Palestine Today

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It never fails. Start threads on positive aspects of the Palestinians and they get trolled by pro Israel. Is it so impossible to acknowledge or celebrate any positive movements, happenings among the Palestinians? We have multiple pro Israel threads who’s integrity is largely respected and why not here? Why is news like what is posted here largely buried?

Its probably because of people like Tinmore who whine and blame Israel for everything. Like this from a few posts back:

Also, Gaza has infrastructure for tourism. The problem is that there are no tourists. Hotels only get Israeli approved journalists and NGO workers. Before Israeli restrictions, Israeli Jews used to go to Gaza for food and entertainment.

Naturally, Team Israel responds defending Israel. If Team Palestine just posted good things about Palestine, without following up with a victim whine about how horrible Israel is, then the thread wouldn't dissolve into Team Israel defending Israel.

Kinda like the whole conflict. If Palestine just concentrated on Palestine, instead of attacking Israel, then Israel wouldn't have to defend itself and the whole conflict would be over.

But it isn’t just Tinmore Shusha. I posted multiple posts on Palestinian start ups, achievements, music etc. - and it is trolled. For every positive post I posted, Hollie counters with Palestinian terrorist memes. So tell me, how is THAT Team Israel defending Israel? To me, it looks like Team Israel attacking anything good about Palestinians. Look at the thread.

It seems you’re subjectively defining trolling as posts critical of Arab-Moslem behavior you don’t agree with.

My posts in this thread have been related to the thread topic and more often than not, in direct rebuttal to preceding posts. This post, for example, in direct response to your references to me.

If you look...there are plenty of critical posts.
It never fails. Start threads on positive aspects of the Palestinians and they get trolled by pro Israel. Is it so impossible to acknowledge or celebrate any positive movements, happenings among the Palestinians? We have multiple pro Israel threads who’s integrity is largely respected and why not here? Why is news like what is posted here largely buried?

Its probably because of people like Tinmore who whine and blame Israel for everything. Like this from a few posts back:

Also, Gaza has infrastructure for tourism. The problem is that there are no tourists. Hotels only get Israeli approved journalists and NGO workers. Before Israeli restrictions, Israeli Jews used to go to Gaza for food and entertainment.

Naturally, Team Israel responds defending Israel. If Team Palestine just posted good things about Palestine, without following up with a victim whine about how horrible Israel is, then the thread wouldn't dissolve into Team Israel defending Israel.

Kinda like the whole conflict. If Palestine just concentrated on Palestine, instead of attacking Israel, then Israel wouldn't have to defend itself and the whole conflict would be over.

But it isn’t just Tinmore Shusha. I posted multiple posts on Palestinian start ups, achievements, music etc. - and it is trolled. For every positive post I posted, Hollie counters with Palestinian terrorist memes. So tell me, how is THAT Team Israel defending Israel? To me, it looks like Team Israel attacking anything good about Palestinians. Look at the thread.

It seems you’re subjectively defining trolling as posts critical of Arab-Moslem behavior you don’t agree with.

My posts in this thread have been related to the thread topic and more often than not, in direct rebuttal to preceding posts. This post, for example, in direct response to your references to me.

If you look...there are plenty of critical posts.

If that is a rule violation, identify the rule.

It never fails. Start threads on positive aspects of the Palestinians and they get trolled by pro Israel. Is it so impossible to acknowledge or celebrate any positive movements, happenings among the Palestinians? We have multiple pro Israel threads who’s integrity is largely respected and why not here? Why is news like what is posted here largely buried?

Its probably because of people like Tinmore who whine and blame Israel for everything. Like this from a few posts back:

Also, Gaza has infrastructure for tourism. The problem is that there are no tourists. Hotels only get Israeli approved journalists and NGO workers. Before Israeli restrictions, Israeli Jews used to go to Gaza for food and entertainment.

Naturally, Team Israel responds defending Israel. If Team Palestine just posted good things about Palestine, without following up with a victim whine about how horrible Israel is, then the thread wouldn't dissolve into Team Israel defending Israel.

Kinda like the whole conflict. If Palestine just concentrated on Palestine, instead of attacking Israel, then Israel wouldn't have to defend itself and the whole conflict would be over.

But it isn’t just Tinmore Shusha. I posted multiple posts on Palestinian start ups, achievements, music etc. - and it is trolled. For every positive post I posted, Hollie counters with Palestinian terrorist memes. So tell me, how is THAT Team Israel defending Israel? To me, it looks like Team Israel attacking anything good about Palestinians. Look at the thread.

It seems you’re subjectively defining trolling as posts critical of Arab-Moslem behavior you don’t agree with.

My posts in this thread have been related to the thread topic and more often than not, in direct rebuttal to preceding posts. This post, for example, in direct response to your references to me.

If you look...there are plenty of critical posts.

If that is a rule violation, identify the rule.


PM me if you have moderation questions.

The other 80 employees are based in Rawabi.

And there it is. That beautiful NEW planned Pali city I've been pitching for --- couldn't happen without sharing an economy with Israel. Latest news is that only about 40% of Palis and Israelis support a 2 state solution. PART of that is because of the economic connections like this one where wages made in Israel are a LARGE part of the West Bank GDP..

It just has to be FAIRER trade. But that's an easier problem than trying to solve the whole Mid East peace problem.

90% of Pali sympathizers don't BEGIN to understand the love/hate relationship that's going on here. Think these folks are just helpless victims. They are NOT. In fact, Palestinians are extremely motivated and innovative. And they by and large are not doing badly at all in the West Bank --- EVEN WITH the security walls and hardships.

They would be totally capable of managing their own CITIES and 'burbs", but not so hot on the idea of a "unity national govt" at all. And there is the clue to ending this awful thing.. .

(submitted the Palestine Trade Zone paper to Foreign Affairs magazine this past week, got a GOOD feeling about getting it published there)

I would add that 90% of the pro Israel doesn’t either. The prevailing narrative from that side is that the Palestinians are just a bunch of murdering regressive thugs and parasites.

Pretty sure that's based on their LEADERSHIP and the fact that too many of the Palis actually think that Israel is gonna call a moving company and pack their shit and go somewhere else if they support terrorists as leaders.

The good news is -- Hamas ain't long for leadership in Gaza. Might take another Pali Civil War -- but I don't think those folks in "the Strip" want to live that way. They WANT to be part of the 21st century..
The other 80 employees are based in Rawabi.

And there it is. That beautiful NEW planned Pali city I've been pitching for --- couldn't happen without sharing an economy with Israel. Latest news is that only about 40% of Palis and Israelis support a 2 state solution. PART of that is because of the economic connections like this one where wages made in Israel are a LARGE part of the West Bank GDP..

It just has to be FAIRER trade. But that's an easier problem than trying to solve the whole Mid East peace problem.

90% of Pali sympathizers don't BEGIN to understand the love/hate relationship that's going on here. Think these folks are just helpless victims. They are NOT. In fact, Palestinians are extremely motivated and innovative. And they by and large are not doing badly at all in the West Bank --- EVEN WITH the security walls and hardships.

They would be totally capable of managing their own CITIES and 'burbs", but not so hot on the idea of a "unity national govt" at all. And there is the clue to ending this awful thing.. .

(submitted the Palestine Trade Zone paper to Foreign Affairs magazine this past week, got a GOOD feeling about getting it published there)

I would add that 90% of the pro Israel doesn’t either. The prevailing narrative from that side is that the Palestinians are just a bunch of murdering regressive thugs and parasites.

Pretty sure that's based on their LEADERSHIP and the fact that too many of the Palis actually think that Israel is gonna call a moving company and pack their shit and go somewhere else if they support terrorists as leaders.

The good news is -- Hamas ain't long for leadership in Gaza. Might take another Pali Civil War -- but I don't think those folks in "the Strip" want to live that way. They WANT to be part of the 21st century..
What!!!!! and live under the Medieval and repressive YOKE of the Zionists.....I DON'T THINK SO Flaac,what ever makes you think that...steve
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