Palestine Today

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Why does Rylah never ever point out the positive actions of Palestinians?

Mostly, I think, because he is far more concerned, as a Jew and as an Israeli, by confronting a culture which supports, in ideology and in fact, murdering him and his family.

Its kinda like asking, "how come no one talks about all the positive actions of white people", when discussing a white supremicist trying to kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur? The problem is not "all white people". The problem is those particular white people who kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur. And, importantly, the culture which exists to support this ideology.

I've never said anything "nice" about Australians on this board. Doesn't mean I hate Australians.

I would disagree. This board is IP...two groups. Every time I post something positive that the Palestinians do, or a cooperative Palestinian Israeli effort, he immediately counters with something negative.

There are only two groups here: Israelis and Palestinians. Not Australians. Not French. Not Americans. Not Pacific Islanders.

When someone consistently and vehemently posts that way without ever acknowledging the positive, what does that say? And, I'll add this - when said person attacks those who post about the positive, what does that say?

It is a consistent pattern. If a poster consistently, insistently attacked Israel without ever acknowledging the positives - what would that say to you? Would it be a fair acknowledgement and concern for how the Palestinians feel about Israeli actions and attitudes for them or would you start to think it's a bit more than that?

No one talks about the positives on this board. You are holding rylah to a ridiculous standard that you hold no one else to.

When have you EVER demanded that anyone on Team Palestine must post positive things about Israel? When have you EVER claimed that anyone on Team Palestine hates Jews because they don't post anything positive?

One Palestinian woman, who joined demonstrators on April 13, Taghreed al-Barawi, claimed: 'Women are less likely to be shot at.'

So women volunteering to be human shields so that the men can continue to be violent.

And what about the positive things...the cooperative things...the brave entrepeneural things? What about those? What does Rylah have to say about those? He only responds with something negative.

Why is THAT more valid than the positive?

Why no demand that Rylah be fair?

Wait a sec, I'm not fair because I oppose the eradication of my people and my country, after my people already gave up most of the land initially allotted to them - to their enemies who demand EVERYTHING?

That is pretty pathetic, even from you. Fowl? As in cock fighting? Seriously, get a grip. Own your own hate. And stop pretending you know more about my country.


I'm not the one who is trying to convince You to divide Washington between Russia and China, while acting like I ride some moral high horse.

You're really are out of Your mind.

Not sure what you are talking about here...China and Russia are both problematic....however, I do recall you have total meltdown's if non-Israeli's criticize Israel. Perhaps you ought to adhere to your own criticisms here. And your own country if that is truly the way you feel.

Sure know full well,
Your obsession with dividing Israel for another Arab state or two, at the expense of all minorities involved.

Why don't You stick to minding own business instead promoting the enemies of a tiny minority and a country thousands of miles away from Your location?

Where have I ever denied rights to Jewish minorities? Be specific.

Specifically denying Jews the right to live in Judea by constantly defining them, and only them as foreigners .

I've always acknowledged the right of Jews to be there as one of several indigenous peoples. Please link to where I've called them foreigners or admit you are a liar.

Denying Jews their right to full independence and control of their capital, under the pretext of establishment of another Arab state on their only land in the world.


Jerusalem has been controversial and claimed by two groups here - Israel and Palestine - as their capital. That is reality. By acknowledging the rights of one you are DENYING the rights of the other. I maintain that there must be a solution to the conflict that acknowledges the rights of both people's to self determination and somehow Jerusalem must fit into the plan for both. I have been consistent in this.

By supporting those who have openly sworn to eradication of Israel.
By covering for those who ban Zionist feminists from participating in public events.

I support the rights of two native peoples to self determination on a land both have rights to. Is that problematic for you?

Your second claim - what are you talking about?

By covering for those with "warm feelings about the Holocaust".

Be specific - what are you talking about here?

Just to name a few, c'mon let's see You not reserve to usual dancing around for once.

Oh. I'm not dancing around. I'm calling you out on your lies.

While you're at it - why don't you enlighten us as to your desire for dhimmi status for non-Jews in the greater Israel? You know, how they are guests that can be expelled at any point regardless of how long their families have lived there. I see little desire to share the land coming from you.
Why does Rylah never ever point out the positive actions of Palestinians?

Mostly, I think, because he is far more concerned, as a Jew and as an Israeli, by confronting a culture which supports, in ideology and in fact, murdering him and his family.

Its kinda like asking, "how come no one talks about all the positive actions of white people", when discussing a white supremicist trying to kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur? The problem is not "all white people". The problem is those particular white people who kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur. And, importantly, the culture which exists to support this ideology.

I've never said anything "nice" about Australians on this board. Doesn't mean I hate Australians.

I would disagree. This board is IP...two groups. Every time I post something positive that the Palestinians do, or a cooperative Palestinian Israeli effort, he immediately counters with something negative.

There are only two groups here: Israelis and Palestinians. Not Australians. Not French. Not Americans. Not Pacific Islanders.

When someone consistently and vehemently posts that way without ever acknowledging the positive, what does that say? And, I'll add this - when said person attacks those who post about the positive, what does that say?

It is a consistent pattern. If a poster consistently, insistently attacked Israel without ever acknowledging the positives - what would that say to you? Would it be a fair acknowledgement and concern for how the Palestinians feel about Israeli actions and attitudes for them or would you start to think it's a bit more than that?

No one talks about the positives on this board. You are holding rylah to a ridiculous standard that you hold no one else to.

When have you EVER demanded that anyone on Team Palestine must post positive things about Israel? When have you EVER claimed that anyone on Team Palestine hates Jews because they don't post anything positive?

I have called Team Palestine on some of the negatives they have said on Israel and I have called them on their anti-semitic portrayals.

Have YOU done the same with Team Israel?

And let me point something else out. Rylah has more than once attacked me on only saying negatives about Israel. Is that a ridiculous standard?

One Palestinian woman, who joined demonstrators on April 13, Taghreed al-Barawi, claimed: 'Women are less likely to be shot at.'

So women volunteering to be human shields so that the men can continue to be violent.

And what about the positive things...the cooperative things...the brave entrepeneural things? What about those? What does Rylah have to say about those? He only responds with something negative.

Why is THAT more valid than the positive?

Why no demand that Rylah be fair?

Wait a sec, I'm not fair because I oppose the eradication of my people and my country, after my people already gave up most of the land initially allotted to them - to their enemies who demand EVERYTHING?


Umh...good point. Let me amend what I said. You support the ethnic cleansing of non Jews from greater Israel. Is that more accurate?
Why does Rylah never ever point out the positive actions of Palestinians?

Mostly, I think, because he is far more concerned, as a Jew and as an Israeli, by confronting a culture which supports, in ideology and in fact, murdering him and his family.

Its kinda like asking, "how come no one talks about all the positive actions of white people", when discussing a white supremicist trying to kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur? The problem is not "all white people". The problem is those particular white people who kill people in synagogue on Yom Kippur. And, importantly, the culture which exists to support this ideology.

I've never said anything "nice" about Australians on this board. Doesn't mean I hate Australians.

I would disagree. This board is IP...two groups. Every time I post something positive that the Palestinians do, or a cooperative Palestinian Israeli effort, he immediately counters with something negative.

There are only two groups here: Israelis and Palestinians. Not Australians. Not French. Not Americans. Not Pacific Islanders.

When someone consistently and vehemently posts that way without ever acknowledging the positive, what does that say? And, I'll add this - when said person attacks those who post about the positive, what does that say?

It is a consistent pattern. If a poster consistently, insistently attacked Israel without ever acknowledging the positives - what would that say to you? Would it be a fair acknowledgement and concern for how the Palestinians feel about Israeli actions and attitudes for them or would you start to think it's a bit more than that?

No one talks about the positives on this board. You are holding rylah to a ridiculous standard that you hold no one else to.

When have you EVER demanded that anyone on Team Palestine must post positive things about Israel? When have you EVER claimed that anyone on Team Palestine hates Jews because they don't post anything positive?

I'm going to add to this. I DO. I TALK ABOUT POSITIVES. Is that such an impossible goal?????
I have called Team Palestine on some of the negatives they have said on Israel and I have called them on their anti-semitic portrayals.

Have you EVER demanded of someone on Team Palestine that they MUST post positive statements about Israel and Jews as a condition of demonstrating their lack of hatred? No you have not. You are holding rylah to a standard you hold no one else.
I have called Team Palestine on some of the negatives they have said on Israel and I have called them on their anti-semitic portrayals.

Have you EVER demanded of someone on Team Palestine that they MUST post positive statements about Israel and Jews as a condition of demonstrating their lack of hatred? No you have not. You are holding rylah to a standard you hold no one else.

I haven't. But then, I also don't demand that anyone on Team Israel post positive posts.

I do however note when it is only negative. Is that not my right?

And frankly - is it ok then for Rylah to claim I only post negative things about Israel? What about that standard? It seems that you are not holding him to the same standard as you are holding me to.
That is pretty pathetic, even from you. Fowl? As in cock fighting? Seriously, get a grip. Own your own hate. And stop pretending you know more about my country.


I'm not the one who is trying to convince You to divide Washington between Russia and China, while acting like I ride some moral high horse.

You're really are out of Your mind.

Not sure what you are talking about here...China and Russia are both problematic....however, I do recall you have total meltdown's if non-Israeli's criticize Israel. Perhaps you ought to adhere to your own criticisms here. And your own country if that is truly the way you feel.

Sure know full well,
Your obsession with dividing Israel for another Arab state or two, at the expense of all minorities involved.

Why don't You stick to minding own business instead promoting the enemies of a tiny minority and a country thousands of miles away from Your location?

Where have I ever denied rights to Jewish minorities? Be specific.

Specifically denying Jews the right to live in Judea by constantly defining them, and only them as foreigners .

Denying Jews their right to full independence and control of their capital, under the pretext of establishment of another Arab state on their only land in the world.

Denying the Jewish minority their right to self defense.

By supporting those who have openly sworn to eradication of Israel and the Jewish minority.
By covering for those who ban Zionist feminists minority from participating in public events.
By covering for those with "warm feelings" about the genocide of the Jewish minority.

Just to name a few, c'mon let's see You not reserve to usual dancing around for once.

Shusha you agree with this.


Have I taken those positions?

Have I EVER denied Israel (and Jews) their rights to self defense?

Have I EVER called them foreigners?

I haven't. But then, I also don't demand that anyone on Team Israel post positive posts.

Oh come on. Up thread you claimed that rylah "hates Muslims", and as "proof" you noted that he never made positive posts about the Arab Palestinians. You are using a standard for him that you apply to no one else.
I haven't. But then, I also don't demand that anyone on Team Israel post positive posts.

Oh come on. Up thread you claimed that rylah "hates Muslims", and as "proof" you noted that he never made positive posts about the Arab Palestinians. You are using a standard for him that you apply to no one else.

I'm using the same standard he applies to me. He has already labeled me antisemite.

I'm not the one who is trying to convince You to divide Washington between Russia and China, while acting like I ride some moral high horse.

You're really are out of Your mind.

Not sure what you are talking about here...China and Russia are both problematic....however, I do recall you have total meltdown's if non-Israeli's criticize Israel. Perhaps you ought to adhere to your own criticisms here. And your own country if that is truly the way you feel.

Sure know full well,
Your obsession with dividing Israel for another Arab state or two, at the expense of all minorities involved.

Why don't You stick to minding own business instead promoting the enemies of a tiny minority and a country thousands of miles away from Your location?

Where have I ever denied rights to Jewish minorities? Be specific.

Specifically denying Jews the right to live in Judea by constantly defining them, and only them as foreigners .

Denying Jews their right to full independence and control of their capital, under the pretext of establishment of another Arab state on their only land in the world.

Denying the Jewish minority their right to self defense.

By supporting those who have openly sworn to eradication of Israel and the Jewish minority.
By covering for those who ban Zionist feminists minority from participating in public events.
By covering for those with "warm feelings" about the genocide of the Jewish minority.

Just to name a few, c'mon let's see You not reserve to usual dancing around for once.

Shusha you agree with this.


Have I taken those positions?

Have I EVER denied Israel (and Jews) their rights to self defense?

Have I EVER called them foreigners?


You tend to call them settlers, but means the same. Shrug. No Jews in Judea. And yep, I've seen you stand up for Tlaib and Sarsour. And yep, denial of right to Jerusalem as a capital. And rights to cultural integrity.
I haven't. But then, I also don't demand that anyone on Team Israel post positive posts.

Oh come on. Up thread you claimed that rylah "hates Muslims", and as "proof" you noted that he never made positive posts about the Arab Palestinians. You are using a standard for him that you apply to no one else.

I'm using the same standard he applies to me. He has already labeled me antisemite.

Could you point out where he said that you were an antisemite because you didn't post anything positive about Israel/Jews? Normally, we look for pretty specific things before labeling people as antisemites. Imo, you haven't crossed that line yet. His mileage may different. (Which would be fair, him being Jewish and Israeli, he'll get some nuance that I don't understand.)
Not sure what you are talking about here...China and Russia are both problematic....however, I do recall you have total meltdown's if non-Israeli's criticize Israel. Perhaps you ought to adhere to your own criticisms here. And your own country if that is truly the way you feel.

Sure know full well,
Your obsession with dividing Israel for another Arab state or two, at the expense of all minorities involved.

Why don't You stick to minding own business instead promoting the enemies of a tiny minority and a country thousands of miles away from Your location?

Where have I ever denied rights to Jewish minorities? Be specific.

Specifically denying Jews the right to live in Judea by constantly defining them, and only them as foreigners .

Denying Jews their right to full independence and control of their capital, under the pretext of establishment of another Arab state on their only land in the world.

Denying the Jewish minority their right to self defense.

By supporting those who have openly sworn to eradication of Israel and the Jewish minority.
By covering for those who ban Zionist feminists minority from participating in public events.
By covering for those with "warm feelings" about the genocide of the Jewish minority.

Just to name a few, c'mon let's see You not reserve to usual dancing around for once.

Shusha you agree with this.


Have I taken those positions?

Have I EVER denied Israel (and Jews) their rights to self defense?

Have I EVER called them foreigners?


You tend to call them settlers, but means the same. Shrug. No Jews in Judea. And yep, I've seen you stand up for Tlaib and Sarsour. And yep, denial of right to Jerusalem as a capital. And rights to cultural integrity.

They call themselves settlers.

Jerusalem is claimed by both sides as you know.

Cultural integrity? Not sure what you mean by that.

Have I EVER denied Israel (and Jews) their rights to self defense?

Have I EVER called them foreigners?

WHEN have I supported no Jews in Judea????

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I'm using the same standard he applies to me.

No you are not. You are creating a standard which did not previously exist. And you apply it only to him.
I'm using the same standard he applies to me.

No you are not. You are creating a standard which did not previously exist. And you apply it only to him.

Yes. I am. He has labeled me an antisemite. Look at his posting history. It is quite quite clear.
I haven't. But then, I also don't demand that anyone on Team Israel post positive posts.

Oh come on. Up thread you claimed that rylah "hates Muslims", and as "proof" you noted that he never made positive posts about the Arab Palestinians. You are using a standard for him that you apply to no one else.

I'm using the same standard he applies to me. He has already labeled me antisemite.

Could you point out where he said that you were an antisemite because you didn't post anything positive about Israel/Jews? Normally, we look for pretty specific things before labeling people as antisemites. Imo, you haven't crossed that line yet. His mileage may different. (Which would be fair, him being Jewish and Israeli, he'll get some nuance that I don't understand.)

OH. He is very clear on this. Look at his posting history in regards to conversations with me.

I am done with him.
I think this illustrates the problem with IP. Mods are right. It's a cess. It's an echo chamber filled with two factions: those who support the Palestinians solely because they hate Jews on the one hand, and those who see antisemitism in anyone who criticizes Israel or supports the Palestinian rights to self determination on the other. In any dispute - each side firmly supports its own come hell or high water. Standards applied to one's own side are not applied to the other. Is there any value at all in discussion here? I don't think so. I think I understand why most have left it.

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An old man takes part in a protest against home demolition in Sur Baher, Jerusalem.


I'm not the one who is trying to convince You to divide Washington between Russia and China, while acting like I ride some moral high horse.

You're really are out of Your mind.

Not sure what you are talking about here...China and Russia are both problematic....however, I do recall you have total meltdown's if non-Israeli's criticize Israel. Perhaps you ought to adhere to your own criticisms here. And your own country if that is truly the way you feel.

Sure know full well,
Your obsession with dividing Israel for another Arab state or two, at the expense of all minorities involved.

Why don't You stick to minding own business instead promoting the enemies of a tiny minority and a country thousands of miles away from Your location?

Where have I ever denied rights to Jewish minorities? Be specific.

Specifically denying Jews the right to live in Judea by constantly defining them, and only them as foreigners .

I've always acknowledged the right of Jews to be there as one of several indigenous peoples. Please link to where I've called them foreigners or admit you are a liar.

Denying Jews their right to full independence and control of their capital, under the pretext of establishment of another Arab state on their only land in the world.


Jerusalem has been controversial and claimed by two groups here - Israel and Palestine - as their capital. That is reality. By acknowledging the rights of one you are DENYING the rights of the other. I maintain that there must be a solution to the conflict that acknowledges the rights of both people's to self determination and somehow Jerusalem must fit into the plan for both. I have been consistent in this.

By supporting those who have openly sworn to eradication of Israel.
By covering for those who ban Zionist feminists from participating in public events.

I support the rights of two native peoples to self determination on a land both have rights to. Is that problematic for you?

Your second claim - what are you talking about?

By covering for those with "warm feelings about the Holocaust".

Be specific - what are you talking about here?

Just to name a few, c'mon let's see You not reserve to usual dancing around for once.

Oh. I'm not dancing around. I'm calling you out on your lies.

While you're at it - why don't you enlighten us as to your desire for dhimmi status for non-Jews in the greater Israel? You know, how they are guests that can be expelled at any point regardless of how long their families have lived there. I see little desire to share the land coming from you.
You see only the Jewish capital as controversial, and not say Washington or Madrid.

You suggest exclusive self determination is invalid for Israel, while seeing no problem with that norm (yes it is international norm) regarding any other nation on earth, or specifically the other 22 Arab states.

You recognize the rights of Arabs to Israel, but not of Jews to Jordan.

You recognize the rights of Arabs to Jerusalem, but not of Jews to Gaza and Amman, or the rights of Arabs to Madrid.

You suggest the Arab-Muslim rights to another more but not that of Jews to another country.

You criticize Israel for their treatment of women but not that the banning of feminist Jews by feminists Arabs.

You accuse Jews of ethnic cleansing but not that of the Arabs to participation in Holocaust both in Europe and middle east.

You compare the status of residence with full civil and human rights in Israel , but not the status of residents in European countries, or specifically that of the Jewish dhimmis which provide none of the above under Arab rule in the entire middle east.

You refer to the Arab long standing presence in Israel, but not that of of the Jews who lived there millenias before the Arab invasion.

You criticize the concept of Jewish domination over 0.001% of the land, and not the exclusive domination of the Arab nation over 99% of the middle east.

To sum it up - You demand Jews compromise on EVERYTHING and provide more than anyone does in the world, after they've already compromised on everything and nothing even close to that from the Arabs.

There's simply no equivalence here, that You even frame it in such a comparison is discrimination, abuse and double standard.
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