Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ rylah, et al,

A couple of years ago, on some topic here, I wrote a couple of commentaries on the "Warrior Gene ( MAOA-3R ). And I am sure I utiliozedadditional research before making the contributions.
Environmental and Genetic Influences on Psychopathy said:
Researchers from several universities recently collaborated on a study to determine how genetic, environmental, and interpersonal factors influence the development of psychopathy. Psychopathy is characterized by lack of emotion, dysfunctional attachments, lack of remorse or guilt, and often antisocial tendencies, thought to be caused by genetic factors. The researchers sought to determine how environmental factors, such as peer influence, parenting, neglect, or abuse, affected two specific traits of psychopathy—fearless dominance (FD) and impulsive antisociality (IA).
(SOURCE: September 12, 2011 • By A News Summary)
Blaming the victim, how original.
So before Zionism, what was the Arabs' excuse for murdering their Jewish neighbors?

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And again I would like you to consider that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) exhibit the primary symptoms of a lack of emotion, dysfunctional attachments, lack of remorse or guilt, and often antisocial tendencies, thought to be caused by genetic factors. I don't think that the MAO-A Gene is the only causal factor in evidence here, but it sure goes a long way in describing the anomalous behaviors the HoAP demonstrate.

Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord

Palestinian Arab Official Admits "Killing Israelis is not Terror, it's Legitimate"

Palestinians: "We Are Proud of You. You Killed Jews!"
by Bassam Tawil
October 14, 2016 at 6:30 am

• •
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Just one man's opinion.

........View attachment 280174
Most Respectfully,
That depends on when you believe the occupation started.

Between 634-638.
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Israeli occupation militias brutalize Muslim worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque soon after they prayer Eid Al-dha.

A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!! :clap2::clap2:
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!! :clap2::clap2:

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!! :clap2::clap2:

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.

“We can never recognize Israel.”

apart from the Zionist movement and its facets to this very day.

The Jewish code of law teaches us that a Jew is to be loyal to any ruler he finds himself under during this period of Jewish exile. The Torah, the Bible, teaches us that G-d gave the Holy Land to the Jewish people. They were there for two periods, over four hundred years, with their Holy Temple, in which they served G-d, and they were exiled because they sinned to G-d, Who stipulated that the giving of the land to the Jewish people was stipulated with the adherence to G-d’s will. When this stipulation was forfeited, the land was taken away. One of the principles of the faith teaches us that G-d will return the land to the Jewish people through His messiah inHis good time. Any attempt to accelerate this redemption would bring disastrous consequences.

Keep posting over and over again that " Religious Jews" oppose the State of Israel and actually agree with Hamas. That is a lie. The above is the reason

I wonder how these " Religious Jews" would really feel about the destruction of their Holy Sites, their being forbidden to Visit their Holy Sites especially the Western Wall

Show me a thread in which these Religious Jews DENY Jewish History !
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

After the turn into the 20th Century, the PRE-contemporary Pediod was driven by the decision to incorporate the Balfour Declaration of 1917 into the Post-War Conference of 1920 at San Remo. During the period immediately following the conclusion of the Great War (WWI of 1918), the captured enemy lands of the Middle East were under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) until the concerned Allied Powers could make some sort of plan as to how best to fulfill the promises made to the Sharif of Mecca, and Emir of the Hijaz (Husayn-McMahon Correspondence).

Consolidated Timeline +4.png

In terms of the Administration and disposition, all the territory decisions were driven by these three documents:

◈ Husayn-McMahon Correspondence (1914-1918),

◈ Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916),

◈ Balfour Declaration (1917),​
Sykes-Picot Map 1 (SECRET).jpg
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!!

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.


One can clearly see that the first International Agreement on the delineated subdivision of the territories was the (formerly) SECRET agreement between two of the Principal Allied Powers (French and British) (supra). So, in some respect, the chief architects of the may have begun with the 1914 Husayn-McMahon Correspondence (two partners of the Arab-British Alliance) and then the Skyes-Picot (British-French - two Allied Powers). So, strictly speaking, your blame on the foreign concept is only true in the sense that the architects of the concept (delineation of the territory) did not include those inhabitants under the (OETA) → AKA: THE ENEMY. And this is entirely consistent with the protocols of that era.

The Arab Palestinians and the pro-Arab Palestinian contingent, have to find flaw with as many of the processes of the time (over a century old) and era in order to justify the horrific actions they take and the supporting the premise that the Fatah Statement that "Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee."

The Arab Palestinians of today, must find flaws with the decisions of the past in order to justify: "Since the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16, in June 2014, the Palestinian Authority has paid over 350,000 shekels (over $ 98,000 today) in terror rewards to the Hamas terrorist convicted of planning their kidnapping and murder and to the families of the other two terrorists who carried out the kidnapping and murder and who were later killed while resisting arrest."

Just My Thoughts,

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

After the turn into the 20th Century, the PRE-contemporary Pediod was driven by the decision to incorporate the Balfour Declaration of 1917 into the Post-War Conference of 1920 at San Remo. During the period immediately following the conclusion of the Great War (WWI of 1918), the captured enemy lands of the Middle East were under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) until the concerned Allied Powers could make some sort of plan as to how best to fulfill the promises made to the Sharif of Mecca, and Emir of the Hijaz (Husayn-McMahon Correspondence).

In terms of the Administration and disposition, all the territory decisions were driven by these three documents:

◈ Husayn-McMahon Correspondence (1914-1918),

◈ Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916),

◈ Balfour Declaration (1917),​
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!!

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.


One can clearly see that the first International Agreement on the delineated subdivision of the territories was the (formerly) SECRET agreement between two of the Principal Allied Powers (French and British) (supra). So, in some respect, the chief architects of the may have begun with the 1914 Husayn-McMahon Correspondence (two partners of the Arab-British Alliance) and then the Skyes-Picot (British-French - two Allied Powers). So, strictly speaking, your blame on the foreign concept is only true in the sense that the architects of the concept (delineation of the territory) did not include those inhabitants under the (OETA) → AKA: THE ENEMY. And this is entirely consistent with the protocols of that era.

The Arab Palestinians and the pro-Arab Palestinian contingent, have to find flaw with as many of the processes of the time (over a century old) and era in order to justify the horrific actions they take and the supporting the premise that the Fatah Statement that "Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee."

The Arab Palestinians of today, must find flaws with the decisions of the past in order to justify: "Since the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16, in June 2014, the Palestinian Authority has paid over 350,000 shekels (over $ 98,000 today) in terror rewards to the Hamas terrorist convicted of planning their kidnapping and murder and to the families of the other two terrorists who carried out the kidnapping and murder and who were later killed while resisting arrest."

Just My Thoughts,

........View attachment 280362
Most Respectfully,

The problem is that they plopped a well armed, well funded country on top of Palestine without even pretending to consult the natives.

And if they object they are called terrorists.
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!! :clap2::clap2:

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.

Foreign to whom? Israel will never disappear. So there will either be an Israel and a New Palestine (as Jared wants to call it), or an Israel with no Palestine at all. There is no other option than those two.
A delegation of Orthodox Jewish rabbis on Wednesday expressed solidarity with #US congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a visit to her office in Washington after she was accused of making 'anti-Semitic' remarks

Opposing “ The occupation of Palestine “ he’s stating she believes Israel should be destroyed; nothing about the “ Two State Solution”
Thank you!! :clap2::clap2:

The two state solution has always been a foreign concept.

Foreign to whom? Israel will never disappear. So there will either be an Israel and a New Palestine (as Jared wants to call it), or an Israel with no Palestine at all. There is no other option than those two.

Approx once a month Tinmore posts the same thing; Hamas and “ Real Jews” oppose the creation of the Jewish State which is a lie
When asked about Palestinian denial of Jewish History or forbidden access to Holy Sites there is no response
I honestly don’t know whether he keeps posting the same thing due to ignorance and stupidity or just plain anger and denial
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