Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK... Let's backup a minute...

Did you really think that the Allied Powers were going to consult with or seek approval from the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) on the manner of delineation?

The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924. But Israel did participate. And the attitude of the HoAP towards a cooperative effort in the standing-up territory was negative during the entire Mandate Period. This negative cooperation grew during the entire Mandate period. That included the rejection by the HoAP in addressing the "Steps Preparatory to Independence."

The Jewish Community - capable of working successfully with the Mandate Authority, was taking every opportunity offered to set the conditions for the opening of a survivable independent state. The Arab Palestinians did not, operating on the "Silver Platter Rule."

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK... Let's backup a minute...

Did you really think that the Allied Powers were going to consult with or seek approval from the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) on the manner of delineation?

The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924. But Israel did participate. And the attitude of the HoAP towards a cooperative effort in the standing-up territory was negative during the entire Mandate Period. This negative cooperation grew during the entire Mandate period. That included the rejection by the HoAP in addressing the "Steps Preparatory to Independence."

The Jewish Community - capable of working successfully with the Mandate Authority, was taking every opportunity offered to set the conditions for the opening of a survivable independent state. The Arab Palestinians did not, operating on the "Silver Platter Rule."

Most Respectfully,

Arab Palestinians still operate on the "Silver Platter Rule".
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK... Let's backup a minute...

Did you really think that the Allied Powers were going to consult with or seek approval from the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) on the manner of delineation?

The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924. But Israel did participate. And the attitude of the HoAP towards a cooperative effort in the standing-up territory was negative during the entire Mandate Period. This negative cooperation grew during the entire Mandate period. That included the rejection by the HoAP in addressing the "Steps Preparatory to Independence."

The Jewish Community - capable of working successfully with the Mandate Authority, was taking every opportunity offered to set the conditions for the opening of a survivable independent state. The Arab Palestinians did not, operating on the "Silver Platter Rule."

Most Respectfully,
The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924.

You have posted this a gazillion times, but you never mentioned what they rejected and why.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK... Let's backup a minute...

Did you really think that the Allied Powers were going to consult with or seek approval from the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) on the manner of delineation?

The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924. But Israel did participate. And the attitude of the HoAP towards a cooperative effort in the standing-up territory was negative during the entire Mandate Period. This negative cooperation grew during the entire Mandate period. That included the rejection by the HoAP in addressing the "Steps Preparatory to Independence."

The Jewish Community - capable of working successfully with the Mandate Authority, was taking every opportunity offered to set the conditions for the opening of a survivable independent state. The Arab Palestinians did not, operating on the "Silver Platter Rule."

Most Respectfully,
The HoAP rejected participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions three times before 1924.

You have posted this a gazillion times, but you never mentioned what they rejected and why.

Their rejections or demands had no rational other than to keep the feudal bourgeoisie families, that were appointed by the Ottoman Caliphate, in their power position.

Let's face it, independence was never their goal
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That is right. I don't deny it. I always mention what, that being institutions of self-governing bodies of government under the right of self-determination. I generally short title it to self-governing institutions; or, Steps Preparatory to Independence; depending on what I'm emphasizing.

I seldom mentioned why they made the rejections That is because there is no one group of determining factors that explains a majority of its logic.

Their rejections or demands had no rational other than to keep the feudal bourgeoisie families, that were appointed by the Ottoman Caliphate, in their power position.

Let's face it, independence was never their goal

The concept that the All Palestine Government (APalG) is both a foreign government inspired solution and a residual of the Ottoman system of government. The root cause is, of course, the greed → that being focused on the attainment wealth and influence. And this comes from the foundation of the period in which the APalG Prime Minister and President were, at the time, a figment of the imagination of the Chief Operating Officers, the Ahmed Hilmi Pasha (Prime Ministter - ACTING as the FOREIGN SECRETARY) and Amin al-Husseini (President). both of whom were commissioned officers in the Ottoman Army.

Rarely do the Victors of War, hand the government back over to the vanquished that renounced rights and title. That is just not how the prinicples of ethnicity, religion, and nationality, territorial integrity and honesty (good faith) worked in the 17th Century and time of Roman Emperor Ferdinand II.

........ •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Anti BDS laws are based on the lie that BDS is anti Semitic. It is not. The courts are seeing this.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Anti BDS laws are based on the lie that BDS is anti Semitic. It is not. The courts are seeing this.

I think those laws are based on common principles of incitement to violence, of which racism happens to be the main motivation in this case.

It may be acceptable in much of the US media and political discourse to use skin-color and race,
but in European countries not tolerated as much, in light of major events that led to mass casualties as a result of allowing such rhetoric in the mainstream.

But don't worry, surely no-one doubts Your unique expertise in Israel hatred.
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