Palestine Today

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Good morning from these Palestinian women who, in an unusual scene, started their day by practising yoga on the beach of #Gaza City.

Photos by: Majdi Fathi

Yasmin El-Owesy, a Palestinian teacher from #Gaza, brought a camel to her school to teach her students how camels adapt in harsh environments. This step aims to connect what students study at school to real life. It also adds entertainment to the process of education.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I would like to bring your attention to the amicus curiae for No.: ICC-01/18 - Date: 14 February 2020, presented to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by The Honourable Professor Robert Badinter, The Honourable Professor Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, OQ, Professor David Crane, Professor Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, FRSC, Ad.E, Lord David Pannick QC, and Professor Guglielmo Verdirame QC.

Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.

Overall Conclusions 11. The ICC does not have jurisdiction in relation to crimes allegedly committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip (“Gaza”).

◈ Second, Palestine is not a “State ”for the purposes of Article 12(2)(a) of the ICC Statute merely because of its accession to the Rome Statute.

◈ Third, it would not be appropriate for the ICC to determine whether or not Palestine is a sovereign State as a matter of general international law or whether the conduct in question occurred “on the territory of” Palestine when the parties are engaged in reaching a negotiated solution to statehood and boundaries.

◈ Fourth, Palestine does not meet the criteria for statehood as a matter of general international law.

◈ Fifth, the Oslo Accords bar the exercise of the Court’s jurisdiction.​

I could cut'n'paste the entirety of the amicus curiae but would allow you to read it for your self.

In fairness, I did find an opposing view (amicus curiae) by Professor John Quigley, Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University (where he is the Presidents' Club Professor of Law) for No.: ICC-01/18 Date: 3 March 2020, which I believe that our friend "P F Tinmore" mimics on the view that: "Palestine statehood began at a specific point in time—1923." Professor Quigley makes such an argument as an out-rider to the issue. To be honest, I was quite surprised that someone (other than P F Tinmore) found such value in the theory. But, in the role of the honest broker (he says with a smile and grin) it is only fair that I mention this.

It will be interesting as to how the court digests the two opposing views.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I would like to bring your attention to the amicus curiae for No.: ICC-01/18 - Date: 14 February 2020, presented to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by The Honourable Professor Robert Badinter, The Honourable Professor Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, OQ, Professor David Crane, Professor Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, FRSC, Ad.E, Lord David Pannick QC, and Professor Guglielmo Verdirame QC.

Jerusalem is a Palestinian city. It is inside Palestine's international borders. Nobody needs to "give" it to them.

Overall Conclusions 11. The ICC does not have jurisdiction in relation to crimes allegedly committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip (“Gaza”).

◈ Second, Palestine is not a “State ”for the purposes of Article 12(2)(a) of the ICC Statute merely because of its accession to the Rome Statute.

◈ Third, it would not be appropriate for the ICC to determine whether or not Palestine is a sovereign State as a matter of general international law or whether the conduct in question occurred “on the territory of” Palestine when the parties are engaged in reaching a negotiated solution to statehood and boundaries.

◈ Fourth, Palestine does not meet the criteria for statehood as a matter of general international law.

◈ Fifth, the Oslo Accords bar the exercise of the Court’s jurisdiction.​

I could cut'n'paste the entirety of the amicus curiae but would allow you to read it for your self.

In fairness, I did find an opposing view (amicus curiae) by Professor John Quigley, Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University (where he is the Presidents' Club Professor of Law) for No.: ICC-01/18 Date: 3 March 2020, which I believe that our friend "P F Tinmore" mimics on the view that: "Palestine statehood began at a specific point in time—1923." Professor Quigley makes such an argument as an out-rider to the issue. To be honest, I was quite surprised that someone (other than P F Tinmore) found such value in the theory. But, in the role of the honest broker (he says with a smile and grin) it is only fair that I mention this.

It will be interesting as to how the court digests the two opposing views.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks for the link. A good read.
In fairness, I did find an opposing view (amicus curiae) by Professor John Quigley, Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University (where he is the Presidents' Club Professor of Law) for No.: ICC-01/18 Date: 3 March 2020, which I believe that our friend "P F Tinmore" mimics on the view that: "Palestine statehood began at a specific point in time—1923." Professor Quigley makes such an argument as an out-rider to the issue. To be honest, I was quite surprised that someone (other than P F Tinmore) found such value in the theory.
It is interesting to find that Professor John Quigley, and Dr. Susan Akram (Professor of law and active attorney in immigration and refugee cases,) have findings similar to my own. My findings based on my own study of history and international law.
Palestine's beauty attracts tourists from all over the world. Wady El-Feran in Jericho, The West Bank is one of the best spots in Palestine.

Around 5,000 factories in the #Gaza Strip were closed down and thousands of workers, engineers, accountants and technicians lost their jobs due to the 14-year-long Israeli siege.

Though it is not very common here in Gaza, girls nowadays are trying to change the traditional stereotype of women and engage more in society. This photo is from a basketball training for girls in Gaza city.

This lovely couple from Khanyounis City, southern the Gaza Strip celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday in their own way and prove that true love never dies.


According to Tinmore this is Not Anti Semitism

Anti-Semitic attacks spike, killing most Jews in decades

Neither is this. When challenged about the above or what is going on in Europe ( Not Israelis) his response is ; I don't care. When challenged he states he can't do a thing about it.
When I then ask about why I should then care about the Palestinians since I can't do anything about his is response is " moral values" Shouldn't that work BOTH ways?

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Of course, the Arab Palestinians are the only "guilt-free" insurgency and jihadist movement in the entire world. With them, it is always someone elses fault.

Around 5,000 factories in the #Gaza Strip were closed down and thousands of workers, engineers, accountants and technicians lost their jobs due to the 14-year-long Israeli siege.
Link? Of course not

The Arab Palestinians have not been under a "14 year-long siege." They have been engaged in a half-century-long effort of Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence solely intended to harm the Israeli Power. A direct violation of Article 68 GCIV.

Most Respectfully,
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