Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Direct participation in the wedding which is a sinful act. Now we know that the government will force Christians to sin and punish them when they refuse. That part is over. The complaint the lesbians have now is a general disapproval of their perversion.

If gays and lesbians could make their unhappiness known, which they did. Sweet Cakes was happily put out of business. Then anyone else could also make their unhappiness known. This couple is getting exactly what they deserve.
Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?
The amount of ignorant bile spouted on this thread shows how important their fight was.How many bigot bakers need crushing before they become decent people ?
How many gays need to live like these two do. For years. The bakers weren't crushed. They no longer have a store but their business is bigger than ever. They have traveled all over the United States warning others. Cautioning other business people about doing business with gays. The bakers were blessed with success while the pervs lost everything.

How many gays have to be instructed on freedom before they understand?
Need to figure out what this ranting thread is all about.

So first I read the last post by TipsyCat.

Then I read the first post by Digital D.

Then I have to ask, "Why can't we all just get along?"

I guess if you don't have much experience around same-sex couples then it is easy to get creeped out over their alternative lifestyles.

However it seems incumbent upon us all to get along somehow.

We have a same sex male couple in our neighborhood and a same sex female couple too.

The boys are effeminate and the girls are tomboys.

They are nice neighbors in spite of their respective peculiarities.

So why can't we all just get along ??

I am sure refusing to bake someone a wedding cake really hurt the same sex couple's feelings.

Philosophically speaking, a person should try not to hurt others. This should be a major criterion of good ethics.

So the hate mail does not surprise me in view of the pain that was caused.

Homosexuality is a 10% occurrence in the USA. That's about the same population as negroes in the USA too. So even though you can notice negroes easily, since God made them all so nice and brown while the rest of us are some other shade of pale, if you imagine every time you see a negro there is also a gay person out there somewhere too, that is a lot of people !!

All the more reason to try to get along.
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Baking a cake for a wedding reception is "direct participation in the wedding"? Since when?

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!
I don't care what their lifestyle is. I have no desire to be a part of it or participate in their events or lifestyle.

What homos used to say is if you don't like homosexuality, don't do it. Now if someone doesn't want to engage in their lifestyle they get to sue. If someone doesn't want to go to your wedding stop browbeating them to go. The key to getting along is leaving people alone.

These two pervs went to this bakery all the time. Guess what, find another bakery now you get nothing.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!

And how many of these Christian people who are going around shouting off that people should be able to refuse others they don't like, completely ignore this part of the Bible?
I don't care what their lifestyle is. I have no desire to be a part of it or participate in their events or lifestyle.

What homos used to say is if you don't like homosexuality, don't do it. Now if someone doesn't want to engage in their lifestyle they get to sue. If someone doesn't want to go to your wedding stop browbeating them to go. The key to getting along is leaving people alone.

These two pervs went to this bakery all the time. Guess what, find another bakery now you get nothing.

Here's the thing. Mrs. Klein knew this lady was gay and invited her to use her services for a commitment ceremony. Then they showed up for that, and Mr. Klein started ranting Bible verses at her and her mom. THAT'S why they complained.
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!

And how many of these Christian people who are going around shouting off that people should be able to refuse others they don't like, completely ignore this part of the Bible?
I am not fond of the Protestant far right fringe.

They are as dangerous as their witch burning ancestors.
They were told "No." and to me the way that they responded couldn't have been anymore disruptive. My question is, if they had known how their lawsuit was going to be responded to in return, would they have gone through with the lawsuit any way? To me, they are crazy if they didn't expect to have happen what is happening to them now.

Uh, yeah, I bet they were surprised when they found out people who claimed to be Christians would threaten their children.

I'm personally not, I figured out most Christians are big fucking phonies a long time ago, but i can see how otherwise reasonable people might be fooled.
I don't care what their lifestyle is. I have no desire to be a part of it or participate in their events or lifestyle.

What homos used to say is if you don't like homosexuality, don't do it. Now if someone doesn't want to engage in their lifestyle they get to sue. If someone doesn't want to go to your wedding stop browbeating them to go. The key to getting along is leaving people alone.

These two pervs went to this bakery all the time. Guess what, find another bakery now you get nothing.
That's not what the thread nor the hate mail is about.
Now when it comes to businesses, they've signed up to an agreement which means they need to act better than an individual needs to do. Businesses are not FREE to do as they wish, they're businesses. Individuals can make choices. If you don't want to serve gay people then you are FREE not to work in the line of business. It's their choice.
It's not the same thing. There is no gay version of Jim Crow when all businesses and services were denied to blacks. Forcing a business to go out of business because of deeply held religious beliefs is an unreasonable demand when they can go next door and get the same service they seek. Such a social upheaval demanded by libturd wing nuts to conform without debate is unreasonable. You're going to get blowback.

Public accommodation laws are antiquated and rightly should be removed from the law books. Everybody is equal; nobody is really discriminated against anymore.

It's not unreasonable to expect people who sign up to be a business which has to serve all people, to serve all people, is it? I mean, they signed up for this. Then claim they don't have to follow the rules because somehow they're special. But everyone knows about the good Samaritan story. Everyone knows there's nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not helpeth gay people get marriedeth", so basically everyone knows that this "religious views" this is crap, and it's just plain prejudice that is driving them and they're hiding behind their religion as justification.
But everyone knows about the good Samaritan story. Everyone knows there's nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not helpeth gay people get marriedeth", so basically everyone knows that this "religious views" this is crap, and it's just plain prejudice that is driving them and they're hiding behind their religion as justification.

Everyone knows that it is written: "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." — Leviticus 20 v 13 - The Bible

So, the cake bakers did the faggots a favor by letting them walk out of their store unmolested. They should have been grateful for the favor.
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

What if you have an act and if you do it, it's a sin, if you don't do it, it's a sin? Then what?
Like what?

Like not helping people being a sin, as in the good Samaritan story, and when you help someone you're committing another sin.
Of all Christian and Jewish literature, the story of The Good Samaritan is my favorite.

It exemplifies ancient Greek ethics more than anything else does.

Interesting that only St. Luke tells this story, and he was a physician as well.

"Who was a neighbor to him then?" asked Jesus.

Good question !!

And how many of these Christian people who are going around shouting off that people should be able to refuse others they don't like, completely ignore this part of the Bible?
Because Christianity does not require believers to commit sins as the price of admission and helping someone is not the same as joining them in sinful conduct. Getting into a less theological discussion, no one should have the right to compel another to do anything. These pervs were never denied service. They were regular customers at this bakery. That wasn't good enough
Get your ass out of the bakery and go to my wedding. That's not helping anyone its kowtowing.
It makes me glad I tossed the pervs out when they wanted their portrait painted. Just on general principle it makes me glad.
It makes me glad I tossed the pervs out when they wanted their portrait painted. Just on general principle it makes me glad.

and you probably couldn't get away with that today... but that's okay. Keep pretending the highlight of your life was being a hateful shit.
Oh no. Of course I would no more have to comply today than I did then. The mistake they made was not making sure I was in the business of painting portraits. Since I wasn't in business their case was thrown out. As the judge explained what they really wanted was a favor. They were willing to pay for the favor but had no cause to complain when they didn't get it.

You should have seen their faces when I told them to get a dog or get the fuck out of my shop. Priceless.
Oh no. Of course I would no more have to comply today than I did then. The mistake they made was not making sure I was in the business of painting portraits. Since I wasn't in business their case was thrown out. As the judge explained what they really wanted was a favor. They were willing to pay for the favor but had no cause to complain when they didn't get it.

You should have seen their faces when I told them to get a dog or get the fuck out of my shop. Priceless.

I'd wonder how they knew you painted portraits for money if they weren't friends of yours.

So let me get this straight. Someone asked you to do something, and you were fucking rude to them, they complained about you, and you spent thousands of dollars fighting for your right to be a hateful shit in court.
Oh no. Of course I would no more have to comply today than I did then. The mistake they made was not making sure I was in the business of painting portraits. Since I wasn't in business their case was thrown out. As the judge explained what they really wanted was a favor. They were willing to pay for the favor but had no cause to complain when they didn't get it.

You should have seen their faces when I told them to get a dog or get the fuck out of my shop. Priceless.

I'd wonder how they knew you painted portraits for money if they weren't friends of yours.

So let me get this straight. Someone asked you to do something, and you were fucking rude to them, they complained about you, and you spent thousands of dollars fighting for your right to be a hateful shit in court.

why should the government get to punish people for being rude?

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