Palestine Today

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A road to freedom or to nowhere? Palestinians and the State of Palestine


(quote from Barak Obama)The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are. Those are facts that can not be denied.

Now, in choosing to emphasize only that history and ignoring the context in which we live, President Obama is doing something which has been done to Palestinians for many many years which is to erase their actual history and experience and to replace it exclusively with Jewish history. Jews were persecuted in Europe. The Holocaust happened in Europe. Didn't happen in Palestine and when Jews arrived in Palestine initially, they didn't come as victims of the Holocaust. They came as colonizers.

So much wrong with this.

It is perfectly okay to emphasize and highlight the experience of the Jewish people. There is nothing inherently WRONG or IMMORAL about acknowledging the experience of the Jewish people and their exile, persecution and genocide.

The Jewish experience can live with and alongside the Arab Palestinian experience. They both can have happened.

There is no actual exclusivity here. Just because Jewish people have a piece of the exile and persecution pie, doesn't mean that Arab Palestinians weren't served a piece of the same pie. Its pie. There are lots of slices to go around.

BUT the Jewish people, while they absolutely were persecuted in Europe, and in Arab nations in the Middle East, and really pretty much anywhere you want to measure it, were FIRST persecuted, exiled, conquered, invaded, colonized, genocided, ethnically cleansed, dhimminized in their HOMELAND of Israel, Judea and Samaria.

The first SHOAH (calamity, nakba) for the Jewish people occurred in the place where they originated, in their homeland. All the other Shoahs are EXTRA.

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on having Shoah's committed against them. The CLAIM to Jewish traditional indigenous territory is not dependent on being persecuted elsewhere. Nor does the RIGHT to traditional indigenous territory arise from persecution in the Diaspora.

If you want to argue that forced removal of a people from territory creates a condition where return = colonization, AND condition colonization = evil, THEN there is no acceptable path for Arab Palestinian return.
A road to freedom or to nowhere? Palestinians and the State of Palestine


(quote from Barak Obama)The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are. Those are facts that can not be denied.

Now, in choosing to emphasize only that history and ignoring the context in which we live, President Obama is doing something which has been done to Palestinians for many many years which is to erase their actual history and experience and to replace it exclusively with Jewish history. Jews were persecuted in Europe. The Holocaust happened in Europe. Didn't happen in Palestine and when Jews arrived in Palestine initially, they didn't come as victims of the Holocaust. They came as colonizers.

So much wrong with this.

It is perfectly okay to emphasize and highlight the experience of the Jewish people. There is nothing inherently WRONG or IMMORAL about acknowledging the experience of the Jewish people and their exile, persecution and genocide.

The Jewish experience can live with and alongside the Arab Palestinian experience. They both can have happened.

There is no actual exclusivity here. Just because Jewish people have a piece of the exile and persecution pie, doesn't mean that Arab Palestinians weren't served a piece of the same pie. Its pie. There are lots of slices to go around.

BUT the Jewish people, while they absolutely were persecuted in Europe, and in Arab nations in the Middle East, and really pretty much anywhere you want to measure it, were FIRST persecuted, exiled, conquered, invaded, colonized, genocided, ethnically cleansed, dhimminized in their HOMELAND of Israel, Judea and Samaria.

The first SHOAH (calamity, nakba) for the Jewish people occurred in the place where they originated, in their homeland. All the other Shoahs are EXTRA.

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on having Shoah's committed against them. The CLAIM to Jewish traditional indigenous territory is not dependent on being persecuted elsewhere. Nor does the RIGHT to traditional indigenous territory arise from persecution in the Diaspora.

If you want to argue that forced removal of a people from territory creates a condition where return = colonization, AND condition colonization = evil, THEN there is no acceptable path for Arab Palestinian return.

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

What kind of nonsense is this? I mean really!

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?

You may have noticed that many ad hominem argument forms have both fallacious (which you are quite familiar with) and legitimate uses.

By questioning the tribal affiliation is by implication an attack on the person and not the content. This is similar to the biased form: Guilty by Association Some tribes affiliations are positive in nature and some tribal affiliations are negative in nature. But by even introducing the element of tribal affiliation → you introduce a bias.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has argued strongly against oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But what would you expect? She represents the city of San Francisco, which is loaded with environmentalists. If she didn’t take this position, she would be run out of office. Thus, her arguments on
this issue really have no merit. (Hurley, Patrick. 2008. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 10th edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Page 144)

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

What kind of nonsense is this? I mean really!

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?

You may have noticed that many ad hominem argument forms have both fallacious (which you are quite familiar with) and legitimate uses.

By questioning the tribal affiliation is by implication an attack on the person and not the content. This is similar to the biased form: Guilty by Association Some tribes affiliations are positive in nature and some tribal affiliations are negative in nature. But by even introducing the element of tribal affiliation → you introduce a bias.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has argued strongly against oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But what would you expect? She represents the city of San Francisco, which is loaded with environmentalists. If she didn’t take this position, she would be run out of office. Thus, her arguments on
this issue really have no merit. (Hurley, Patrick. 2008. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 10th edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Page 144)

Most Respectfully,
There are 12 tribes of Israel. Asking is not an attack.
A road to freedom or to nowhere? Palestinians and the State of Palestine


(quote from Barak Obama)The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are. Those are facts that can not be denied.

Now, in choosing to emphasize only that history and ignoring the context in which we live, President Obama is doing something which has been done to Palestinians for many many years which is to erase their actual history and experience and to replace it exclusively with Jewish history. Jews were persecuted in Europe. The Holocaust happened in Europe. Didn't happen in Palestine and when Jews arrived in Palestine initially, they didn't come as victims of the Holocaust. They came as colonizers.

So much wrong with this.

It is perfectly okay to emphasize and highlight the experience of the Jewish people. There is nothing inherently WRONG or IMMORAL about acknowledging the experience of the Jewish people and their exile, persecution and genocide.

The Jewish experience can live with and alongside the Arab Palestinian experience. They both can have happened.

There is no actual exclusivity here. Just because Jewish people have a piece of the exile and persecution pie, doesn't mean that Arab Palestinians weren't served a piece of the same pie. Its pie. There are lots of slices to go around.

BUT the Jewish people, while they absolutely were persecuted in Europe, and in Arab nations in the Middle East, and really pretty much anywhere you want to measure it, were FIRST persecuted, exiled, conquered, invaded, colonized, genocided, ethnically cleansed, dhimminized in their HOMELAND of Israel, Judea and Samaria.

The first SHOAH (calamity, nakba) for the Jewish people occurred in the place where they originated, in their homeland. All the other Shoahs are EXTRA.

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on having Shoah's committed against them. The CLAIM to Jewish traditional indigenous territory is not dependent on being persecuted elsewhere. Nor does the RIGHT to traditional indigenous territory arise from persecution in the Diaspora.

If you want to argue that forced removal of a people from territory creates a condition where return = colonization, AND condition colonization = evil, THEN there is no acceptable path for Arab Palestinian return.

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on individual status. It depends on recognition of the collective. And the reality of Jewish history is not subject to questioning or erasure.
A road to freedom or to nowhere? Palestinians and the State of Palestine


(quote from Barak Obama)The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are. Those are facts that can not be denied.

Now, in choosing to emphasize only that history and ignoring the context in which we live, President Obama is doing something which has been done to Palestinians for many many years which is to erase their actual history and experience and to replace it exclusively with Jewish history. Jews were persecuted in Europe. The Holocaust happened in Europe. Didn't happen in Palestine and when Jews arrived in Palestine initially, they didn't come as victims of the Holocaust. They came as colonizers.

So much wrong with this.

It is perfectly okay to emphasize and highlight the experience of the Jewish people. There is nothing inherently WRONG or IMMORAL about acknowledging the experience of the Jewish people and their exile, persecution and genocide.

The Jewish experience can live with and alongside the Arab Palestinian experience. They both can have happened.

There is no actual exclusivity here. Just because Jewish people have a piece of the exile and persecution pie, doesn't mean that Arab Palestinians weren't served a piece of the same pie. Its pie. There are lots of slices to go around.

BUT the Jewish people, while they absolutely were persecuted in Europe, and in Arab nations in the Middle East, and really pretty much anywhere you want to measure it, were FIRST persecuted, exiled, conquered, invaded, colonized, genocided, ethnically cleansed, dhimminized in their HOMELAND of Israel, Judea and Samaria.

The first SHOAH (calamity, nakba) for the Jewish people occurred in the place where they originated, in their homeland. All the other Shoahs are EXTRA.

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on having Shoah's committed against them. The CLAIM to Jewish traditional indigenous territory is not dependent on being persecuted elsewhere. Nor does the RIGHT to traditional indigenous territory arise from persecution in the Diaspora.

If you want to argue that forced removal of a people from territory creates a condition where return = colonization, AND condition colonization = evil, THEN there is no acceptable path for Arab Palestinian return.

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?

Jewish reclamation of traditional indigenous territory does not depend on individual status. It depends on recognition of the collective. And the reality of Jewish history is not subject to questioning or erasure.

Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.
Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.

Are you claiming that NO JEWS -- not a single JEW -- originated and had a history in that territory? If so PROVE IT.

If not, my statements stands that the collective is the relevant factor here.
Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.

Are you claiming that NO JEWS -- not a single JEW -- originated and had a history in that territory? If so PROVE IT.

If not, my statements stands that the collective is the relevant factor here.
Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.

Are you claiming that NO JEWS -- not a single JEW -- originated and had a history in that territory? If so PROVE IT.

If not, my statements stands that the collective is the relevant factor here.

The collective Jewish people are irrelevant?

Oh yeah. Because you think killing them is permissible?!

Oops. Wrong.
Originally posted by PF Tinmore
Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.

European jews who can prove even the most diluted ancestral link to the biblical jews of the Middle East are in awfully short supply here as well as the rest of the planet:

I even took a DNA test to prove it. Although
I am "100% European" according to them

Rashida Tlaib to receive 'big welcome' in family's West Bank village


Preparations are under way in Beit Ur al-Fauqa, 14 km. west of Ramallah, to welcome Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib when she visits her hometown next month.

Tlaib’s mother, Fatmeh, and grandmother, Um Issa, traveled to Jordan earlier this week to attend a wedding of a relative. The two women are expected to return to their village in the coming days to participate in preparations for the congresswoman’s visit. The Tlaib clan is one of three clans in Beit Ur al-Fauqa, home to some 1,000 people. The two other clans in the village are Samara and Zahran.

Residents boasted that the village has one of the highest percentage of educated people. More than 20 village residents hold high positions in Palestinian Authority ministries and other Palestinian institutions in Ramallah, including banks.

Members of the three clans told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday that “everyone in the village” will come out to greet Rep. Tlaib during her visit. “We’re all proud of her,” said Ahmed Abdullah Tlaib, one of her uncles. “Of course, everyone here is excited that she’s coming to visit her village.”

Rashida Tlaib to receive 'big welcome' in family's West Bank village
Originally posted by PF Tinmore
Are you saying that you are not from any of the 12 tribes and you have no ancestors from that territory.

Then "return" seems like an odd term to use.

European jews who can prove even the most diluted ancestral link to the biblical jews of the Middle East are in awfully short supply here as well as the rest of the planet:

I even took a DNA test to prove it. Although
I am "100% European" according to them


As I said before, and you deliberately left out the rest of my post, the DNA test also showed markers that confirmed my ancestors came from the Middle East, most likely from the Syria region. They even supplied all the details in a comprehensive report, including a map showing the migration from Syria to Europe. I wonder why you left all of that out.
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