no longer get a tax exemption. the IRS will be by in the morning.

Betcha they'll start taking a Sharpie to the Bible when that happens. Or at least pretend that those homophobic verses are up there with the ones about witches and adulterers and slaves they pretend aren't relevent anymore.
Where did you get the idea that you give up the right to be rude when you open a business? Public accommodation laws mandate service. It doesn't have to be good service or even courteous service.
They didn't know jack shit. They went to an exhibition at City Hall. They saw my work and got my number from that.

It didn't cost me a cent. I was a lawyer for 35 years. It was fun playing with them and their little gay counsel. I had a ball.

They didn't ask, they demanded. As lesbians they were entitled. They were trespassers.

Oh, so you put your number out there hoping people would contact you so you could be rude to them?


That sounds... well, kind of pathological.

Kind of like ruining someone over a cake?
They are doing better than ever.

Uh, no, not really. Their business is still closed, according to Yelp.

Sweet Cakes - CLOSED - Gresham, OR

And they paid a six figure fine.

and everyone in their community kind of thinks they are homophobic jerks.

The people in the community stood behind the Klines. Supporters not only paid the fine but the Christian couple has another half a million.

Its the perv couple that is still having a backlash. Three and a half years later.
The amount of ignorant bile spouted on this thread shows how important their fight was.How many bigot bakers need crushing before they become decent people ?

Why don't you go out and conduct a survey. The world is desperate for gay cakes.
I am not sure off the value of that.There is enough evidence of deviancy on this thread. There are too many people who are happy to live on the margins of civilisation and spout their bile.
I blame the parents, bringing up kids in a homophobic atmosphere is child abuse.
They didn't know jack shit. They went to an exhibition at City Hall. They saw my work and got my number from that.

It didn't cost me a cent. I was a lawyer for 35 years. It was fun playing with them and their little gay counsel. I had a ball.

They didn't ask, they demanded. As lesbians they were entitled. They were trespassers.

Oh, so you put your number out there hoping people would contact you so you could be rude to them?


That sounds... well, kind of pathological.

Kind of like ruining someone over a cake?
You are being really stupid. The city had seven of my paintings. Do you think they wouldn't have a way of reaching me? How do you know what I was hoping? You are making up motivations. You must be a democrat.

I will grant you one thing. The little poof attorney thought along the same lines and tried to say that an exhibition was an offering for sale. It's not. City Hall is not a gallery.
No, they did not. and PA laws were never meant for contracted services. Plus the founders of the concept could never have assumed they would be used to ruin people over religious convictions.

uh, no. not really. Back in the 1960's, businesses tries to use "religious convictions" as a workaround to still not serve black people.

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

They failed. Same thing here.

And as for going after Churches, I expect nothing less from a pathetic, hateful asshole such as yourself.

Guy, I went to the Catholic System. We all grew up knowing our priests were fucking pedophiles and you didn't want to be alone in a room with one of them. BUt our parents all went along with this shit for years because they really thought these assholes were tight with the Imaginary Sky Fairy.
You are being really stupid. The city had seven of my paintings. Do you think they wouldn't have a way of reaching me? How do you know what I was hoping? You are making up motivations. You must be a democrat.

I will grant you one thing. The little poof attorney thought along the same lines and tried to say that an exhibition was an offering for sale. It's not. City Hall is not a gallery.

So you were happy to use PUBLIC BUILDINGS to promote yourself and still thought you had a right to discriminate?

again, you are putting a lot of effort into your hate.
The amount of ignorant bile spouted on this thread shows how important their fight was.How many bigot bakers need crushing before they become decent people ?

Why don't you go out and conduct a survey. The world is desperate for gay cakes.
I am not sure off the value of that.There is enough evidence of deviancy on this thread. There are too many people who are happy to live on the margins of civilisation and spout their bile.
I blame the parents, bringing up kids in a homophobic atmosphere is child abuse.
Is that what pink news tells you?
What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!

And how many of these Christian people who are going around shouting off that people should be able to refuse others they don't like, completely ignore this part of the Bible?
I am not fond of the Protestant far right fringe.

They are as dangerous as their witch burning ancestors.
Now when it comes to businesses, they've signed up to an agreement which means they need to act better than an individual needs to do. Businesses are not FREE to do as they wish, they're businesses. Individuals can make choices. If you don't want to serve gay people then you are FREE not to work in the line of business. It's their choice.
It's not the same thing. There is no gay version of Jim Crow when all businesses and services were denied to blacks. Forcing a business to go out of business because of deeply held religious beliefs is an unreasonable demand when they can go next door and get the same service they seek. Such a social upheaval demanded by libturd wing nuts to conform without debate is unreasonable. You're going to get blowback.

Public accommodation laws are antiquated and rightly should be removed from the law books. Everybody is equal; nobody is really discriminated against anymore.

It's not unreasonable to expect people who sign up to be a business which has to serve all people, to serve all people, is it? I mean, they signed up for this. Then claim they don't have to follow the rules because somehow they're special. But everyone knows about the good Samaritan story. Everyone knows there's nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not helpeth gay people get marriedeth", so basically everyone knows that this "religious views" this is crap, and it's just plain prejudice that is driving them and they're hiding behind their religion as justification.
But everyone knows about the good Samaritan story. Everyone knows there's nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not helpeth gay people get marriedeth", so basically everyone knows that this "religious views" this is crap, and it's just plain prejudice that is driving them and they're hiding behind their religion as justification.

Everyone knows that it is written: "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." — Leviticus 20 v 13 - The Bible

So, the cake bakers did the faggots a favor by letting them walk out of their store unmolested. They should have been grateful for the favor.

And everyone knows it's written:

"And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity."

"And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people."

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."

But funnily enough bakers don't refuse to serve those who committed adultery, nor those who lie with naked woman who are ill, nor those who see their sister naked. Oh, there are more of these two, but the reality is they pick and choose.

But everyone also knows that Leviticus 20:13 has been translated and translated and made into what people want it to be.

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

This from the King James Bible doesn't mention homosexuality at all. It mentions if a man lie with "mankind", now, my understanding of the word "mankind" is all human beings a collective group. Women being a part of mankind.

"“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

This is new international version. It mentions sexual relations with a man. Different to King James.

Leviticus 20:13: Concerning homosexuality

You can see other versions here and you can see the difference. People have decided to add in "sexual relations" or "homosexuality" in there. It doesn't talk about females at all.

However the punishment isn't that you won't be served in a bakery. It's that you'll be put to death. Now, these Christians manage to forego the putting to death, don't they? But they can't forego the serving them in a bakery? Surely by not putting them to death they're sinning already. So if you're sinning already, why make it worse by sinning again and not being a good Samaritan?
What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!

And how many of these Christian people who are going around shouting off that people should be able to refuse others they don't like, completely ignore this part of the Bible?
Because Christianity does not require believers to commit sins as the price of admission and helping someone is not the same as joining them in sinful conduct. Getting into a less theological discussion, no one should have the right to compel another to do anything. These pervs were never denied service. They were regular customers at this bakery. That wasn't good enough
Get your ass out of the bakery and go to my wedding. That's not helping anyone its kowtowing.

So, you're basically picking and choosing which way to go, interpreting the Bible as suits your needs, and trying to justify it?

So you don't think people should be compelled to not shout "n*gger" every time a black person walks into their shop or place of business?
You are being really stupid. The city had seven of my paintings. Do you think they wouldn't have a way of reaching me? How do you know what I was hoping? You are making up motivations. You must be a democrat.

I will grant you one thing. The little poof attorney thought along the same lines and tried to say that an exhibition was an offering for sale. It's not. City Hall is not a gallery.

So you were happy to use PUBLIC BUILDINGS to promote yourself and still thought you had a right to discriminate?

again, you are putting a lot of effort into your hate.
I do have a right to discriminate. Did you miss that part? I have an absolute right to discriminate and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

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