Palestine Today

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A man carries the body of a Palestinian boy who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his family’s home in Gaza city in July 2014.

Palestinians protest against an Israeli military order to confiscate lands near the city of Nablus, northern West Bank, for settlement expansion.

A boy salvages a toy from his destroyed house during the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza.

Dozens of Palestinians perform Friday prayer outdoors in Wadi al-Hummus neighborhood in Jerusalem in protest at an Israeli order to demolish over 100 homes in the area to make way for Jewish-only settlement expansion.

After a year of protests, the Palestinians failed to win support for their demand to be given the homes belonging to Israelis; they failed to infiltrate Israel and wreak havoc; they failed to win international sympathy and they failed to end the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt.

During the course of the year, this is what they did accomplish:

  • Launched 1,300 rockets and missiles on Friday or Saturday “immediately after mass violent riots.”
  • Threw stones, marbles, ball bearings, grenades and improvised explosive devices at soldiers.
  • Planted mines and booby-trapped explosive devices along the border fence.
  • Launched thousands of aerial incendiary devices that caused 2,000 separate fires, which burnt more than 8,500 acres of land, including approximately 3,200 acres of nature reserves and 2,700 acres of forest.
  • Burned tires.
  • Sabotaged security infrastructure of the border fence.
  • Briefly infiltrated southern Israel before being captured or killed.
  • Conducted military exercises, including training for infiltration and abduction scenarios, which would be executed if terrorists succeeded in getting past the security infrastructure and forces (Anna Ahronheim, “IDF Probe Of Gaza Riots Reveals Nearly 1,500 Rockets Fired Since March 30,” Jerusalem Post, February 28, 2019).
Rather than help the people of Gaza, who lack jobs and basic resources, Hamas diverted funds to building weapons and tunnels. The group exploits their people’s desperation by paying them to protest and busing them to the fence to serve as human shields (Adam Rasgon, “Ahead Of Fresh Standoff, Hamas Reveals Payouts To Injured Protesters,” Jerusalem Post, April 5, 2018).


Farming in Gaza

Palestine is known for its fertile land. It's famous for its quality olive oil (pdf)and other vegetables and fruits products. Many ancient conflicts were fought around this “land of honey and blessings”. The Gaza Strip in the south is famous for its olives, strawberries, and orange trees, and almost as famous for its grapefruits as the West Bank city of Hebron.

As we approached, Mazen pointed his finger at the bulldozed wasteground beyond Salah El Din street, saying, "That was our friend Abu Ali’s chicken farm, Al Samouni Farm. Nothing is left. That farm alone, not so long ago, bred enough birds to feed the entire population of Gaza, instead of begging for aid from Israel."

Thousands of agricultural hectares have been bulldozed and millions of trees, uprooted.

After that, we split the land up between ten of us, but by this stage the Israeli army had a habit of turning up just before each harvest to flatten his landholding or shell it with missiles from their tanks.

Farming in Gaza
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