Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, rylah, et al,

This is too funny.
Black's Law Dictionary® Ninth Edition said:
violation, n. (I5c)
1. An infraction or breach of the law; a transgression. See INFRACTION.
2. The act of breaking or dishonoring the law; the contravention of a right or duty.
3. Rape; ravishment.
4. Under the Model Penal Code, a public-welfare offense .• In this sense, a violation
is not a crime. See Model Penal Code § 1.04(5). violate,
vb. violative (vI-a-lay-tiv), adj. - violator, n.​
More Israeli lies.

Israel was violating provisions of Resolution 181 before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Didn't our friend "rylah" just get done telling you that A/RES/181 (II) is NOT a law. It is not binding (as in a duty).

When did Israel become Independent? Answer: Midnight 14/15 May 1948.

※ 05/16/1948 PAL/167 Transjordan army entry into Palestine - Cable from King Abdullah, Press release 1948/05/16

※ 05/15/1948 S/747 Proclamation of state of Israel - Cablegram to SecGen •

The Cable from Jordan was issued in the same 24 hour period as Israel Independence. You are clearly misrepresenting the facts and disseminating misinformation (with a deliberately intended to deceive).

Most Respectfully,
Israel hinged its so called legitimacy on Resolution 181 that was never implemented.
1) Israel violated the proposed borders.
2) Israel violated nationality by expelling Palestinians who should have been Israeli citizens.
3) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the "Arab" part of the plan.
4) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the territory of Jerusalem.

All this and more before any Arab army entered Palestine.

You're correct; Resolution 181 was NEVER implemented. I wonder why ? UN Partition Plan.aspx:auiqs.jpg:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Palestinian Rights Advocacy (PRA) is (self-determination) just nothing more than code for revoking Israeli Rights (for self-determination). The very rights that PRA demands are the exact same rights the Israelis have.

Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BSD) Movement is a resurgents of the anti-Jewish Laws of Germany's Third Reich. In 1933, Germany ushered-in a Boycott of Jew Businesses, Shops, and Stores. The Star of David was required to be pasted on business fronts and the prominent marking of “Jude” was painted shop display windows, entryways and storefronts → warning patrons of the anti-Jewish policy.
It is not so dissimilar as to what is happening in contemporary times.

The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels, a decision that could trigger American anti-boycott laws and open up what legal experts describe as a “Pandora’s box” of litigation, according to multiple sources involved in the legal dispute who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.​


In Germany, the Law caused the cancellation of state and government contracts held by Jewish-owned businesses. And by 1938, the Laws and Boycotts finally required the closure of all Jewish-owned firms.

The Modern-day similarity, "The EU Court of Justice’s and the Advocate General's opinion said that goods produced by Muslims are to be labeled from ‘Palestine,' and goods produced by Jews labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.’
The question becomes, is the BSD Movementjust another application of the “anti-Jewish bigotry” we have seen before, but have forgotten?

(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...

Most Respectfully,
(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...
OK, here is one of many.

Israel invoked Resolution 181 in its declaration of independence even though it violated virtually every provision in that resolution. According to Resolution 181, Jerusalem was to be an international city administered by the UN.

Did Israel win Jerusalem from the UN in a defensive war?

Trump moved the US embassy into territory that is not Israel.

Another stupid remark!!! Jerusalem was to be a “ International City” administered by the U.N. so by what authority did Jordan have the Right to deny Israelis rights to their sacred religious sites and destroy many of them?
By what right does the PA have to declare E Jerusalem a no Israelis allowed area; also deny Israeli Rights to their Religious sites and build their capital there?
Did “ Palestine “ win Jerusalem from the U. N.? With the FORMAL declaration that Israelis are not entitled to stay where they are or that they have the Right to build their Capital there?

To all those who SAY they believe in " International Law" ( even though they really don't} . Take that "law" and shove it up your :ahole-1:

Cabinet Report Says Jordan Destroyed 56 Old City Synagogues, Desecrated Cemetery - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Has nothing to do with Palestine.

Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, you are trying to use a "map" (or lack of a "map") as some sort of evidence to reality. The Middle East has been evolving since the rise of man established the designation of the Middle East. And it has been changing ever since. The country (any country) burst into existence before the map of the existence is made.

◈ The borders were not established until 14/15 May '48. They were obviated on the outbreak of hostilities initiated by the Arab League.
What was Israel's defined territory in 1948?

Do you have a 1948 map of Israel?

In 1948, there was a war that changed the intended design for country boundaries into the layout we have today. And that layout is not yet finished.

It is absolutely foolish for you to base today's sovereign demarcations on the lack of a Map being made in the middle of a war. That is just invalid and unsound logic.

Today, the map is made based on the actual enforced sovereign boundary. When you run into a location when the sovereignty changes from one authority to another authority, we call that point a demarcation. And the Arab Palestinians whines and complains about those demarcations all the time. Whether or not a map is made of the Security Barrier between sovereign Israel and the West Bank, does not matter. Either there is a point at which the Israelis enforce their sovereign authority, or there is not. The same is true for the barrier that distinguishes Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Don't contaminate your logic with some false prerequisites. Ask yourself:

◈ How is it that the Arab Palestinian can explain their claim of "forced relocation?"
◈ Relocation from where to where?
◈ The "Right of Return" to where?
◈ Return to what?
◈ What if I argue that they are already returned?
◈ How would you disprove that?​

Most Respectfully,

PM OLMERT ordered a “ severe response” after Palestinians shot Rockets into Israel and Tinmore objects to that????
Olmert was PM from 2006 to 2009 !!!! I’m case you “ forgot “ it’s 2020. !! :asshole:

You missed the point.

This is YOUR post. Please tell us why she complains about the " severe response" after the Palestinians shot Rockets into Israel and what would be the " proportionate" ( lol) response?

Please tell us why right after Israel left Gaza Rocket fire increased immediately after Israel left Gaza . Does THAT have any reason to what is going on today? Of course not :auiqs.jpg:

Indiscriminate Fire | Palestinian Rocket Attacks on Israel and Israeli Artillery Shelling in the Gaza Strip
Last edited:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Palestinian Rights Advocacy (PRA) is (self-determination) just nothing more than code for revoking Israeli Rights (for self-determination). The very rights that PRA demands are the exact same rights the Israelis have.

Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BSD) Movement is a resurgents of the anti-Jewish Laws of Germany's Third Reich. In 1933, Germany ushered-in a Boycott of Jew Businesses, Shops, and Stores. The Star of David was required to be pasted on business fronts and the prominent marking of “Jude” was painted shop display windows, entryways and storefronts → warning patrons of the anti-Jewish policy.
It is not so dissimilar as to what is happening in contemporary times.

The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels, a decision that could trigger American anti-boycott laws and open up what legal experts describe as a “Pandora’s box” of litigation, according to multiple sources involved in the legal dispute who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.​

As Tucson Jews who support Palestinian human rights, we are deeply troubled by state Sen. Karen Fann and state Rep. Alma Hernandez’s recent op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star that accuses the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement of “encouraging anti-Jewish bigotry.” Hernandez and Fann are right that anti-Semitism is a serious issue that is on the rise in the U.S., Europe, and other parts of the world. But we disagree with the way they confuse Palestinian rights advocacy with anti-Semitism.

In Germany, the Law caused the cancellation of state and government contracts held by Jewish-owned businesses. And by 1938, the Laws and Boycotts finally required the closure of all Jewish-owned firms.

The Modern-day similarity, "The EU Court of Justice’s and the Advocate General's opinion said that goods produced by Muslims are to be labeled from ‘Palestine,' and goods produced by Jews labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.’
The question becomes, is the BSD Movementjust another application of the “anti-Jewish bigotry” we have seen before, but have forgotten?

(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...

Most Respectfully,
(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...
OK, here is one of many.

Israel invoked Resolution 181 in its declaration of independence even though it violated virtually every provision in that resolution. According to Resolution 181, Jerusalem was to be an international city administered by the UN.

Did Israel win Jerusalem from the UN in a defensive war?

Trump moved the US embassy into territory that is not Israel.

In one of my other posts he states he are talking about " Palestine" not Jordan. If Jerusalem is declared to be a International City by the U.N. as he states by what Right does the PLO have the right to deny Jewish entry, deprive them of Religious sites and build their Capital there? There will STILL be NO response :auiqs.jpg::bigboy:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Palestinian Rights Advocacy (PRA) is (self-determination) just nothing more than code for revoking Israeli Rights (for self-determination). The very rights that PRA demands are the exact same rights the Israelis have.

Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BSD) Movement is a resurgents of the anti-Jewish Laws of Germany's Third Reich. In 1933, Germany ushered-in a Boycott of Jew Businesses, Shops, and Stores. The Star of David was required to be pasted on business fronts and the prominent marking of “Jude” was painted shop display windows, entryways and storefronts → warning patrons of the anti-Jewish policy.
It is not so dissimilar as to what is happening in contemporary times.

The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels, a decision that could trigger American anti-boycott laws and open up what legal experts describe as a “Pandora’s box” of litigation, according to multiple sources involved in the legal dispute who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.​

As Tucson Jews who support Palestinian human rights, we are deeply troubled by state Sen. Karen Fann and state Rep. Alma Hernandez’s recent op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star that accuses the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement of “encouraging anti-Jewish bigotry.” Hernandez and Fann are right that anti-Semitism is a serious issue that is on the rise in the U.S., Europe, and other parts of the world. But we disagree with the way they confuse Palestinian rights advocacy with anti-Semitism.

In Germany, the Law caused the cancellation of state and government contracts held by Jewish-owned businesses. And by 1938, the Laws and Boycotts finally required the closure of all Jewish-owned firms.

The Modern-day similarity, "The EU Court of Justice’s and the Advocate General's opinion said that goods produced by Muslims are to be labeled from ‘Palestine,' and goods produced by Jews labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.’
The question becomes, is the BSD Movementjust another application of the “anti-Jewish bigotry” we have seen before, but have forgotten?

(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...

Most Respectfully,
(ON The Matter of Israel’s violations of international law)

Well, that is so broad an accusation, that I'll be accused of a "Data Dump" if I answer. So, I challenge you: Pick a specific law that you believe that the US complicit in Israel’s violations of international law, and I'll debate it with you. We can go through them one at a time...
OK, here is one of many.

Israel invoked Resolution 181 in its declaration of independence even though it violated virtually every provision in that resolution. According to Resolution 181, Jerusalem was to be an international city administered by the UN.

Did Israel win Jerusalem from the UN in a defensive war?

Trump moved the US embassy into territory that is not Israel.

In one of my other posts he states he are talking about " Palestine" not Jordan. If Jerusalem is declared to be a International City by the U.N. as he states by what Right does the PLO have the right to deny Jewish entry, deprive them of Religious sites and build their Capital there? There will STILL be NO response :auiqs.jpg::bigboy:

Hi RoccoR

I THINK you meant ( I hope) funny and agree.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, you are trying to use a "map" (or lack of a "map") as some sort of evidence to reality. The Middle East has been evolving since the rise of man established the designation of the Middle East. And it has been changing ever since. The country (any country) burst into existence before the map of the existence is made.

◈ The borders were not established until 14/15 May '48. They were obviated on the outbreak of hostilities initiated by the Arab League.
What was Israel's defined territory in 1948?

Do you have a 1948 map of Israel?

In 1948, there was a war that changed the intended design for country boundaries into the layout we have today. And that layout is not yet finished.

It is absolutely foolish for you to base today's sovereign demarcations on the lack of a Map being made in the middle of a war. That is just invalid and unsound logic.

Today, the map is made based on the actual enforced sovereign boundary. When you run into a location when the sovereignty changes from one authority to another authority, we call that point a demarcation. And the Arab Palestinians whines and complains about those demarcations all the time. Whether or not a map is made of the Security Barrier between sovereign Israel and the West Bank, does not matter. Either there is a point at which the Israelis enforce their sovereign authority, or there is not. The same is true for the barrier that distinguishes Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Don't contaminate your logic with some false prerequisites. Ask yourself:

◈ How is it that the Arab Palestinian can explain their claim of "forced relocation?"
◈ Relocation from where to where?
◈ The "Right of Return" to where?
◈ Return to what?
◈ What if I argue that they are already returned?
◈ How would you disprove that?​

Most Respectfully,
Don't quote my post just to deflect.

You have been dancing around my questions for years.
OK, here is one of many.

Israel invoked Resolution 181 in its declaration of independence even though it violated virtually every provision in that resolution. According to Resolution 181, Jerusalem was to be an international city administered by the UN.

Did Israel win Jerusalem from the UN in a defensive war?

Trump moved the US embassy into territory that is not Israel.

Another stupid remark!!! Jerusalem was to be a “ International City” administered by the U.N. so by what authority did Jordan have the Right to deny Israelis rights to their sacred religious sites and destroy many of them?
By what right does the PA have to declare E Jerusalem a no Israelis allowed area; also deny Israeli Rights to their Religious sites and build their capital there?
Did “ Palestine “ win Jerusalem from the U. N.? With the FORMAL declaration that Israelis are not entitled to stay where they are or that they have the Right to build their Capital there?

To all those who SAY they believe in " International Law" ( even though they really don't} . Take that "law" and shove it up your :ahole-1:

Cabinet Report Says Jordan Destroyed 56 Old City Synagogues, Desecrated Cemetery - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Has nothing to do with Palestine.

Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, rylah, et al,

This is too funny.
Black's Law Dictionary® Ninth Edition said:
violation, n. (I5c)
1. An infraction or breach of the law; a transgression. See INFRACTION.
2. The act of breaking or dishonoring the law; the contravention of a right or duty.
3. Rape; ravishment.
4. Under the Model Penal Code, a public-welfare offense .• In this sense, a violation
is not a crime. See Model Penal Code § 1.04(5). violate,
vb. violative (vI-a-lay-tiv), adj. - violator, n.​
More Israeli lies.

Israel was violating provisions of Resolution 181 before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Didn't our friend "rylah" just get done telling you that A/RES/181 (II) is NOT a law. It is not binding (as in a duty).

When did Israel become Independent? Answer: Midnight 14/15 May 1948.

The Cable from Jordan was issued in the same 24 hour period as Israel Independence. You are clearly misrepresenting the facts and disseminating misinformation (with a deliberately intended to deceive).

Most Respectfully,
Israel hinged its so called legitimacy on Resolution 181 that was never implemented.
1) Israel violated the proposed borders.
2) Israel violated nationality by expelling Palestinians who should have been Israeli citizens.
3) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the "Arab" part of the plan.
4) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the territory of Jerusalem.

All this and more before any Arab army entered Palestine.

You're correct; Resolution 181 was NEVER implemented. I wonder why ? UN Partition Plan.aspx:auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, Israel's premier propaganda site.
Another stupid remark!!! Jerusalem was to be a “ International City” administered by the U.N. so by what authority did Jordan have the Right to deny Israelis rights to their sacred religious sites and destroy many of them?
By what right does the PA have to declare E Jerusalem a no Israelis allowed area; also deny Israeli Rights to their Religious sites and build their capital there?
Did “ Palestine “ win Jerusalem from the U. N.? With the FORMAL declaration that Israelis are not entitled to stay where they are or that they have the Right to build their Capital there?

To all those who SAY they believe in " International Law" ( even though they really don't} . Take that "law" and shove it up your :ahole-1:

Cabinet Report Says Jordan Destroyed 56 Old City Synagogues, Desecrated Cemetery - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Has nothing to do with Palestine.

Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, rylah, et al,

This is too funny.
Black's Law Dictionary® Ninth Edition said:
violation, n. (I5c)
1. An infraction or breach of the law; a transgression. See INFRACTION.
2. The act of breaking or dishonoring the law; the contravention of a right or duty.
3. Rape; ravishment.
4. Under the Model Penal Code, a public-welfare offense .• In this sense, a violation
is not a crime. See Model Penal Code § 1.04(5). violate,
vb. violative (vI-a-lay-tiv), adj. - violator, n.​
More Israeli lies.

Israel was violating provisions of Resolution 181 before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Didn't our friend "rylah" just get done telling you that A/RES/181 (II) is NOT a law. It is not binding (as in a duty).

When did Israel become Independent? Answer: Midnight 14/15 May 1948.

The Cable from Jordan was issued in the same 24 hour period as Israel Independence. You are clearly misrepresenting the facts and disseminating misinformation (with a deliberately intended to deceive).

Most Respectfully,
Israel hinged its so called legitimacy on Resolution 181 that was never implemented.
1) Israel violated the proposed borders.
2) Israel violated nationality by expelling Palestinians who should have been Israeli citizens.
3) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the "Arab" part of the plan.
4) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the territory of Jerusalem.

All this and more before any Arab army entered Palestine.

You're correct; Resolution 181 was NEVER implemented. I wonder why ? UN Partition Plan.aspx:auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, Israel's premier propaganda site.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, rylah, et al,

This is too funny.
Black's Law Dictionary® Ninth Edition said:
violation, n. (I5c)
1. An infraction or breach of the law; a transgression. See INFRACTION.
2. The act of breaking or dishonoring the law; the contravention of a right or duty.
3. Rape; ravishment.
4. Under the Model Penal Code, a public-welfare offense .• In this sense, a violation
is not a crime. See Model Penal Code § 1.04(5). violate,
vb. violative (vI-a-lay-tiv), adj. - violator, n.​
More Israeli lies.

Israel was violating provisions of Resolution 181 before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Didn't our friend "rylah" just get done telling you that A/RES/181 (II) is NOT a law. It is not binding (as in a duty).

When did Israel become Independent? Answer: Midnight 14/15 May 1948.

The Cable from Jordan was issued in the same 24 hour period as Israel Independence. You are clearly misrepresenting the facts and disseminating misinformation (with a deliberately intended to deceive).

Most Respectfully,
Israel hinged its so called legitimacy on Resolution 181 that was never implemented.
1) Israel violated the proposed borders.
2) Israel violated nationality by expelling Palestinians who should have been Israeli citizens.
3) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the "Arab" part of the plan.
4) Israel attacked and expelled Palestinians in the territory of Jerusalem.

All this and more before any Arab army entered Palestine.

You're correct; Resolution 181 was NEVER implemented. I wonder why ? UN Partition Plan.aspx:auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, Israel's premier propaganda site.

Please tell us what was false
Has nothing to do with Palestine.

Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.

Sorry, but the U. N. Declared under” International Law” that it was to be a International City and the Jewish people were not to be denied their rights to their religious sites
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.

Sorry, but the U. N. Declared under” International Law” that it was to be a International City and the Jewish people were not to be denied their rights to their religious sites
Sorry, but the U. N. Declared under” International Law” that it was to be a International City
So then, why does Israel claim it?
CBS News Host Schooled On Israel Palestine Reality by Human Rights Lawyer Noura Erakat

Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best

Did the U. N. give “ Palestine “ Jerusalem? By what right to they have to build their Capital there; FORBID Israelis to live there and DENY their rights to Religious Sites?

Pre 67 has nothing to do with “ Palestine?” As usual your bigotry and hate are showing. They intend to enforce the SAME RESTRICTIONS on the Jewish people which is ALLEGEDLY forbidden by “ International Law “ :113:
Deflection; Your usual double standard. Either “ International Law” is for everybody or it’s not. Keep defending their destruction of Jewish burial grounds and Holy Sites; that’s what you do best
You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.
Palestine’s international borders??? hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahHahH !!

hold on à sec

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.

Sorry, but the U. N. Declared under” International Law” that it was to be a International City and the Jewish people were not to be denied their rights to their religious sites
Sorry, but the U. N. Declared under” International Law” that it was to be a International City
So then, why does Israel claim it?

For the same reason Jordan claimed it; threw out all the Jewish people; felt free to destroy Sacred Religious Sites , burial grounds and temples and for the same reason the PLO formally declared No Israelis allowed and Jews would not be permitted access to their Holy Sites.

We all know you see nothing wrong with this. If it were the other way we would be hearing about " APARTHEID, RACIST ISRAELIS, "etc. etc. Thank you again for exposing your hypocrisy

Muslims chant about killing Jews outside Jerusalem’s Temple Mount
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You are trying to blame Palestine for what Jordan did.

That's right...… Keep defending with your Pro Palestinian talking points not having ANY regard for " International Law"
Even though this is the Israeli/ Palestinian Discussion Board I PROMISE the moderators will not ban you for condemning Jordan for what they did ( like I am) but you won't; You're too hypocritical
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians, do they have the Right to have their capital there and to BAN Israelis from there FORBIDDING them access to their Holy Sites just like Jordan did and of course you refuse to answer
YOU asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to Israel. I asked if the U.N. gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians,
The UN does not have the authority to "give" Jerusalem to anybody.

Then the Palestinians have no right to claim it; demand all Israelis leave and deny the Jewish people access to their religious sites! Thank you !:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.
Palestine’s international borders??? hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahHahH !!

hold on à sec

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