Palestine Today

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Palestinian novelist of the international bestseller “Mornings in Jenin”, Susan Abulhawa, has been detained by Israel en route to the Kalimat Palestinian Literature Festival (sponsored by, among others, the British Council and the Kenyon Institute).

Oh no !!! The horror !!! The horror !!!!!


They all claim they flew in and out, and were stripped and searched by Airport security.
All of them are political activists, this and the above are the only things consistent in the story.

They claim people with Arabic surnames don't get permits, and 4 out of 5 of them are Arabs.
The Jewish woman claims she wrote on every page "I will never go back to Israel", returned next year.

Israeli border control is tough, there's no question, yet there're more tourists returning than ever - record high.

These Pallywood anecdotes are just too boldly 'embellished' to be taken seriously.


They all claim they flew in and out, and were stripped and searched by Airport security.
All of them are political activists, this and the above are the only things consistent in the story.

They claim people with Arabic surnames don't get permits, and 4 out of 5 of them are Arabs.
The Jewish woman claims she wrote on every page "I will never go back to Israel", returned next year.

Israeli border control is tough, there's no question, yet there're more tourists returning than ever - record high.

These Pallywood anecdotes are just too boldly 'embellished' to be taken seriously.

We ALL get stripped and searched by airport security, thanks to those moronic Muslim terrorists.
Palestinian child Mohammed al-Rifi, a 14-year-old was severely wounded by an Israeli airstrike that killed his father, brother, and four cousins during the 2014 assault on Gaza, has just died after a four-year-long treatment journey.

Palestinian child Mohammed al-Rifi, a 14-year-old was severely wounded by an Israeli airstrike that killed his father, brother, and four cousins during the 2014 assault on Gaza, has just died after a four-year-long treatment journey.


I wish the Gazans would stop throwing rockets at Israel, for the sake of both sides. Do you support them throwing rockets at Israel?
Palestinian child Mohammed al-Rifi, a 14-year-old was severely wounded by an Israeli airstrike that killed his father, brother, and four cousins during the 2014 assault on Gaza, has just died after a four-year-long treatment journey.


I wish the Gazans would stop throwing rockets at Israel, for the sake of both sides. Do you support them throwing rockets at Israel?
The siege is an act of war. Are the Palestinians not allowed to respond?
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