Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

And there have never been more "Palestinians".

They need to learn Muslim style ethnic cleansing. How many Jews in Mecca?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

And there have never been more "Palestinians".

They need to learn Muslim style ethnic cleansing. How many Jews in Mecca?
Ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that this is true at all. I don't think this is the basis for BDS. It is true that a number of the Regional States (Iraq, Yemen Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates) have a history of Jewish behaviors have laws that target Israel. And it is also true that Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement exclusively targets Israeli commercial activities; Israel being the only Jewish State.

Anti BDS laws are based on the lie that BDS is anti Semitic. It is not. The courts are seeing this.

There is no bias for any laws against peaceful protest opposing the commercial activities of Israel. Theoretically, there should be the leeway for any group or nation to peacefully protest any entity for any reason they choose. The BDS movement is a politically motivated organization that attempts to use the platform of protests using "economic isolation of Israel" as its tool to advance Palestinian political objectives (liberation of the Palestinians from Israeli oppression). But the BDS Movement is actually the cover and concealment of criminal activities directed against Israel with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to Israeli citizens not taking an active part in the conflict, created for the purpose of inciting violence through the nature of its actual presentation in its claims of oppression. And the context of BDS is to use the hatred and violence to intimidate Israeli Population; attempting to compel the State of Israel to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the Arab Palestinian criminal objective.

This cover and concealment → is actually a recruitment tool designed to cultivate public support for donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes multiple violent organizations. As a secondary role, the BDS Movement wants to act as a latent recruitment tool in which it attracts vulnerable and radical personalities to a more active role and ignite violent events into the future.

In some cases, the localized groups have not yet developed the ties to criminal activities "yet!" But the successful establishment of a hostile small scale support cells can be so very dangerous a proposition.


Such organizations like the BDS Movement have the subtext agenda (present but not visible or apparent) to render the impression that acts solely intended to harm the Occupying Power in the disputed territories,
seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them is actually against International Humanitarian Law. What is worse are acts of sabotage or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons, are just as illegal...

Don't think for a minute that the BDS Movement is free of responsibility if these types of acts occur as a result of the impression that → what they claim are acts against Israeli Oppression are actually legal. They are not legal acts. They are punishable under the law.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that this is true at all. I don't think this is the basis for BDS. It is true that a number of the Regional States (Iraq, Yemen Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates) have a history of Jewish behaviors have laws that target Israel. And it is also true that Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement exclusively targets Israeli commercial activities; Israel being the only Jewish State.

Anti BDS laws are based on the lie that BDS is anti Semitic. It is not. The courts are seeing this.

There is no bias for any laws against peaceful protest opposing the commercial activities of Israel. Theoretically, there should be the leeway for any group or nation to peacefully protest any entity for any reason they choose. The BDS movement is a politically motivated organization that attempts to use the platform of protests using "economic isolation of Israel" as its tool to advance Palestinian political objectives (liberation of the Palestinians from Israeli oppression). But the BDS Movement is actually the cover and concealment of criminal activities directed against Israel with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to Israeli citizens not taking an active part in the conflict, created for the purpose of inciting violence through the nature of its actual presentation in its claims of oppression. And the context of BDS is to use the hatred and violence to intimidate Israeli Population; attempting to compel the State of Israel to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the Arab Palestinian criminal objective.

This cover and concealment → is actually a recruitment tool designed to cultivate public support for donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes multiple violent organizations. As a secondary role, the BDS Movement wants to act as a latent recruitment tool in which it attracts vulnerable and radical personalities to a more active role and ignite violent events into the future.

In some cases, the localized groups have not yet developed the ties to criminal activities "yet!" But the successful establishment of a hostile small scale support cells can be so very dangerous a proposition.


Such organizations like the BDS Movement have the subtext agenda (present but not visible or apparent) to render the impression that acts solely intended to harm the Occupying Power in the disputed territories,
seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them is actually against International Humanitarian Law. What is worse are acts of sabotage or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons, are just as illegal...

Don't think for a minute that the BDS Movement is free of responsibility if these types of acts occur as a result of the impression that → what they claim are acts against Israeli Oppression are actually legal. They are not legal acts. They are punishable under the law.

........View attachment 280565
Most Respectfully,
Don't think for a minute that the BDS Movement is free of responsibility if these types of acts occur as a result of the impression that → what they claim are acts against Israeli Oppression are actually legal. They are not legal acts. They are punishable under the law.
I don't think so. Links?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

Making crafty little bumper sticker such as this are sometimes very effect propaganda tools used to exaggerate the very important concepts:

◈ It eludes to a manifest pattern of conduct directed against the Arab Palestian.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) inflicted certain conditions of life upon Arab Palestinians.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) belonged to a particular ethnic group the Jewish Community) while the victims (Arab Palestinians) are oppressed because they are Muslims.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct (a national policy) directed against that group (Arab Palestinians). or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
But in the end, it is all about generating emotion and not about the truth.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I don't think so. Links?

I'm not sure that this is true at all. I don't think this is the basis for BDS. It is true that a number of the Regional States (Iraq, Yemen Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates) have a history of Jewish behaviors have laws that target Israel. And it is also true that Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement exclusively targets Israeli commercial activities; Israel being the only Jewish State.

✦ LINK: The 10 most anti-Semitic countries • By Marissa Newman 13 May 2014 •


Don't think for a minute that the BDS Movement is free of responsibility if these types of acts occur as a result of the impression that → what they claim are acts against Israeli Oppression are actually legal. They are not legal acts. They are punishable under the law.

✦ LINK: Article 68 • Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. • Penal legislation. V. Penalties. Death penalty •

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

Making crafty little bumper sticker such as this are sometimes very effect propaganda tools used to exaggerate the very important concepts:

◈ It eludes to a manifest pattern of conduct directed against the Arab Palestian.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) inflicted certain conditions of life upon Arab Palestinians.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) belonged to a particular ethnic group the Jewish Community) while the victims (Arab Palestinians) are oppressed because they are Muslims.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct (a national policy) directed against that group (Arab Palestinians). or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
◈ It implies that the perpetrator (Israelis) or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
But in the end, it is all about generating emotion and not about the truth.

........View attachment 280566
Most Respectfully,
Wow. you sure are imaginative.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And what point are you trying to expound upon here? Neither of these areabout "Palestine Today" but rather, the different opinions held on the

• Israel is defending itself.

• Ethnic cleansing is not self-defense.​

This first one is an example of a bumper sticker conflict.

When most people attempt to pit these two concepts against one another (ethnic cleansing 'vs' self-defense), any deep examinations shows that it rapidly becomes political.

Israel did not ethnically cleanse is used by pro-Palestinian Advocates without any clear definition of what acts constituted ethnic cleansing or what specific provisions of international humanitarian law and human rights were being violated. But clearly, Israel is many times more culturally diverse than either the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Without a very clear intention to destroy an ethnic group → and not merely neutralize dangerous aspects/members of that group, that being the Arab Palestinian (specific examples required.). What is so very clear is that ethnic cleansing does not amount to genocide.

I think this pro-Palestinian position, is merely shadow boxing.

There is no question that the continued control and even expansion or control, by the Israelis, is a clear activity addressing a military action in response to an armed attack by the Arab Palestinian, dependent upon the key concepts of necessity.


This is actually an event that celebrates the concept of → "they got their day in court" and that the law was not biased or prejudicial against BDS.

It really means that the Prosecutor did not build a good case which exposes what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement is all about.

........View attachment 280524
Most Respectfully,
Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since before day one and that continues today.

And there have never been more "Palestinians".

They need to learn Muslim style ethnic cleansing. How many Jews in Mecca?
Ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location.

So are you.
Friday Al-Aqsa Mosque Address - Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?"

Last edited:
Friday Al-Aqsa Mosque Address - Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?"

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!
Friday Al-Aqsa Mosque Address - Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?"

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!

I've posted this as context to Queen Rania of Jordan attempting to play the victim card,
while the kingdom of Jordan itself governs the Islamic Waqf at the mosque and allows this incitement.

The question rather, is vulgar Jew-hatred merely a convenient political tool to deflect the attention of the socially weak masses from rioting against their failed governments, or is it a basic principle of the Muslim religion they won't give up, even at the stake of their own well being?
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Friday Al-Aqsa Mosque Address - Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?"

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!

I've posted this as context to Queen Rania of Jordan attempting to play the victim card,
while the kingdom of Jordan itself governs the Islamic Waqf at the mosque and allows this incitement.

The question rather, is vulgar Jew-hatred merely a convenient political tool to deflect the attention of the socially weak masses from rioting against their failed governments, or is it a basic principle of the Muslim religion they won't give up, even at the stake of their own well being?

"basic principle of the Muslim religion..."

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, rylah, et al,

Sometimes it is important for the greater audience to hear it from the horse's mouth.

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?

One of the basic, yet latent, reasons for the adjacent Arab Nations demonstrate a very near silence on the Arab Palestinian 'v' Israeli Conflict is because the Arab Palestinians pose as much of a potential threat to them, as they pose an actual threat to the Israelis.

Certainly, none of the Kingdoms in the Arab League find this latest Hostile Arab Palestinian Commentary and pro-Caliphate Advocayvery amusing.

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!

No one wants to see the Israelis to turn these lunatics loose. But sometimes it serves to demonstrate the true face of the Arab Palestinians by letting them speak their mind on the world stage.

It will be interesting to hear how the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinian Advocates spin this in the media.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Friday Al-Aqsa Mosque Address - Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?"

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!

I've posted this as context to Queen Rania of Jordan attempting to play the victim card,
while the kingdom of Jordan itself governs the Islamic Waqf at the mosque and allows this incitement.

The question rather, is vulgar Jew-hatred merely a convenient political tool to deflect the attention of the socially weak masses from rioting against their failed governments, or is it a basic principle of the Muslim religion they won't give up, even at the stake of their own well being?

That is a most intriguing question.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, rylah, et al,

Sometimes it is important for the greater audience to hear it from the horse's mouth.

During Friday address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun blamed Jordan and other Muslim countries in the region for "supporting Jews". He proceeded further with calling for the establishment of Islamic State on their ruins:
"Hasn't the time come for you to rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish a Caliphate?

One of the basic, yet latent, reasons for the adjacent Arab Nations demonstrate a very near silence on the Arab Palestinian 'v' Israeli Conflict is because the Arab Palestinians pose as much of a potential threat to them, as they pose an actual threat to the Israelis.

Certainly, none of the Kingdoms in the Arab League find this latest Hostile Arab Palestinian Commentary and pro-Caliphate Advocayvery amusing.

Israel PERMITS this kind of incitement on the Temple Mount?!

No one wants to see the Israelis to turn these lunatics loose. But sometimes it serves to demonstrate the true face of the Arab Palestinians by letting them speak their mind on the world stage.

It will be interesting to hear how the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinian Advocates spin this in the media.

........View attachment 280697
Most Respectfully,

Its the "give them enough rope..." principle.
Woodworker Hisham Kuhail arranges decorative objects at his Gaza City workshop. Photo by Mohammed Dahman.

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