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The Battle For Justice In Palestine: Ali Abunimah & Barbara Ransby in Conversation

"What I sought to explain in this chapter is: does Israel have the right to exist as a Jewish state, using, by the way, common Western legal and liberal principles, that the right to exist as a Jewish state translates in practice into a right to discriminate against Palestinians wherever they are ... simply because they are not Jewish...the most galling hypocrisy is that this demand is constantly made by liberal intellectuals in the United States who would be appalled if the same demands were made in the American context...imagine if people went out in the civil rights end segregation to gain human rights, equal rights and imagine if the response was...alright African-Americans want rights, let's create a state out of part of Mississippi and it will be the State of the Negroes and you will be a citizen of that state."

What a bizarre analogy. Its a true reversal of reality and a rejection of self-determination for Arabs in Palestine. It frames the entire conflict as a civil rights movement where Arabs do not have civil rights anywhere, which is patently untrue. And it entirely disregards the military actions taken by Arabs against Jews in Israel, trying to paint the Arabs as innocent victims with no agency in the conflict. It is a deliberately constructed falsehood created specifically to draw black allies.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.

Having lived in Israel proper for awhile and experienced reality there, I would say that there is very little discrimination. I have seen Arab doctors, nurses and university students. Many Israeli Arabs, such as Mohammed Zoabi, even volunteer for the Army. Israel is a tiny country, only a little bigger than Vatican City, built as a haven for Jews after 2,000 years of persecution, in their ancestral homeland. (Many of my own relatives moved there after they were forced out of Poland, and they were denied visas to America.) So you should really get over this obsession of yours.
The Battle For Justice In Palestine: Ali Abunimah & Barbara Ransby in Conversation

"What I sought to explain in this chapter is: does Israel have the right to exist as a Jewish state, using, by the way, common Western legal and liberal principles, that the right to exist as a Jewish state translates in practice into a right to discriminate against Palestinians wherever they are ... simply because they are not Jewish...the most galling hypocrisy is that this demand is constantly made by liberal intellectuals in the United States who would be appalled if the same demands were made in the American context...imagine if people went out in the civil rights end segregation to gain human rights, equal rights and imagine if the response was...alright African-Americans want rights, let's create a state out of part of Mississippi and it will be the State of the Negroes and you will be a citizen of that state."

What a bizarre analogy. Its a true reversal of reality and a rejection of self-determination for Arabs in Palestine. It frames the entire conflict as a civil rights movement where Arabs do not have civil rights anywhere, which is patently untrue. And it entirely disregards the military actions taken by Arabs against Jews in Israel, trying to paint the Arabs as innocent victims with no agency in the conflict. It is a deliberately constructed falsehood created specifically to draw black allies.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.
OK, what if that did happen and I still had my house, still had my car, still had my job, still had my church, I could still go anyplace I wanted, still had a passport, etc.?

Then what would it matter to me?
The Battle For Justice In Palestine: Ali Abunimah & Barbara Ransby in Conversation

"What I sought to explain in this chapter is: does Israel have the right to exist as a Jewish state, using, by the way, common Western legal and liberal principles, that the right to exist as a Jewish state translates in practice into a right to discriminate against Palestinians wherever they are ... simply because they are not Jewish...the most galling hypocrisy is that this demand is constantly made by liberal intellectuals in the United States who would be appalled if the same demands were made in the American context...imagine if people went out in the civil rights end segregation to gain human rights, equal rights and imagine if the response was...alright African-Americans want rights, let's create a state out of part of Mississippi and it will be the State of the Negroes and you will be a citizen of that state."

What a bizarre analogy. Its a true reversal of reality and a rejection of self-determination for Arabs in Palestine. It frames the entire conflict as a civil rights movement where Arabs do not have civil rights anywhere, which is patently untrue. And it entirely disregards the military actions taken by Arabs against Jews in Israel, trying to paint the Arabs as innocent victims with no agency in the conflict. It is a deliberately constructed falsehood created specifically to draw black allies.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.

Having lived in Israel proper for awhile and experienced reality there, I would say that there is very little discrimination. I have seen Arab doctors, nurses and university students. Many Israeli Arabs, such as Mohammed Zoabi, even volunteer for the Army. Israel is a tiny country, only a little bigger than Vatican City, built as a haven for Jews after 2,000 years of persecution, in their ancestral homeland. (Many of my own relatives moved there after they were forced out of Poland, and they were denied visas to America.) So you should really get over this obsession of yours.

I was able to visit Israel for a month and stayed in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. (Lucky, lucky me). It seemed to me to be haven, and not only for Jews. I'm sure there is discrimination (there is discrimination in Canada, and we are still the 3rd best country in the world to live in!). But I agree that it is minimal and indeed the population is friendly and vibrant and truly one of the most beautiful people of all the places I've visited. I had many lovely conversations and cups of strong coffee with people tracing their ancestry from all sorts of places. It was a wonderful trip. And I hope to visit again. (G-d willing).

And I assume you were talking about Tinmore's obsession? Grin.
The Battle For Justice In Palestine: Ali Abunimah & Barbara Ransby in Conversation

"What I sought to explain in this chapter is: does Israel have the right to exist as a Jewish state, using, by the way, common Western legal and liberal principles, that the right to exist as a Jewish state translates in practice into a right to discriminate against Palestinians wherever they are ... simply because they are not Jewish...the most galling hypocrisy is that this demand is constantly made by liberal intellectuals in the United States who would be appalled if the same demands were made in the American context...imagine if people went out in the civil rights end segregation to gain human rights, equal rights and imagine if the response was...alright African-Americans want rights, let's create a state out of part of Mississippi and it will be the State of the Negroes and you will be a citizen of that state."

What a bizarre analogy. Its a true reversal of reality and a rejection of self-determination for Arabs in Palestine. It frames the entire conflict as a civil rights movement where Arabs do not have civil rights anywhere, which is patently untrue. And it entirely disregards the military actions taken by Arabs against Jews in Israel, trying to paint the Arabs as innocent victims with no agency in the conflict. It is a deliberately constructed falsehood created specifically to draw black allies.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.

A proper analogy might examine a struggle for independence, self-determination and sovereignty for the Cherokee Nation in the US. Imagine is the Cherokee Nation declared independence and then was attacked by the US, Canada and Mexico. Imagine they won. Then imagine they were told that the very idea of an independent, sovereign Cherokee Nation discriminated against white people.
OK, what if that did happen and I still had my house, still had my car, still had my job, still had my church, I could still go anyplace I wanted, still had a passport, etc.?

Then what would it matter to me?

Well, for starters you would not be arguing what Ali is arguing and hopefully wouldn't be posting his stupid videos.
And for seconds, you would acknowledge your own role and responsibility in the conflict and resulting war.
We should remember that Israel is the only Jewish state in the entire world, with Jewish food, dress, national holidays, language, music, culture, etc. It's the only place where Ethiopian Jews can go during a famine, or Soviet Jews after an empire breaks up, or Yemenite Jews after being driven out by Arabs, and be received with open arms. Should "New Palestine" be carved out of the ancestral Jewish homeland with cities that have Hebrew names, it will be the 23rd nondescript Arab country with the same non-unique Arab food, dress, music, language, holidays and culture as 22 others. So can't we at least share the land without continuously bringing up the past?
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